Search Results for “Aksyonenko A. V.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Tue, 02 Apr 2024 10:53:25 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “Aksyonenko A. V.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 12.2.2018 Methodological Support for Initial Phase Optimization of Projecting Design, Trajectory Parameters and Rocket Object Motion Control Programs Thu, 07 Sep 2023 11:38:27 +0000
Methodological Support for Initial Phase Optimization of Projecting Design, Trajectory Parameters and Rocket Object Motion Control Programs Authors: Aksyonenko A. 1 , Baranov E. 1 , Klochkov A. 1 , Morozov A. 1 , Alpatov A. Degtyarev A. Designing of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Il’ichyov A. F., Gurman V. Tarasov E. Alpatov A. Alpatov A. F., Kovalyov B. Abugov D. V., Baranov E. I., Klochkov A. S., Morozov A. S., Alpatov A. V., Baranov E. I., Klochkov A. S., Morozov A. S., Alpatov A. V., Baranov E. I., Klochkov A. S., Morozov A. S., Alpatov A. V., Baranov E. I., Klochkov A. S., Morozov A. S., Alpatov A. V., Baranov E. I., Klochkov A. S., Morozov A. S., Alpatov A. V., Baranov E. I., Klochkov A. S., Morozov A. S., Alpatov A. More Citation Formats Harvard Chicago IEEE AIP ДСТУ 8302:2015 ДСТУ ГОСТ 7.1:2006 (ВАК) ISO 690:2010 BibTeX Keywords cloud Your browser doesn't support the HTML5 CANVAS tag.

12. Methodological Support for Initial Phase Optimization of Projecting Design, Trajectory Parameters and Rocket Object Motion Control Programs


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; The Institute of Technical Mechanics, Dnipro, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (2); 101-116


Language: Russian

Annotation: The main scientific and methodological propositions for designing single-stage guided missiles with main solid rocket motors that are intended for delivering payload to the given spatial point with required and specified kinematic motion parameters are defined. The aim of the article is to develop methodology for the early design phase to improve the basic characteristics of guided missiles, including formalization of complex problem to optimize design parameters, trajectory parameters and motion control programs for guided missiles capable of flying along the ballistic, aeroballistic or combined trajectories. The task is defined as a problem of the optimal control theory with limitations in form of equality, inequality and differential constraints. An approach to program forming is proposed for motion control in the form of polynomial that brings the problem of the optimal control theory to a simpler problem of nonlinear mathematical programming. When trajectory parameters were calculated the missile was regarded as material point of variable mass and the combined equations for center-of-mass motion of the guided missile with projections on axes of the terrestrial reference system were used. The structure of the mathematical model was given along with the calculation sequence of criterion functional that was used for optimization of design parameters, control programs and basic characteristics of the guided missile. The mathematical model of the guided missile provides adequate accuracy for design study to determine: overall dimensions and mass characteristics of the guided missile in general and its structural components and subsystems; power, thrust and consumption characteristics of the main engine; aerodynamic and ballistic characteristics of the guided missile. The developed methodology was tested by solving design problems. Applications of the developed program were studied to present the research results in a user-friendly form.

Key words: complex problem of the optimal control theory, problem of nonlinear mathematical programming, main solid rocket motor, limitations for motion parameters and basic characteristics of the object

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21. Methodological Support to Determine in Initial Designing Phase the Design Parameters, Control Programs, Ballistic, Power, and Mass-Dimensional Characteristics of Controllable Rocket Objects Moving In Aeroballistic Trajectory: R&D Report. ITM of NASU and SSAU, Yuzhnoye SDO. Inv. No. 40-09/2017. 2017. 159 p.
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12.2.2018 Methodological Support for Initial Phase Optimization of Projecting Design, Trajectory Parameters and Rocket Object Motion Control Programs
12.2.2018 Methodological Support for Initial Phase Optimization of Projecting Design, Trajectory Parameters and Rocket Object Motion Control Programs
12.2.2018 Methodological Support for Initial Phase Optimization of Projecting Design, Trajectory Parameters and Rocket Object Motion Control Programs

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