Search Results for “Kovalenko N. D.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Tue, 02 Apr 2024 12:35:08 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “Kovalenko N. D.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 10.2.2019 Dynamic performance of the gas drive with jet motor Tue, 03 Oct 2023 11:52:15 +0000
2019, (2); 71-79 DOI: Language: Russian Annotation: The use of servo drives on flying vehicles determines the requirements to their dynamic characteristics. The purpose of this work is to develop mathematical dependences for calculation of dynamic characteristics. Based on the proposed algorithms, the dynamic characteristics of servo drive were constructed: transient process and amplitude-frequency characteristic. Kondratiev at al. cand. A., Kovalenko V. Prikladnaya gazovaya dynamika. The Dynamics of Lead-Screw Drivers: Low-Order Modeling and Experiments /Journal of Dynamic System, Measurement and Control.

10. Dynamic performance of the gas drive with jet motor


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (2); 71-79


Language: Russian

Annotation: The use of servo drives on flying vehicles determines the requirements to their dynamic characteristics. The problems of dynamics of drive with jet motor are not practically covered in publications. The task arises of selection of structure and parameters of devices consisting of several subsystems whose dynamic characteristics must be brought into agreement with each other in optimal way. The purpose of this work is to develop mathematical dependences for calculation of dynamic characteristics. The functional arrangement of the drive is considered consisting of jet motor based on Segner wheel with de Laval nozzle, mechanical transmission, pneumatic distributing device – jet pipe controlled by electromechanical converter. The layout is presented of mechanical segment of servo drive with jet motor with screw-nut transmission. The dynamic model is presented and the algebraic relations to determine natural frequencies of the drive are given. The motion equations of output rod at full composition of load are given. Using Lagrange transformation as applied to ball screw transmission, the expression for reduced mass of output element was derived. The reduced mass of load depends on the jet motor design and exerts basic influence on the drive’s natural frequencies. The evaluation is given of reduced mass change from the jet motor moment of inertia and reducer transmission coefficient. Based on the proposed algorithms, the dynamic characteristics of servo drive were constructed: transient process and amplitude-frequency characteristic. The drive has relatively low pass band, which is explained by the value of reduced mass of load.

Key words: pneumatic drive, functional arrangement, hydrodynamic force, reduced mass, Lagrange transformations, ball screw transmission, transient process, frequency characteristic

1. Pnevmoprivod system upravleniya letatelnykh apparatov /V. A. Chaschin, O. T. Kamladze, A. B. Kondratiev at al. M., 1987. 248 s.
2. Berezhnoy A. S. Sovershenstvovanie rabochikh characteristic struino-reaktivnogo pnevmoagregata na osnove utochneniya modeli rabochego processa: dis. cand. techn. nauk: 05.05.17. Zaschischena 03.10.14. Sumy, 2014. 157 s.
3. Oleinik V. P., Yelanskiy Yu. A., Kovalenko V. N. et al. Staticheskie characteristiki gazovogo privoda so struinym dvigatelem /Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie: Sb. nauch.-techn. st. 2016. Vyp. 2. S. 21-27.
4. Abramovich G. N. Prikladnaya gazovaya dynamika. M., 1976. 888 s.
5. Strutinskiy V. B. Matematichne modelyuvannya processiv ta system mechaniki. Zhitomir, 2001. 612 s.
6. Shalamov A. V., Mazein P. G. Dynamicheskaya model’ sharikovintovoi pary/ Izv. Chelyabinskogo nauchnogo centra UrO RAN. №4. Chelyabinsk, 2002. S.161-170.
7. Kripa K.Varanasi, Samir A. Nayfer. The Dynamics of Lead-Screw Drivers: Low-Order Modeling and Experiments /Journal of Dynamic System, Measurement and Control. June 2004. Vol. 126. P. 388-395.
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10.2.2019 Dynamic performance of the gas drive with jet motor
10.2.2019 Dynamic performance of the gas drive with jet motor
10.2.2019 Dynamic performance of the gas drive with jet motor

