21. Contemporary approaches to the improvement of methods of space launch system operation for commercial launches of ILV
Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine
Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 184-192
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33136/stma2020.01.184
Language: Russian
Annotation: The article deals with the problems of applying new approaches to formation and improvement of operation system. Turning of space hardware and services into marketable commodity requires their new qualities that determine competitiveness. The main task of presented works was approbation of new approaches to improvement of space launch systems operation quality and operation process effectiveness by the example of prospective Cyclone-4M space rocket complex. The works to form and improve its operation system were performed using the methods based on general theory of space systems operation and the pocedures based on the results of research work conducted by Yuzhnoye SDO in 2015 for analytical evaluation of launch services costs. The topicality of the article is confirmed by the results of practical application of new approaches in main directions of Cyclone-4M space rocket complex operation system improvement, which allowed increasing commercial attractibility of Yuzhnoye SDO-developed systems due to reduction of direct recurring costs and annual expenses. The article describes the course of development of operation model of a created object; based on investigation of the processes of this model, the object’s performance characteristics are detemined. The basis of the article are the organizational-and-technical decisions used herewith and the results obtained for Cyclone-4M space rocket complex. The article is of practical interest for specialists involved in creation of space rocket complexes and other sophisticated systems where the operation system is a multi-level organizational-technical system.
Key words: space hardware, launch services, performance characteristics, operation model, organizational-and-technical decisions
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