Search Results for “Bezkorsyi D. M.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Tue, 02 Apr 2024 13:02:58 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “Bezkorsyi D. M.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 19.1.2020 Pyrobolts: types, design, development. Shear type pyrobolt developed at Yuzhnoye SDO Wed, 13 Sep 2023 12:02:02 +0000
Pyrobolts: types, design, development. , Bezkorsyi D. Owing to the simple design, reliability and short action time, the pyrobolts have found wide application in aerospace engineering for separation of assemblies and bays, in particular, stages, head modules, launching boosters, etc. A Manual for Pyrotechnic Design, Development and Qualification: NASA Technical Memorandum 110172. I., Bezkorsyi D. (2020) "Pyrobolts: types, design, development. "Pyrobolts: types, design, development. I., Bezkorsyi D. quot;Pyrobolts: types, design, development. Pyrobolts: types, design, development. I., Bezkorsyi D. Pyrobolts: types, design, development. I., Bezkorsyi D. Pyrobolts: types, design, development. I., Bezkorsyi D. I., Bezkorsyi D.

19. Pyrobolts: types, design, development. Shear type pyrobolt developed at Yuzhnoye SDO


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 170-176


Language: Russian

Annotation: The pyrobolts, or explosive bolts, belong to the pyrotechnical devices with monolithic case consisting o f the cap, as a rule with hexagonal surface, and of cylindrical part with thread. The pyrobolts are separated into parts using the pyrotechnical charge placed inside the case. Owing to the simple design, reliability and short action time, the pyrobolts have found wide application in aerospace engineering for separation of assemblies and bays, in particular, stages, head modules, launching boosters, etc. So, for example, about 400 pyrobolts are used in the Proton launch vehicle. The designs of pyrobolts are markedly different. By method of explosive substance action on case structural elements, the pyrobolts are divided into two types: the pyrobolts using the shock wave formed at detonation of brisant explosive substance for case wall destruction and the pyrobolts using the pressure of gases arising at pyrotechnical charge blasting. By method of separation into parts, they are divided into fragmenting pyrobolts with ridge-cut, with piston, and shear pyrobolts. The paper deals with the design of various types of pyrobolts, their disadvantages are considered. The Yuzhnoye SDO-developed pyrobolt of shear type with segments is presented that uses radial shear forces of segments located in the hole of cylindrical part to separate the case parts. The above segments a re actuated using a rod with sealing rings and a piston connected to the rod through a rubber gasket; the piston moves under pressure of gases formed during pyro cartridge action. The following calculations are presen ted: strength analyses with determination of case load-carrying capacity; power analyses with justification of pyro cartridge selection for pyrobolt actuation. In the developed pyrobolt of shear type with segments, the case parts are separated without considerable shock loads and without high-temperature gases and fragments release into environment, ensuring reliable separation of bays and assemblies without damaging sensitive equipment.

Key words: explosive bolt, shock wave, brisant explosive substance, pyro cartridge, electric igniting fuse, high-temperature gases

1. Mashinostroenie. Entsiklopediia / А. P. Adzhian i dr.; pod red. V. P. Legostaeva. М., 2012. Т. IV-22. V 2-kh kn. Kn. 1. 925 s.
2. Bement L. J., Schimmel M. L. A Manual for Pyrotechnic Design, Development and Qualification: NASA Technical Memorandum 110172. 1995.
3. Yumashev L. P. Ustroistvo raket-nositelei (vspomagatelnye sistemy): ucheb. posob. Samara, 1999. 190 s.
4. Lee J., Han J.-H., Lee Y., Lee H. Separation characteristics study of ridge-cut explosive bolts. Aerospace Science and Technology. 2014. Vol. 39. Р. 153-168.
5. Yanhua L., Jingcheng W., Shihui X., Li C., Yuquan W., Zhiliang L. Numerical Study of Separation Characteristics of Piston-Type Explosive Bolt. Shock and Vibration.
6. Yanhua L., Yuan L., Xiaogan L., Yuquan W., Huina M., Zhiliang L. Identification of Pyrotechnic Shock Sources for Shear Type Explosive Bolt. Shock and Vibration.
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19.1.2020  Pyrobolts: types, design, development. Shear type pyrobolt developed at Yuzhnoye SDO
19.1.2020  Pyrobolts: types, design, development. Shear type pyrobolt developed at Yuzhnoye SDO
19.1.2020  Pyrobolts: types, design, development. Shear type pyrobolt developed at Yuzhnoye SDO