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1.2.2019 Optimization of the trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile Sat, 16 Sep 2023 21:19:15 +0000
2019, (2); 3-10 DOI: Language: Russian Annotation: The article is devoted to optimization of a trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile performed in design phase. As a result, the optimum and suboptimum (additionally ensuring minimum calculation time) trajectories and flight programs to maximum range and different altitudes were obtained. Metod synteza optymalnykh traektoriy dlya vyvoda dynamicheskykh obiektov v zadannuyu tochku. Journal of guidance, control and dynamics. Journal of guidance, control and dynamics. Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. Systemy samonavedeniya.
Not found: kovalenko

1. Optimization of the trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (2); 3-10


Language: Russian

Annotation: The article is devoted to optimization of a trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile performed in design phase. The review of existing solutions on this issue confirmed the topicality of the problem. The analytical solution cannot be obtained, therefore, according to modern tendencies, optimization by numerical method of original development was performed. The basis of the method is two-level optimization which is carried out, in turn, by two different numerical methods and for two different criteria functions. At the top level, by method of random search and as a variant, by method of coordinate descent, the search was carried out for a fixed set of intermediate for the specified flight range trajectory points which co-ordinates in aggregate provide the necessary optimum. At the bottom level, for each pair of consecutive intermediate points, the boundary problem of falling into distant point by one-dimensional optimization was solved. The coordinate descent method was used for search for the simplified flight program. As optimization criteria for top level, minimum flight time or maximum final speed, for bottom  terminal criterion were used. The control program selected the angle of attack  program. As a result, the optimum and suboptimum (additionally ensuring minimum calculation time) trajectories and flight programs to maximum range and different altitudes were obtained. The analysis of results showed practical proximity of trajectories of minimum flight time and maximum final speed.

Key words: anti-aircraft missile, optimization, angle of attack program, trajectory

1. Letov A. M. Dynamika poleta i upravlenie. M., 1969. 360 s.
2. Ushan’ V. N. Metod synteza optymalnykh traektoriy dlya vyvoda dynamicheskykh obiektov v zadannuyu tochku. Systemy obrobky informatsii. 2014. № 1 (117). S. 67-71.
3. Zarubinskaya A. L. Optimalnoe upravlenie dvizheniem letatelnykh apparatov v atmosfere ot starta do tochek vstrechi. Technicheskaya mekhanika. 1997. № 5. S. 23-28.
4. Grabchak V. I. Osnovni aspekty opysu zadachi pro optimalnu shvidkodiu keruvanny rukhom rakety. Systemy ozbroyennya i viyskova tekhnika. 2014. № 4(40). S. 13-20.
5. Shaw Y. Ong. Optimal Planar Evasive Aircraft Maneuvers Against Proportional Navigation Missiles. Journal of guidance, control and dynamics. 1996. Vol. 19, № 6. Р. 1210-1215.
6. Renjith R. Kumar. Near-Optimal Three-Dimensional Air-to-Air Missile Guidance Against Maneuvering Target. Journal of guidance, control and dynamics. 1995. Vol. 18, № 3. Р. 457-464.
7. Paul J. Enright. Conway Discrete Approximations to Optimal Trajectories Using Direct Transcription and Nonlinear Programming. Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics. 1992. Vol. 15, № 4. Р. 994-1002.
8. Craig A. Phillips. Trajectory Optimization for a Missile Using a Multitier Approach. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. 2000. Vol. 37, № 5. Р. 653-662.
9. Lebedev A. A., Gerasyuta N. F. Ballistila raket. M., 1970. 244 s.
10. Proektirovanie zenitnykh upravlyaemykh raket / I. I. Arkhangelskiy i dr.; pod red. I. S. Golubeva i V. G. Svetlova. M., 2001. 732 s.
11. Drakin I. I. Osnovy proektirovania letatelnykh apparatov s uchetom ekonomicheskoy effektivnosti. M., 1973. 224 s.
12. Beiko I. V., Bublik B. N., Zinko P. N. Metody i algoritmy resheniya zadach optimizatsii. K., 1983. 512 s.
13. Krinetskiy Ye. I. Systemy samonavedeniya. M., 1970. 236 s.
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1.2.2019 Optimization of the trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile
1.2.2019 Optimization of the trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile
1.2.2019 Optimization of the trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile

