16. Educational tendencies as an element of innovative progress in the personnel training system for the state-of-the-art enterprises
Organization: Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine
Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2024, (1); 136-140.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33136/stma2024.01.136
Language: Ukrainian
Annotation: Yuzhnoye SDO is one of the most state-of-the-art and hi-tech enterprises of the Ukraine’s space and rocket branch. To maintain its scientific and productive potential, among other things, the enterprise needs to have professional specialists, who are development-orientated and eager to enhance their professional skills. To solve this problem there is personnel training system at the enterprise. Responsibility to provide the Yuzhnoye SDO with the skilled specialists is shared, within their authority, between the staff department and the scientific-educational center of the enterprise, which directly report to the General Director. The goal-oriented educational areas, realized at the enterprise, occupy the special role in these activities. The goal-oriented educational areas represent a complex of actions of several divisions at the enterprise, supervised by the scientific-educational center, which aim to provide the corresponding professional level of the employees busy with fulfilment of current job assignments. Among the most significant are the following areas: training of the executive personnel and its reserve; training in the postgraduate courses of the enterprise; learning computer technologies; preparation of the pre-launch processing personnel and its reserve; activities with intellectual property; involvement of the leading institutes of higher education both for training of young specialists and to obtain particular scientific results etc. All these areas have already been proven and some of them run on continuing basis. Thus it can be concluded that the personnel training system is effective. It proves itself and can serve as an example of introduction at any manufacturing enterprise. Besides, orientation of training process at the individual goal-oriented educational areas involves and unites efforts of several interested enterprise divisions to reach particular and necessary results within certain timetable.
Key words: system of specialist training, goal-oriented educational area, training at the enterprise, professional training.
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