5. Assessment of risk of toxic damage to people in case of a launch vehicle accident at flight
Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2024, (1); 40-50
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33136/stma2024.01.040
Language: English
Annotation: Despite stringent environmental requirements, modern launch vehicles/integrated launch vehicles (LV/ILV)
burn toxic propellants such as NTO and UDMH. Typically, such propellants are used in the LV/ILV upper
stages, where a small amount of propellant is contained; however, some LV/ILV still use such fuel in all
sustainer propulsion stages. For launch vehicles containing toxic rocket propellants, flight accidents may result
in the failed launch vehicle falling to the Earth’s surface, forming large zones of chemical damage to people
(the zones may exceed blast and fire zones). This is typical for accidents occurring in the first stage flight
segment, when an intact launch vehicle or its components (usually individual stages) with rocket propellants
will reach the Earth’s surface. An explosion and fire following such an impact will most likely lead to a massive
release of toxicant and contamination of the surface air. An accident during the flight segment of the LV/ILV
first stage with toxic rocket propellants, equipped with a flight termination system that implements emergency
engine shutdown in case of detection of an emergency situation, has been considered. To assess the risk
of toxic damage to a person located at a certain point, it is necessary to mathematically describe the zone
within which a potential impact of the failed LV/ILV will entail toxic damage to the person (the so-called zone
of dangerous impact of the failed LV/ILV). The complexity of this lies in the need to take into account the
characteristics of the atmosphere, primarily the wind. Using the zone of toxic damage to people during the fall
of the failed launch vehicle, which is proposed to be represented by a combination of two figures: a semicircle
and a half-ellipse, the corresponding zone of dangerous impact of the failed LV/ILV is constructed. Taking into
account the difficulties of writing the analytical expressions for these figures during the transition to the launch
coordinate system and further integration when identifying the risk, in practical calculations we propose to
approximate the zone of dangerous impact of the failed LV/ILV using a polygon. This allows using a known
procedure to identify risks. A generalization of the developed model for identifying the risk of toxic damage
to people involves taking into account various types of critical failures that can lead to the fall of the failed
LV/ILV, and blocking emergency engine shutdown during the initial flight phase. A zone dangerous for people
was constructed using the proposed model for the case of the failure of the Dnepr launch vehicle, where the
risks of toxic damage exceed the permissible level (10–6). The resulting danger zone significantly exceeds the
danger zone caused by the damaging effect of the blast wave. Directions for further improvement of the model
are shown, related to taking into account the real distribution of the toxicant in the atmosphere and a person’s
exposure to a certain toxic dose.
Key words: launch vehicle, critical failure, flight accident, zone of toxic damage to people, zone of dangerous impact of the failed launch vehicle, risk of toxic damage to people.
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