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8.2.2018 Development of Nozzle Blocks New Manufacturing Technology without Blazing Thu, 07 Sep 2023 11:21:51 +0000
Development of Nozzle Blocks New Manufacturing Technology without Blazing Authors: Kovalenko A. Content 2018 (2) Downloads: 34 Abstract views: 1080 Dynamics of article downloads Dynamics of abstract views Downloads geography Country City Downloads USA Boardman; Matawan; Baltimore; Plano; Columbus; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Columbus; Ashburn; Seattle; Tappahannock; Portland; Portland; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Ashburn; Ashburn 19 Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore 6 Finland Helsinki 1 Unknown 1 India Shillong 1 Mongolia 1 Canada Monreale 1 Germany Falkenstein 1 Romania Voluntari 1 Netherlands Amsterdam 1 Ukraine Dnipro 1 Downloads, views for all articles Articles, downloads, views by all authors Articles for all companies Geography of downloads articles Kovalenko A. Development of Nozzle Blocks New Manufacturing Technology without Blazing Автори: Kovalenko A.

8. Development of Nozzle Blocks New Manufacturing Technology without Blazing


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; STC «Paton Welding Institute», Kiev, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (2); 68-75


Language: Russian

Annotation: The article describes the problems of manufacturing large-size nozzle blocks by classical for Ukrainian space industry method of high-temperature brazing. The Yuzhnoye SDO-selected way of solving this problem and the first strides on the way to organization of new production using innovative technologies of laser welding and surfacing are presented. The step-by-step sequence and procedure of research work to develop and test a new technology of cooled nozzle block manufacturing are described. Four phases are identified, out of which the first two phases have already been successfully performed. The laser welding and surfacing technology will allow avoiding the use of costly and unique equipment and will allow reducing and optimizing the technological manufacturing cycle rejecting the long –term and energy-consuming technological operations. The scientific-and-technological works performed showed the principle feasibility of making connection between the external jacket and internal wall of a nozzle block using laser welding. The test samples manufactured confirmed the high strength characteristics, which had been preliminary obtained by the theoretical calculation methods. The sections obtained by surfacing demonstrate good metallurgical connection between the layers. On the test samples, the technique was tried-out allowing repairing defect areas in a welded seam obtained by laser welding method. This is especially important from the technological and economic viewpoints, as the technology of high-temperature brazing applied currently does not allow making guaranteed repair of brazed joints.

Key words: liquid rocket engine nozzles, laser, laser welding, laser surfacing

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USA Boardman; Matawan; Baltimore; Plano; Columbus; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Columbus; Ashburn; Seattle; Tappahannock; Portland; Portland; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Ashburn; Ashburn19
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8.2.2018 Development of Nozzle Blocks New Manufacturing Technology without Blazing
8.2.2018 Development of Nozzle Blocks New Manufacturing Technology without Blazing
8.2.2018 Development of Nozzle Blocks New Manufacturing Technology without Blazing

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20.2.2017 Research Support for Development of Launch Vehicle Payload Unit Composite Load-Bearing Compartments Wed, 09 Aug 2023 12:26:27 +0000
Kovalenko et al.; Applicant and patent holder NVF Dniprotechservice, Yuzhnoye SDO.

20. Research Support for Development of Launch Vehicle Payload Unit Composite Load-Bearing Compartments


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; Kharkiv Aviation Institute, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (2); 112-120

Language: Russian

Annotation: Some main results of scientific support of development of launch vehicle head module composite loadbearing bays are presented. The methodology is proposed for developing these units. By the example of payload fairing and interstage bay of Cyclone-4 launch vehicle, high efficiency is shown of proposed methodology implementation when selecting their rational design and technological parameters.

