Search Results for “Brynza S. I.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Tue, 02 Apr 2024 07:24:06 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “Brynza S. I.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 10.1.2017 Features of Measurement System for Gas-Dynamic Model Tests of Rocket Complex Elements Thu, 06 Jul 2023 12:00:39 +0000
Features of Measurement System for Gas-Dynamic Model Tests of Rocket Complex Elements Authors: Aksiuta О. , Brynza S. Key words: Bibliography: 1. State University. Babichev, S. Kozlovskiy, V. А., Brynza S. Aksiuta О. А., Brynza S. Features of Measurement System for Gas-Dynamic Model Tests of Rocket Complex Elements Автори: Aksiuta О. А., Brynza S. Features of Measurement System for Gas-Dynamic Model Tests of Rocket Complex Elements Автори: Aksiuta О. А., Brynza S. Features of Measurement System for Gas-Dynamic Model Tests of Rocket Complex Elements Автори: Aksiuta О. А., Brynza S. Features of Measurement System for Gas-Dynamic Model Tests of Rocket Complex Elements Автори: Aksiuta О. А., Brynza S.

10. Features of Measurement System for Gas-Dynamic Model Tests of Rocket Complex Elements


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (1); 67-69

Language: Russian

Annotation: The design proposals for sensor equipment of the measurement system used during gas dynamic model tests of rocket systems elements are presented.

Key words:

1. Cyclone-4. 21.17827.122ОТ: Report on research work / Yuzhnoye SDO. Dnipropetrovsk, 2014. P. 12.
2. Krivorotov N. P. Microelectronic Pressure Sensors / N. P. Krivorotov, Т. I. Izaak, L. M. Romas’, Y. G. Svinolupov, S. S. Shchyogol. News of Tom. State University. 2005. No. 285. P. 139-147.
3. Zhadko I. P. Silicon Pressure Transducer with Differential Sensitive Element Based on Transverse Electromotive Force Effect / I. P. Zhadko, G. G. Babichev, S. I. Kozlovskiy, V. A. Romanov, N. N. Sharan, E. A. Zinchenko. Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Science of the Ukraine. К., 2001. 7 р.
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10.1.2017 Features of Measurement System for Gas-Dynamic Model Tests of Rocket Complex Elements
10.1.2017 Features of Measurement System for Gas-Dynamic Model Tests of Rocket Complex Elements
10.1.2017 Features of Measurement System for Gas-Dynamic Model Tests of Rocket Complex Elements