Search Results for “Kozak L. R.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Thu, 20 Jun 2024 09:25:02 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “Kozak L. R.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 4.1.2024 The dynamics of servo drives Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:08:46 +0000
Bibliography: Kozak L.

4. The dynamics of servo drives

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2024, (1); 29-39

Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: The article gives the analysis results for the servo drives dynamics, obtained from the theoretical calculations and during the development testing of the high power electric drives. Theoretical research was conducted, using the complete mathematical model of the servo drive, which included the equations of the control signal shaping path, electric motor, reducer and load. The equations of the control signal shaping network include only the characteristics of the compensating element in the assumption that all other delays in the transformation path are minimized. The electric motor equations are assumed in the classical form, taking into account the influence of the following main parameters on the motor dynamics: inductance and stator winding resistance, torque and armature reaction coefficients and rotor moment of inertia. Interaction of the motor with the multimass system of the reducer and load is presented in the form of force interaction of two masses – a reduced mass of the rotor and mass of the load through the certain equivalent rigidity of the kinematic chain. To describe the effect of gap in the kinematic connection the special computational trick, which considerably simplifies its mathematical description, is used. Efficiency of the reducer is presented in the form of the internal friction, proportional to the transmitted force. Calculation results with the application of the given mathematical model match well with the results of the full-scale testing of different specimens of servo drives, which makes it possible to use it for the development of new servomechanisms, as well as for the correct flight simulation when testing the aircraft control systems. In particular, based on the frequency response calculations of the closed circuit with the application of the given mathematical model, it is possible to define optimal parameters of the correcting circuit. Reaction on the step action with the various values of circular amplification coefficient in the circuit gives complete information on the stability regions of the closed circuit and influence of various drive parameters on these regions. Based on the conducted theoretical and experimental studies, the basic conclusions and recommendations were obtained and presented, accounting and implementation of which will provide high dynamic characteristics of the newly designed servo drives.

Key words: electric drive, servo drive, reducer, stability, mathematical model.

  1. Kozak L. Dynamika servomechanismov raketnoy techniki. Inzhenernye metody issledovaniya. Izd-vo LAP LAMBERT Academic Publiching, Germania. 2022.
  2. Kozak L. R., Shakhov M. I. Matematicheskie modely hydravlicheskikh servomekhanismov raketno-kosmicheskoy techniki. Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie. 2019. Vyp. 1.
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4.1.2024 The dynamics of servo drives
4.1.2024 The dynamics of servo drives
4.1.2024 The dynamics of servo drives

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 Рецензії-відгуки стейкхолдерів
18.1.2020 Development of autonomous power engineering systems with hydrogen energy storage Wed, 13 Sep 2023 11:57:42 +0000
Solovey V., Kozak L., Shevchenko A., Zipunnikov M., Campbell R., Seamon F.

18. Development of autonomous power engineering systems with hydrogen energy storage


Pidgorny A. Intsitute of Mechanical Engineering Problems, Kharkiv, Ukraine1; Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 160-169


Language: Russian

Annotation: The article analyzes the energy potential of alternative sources of Ukraine. The projects using hydrogen technologies aimed at attracting solar energy to the infrastructure of energy technological complexes, in particular water desalination systems and for refueling automobile vehicles located in areas with high solar radiation potential, are considered. During the operation of water desalination plants using a solar power station as an energy source, contingencies are very likely to arise due to either a power outage (due to cloudy weather) or an emergency failure of individual elements of the system. In this case, it is required to ensure its removal from service without loss of technological capabilities (operability). For this purpose, it is necessary to provide for the inclusion in the technological scheme of the energy technological complex of an additional element that ensures operation of the unit for a given time, determined by the regulations for its operation. As such an element, a buffer system based on a hydrogen energy storage device is proposed. The current level of hydrogen technologies that are implemented in electrochemical plants developed at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering named after A. N. Podgorny of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine allows producing and accumulating the hydrogen under high pressure, which eliminates the use of compressor technology.

Key words: alternative energy sources, hydrogen, solar energy, hydrogen generator

