Search Results for “Logvinenko A. I.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Wed, 19 Jun 2024 08:06:51 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “Logvinenko A. I.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 7.1.2024 Selection of the functional units for the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system Fri, 14 Jun 2024 11:36:31 +0000
Selection of the functional units for the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system Authors: Logvinenko A. A., Logvinenko A. Cyclone-4M – website URL: (data zvernennya 31.10.2023) Logvinenko A. Logvinenko A. Content 2024 (1) Downloads: 17 Abstract views: 824 Dynamics of article downloads Dynamics of abstract views Downloads geography Country City Downloads USA Ashburn; Matawan;; Phoenix; Phoenix; Ashburn;; Des Moines; Boardman; Ashburn 10 Singapore Singapore; Singapore 2 Belgium Brussels 1 Finland Helsinki 1 Canada Monreale 1 Netherlands Amsterdam 1 Ukraine Dnipro 1 Downloads, views for all articles Articles, downloads, views by all authors Articles for all companies Geography of downloads articles Logvinenko A. Logvinenko A. Selection of the functional units for the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system Автори: Logvinenko A. Selection of the functional units for the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system Автори: Logvinenko A.

7. Selection of the functional units for the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2024, (1); 61-71

Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: Separation of the spent LV stages is one of the important problems of the rocket technology, which requires the comprehensive analysis of different types of systems, evaluation of their parameters and structural layouts. Basic requirements are specified that need to be taken into account when engineering the separation system: reliable and safe separation, minimal losses in payload capability, keeping sufficient distance between the stages at the moment of the propulsion system start. Detailed classification of their types («cold», «warm», «hot», «cold-launched» separation) is given and their technical substance with advantages and drawbacks is described. Certain types of «cold» and «warm» separation of the spent stages of such rockets as Dnepr, Zenit, Antares, Falcon-9 with different operating principle are introduced – braking with the spent stage and pushing apart two stages. Brief characteristics of these systems are given, based on the gas-reactive nozzle thrust, braking with solid-propellant rocket engines, separating with spring or pneumatic pushers. Development of the separation system for the advanced Cyclone-4M ILV is taken as an example and design sequence of stage separation is suggested: determination of the necessary separation velocity and capability of the separation units, determination of the number of active units, calculation of design and energy parameters of the separation units, analysis of the obtained results followed by the selection of the separation system. Use of empirical dependences is shown, based on the great scope of experimental and theoretical activities in the process of design, functional testing and flight operation of similar systems in such rockets as Cyclone, Dnepr and Zenit. According to the comparative analysis results, pneumatic separation system to separate Cyclone-4M Stages 1 and 2 was selected as the most effective one. Its basic characteristics, composition, overall view and configuration are specified. Stated materials are of methodological nature and can be used to engineer the separation systems for LV stages, payload fairings, spacecraft etc.

Key words: separation system, functional units of separation, «cold separation», «warm separation», pneumatic pusher, spring pusher, SPRE, gas-reactive nozzles, Zenit LV, Dnepr LV, Falcon 9 rocket, Cyclone-4М LV.

  1. Pankratov Yu. , Novikov A. V., Tatarevsky K. E., Azanov I. B. Dynamika perekhodnykh processov. 2014.
  2. Sinyukov A. M., Morozov N. I. Konstruktsia upravlyaemykh ballisticheskykh raket. 1969.
  3. Kabakova Zh. V., Kuda S. A., Logvinenko A. I., Khomyak V. A. Opyt razrabotki pneumosystemy dlya otdelenita golovnogo aerodynamicheskogo obtekatelya. Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie. 2017. Vyp. 2 (114).
  4. Kolesnikov K. S., Kozlov V. V., Kokushkin V. V. Dynamika razdeleniya stupeney letatelnykh apparatov. 1977.
  5. Antares – Spaceflight Insider: web site. URL: https://www. (data zvernennya 30.10.2023).
  6. Falcon 9 – pexels: website. URL: https://www. 9 (data zvernennya 31.10.2023).
  7. Kolesnikov K. , Kokushkin V. V., Borzykh S. V., Pankova N. V. Raschet i proektirovanie system razdeleniya stupeney raket. 2006.
  8. Cyclone-4M – website URL: (data zvernennya 31.10.2023)
  9. Logvinenko A. Sozdanie gasoreaktivnykh system otdeleniya i uvoda otrabotavshykh stupeney – noviy shag v RKT. Kosmicheskaya tekhnika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie, KBU, NKAU, vyp. 1, 2001.
  10. Logvinenko A. I., Porubaimekh V. I., Duplischeva O. M. Sovremennye metody ispytaniy system i elementov konstruktsiy letatelnykh apparatov. Monografia. Dnepr, KBU, 2018.
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7.1.2024 Selection of the functional units for  the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system
7.1.2024 Selection of the functional units for  the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system
7.1.2024 Selection of the functional units for  the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system