Key words:

1. Degtyarev A. V. Rocket Technology. Problems and Prospects. Selected scientific-technical publications. Dnepropetrovsk, 2014. 420 p.
2. Kovalenko V. A., Kondrat’yev A. V. Use of Polymer Composite Materials in Space Rockets as Reserve of Increasing their Mass and Functional Effectiveness. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2011. No. 5 (82). P. 14-20.
3. Kondrat’yev A. V. et al. Analysis of Nomenclature of Type Composite Units of Space Rockets and Structural Schemes Applied for them / A. V. Kondrat’yev, A. G. Dmitrenko, K. D. Stenile, А. А. Tsaritsynsky. Problems of Designing and Manufacturing Flying Vehicle Structures: Collection of scientific works of N. E. Zhukovsky Aerospace University “KhAI”. Issue 3 (79). Kharkiv, 2014. P. 19 – 30.
4. Potapov A. M. et al. Comparison of Payload Fairings of Existing and Prospective Domestic Launch Vehicles and their Foreign Analogs / А. М. Potapov, V. A. Kovalenko, A. V. Kondrat’yev. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2015. No. 1(118). P. 35 – 43.
5. Gaidachuk A. V. et al. Methodology of Developing Effective Design and Technological Solutions of Space Rocketry Composite Units: Monography in 2 volumes. Vol. 2. Synthesis of Space Rocketry Composite Units Parameters at Heterogeneous Loading / A. V. Gaidachuk, V. E. Gaidachuk, A. V. Kondrat’yev, V. A. Kovalenko, V. V. Kirichenko, А. M. Potapov / Under the editorship of A. V. Gaidachuk. Kharkiv, 2016. 250 p.
6. Gaidachuk A. V. et al. Methodology of Developing Effective Design and Technological Solutions of Space Rocketry Composite Units: Monography in 2 volumes. Vol. 1. Creation of Space Rocketry Units with Specified Quality of Polymer Composite Materials / A. V. Gaidachuk, V. E. Gaidachuk, A. V. Kondrat’yev, V. A. Kovalenko, V. V. Kirichenko, А. M. Potapov / Under the editorship of A. V. Gaidachuk. Kharkiv, 2016. 263 p.
7. Smerdov A. A. Development of Methods to Design Space Rocketry Composite Materials and Structures: Dissertation of Doctor of Engineering Science: 05.07.02, 05.02.01. М., 2007. 410 p.
8. Slyvyns’kyy V. et al. Basic parameters’ optimization concept for composite nose fairings of launchers / V. Slyvyns’kyy, V. Gajdachuk, V. Kirichenko, A. Kondratiev. 62nd International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2011 (Cape Town, 3-7 October 2011). Red Hook, NY: Curran, 2012. Vol. 9. P. 5701-5710.
9. Gaidachuk V. E. et al. Optimization of Cyclone-4 Launch Vehicle Payload Fairing Design Parameters / V. E. Gaidachuk, V. I. Slivinsky, A. V. Kondrat’yev, A. P. Kushnar’ov, Effectiveness of Honeycomb Structures in Aerospace Products: Proceedings of III International Scientific-Practical Conference (Dnepropetrovsk, 27-29 May 2009). Dnepropetrovsk, 2009. P. 88 – 95.
10. Zinov’yev A. M. et al. Design and Technological Solution and Carrying Capacity of Cyclone-4 Launch Vehicle Interstage Bay Made of Polymer Composite Materials / А. М. Zinov’yev, А. P. Kushnar’ov, A. V. Kondrat’yev, А. М. Potapov, А. P. Kuznetsov, V. A. Kovalenko. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2013. No. 3 (100). P. 46-53.
