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5. Methodology of Normative Principles of Justification of Launch Vehicle Launching Facility Structures Lifetime


The Institute of Technical Mechanics, Dnipro, Ukraine1; Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine2; Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine3

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 28-37

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33136/stma2019.01.028

Language: Russian

Annotation: This article contains results of methodology and standards development for life prediction of launch site structures to launch various types’ launch vehicles into near-earth orbit. Launch sites have been built in various countries of the world (European Union, India, China, Korea, Russia, USA, Ukraine, France, Japan, etc.). In different countries they have their own characteristics, depending on the type and performance of the launch vehicles, infrastructure features (geography of the site, nomenclature of the space objects, development level of rocket and space technology), problems that are solved during launches, etc. Solution of various issues, arising in the process of development of the standards for justification of launch site life is associated with the requirement to consider complex problems of strength and life of nonuniform structural elements of launch sites and structures of rocket and space technology. Launch sites are the combination of technologically and functionally interconnected mobile and fixed hardware, controls and facilities, designed to support and carry out all types of operations with integrated launch vehicles. Launch pad, consisting of the support frame, flue duct lining and embedded elements for frame mounting, is one of the principal components of the launcher and to a large extent defines the life of the launch site. Main achievements of Ukrainian scientists in the field of strength and life are specified, taking into account the specifics of various branches of technology. It is noted that the physical nonlinearity of the material and statistical approaches determine the strength analysis of useful life. Main methodological steps of launch site structures life prediction are defined. Service limit of launch site is suggested to be the critical time or the number of cycles (launches) over this period, after which the specified limiting states are achieved in the dangerous areas of the load-bearing elements: critical cracks, destruction, formation of unacceptable plastic deformations, buckling failure, corrosion propagation, etc. Classification of loads acting on the launch sites is given. The useful life of launch site is associated with estimation of the number of launches. Concept of low and multiple-cycle fatigue is used. Developing strength standards and useful life calculation basis, it is advisable to use modern methods of engineering diagnostics, in particular, holographic interferometry and acoustic emission, and to develop the high-speed circuits of numerical procedures for on-line calculations when testing the designed systems.

Key words: classification of loads and failures; shock wave, acoustic and thermal loads; low-cycle fatigue; hierarchical approach in classification; projection-iterative schemes of numerical procedur


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5.1.2019 Methodology of Normative Principles of Justification of Launch Vehicle Launching Facility Structures Lifetime
5.1.2019 Methodology of Normative Principles of Justification of Launch Vehicle Launching Facility Structures Lifetime
5.1.2019 Methodology of Normative Principles of Justification of Launch Vehicle Launching Facility Structures Lifetime

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