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 Рецензії-відгуки стейкхолдерів
25.2.2017 Vacuum Conditions Simulation Criteria Wed, 09 Aug 2023 12:46:44 +0000
Vacuum Conditions Simulation Criteria Authors: Logvinenko A. Content 2017 (2) Downloads: 35 Abstract views: 518 Dynamics of article downloads Dynamics of abstract views Downloads geography Country City Downloads USA Boardman; Matawan; Baltimore; Plano; Phoenix; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Seattle; Seattle; Ashburn; Tappahannock; Portland; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn 20 Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore 7 Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro 2 Unknown Brisbane 1 Finland Helsinki 1 Canada Monreale 1 Latvia Riga 1 Romania Voluntari 1 Netherlands Amsterdam 1 Downloads, views for all articles Articles, downloads, views by all authors Articles for all companies Geography of downloads articles Logvinenko A. Logvinenko A. Vacuum Conditions Simulation Criteria Автори: Logvinenko A. Vacuum Conditions Simulation Criteria Автори: Logvinenko A.

25. Vacuum Conditions Simulation Criteria


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (2); 141-145

Language: Russian

Annotation: The paper shows the peculiarities of modeling the vacuum conditions to simulate space environment when conducting various test types. Based on generalized experience, the practical criteria are recommended with consideration for accompanying physical phenomina.

Key words:

1. Rozanov L. N. Vacuum Engineering. М., 1990. 320 p.
2. Polukhin D. A., Oreshchenko V. M., Morozov V. A. Testing of Pneumohydraulic Subsystems of Propulsion Systems of LV and SC with LRE. М., 1987.
3. Deshman S. Scientific Basis of Vacuum Engineering. М., 1970.
4. Borisenko A. I. Gas Dynamics of Engines. М., 1962. 793 p.
5. Avduyevsky V. S. Fundamentals of Heat Transfer in Aerospace Engineering. М., 1975. 623 p.
6. Burdakov V. P., Danilov Y. I. External Resources and Cosmonautics. М., 1976. 551 p.
7. Kuda S. A. et al. Investigation of Freezing Conditions of Liquid Nitrogen in Manifolds at Flowing into Vacuum / S. A. Kuda, Zh. V. Kabakova, A. I. Logvinenko, V. I. Porubaimekh. Space Technology. Missile Armaments: Collection of scientific-technical articles. 2007. Issue 2. P. 58 – 67.
8. Patent 110307 Ukraine, MPK F25J 1/00. Method of Producing Overcooled Cryogenic Liquid / D. I. Gudymenko, S. A. Kuda, А. I. Logvinenko, V. I. Porubaimekh (Ukraine); Applicant and patent holder Yuzhnoye SDO. No 201601457; Claimed 18.02.2016; Published 10.10.2016, Bulletin No. 19.
Downloads: 35
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USA Boardman; Matawan; Baltimore; Plano; Phoenix; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Seattle; Seattle; Ashburn; Tappahannock; Portland; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn20
Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore7
Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro2
Unknown Brisbane1
Finland Helsinki1
Canada Monreale1
Latvia Riga1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
25.2.2017 Vacuum Conditions Simulation Criteria
25.2.2017 Vacuum Conditions Simulation Criteria
25.2.2017 Vacuum Conditions Simulation Criteria
24.2.2017 Method of Supercooled Cryogenic Liquid Production Wed, 09 Aug 2023 12:43:22 +0000
, Logvinenko A. Logvinenko A. А., Logvinenko A. А., Logvinenko A. А., Logvinenko A. А., Logvinenko A. А., Logvinenko A. А., Logvinenko A.

24. Method of Supercooled Cryogenic Liquid Production


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (2); 137-140

Language: Russian

Annotation: A developed, patented and proven method of producing supercooled cryogenic medium, required for testing for functional demonstration of space rocket automatic units and systems, is described herein.

