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11. Peculiarities of Development Testing of Space Rocket Thermostating System Mating Points Hoses


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; State Enterprise DINTEM Ukrainian Research Design-Technological Institute of Elastomer Materials and Products2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 76-80

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33136/stma2019.01.076

Language: Russian

Annotation: The range of problems of development testing of thermostating systems mating hoses for the needs of space rocketry building is most topical. In publications, insufficient attention is given to the presented range of problems. The purpose of this article is to fill in this gap. Testing of the hoses performed in accordance with comprehensive program implies a number of sequential tests and has its peculiarities. Generally, these are factory tests, participation in system and integrated tests and participation in flight tests of a space rocket. Special reference was made to the role of accelerated climatic tests, as a part of factory tests, to confirm warranty obligations for the hoses. In conclusion of the article, the concept was formulated on organization of development testing of space rockets thermostating systems hoses that reflects test peculiarities and the conclusion was made that conducting the testing of hoses according to the presented sequence ensures creation of articles that meet the requirements imposed.

Key words: space launch system, launch site, launch complex, comprehensive development test program, test program and procedure, accelerated climatic tests, integrated tests


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11.1.2019 Peculiarities of Development Testing of Space Rocket Thermostating System Mating Points Hoses
11.1.2019 Peculiarities of Development Testing of Space Rocket Thermostating System Mating Points Hoses
11.1.2019 Peculiarities of Development Testing of Space Rocket Thermostating System Mating Points Hoses

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