11. Karpov Y. S. Connection of Parts and Units Made of Composite Materials: Monography. Kharkiv, 2006. 359 p.
12. Kondrat’yev A. V. Mass Optimization of Launch Vehicle Payload Fairing Irregular Zones. Problems of Designing and Manufacturing Flying Vehicle Structures: Collection of scientific works of N. E. Zhukovsky Aerospace University “KhAI”. Issue 47 (4). Kharkiv, 2006. P. 126 – 133.
13. Degtyarev A. V. et al. Evaluation of Carrying Capacity of Launch Vehicle Bays Separation System Composite Fitting / A. V. Degtyarev, A. P. Kushnar’ov, V. V. Gavrilko, V. A. Kovalenko, А. V. Kondrat’yev, А. М. Potapov. Space Technology. Missile Armaments: Collection of scientific-technical articles. 2013. Issue 1. P. 18-21.
14. Patent 81537 UA, MPK (2013.01) F42B 15/36 (2006.01) B64D 1/00 Fitting of Rocket’s Three-Layer Shell / О. М. Zinov’yev, О. P. Kuznetsov, V. V. Gavrilko, О. М. Potapov, V. O. Kovalenko et al.; Applicant and patent holder NVF Dniprotechservice, Yuzhnoye SDO. No. u 2012 11210; Claimed 27.09.2012; Published 10.07.13, Bulletin 13. 4 p.
15. Zinov’yev A. M. et al. Manufacturing Technology of Cyclone-4 Launch Vehicle Experimental Large-Sized Interstage Bay Made of Carbon Plastics / А. M. Zinov’yev, А. P. Kushnar’ov, А. V. Kondrat’yev, А. М. Potapov, А. P. Kuznetsov, V. A. Kovalenko. Problems of Designing and Manufacturing Flying Vehicle Structures: Collection of scientific works of N. E. Zhukovsky Aerospace University “KhAI”. Issue 2 (74). Kharkiv, 2013. P. 7 – 17.
16. Zinov’yev A. M. et al. Static Tests of Cyclone-4 Launch Vehicle Experimental Interstage Bay Made of Carbon Plastic / А. М. Zinov’yev, А. P. Kushnar’ov, А. V. Kondrat’yev, А. М. Potapov, А. P. Kuznetsov, V. A. Kovalenko. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2013. No. 4(101). P. 28-35.
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20.2.2017 Research Support for Development of Launch Vehicle Payload Unit Composite Load-Bearing Compartments
20.2.2017 Research Support for Development of Launch Vehicle Payload Unit Composite Load-Bearing Compartments
20.2.2017 Research Support for Development of Launch Vehicle Payload Unit Composite Load-Bearing Compartments
26.1.2019 New Technologies and Problems of Their Introducing in Ukraine Wed, 24 May 2023 16:01:10 +0000
New Technologies and Problems of Their Introducing in Ukraine Authors: Kovalenko A. Content 2019 (1) Downloads: 44 Abstract views: 734 Dynamics of article downloads Dynamics of abstract views Downloads geography Country City Downloads USA Boardman; Matawan; Boydton; Plano; Miami; Dublin; Columbus; Ashburn; Detroit; Phoenix; Phoenix; Los Angeles; Monroe; Ashburn; Ashburn; Seattle; Ashburn; Seattle; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn 24 Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore 9 Algeria Annaba 1 Finland Helsinki 1 Unknown 1 Belarus Minsk 1 France 1 Canada Monreale 1 Germany Falkenstein 1 Romania Voluntari 1 Netherlands Amsterdam 1 Lithuania Šiauliai 1 Ukraine Dnipro 1 Downloads, views for all articles Articles, downloads, views by all authors Articles for all companies Geography of downloads articles Kovalenko A.