Key words:

1. Guide on Physico-Technical Fundamentals of Cryogenics / Under the editorship of M.P. Malkov. М., 1985. 431 p.
2. Belyakov V. P. Cryogenic Engineering and Technology. М., 1982. 271 p.
3. Logvinenko A. I. Peculiarities of Used LV Space Stages Passivation. Space Technology. Missile Armaments: Collection of scientific-technical articles, 2015. Issue 3. Dnepropetrovsk. P. 60-64.
4. Patent 110307, Ukraine, MPK F25J 1/00. Method of Producing Overcooled Cryogenic Liquid / D. I. Gudymenko, S. A. Kuda, A. I. Ligvinenko, V. I. Porubaimekh (Ukraine); Applicant and patent holder Yuzhnoye SDO. No 201601457; Claimed 18.02.2016; Published 10.10.2016, Bulletin No. 19.
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USA Boardman; Ashburn; Matawan; Baltimore;; Boydton; Plano; Dublin; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Boardman; Seattle; Portland; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Ashburn19
Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore9
Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro2
Cambodia Phnom Penh1
Finland Helsinki1
Germany Frankfurt am Main1
Canada Monreale1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
24.2.2017 Method of Supercooled Cryogenic Liquid Production
24.2.2017 Method of Supercooled Cryogenic Liquid Production
24.2.2017 Method of Supercooled Cryogenic Liquid Production
19.2.2017 Experience in Development of Pneumatic System for Aerodynamic Payload Fairing Separation Wed, 09 Aug 2023 12:23:07 +0000
, Logvinenko A. А., Logvinenko A. А., Logvinenko A. А., Logvinenko A. А., Logvinenko A. А., Logvinenko A. А., Logvinenko A.

19. Experience in Development of Pneumatic System for Aerodynamic Payload Fairing Separation


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (2); 107-111

Language: Russian

Annotation: The paper presents the generalized experience of designing and development testing of the pneumatic system for nose aerodynamic fairing halves jettisoning. The algorithm of its parameters calculation is given. The satisfactory convergence of the pneumatic system parameters calculation results with the experimental data from the ground and flight tests is shown.

Key words:

1. Basis of Calculation of Gas Parameters in Pneumatic Systems Operation: Teacher Edition of Yuzhnoye SDO. 21.7217.123 ОТ. 1988.
2. Cyclone-4 SLS. Analysis of Experimental Data on PLF Doors Jettison Pneumatic System: Technical Report / Yuzhnoye SDO. Cyclone-4 21.17689.213 ОТ. 2014.
Downloads: 29
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USA Boardman; Matawan; Baltimore; Boydton; Dublin; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Ashburn; Seattle; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn; Boardman16
Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore6
Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro; Odessa3
Finland Helsinki1
Canada Monreale1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
19.2.2017 Experience in Development of Pneumatic System for Aerodynamic Payload Fairing Separation
19.2.2017 Experience in Development of Pneumatic System for Aerodynamic Payload Fairing Separation
19.2.2017 Experience in Development of Pneumatic System for Aerodynamic Payload Fairing Separation
8.2.2017 Analysis Method of Nitrogen Tetroxide Tanks Generating Pressurization Systems Tue, 08 Aug 2023 12:49:21 +0000
A., Logvinenko A.

8. Analysis Method of Nitrogen Tetroxide Tanks Generating Pressurization Systems


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (2); 41-48

Language: Russian

Annotation: The paper considers the method of calculation of generative pressurization system for a tank with nitrogen tetroxide in which an attempt is made to model the temperature stratification of gas in the tank throughout the height of the tank. The applied physical model takes into account the impact of gas dynamic processes, heat-mass-exchange, and chemical reactions on gas parameters in the tank. The satisfactory convergence of the calculation results with the experimental data is shown.

