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10. Calculation and selection of parameters for a propellant consumption diagram of dual-thrust main SRM


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 99-106

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33136/stma2020.01.099

Language: Russian

Annotation: The main solid rocket motors of surface-to-air missiles and some short-range missiles have, as a rule, two operation modes – starting (augmented rating) and cruise (with decreased propellant consumption level). The methods to calculate intraballistic characteristics of such motors have a number of peculiarities, which set them apart from the methods of determining the characteristics of motors with constant propellant consumption level. The purpose of this article is to analyze such peculiarities, design methods, to find interrelation between the parameters of propellant consumption diagram, to determine the impact on the latter of motor design features and propellant characteristics. To achieve this goal, the method of analytical dependencies was developed. The equations obtained show that the required parameters of diagrams (including consumption-thrust characteristics difference between the starting and cruise modes) can be ensured due to varying either case diameter or propellant combustion rate or due to combined variation of these values. In practice, the cases are possible when for some reasons it does not seem possible to vary the case diameter or propellant combustion rate and the requirements to consumption diagram cannot be satisfied to the full extent. The task of motor developer in that case consists in determination of acceptable (alternative) propellant consumption diagrams that would be closest to required. The proposed method is based on calculation and construction of nomograms of dependencies of relative propellant consumption in cruse mode on relative time of starting leg at different propellant combustion rates and constant (required) case diameter and vice versa, at different values of case diameter and constant (available) propellant combustion rate. Using these nomograms, the rocket developer can determine the propellant consumption diagram acceptable for the rocket. In a number of cases, design limitations for separate main motor assemblies are imposed on consumption characteristic diagram that have an impact on its required parameters. The presented materials allow evaluating that impact and contain the proposals to remove it. The presented method allows quickly determining the conditions needed to fulfill required propellant combustion products consumption diagrams and in case of nonfulfillment of these conditions – allow presenting alternative options for selection of most acceptable one.

Key words: solid propellant charge mass, propellant combustion rate, combustion chamber pressure, operation time in starting and cruise modes, combustion chamber pressure difference

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10.1.2020  Calculation and selection of parameters for a propellant consumption diagram of dual-thrust main SRM
10.1.2020  Calculation and selection of parameters for a propellant consumption diagram of dual-thrust main SRM
10.1.2020  Calculation and selection of parameters for a propellant consumption diagram of dual-thrust main SRM

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