26. New Technologies and Problems of Their Introducing in Ukraine


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 182-187


Language: Russian

Annotation: The process of introducing new technologies at Yuzhnoye SDO requires major changes of aerospace products designing methods and project management methods, which allows realizing new opportunities, reducing manufacturing expenses with simultaneous increase of products quality. New software products are presented directed at solving the problems identified when using additive technologies at Yuzhnoye SDO. Such as Autodesk Netfabb, AM Process Simulation, ESI Additive Manufacturing and others that allow optimizing the model for additive technologies through the change of material structure, taking into account and compensation of heat setting during printing propose the tools for creating bionic design. Creation of new technologies of producing cooled nozzle block of LRE chamber without soldering became possible due to integrated approach, with optimal combination of already existing technical solutions with principally new ones, such as laser welding and surfacing. The cost analysis is considered as the most effective optimization method at selection of optimal design and manufacturing technology for its possible implementation at the company. The personnel problem, the issues of quality improvement and labor productivity increase in all production phases are foundational to reduce manufacturing cost.

Key words: additive technologies, software products, optimization, quality

1. Kovalenko A. N., Kirsanov D. V., Mirosidi N. A., Shelyagin V. D., Bernatskiy A. V., Siora A. V. Razrabotka novoy technologii izgotovleniya soplovykh blokov bez ispolzovaniya paiki/ Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie: Sb. nauch.-techn. st. Vyp. 2 (116). 2018. Dnepropetrovsk: GP KB «Yuzhnoye». P. 68-75.
2. Jones J. K. Metody proektirovania. M.: Mir, 1986.
3. Nieve Henry R. Prostranstvo doctora Deminga. M.: Alpina Publisher, 2005.
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Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore9
Algeria Annaba1
Finland Helsinki1
Belarus Minsk1
Canada Monreale1
Germany Falkenstein1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
Lithuania Šiauliai1
Ukraine Dnipro1
26.1.2019 New Technologies and Problems of Their Introducing in Ukraine
26.1.2019 New Technologies and Problems of Their Introducing in Ukraine
26.1.2019 New Technologies and Problems of Their Introducing in Ukraine

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17.1.2019 Development of Prospective Small-Size Auxiliary SMR of New Type Wed, 24 May 2023 16:00:35 +0000
, Magdin E. Testing SRE with pyroxiline powder grain showed that the optimum design of the engine can be developed only with the application of the specially developed design procedure of the gas-dynamic flow pattern of powder gases in the engine chamber with definition of field of pressure and velocity. The article describes areas of further design and experimental activities, fulfilment of which will provide development of production models of the described engines. Kovalenko N. Primenimostmodeley turbulentnosti, realizovannykh v Ansys CFX dlya issledovaniya gasodynamiki v schelevom kanale TNA ZhRD. Magdin E. S., Magdin E. S., Magdin E. S., Magdin E. S., Magdin E. S., Magdin E. S., Magdin E.

17. Development of Prospective Small-Size Auxiliary SMR of New Type


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 114-121


Language: Russian

Annotation: This article considers essentially new versions of small-sized solid propellant rocket engines (SRE), designed for rocket and spacecraft flight control with serial artillery pyroxiline powder taken as grain and solidpropellant gas generators discretely operating into the receiver. Preliminary results of design and experimental activities, performed in Yuzhnoye SDO, showed the possibility in principle and practicability to develop two new types of advanced small-sized SRE. Testing SRE with pyroxiline powder grain showed that the optimum design of the engine can be developed only with the application of the specially developed design procedure of the gas-dynamic flow pattern of powder gases in the engine chamber with definition of field of pressure and velocity. Such procedure has been developed based on Ansys software package. The article describes areas of further design and experimental activities, fulfilment of which will provide development of production models of the described engines. Intraballistic characteristics design procedure, mentioned in the article, can be used to design new type of micropulse SRE with less than 0.1 s burn time. This article will also facilitate definition of the application area for discrete solid-propellant propulsion systems, where they get the edge over the cold gas gas-jet systems.