Key words:

1. Antonov V. A., Logvinenko A. I., Moseiko V. A. et al. Calculation of Long-Range Missiles Fuel (UDMH) Tanks Pressurization with Hot Gases. Defense Engineering. 1967. No. 10.
2. Belyayev N. M. Launch Vehicle Propellant Tanks Pressurization Systems. М., 1974. 336 p.
3. Test Facilities and Development Testing of Liquid Rocket Engines / А. G. Galeyev, K. P. Denisov, V. I. Ishchenko, V. A. Liseikin, G. G. Saydov, А. Y. Cherkashin. М., 2012. 362 p.
4. Thermal Dynamic and Thermal Physical properties of Combustion Products. Vol. 4 / Under the editorship of V. P. Glushko. М., 1974. 263 p.
5. Thermodynamic and Transfer Properties of Chemically Reacting Gas Systems. Part 1 / Under the editorship of A. K. Krasin, B. V. Nesterenko et al. Minsk, 1967. 206 p.
Downloads: 27
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USA Matawan; Plano; Miami; Dublin; Columbus; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Ashburn; Boardman; Tappahannock; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn15
Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore5
Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro2
Finland Helsinki1
Unknown Hong Kong1
Canada Monreale1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
8.2.2017 Analysis Method of Nitrogen Tetroxide Tanks Generating Pressurization Systems
8.2.2017 Analysis Method of Nitrogen Tetroxide Tanks Generating Pressurization Systems
8.2.2017 Analysis Method of Nitrogen Tetroxide Tanks Generating Pressurization Systems
6.2.2017 Set of Actions on Enhancement of Launch Vehicle Payload Capability Tue, 08 Aug 2023 12:39:31 +0000
Logvinenko A.

6. Set of Actions on Enhancement of Launch Vehicle Payload Capability


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (2); 29-34

Language: Russian

Annotation: The paper presents a complex of analytical calculation measures that allow increasing tanks useful volume and ensure engines’ additional operational lifetime by the example of a launch vehicle, one of Yuzhnoye SDO developments. The calculated-experimental confirmation is set forth of the operability of pneumohydraulic supply system in the changed conditions that ensure considerable increase of launch vehicle power and mass characteristics.

Key words:

1. Logvinenko A. I. Development Prospects of Modern LV Pneumohydraulic Systems. Space Technology. Missile Armaments: Collection of scientific-technical articles. 2014. Issue 1. Dnepropetrovsk.
2. Increasing Dnepr LV 1 and 2 Stages Propellant Filling Doses due to Decrease of their Temperature, Initial Gas Volumes in Tanks and Change of Filling Technology: Technical Report 21.16850.123 ОТ / Yuzhnoye SDO. 54 p.
3. Determination of 2 Stage PHSS Operability Limits at Increased RE Autonomous Operation Mode Time (after ME Shutdown): Technical Report 21.16234.123 ОТ / Yuzhnoye SDO. 75 p.
4. Ostoslavsky I. V. Flight Dynamics. Flying Vehicles Trajectories / I. V. Ostoslavsky, I. V. Strazheva. М., 1969. 499 p.
Downloads: 39
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USA Ashburn; Matawan; Baltimore;; North Bergen; Plano; Columbus; Phoenix; Phoenix;; Monroe; Ashburn; Ashburn; Boardman; Seattle; Tappahannock; Portland; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn22
Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore9
Unknown; Hong Kong2
Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro2
Finland Helsinki1
Canada Monreale1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
6.2.2017 Set of Actions on Enhancement of Launch Vehicle Payload Capability
6.2.2017 Set of Actions on Enhancement of Launch Vehicle Payload Capability
6.2.2017 Set of Actions on Enhancement of Launch Vehicle Payload Capability
4.2.2017 Increase of LV Payload Capability through Enhancement of Propulsion System Pneudraulic System Characteristics Tue, 08 Aug 2023 12:33:25 +0000
Increase of LV Payload Capability through Enhancement of Propulsion System Pneudraulic System Characteristics Authors: Logvinenko A. Logvinenko A. N., Logvinenko A. Content 2017 (2) Downloads: 32 Abstract views: 233 Dynamics of article downloads Dynamics of abstract views Downloads geography Country City Downloads USA Matawan; Baltimore; Plano; Phoenix; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Seattle; Ashburn; Seattle; Tappahannock; Portland;; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn 20 Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore 5 Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro 2 China Pekin 1 Finland Helsinki 1 Canada Monreale 1 Romania Voluntari 1 Netherlands Amsterdam 1 Downloads, views for all articles Articles, downloads, views by all authors Articles for all companies Geography of downloads articles Logvinenko A. Logvinenko A. Increase of LV Payload Capability through Enhancement of Propulsion System Pneudraulic System Characteristics Автори: Logvinenko A.