1. Syvolapov V. Potentsial vidnovliuvanykh dzherel enerhii v Ukraini. Agroexpert. 2016. № 12 (101). S. 74–77.
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4. Sherif S. A., Barbir F., Veziroglu T. N. Wind energy and the hydrogen economy-review of the technology. Solar energy. 2005. № 78(5). P. 647–660.
5. Schlapbach L. Technology: Hydrogen-fuelled vehicles. Nature. 2009. № 460(7257). P. 809.
6. Shevchenko A. A., Zipunnikov M. М., Kotenko А. L., Vorobiova I. O., Semykin V. M. Study of the Influence of Operating Conditions on High Pressure Electrolyzer Efficiency. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2019. Vol. 22, № 4. P. 53–60.
7. Clarke R. E., Giddey S., Ciacchi F. T., Badwal S. P. S., Paul B., Andrews J. Direct coupling of an electrolyser to a solar PV system for generating hydrogen. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2009. № 34(6). P. 2531–2542.
8. Kunusch C., Puleston P. F., Mayosky M. A., Riera J. Sliding mode strategy for PEM fuel cells stacks breathing control using a super-twisting algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 2009. № 17(1). P. 167–174.
9. Mazloomi K., Gomes C. Hydrogen as an energy carrier: Prospects and challenges. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 2012. № 16. P. 3024–3033.
10. Sharma S., Ghoshal S. K. Hydrogen the future transportation fuel: From production to applications. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 2015. № 43. P. 1151–1158.
11. Prystrii dlia oderzhannia vodniu vysokoho tysku: pat. 103681 Ukraina: MPK6 S 25V 1/12 / V. V. Solovey, A. A. Shevchenko, A. L. Kotenko, O. О. Makarov (Ukrajina). № 2011 15332; zajavl. 26.12.2011; opubl. 10.07.2013, Biul. № 21. 4 s.
12. Shevchenko А. А. Ispolzovanie ELAELov v avtonomnykh energoustanovkakh, kharakterizuyushchikhsia neravnomernostju energopostupleniia. Aviatsionno-kosmicheskaia tekhnika i technologiia: sb. nauch. tr. 1999. Vyp. 13. S. 111–116.
13. Solovey V. V., Zhirov А. S., Shevchenko А. А. Vliianie rezhimnykh faktorov na effektivnost elektrolizera vysokogo davleniia. Sovershenstvovaniie turboustanovok metodami matematicheskogo i fizicheskogo modelirovaniia: sb. nauch. tr. 2003. S. 250–254.
14. Solovey V., Kozak L., Shevchenko A., Zipunnikov M., Campbell R., Seamon F. Hydrogen technology of energy storage making use of windpower potential. Problemy Mashinostroyeniya. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2017. Vol. 20, № 1. P. 62–68.
15. Solovey V. V., Kotenko А. L., Vorobiova I. О., Shevchenko A. А., Zipunnikov M. М. Osnovnye printsipy raboty i algoritm upravleniya bezmembrannym elektrolizerom vysokogo davleniia. Problemy mashinostroyeniia. 2018. T. 21, №. 4. S. 57–63.
16. Solovey V., Khiem N. T., Zipunnikov M. M., Shevchenko A. A. Improvement of the Membraneless Electrolysis Technology for Hydrogen and Oxygen Generation. French-Ukrainian Journal of Chemistry. 2018. Vol. 6, № 2. P. 73–79.
17. Solovey V., Zipunnikov N., Shevchenko A., Vorobjova I., Kotenko A. Energy Effective Membrane-less Technology for High Pressure Hydrogen Electro-chemical Generation. French-Ukrainian Journal of Chemistry. 2018. Vol. 6, № 1. P.151–156.
18. Solovey V. V., Zipunnikov М. М., Shevchenko А. А., Vorobiova І. О., Semykin V. M. Bezmembrannyi henerator vodniu vysokoho tysku. Fundamentalni aspekty vidnovliuvano-vodnevoi enerhetyky i palyvno-komirchanykh technologij / za zahal. red. Yu. М. Solonina. Kyiv, 2018. S. 99–107.
19. Matsevytyi Yu. M., Chorna N. A., Shevchenko A. A. Development of a Perspective Metal Hydride Energy Accumulation System Based on Fuel Cells for Wind Energetics. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2019. Vol. 22, № 4. P. 48–52.
20. Phillips R., Edwards A., Rome B., Jones D. R., Dunnill C. W. Minimising the ohmic resistance of an alkaline electrolysis cell through effective cell design. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2017. № 42. P. 23986–23994.
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18.1.2020  Development of autonomous power engineering systems with hydrogen energy storage
18.1.2020  Development of autonomous power engineering systems with hydrogen energy storage
18.1.2020  Development of autonomous power engineering systems with hydrogen energy storage

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13.1.2020 Mathematical models of hydraulic servomechanisms of space technology Wed, 13 Sep 2023 10:58:26 +0000
Mathematical models of hydraulic servomechanisms of space technologynt Authors: Kozak L. Content 2020 (1) Downloads: 27 Abstract views: 686 Dynamics of article downloads Dynamics of abstract views Downloads geography Country City Downloads USA Boardman; Matawan; Baltimore; Plano; Detroit; Phoenix; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Ashburn; Seattle; Tappahannock; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Ashburn 18 Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore 4 Finland Helsinki 1 Canada Monreale 1 Romania Voluntari 1 Netherlands Amsterdam 1 Ukraine Dnipro 1 Downloads, views for all articles Articles, downloads, views by all authors Articles for all companies Geography of downloads articles Kozak L. Mathematical models of hydraulic servomechanisms of space technologynt Автори: Kozak L. Mathematical models of hydraulic servomechanisms of space technologynt Автори: Kozak L. Mathematical models of hydraulic servomechanisms of space technologynt Автори: Kozak L.