Key words: procedure, microSRE, gas-jet system, heat-transfer factor


1. Kovalenko N. D., Kukushkin V. I. Triumph I tragediya systemy upravleniya vektorom tyagi dvigatelya ZD65 vduvom kamernogo gaza v soplo// Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie: Sb. nauch.-techn. st. 2014. Vyp. 1. Dnepropetrovsk: GP KB «Yuzhnoye». P. 97-106.
2. Oglykh V. V., Vakhromov V. A., Kirichenko A. S., Kosenko M. G. Razrabotka porokhovykh accumulyatorov davlenia dlya minometnogo starta raket – vazhneishee uslovie ego uspeshnoy realizatsii / Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie: Sb. nauch.-techn. st. 2016. Vyp. 1. Dnepropetrovsk: GP KB «Yuzhnoye». P. 88-92.
3. Golubev K. S., Svetlov V. G. Proektirovanie zenitnykh upravlyaemykh raket. M.: Izd-vo MAH, 2001. 730 p.
4. Oglykh V. V., Tolochyants G. E., Mikhailov N. S., PopkovV. N. Eksperimentalnye issledovania vozmozhnosti sozdania impulsnogo RDTT s malym vremenem raboty/ Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie: Sb. nauchn.-techn. st. 2016. Vyp. 2. Dnepr: GP KB «Yuzhnoye». P. 30-34.
5. Belyaev N. M., Belik N. P., Uvarov Ye. I. Reaktyvnye systemy upravleniya kosmicheskykh letatelnykh apparatov. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1979. 232 p.
6. Gubertov A. M., Mironov V. V., Borisov D. M. Gazodynamicheskie i teplophysicheskie process v raketnykh dvigatelyakh na tverdom toplive. M.: Mashinostroenie, 2004.
7. Kutateladze S. S. Teploperedacha i hydrodynamicheskoe soprotivlenie. Energoatomizdat, 1990. 368 p.
8. Scherbakov M. A. Opredelenie coeffitsientov teplootdachi pri modelirovanii zadach v Ansys CFX // Dvigateli i energoustanovki aerokosmicheskykh letatelnykh apparatov: Sb. nauch. statey. M.: Nauch.- techn. Centr im. A. Lyulki, 2014.
9. Moskvichev A. V. Primenimost’ modeley turbulentnosti, realizovannykh v Ansys CFX dlya issledovaniya gasodynamiki v schelevom kanale TNA ZhRD. Voronezhskiy gosudarstvenniy technicheskiy universitet, 2015.
10. Magdin E. K., Oglykh V. V., Rozlivan A. B. Tverdotoplivnaya dvigatelnaya ustanovka orientatsii I stabilizatsii descretnogo deistviya dlya upravleniya kosmicheskimi obiektami / Vestn. dvigatelestroiteley. 2017. Vyp. 2. P. 108-111.

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17.1.2019 Development of Prospective Small-Size Auxiliary SMR of New Type
17.1.2019 Development of Prospective Small-Size Auxiliary SMR of New Type
17.1.2019 Development of Prospective Small-Size Auxiliary SMR of New Type

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5.1.2016 Scientific-Technical Base for Creation of Detonation Solid Rocket Motors Tue, 23 May 2023 12:59:41 +0000
Scientific-Technical Base for Creation of Detonation Solid Rocket Motors Authors: Kovalenko N. Content 2016 (1) Downloads: 34 Abstract views: 480 Dynamics of article downloads Dynamics of abstract views Downloads geography Country City Downloads USA Baltimore; Plano; Columbus; Ashburn; Detroit; Phoenix; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Seattle; Seattle; Ashburn; Tappahannock; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn; Boardman; Ashburn 20 Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore 8 Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro 2 Unknown 1 Germany Falkenstein 1 Romania Voluntari 1 Netherlands Amsterdam 1 Downloads, views for all articles Articles, downloads, views by all authors Articles for all companies Geography of downloads articles Kovalenko M. Scientific-Technical Base for Creation of Detonation Solid Rocket Motors Автори: Kovalenko M. Scientific-Technical Base for Creation of Detonation Solid Rocket Motors Автори: Kovalenko M.

5. Scientific-Technical Base for Creation of Detonation Solid Rocket Motors


The Institute of Technical Mechanics, Dnipro, Ukraine1; SE “PA Yuzhny Machine-Building Plant”, Dnipro, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2016 (1); 34-45

Language: Russian

Annotation: The results of developments and investigations are presented in the field of detonation solid rocket motors (DSRM) conducted jointly by the Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine and State Space Agency of Ukraine (ITM of NASU and SSAU, hereafter ITM) and Yuzhnoye State Design Office (hereafter Yuzhnoye SDO). The physical basis, design peculiarities of DSRM with continuous (not pulsed) operation mode, the test base characteristics, the results of development and firing tests of DSRM test models for some space rocketry items are described. The assessments are made of achieved and prospective levels of DSRM technical characteristics, their application areas and a number of problems requiring solution.

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Downloads: 34
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Dynamics of article downloads
Dynamics of abstract views
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USA Baltimore; Plano; Columbus; Ashburn; Detroit; Phoenix; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Seattle; Seattle; Ashburn; Tappahannock; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn; Boardman; Ashburn20
Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore8
Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro2
Germany Falkenstein1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
5.1.2016 Scientific-Technical Base for Creation of Detonation Solid Rocket Motors
5.1.2016 Scientific-Technical Base for Creation of Detonation Solid Rocket Motors
5.1.2016 Scientific-Technical Base for Creation of Detonation Solid Rocket Motors