Desktop EN 2023
For authors

1. The articles shall be submitted on paper and electronic media.

2. The journal publishes articles in Ukrainian, Russian and English.

3. The scientific works that were not published earlier are admitted for reviewing.

4. In one journal number, only one article of an author is published, including that in co-authorship.

5. The main elements of an article shall be positioned in the following sequence: UDC number, initials and surname(s) of the author(s); article title; summary in Ukrainian, Russian and English; article text; annexes (if any); references.

6. The article title (in Ukrainian, Russian or English – in accordance with article language). The article title shall briefly inform on its content and consist of no more than 12 words.

7. If an article is in Russian, the summary shall be in Russian, Ukrainian and English; if an article is in Ukrainian or English, the summary shall be in Ukrainian and English. The volume of summary shall be approximately 2000 printed characters. The summary in itself shall be understandable without acquaintance with the main content of the article and shall contain the objective, methods of solution, results, conclusions.

8. Key words: 4-6 words (word-groups), each of them shall not repeat the words from the article title.

9. When executing an article, one shall adhere to the following rules: article volume – 5-15 pages; the article shall consist of introduction, main part, conclusion (deductions). The tables and figures shall be numbered. The statistical and other detalization shall be given in notes. The tables and figures shall be positioned in the manuscript text directly after the first mention of them.

10. An article shall contain the statement of problem in general form and discussion of its connection with important scientific or practical tasks; analysis of latest researches and publications in which the foundation is laid for solving this problem and to which the author refers; formulated objectives (statement of task); presentation of basic research material; conclusions and prospects of further research in this direction.

11. For executing the heading “Our Authors”, it is required to indicate on a separate sheet the full names of all authors and brief information on them: place of employment, position, research trend.

12. For requirement to article execution see here, examples of preparation of list of reference see here.

13. Rules for writing articles see here.

For authors
For authors
For authors