13. Mathematical models of hydraulic servomechanisms of space technologynt


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 121-132


Language: Russian

Annotation: Being a final executive element of rocket control systems, a hydraulic actuator is at the same time the main source of various non-linear dependencies in rocket dynamic design whose availability dramatically com plicates theoretical analysis of their dynamics and control systems synthesis. The required accuracy and complexity of mathematical models of hydraulic servo mechanisms are different for different design phases of guided rockets. The paper deals with the simplest models of hydraulic servo actuators intended to calculate rocket controllability and to define requirements to response and power characteristics of the actuators. To calculate the rocket stability regions and to evaluate own stability of servo actuators, a linearized mathematical model of hydraulic servo actuator is used that takes into account the most important parameters having impact on stability of the servo actuator itself and on that of the rocket: hardness of working fluid, stiffness of elastic suspension of the actuator and control element, slope of mechanical characteristic of the actuator in the area of small control signals, which, as full mathematical model analysis showed, is conditioned only by dimensions of initial axial clearances of slide’s throats. The full mathematical model constructed based on accurate calculations of the balance of fluid flow rate through the slide’s throats allows, as early as at designing phase, determining the values of most important static and dynamic characteristics of a future hydraulic actuator, selecting optimal characteristics of slides based on specified degree of stability and response of servo actuator and conducting final modeling of rocket flight on the integrated control system test benches without using real actuators and loading stands. It is correct and universal for all phases of rockets and their control systems designing and testing. Using this mathematical model, the powerful actuators of a line of intercontinental ballistic missiles with swinging reentry vehicle and the main engines actuators of Zenit launch vehicle first stage were developed. The results of their testing separately and in rockets practically fully comply with the data of theoretical calculations.

Key words: mathematical model, hydraulic actuator, servo actuator, stability, damping, slide

1. Dinamika gidroprivoda / pod red. V. N. Prokofieva. М., 1972. 292 s.
2. Gamynin N. S. Gidravlicheskii privod system upravleniia. М., 1972. 376 s.
3. Chuprakov Yu. I. Gidroprivod i sredstva gidroavtomatiki. М., 1979. 232 s.
4. Kozak L. R. Geometriia zolotnika i dinamicheskie kharakteristiki gidroprivoda // Visnyk Dnipropetrovskoho universytetu. Vyp. 13, Tom 1. 2009.
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13.1.2020  Mathematical models of hydraulic servomechanisms of space technology
13.1.2020  Mathematical models of hydraulic servomechanisms of space technology
13.1.2020  Mathematical models of hydraulic servomechanisms of space technology

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8.1.2018 The Solid–Propellant Motors with Regulated Thrust Tue, 05 Sep 2023 06:26:08 +0000
The SolidPropellant Motors with Regulated Thrust Authors: Glazkov V. , Kozak L. 2018 (1); 46-52 DOI: Language: Russian Annotation: The paper considers the results of scientific research and experimental works performed by Yuzhnoye SDO on solidpropellant motors with controlled thrust. The possibility in principle is shown of creating such motors and stabilizing their characteristics in different operation modes due to the throat area regulation system and selection of relevant control algorithm. Key words: Bibliography: 1. Control of Solid-Propellant Propulsion Systems. H., Kozak L. Missile armaments , ( Missile armaments , no. H., Kozak L. H., Kozak L. H., Kozak L. H., Kozak L. H., Kozak L.

8. The Solid–Propellant Motors with Regulated Thrust


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (1); 46-52


Language: Russian

Annotation: The paper considers the results of scientific research and experimental works performed by Yuzhnoye SDO on solid–propellant motors with controlled thrust. The possibility in principle is shown of creating such motors and stabilizing their characteristics in different operation modes due to the throat area regulation system and selection of relevant control algorithm.

Key words:

1. Petrenko V. I., Sokoovsky M. I. et al. Control of Solid-Propellant Propulsion Systems. М., 2003. 463 p.
2. Presnyakov V. F. Solid Rocket Motor Dynamics. М., 1984. 248 p.
3. Sorokin R. E. Solid Rocket Motor Gas Thermodynamics. М., 1967. 368 p.
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8.1.2018 The Solid–Propellant Motors with Regulated Thrust
8.1.2018 The Solid–Propellant Motors with Regulated Thrust
8.1.2018 The Solid–Propellant Motors with Regulated Thrust