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8.1.2023 Specificity of developing pyrobolts with low impact and vibration impulse responses Fri, 12 May 2023 16:11:05 +0000
, Bezkorsyi D. Key words: orifice of the launch vehicle , corrugated rubber hose , lock/release assembly , superelastic deformation , leaktightness Bibliography: 1. Ukrainy na korycnu model «Pirobolt» №138414. Onofrienko V.I., Bezkorsiy D.M. Metodika rozrakhunku» OST 92-9594-82, 24 ark. nauk Porubaimekh V.I., Sviridov V.M. A Manual for Pyrotechnic Design, Development and Qualification, NASA, NASA Technical Memorandum 110172, 1995. Yanhua Li, Yuan Li, Xiaogan Li, Yuquan Wen, Huina Mu and Zhiliang Li. V., Bezkorsyi D. V., Bezkorsyi D. V., Bezkorsyi D. V., Bezkorsyi D. V., Bezkorsyi D. V., Bezkorsyi D. orifice of the launch vehicle , corrugated rubber hose , lock/release assembly , superelastic deformation , leaktightness .

8. Specificity of developing pyrobolts with low impact and vibration impulse responses


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2023 (1); 70-76


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: One of the systems in the integrated launch vehicle responsible for prelaunch processing and launch is a ground thermal conditioning system, which supplies the low-pressure air into the launch vehicle’s “dry” compartments. Thermal conditioning system is mated with the launch vehicle, using the mating interfaces, proper functioning of which enhances reliability of the ground support equipment, the launch vehicle and the entire space launch system. The article describes key requirements to the interfaces of the thermal conditioning system and the drawbacks of the existing designs. The article proposes a new design concept of the interface that connects the pipeline of the ground thermal conditioning system to the orifice of the launch vehicle using the corrugated rubber hose composed of three basic parts, attached with the help of a metal lock/release assembly. The proposed solution provides reliable leaktightness, ease of operation, providing multiple connections to the launch vehicle, including at various angles, and automatic disconnection by rocket motion or manual removal in case of launch abort. Using rubber as a high-elasticity structural material to manufacture the hoses, enabled minimization of efforts required to disconnect the interface from the launch vehicle. In its high-elasticity state, rubber can absorb and dissipate mechanical energy within a wide range of temperatures, which prevents transmission of engine vibrations to the ground thermal conditioning system. The article presents key properties of rubber used as a structural material and its peculiarities to be considered during design of similar products. Unlike metal showing two types of deformation (elastic and plastic), rubber can exhibit three types of deformation (elastic, superelastic and plastic). In the process of interface design, we took into account two types of deformations (elastic and superelastic ones). Experimental studies of the interface showed its full compliance with technical specification.

Key words: orifice of the launch vehicle, corrugated rubber hose, lock/release assembly, superelastic deformation, leaktightness

1. Pat. Ukrainy na korycnu model «Pirobolt» №138414. Shevtsov E.I., Voloshin V.V., Samoilenko I.D. Onofrienko V.I., Bezkorsiy D.M. MPK F42B 15/36, F42В 15/38, B64G 1/22 zayavnik ta patentovlasnik KB «Pivdenne». Byul. №22, 2019 r.
2. Galuzeviy standart «Pyrozamky. Metodika rozrakhunku» OST 92-9594-82, 24 ark.
3. Duplischeva O.M., Kononets P.I., Lisoviy A.M., Maschenko A.M., Mikhailov K.F., kand. tekhn. nauk Porubaimekh V.I., Sviridov V.M. Znizhennya vibroimpulsnykh navantazhen, scho vynykaut pid chas spratsyuvannya pyromechanismu. Kosmichna technika. Raketne ozbroennya: Zb. nauk.-techn. st. 2009. Vyp. 2. Dnipro: DP «KB «Pivdenne». 100 ark.
4. Bement L. J. and Schimmel M. L. A Manual for Pyrotechnic Design, Development and Qualification, NASA, NASA Technical Memorandum 110172, 1995.
5. Yanhua Li, Yuan Li, Xiaogan Li, Yuquan Wen, Huina Mu and Zhiliang Li. Identification of Pyrotechnic Shock Sources for Shear Type Explosive Bolt, Shock and Vibration Vol. 2017, Article ID 3846236, 9 p.
6. Yanhua Li, Jingcheng Wang, Shihui Xiong, Li Cheng, Yuquan Wen, and Zhiliang Li Numerical Study of Separation Characteristics of Piston-Type Explosive Bolt, Shock and Vibration, Vol. 2019, Article ID 2092796, 18 p.
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8.1.2023 Specificity of developing pyrobolts with low impact and vibration impulse responses
8.1.2023 Specificity of developing pyrobolts with low impact and vibration impulse responses
8.1.2023 Specificity of developing pyrobolts with low impact and vibration impulse responses

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