4. Increase of LV Payload Capability through Enhancement of Propulsion System Pneudraulic System Characteristics


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (2); 19-24

Language: Russian

Annotation: The main directions of upgrading the pneumohydraulic systems are considered. Some methods of increasing their operability and reliability are analyzed.

Key words:

1. Belyayev N. M. Rocket Propellant Tanks Pressurization Systems. М., 1976.
2. Kozlov A. A., Novikov V. N., Solov’yov E. V. Liquid Rocket Propulsion Systems Feeding and Control Systems. М., 1988.
3. Patent 51806, Ukraine, MPK В64Д 37/00. Rocket Propellant Tank Pressurization Method / B. A. Shevchenko, Y. A. Mitikov, А. I. Logvinenko (Ukraine). Applicant and patent holder Yuzhnoye SDO. No. 2000031474; Claimed 15.03.2002; Published 16.12.2002, Bulletin No. 12.
4. Patent 72330, Ukraine, MPK F02K 9/44, F02K 11/00. Method of Propellant Residues Utilization in Liquid Rocket Propulsion System / G. M. Ivanitsky, S. N. Kubanov, А. I. Logvinenko, G. I. Yushin (Ukraine); Applicant and patent holder Yuzhnoye SDO. No. 200210267; Claimed 16.12.2002; Published 15.02.2005, Bulletin No. 2.
5. Logvinenko A. I. Evolution Tendencies of LV Propellant Tanks Pressurization Systems. Paper presentation at IAA Congress (Fukuoka, Japan, October 2005). Dnepropetrovsk, 2005.
6. Mashchenko A. N., Logvinenko A. I. Passivation of LV Upper Stages Propellant Systems: Effective Means of Space Debris Control. Paper presentation at IAA Congress (Hyderabad, India, October 2007). Dnepropetrovsk, 2007.
Downloads: 32
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USA Matawan; Baltimore; Plano; Phoenix; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Seattle; Ashburn; Seattle; Tappahannock; Portland;; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn20
Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore5
Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro2
China Pekin1
Finland Helsinki1
Canada Monreale1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
4.2.2017 Increase of LV Payload Capability through Enhancement of Propulsion System Pneudraulic System Characteristics
4.2.2017 Increase of LV Payload Capability through Enhancement of Propulsion System Pneudraulic System Characteristics
4.2.2017 Increase of LV Payload Capability through Enhancement of Propulsion System Pneudraulic System Characteristics
7.1.2019 Experience of Development and Use of Generator Pressurization System for Tanks of Launch Vehicles on High-Temperature Propellants Thu, 25 May 2023 12:09:38 +0000
, Logvinenko A. Logvinenko A. Logvinenko A. Logvinenko A. M., Logvinenko A. M., Logvinenko A. А., Logvinenko A. А., Logvinenko A. А., Logvinenko A. А., Logvinenko A. А., Logvinenko A. А., Logvinenko A.

7. Experience of Development and Use of Generator Pressurization System for Tanks of Launch Vehicles on High-Temperature Propellants


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 45-53


Language: Russian

Annotation: Long-term experience in development, development testing and use of generating systems of fuel tanks pressurization for rockets powered by nitrogen tetroxide and unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine is summarized. Replacement of gas bottle pressurization systems with generating ones on such launch vehicles as 15A14, 15A15, 11K68 (8K67), 15A18M substantially simplified operation, reduced the pneumohydraulic feed system mass at least twice and its cost – by five times. Typical stages of development and introduction of the pressurization generating systems are shown: development of generators, their development testing, study of the composition and parameters of gas. The important steps were the development of methodology for pressurization system parameters calculation, which enabled achievement of the substantial improvements of their characteristics, appearance of the high-performance hightemperature (up to ~ 1000o C) unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine tank pressurization system, study of the degree of impact of each of the pressurization system parameters on the tank pressure. Accounting of the correlation between the flow rate and the generator gas temperature improved the output performance, as well as simplified and reduced the amount of development testing of the pressurization system. Important role of the gas sprayer design in pressurization system parametric configuration is described, and the advanced versions are shown taking into account g-loads, changes in temperature, pressure and propellant level inside the tank. Significant phase in the development of the generating pressurization system was the effective use of the high-temperature pressurization of the fuel tank with submerged propulsion system. Besides for the first time the effect of mechanical temperature destratification of the propellant in the tanks was observed, which occurs during the propulsion systems shutdown. Due to this effect, the Dnepr LV payload capability enhanced. Successful engineering solutions in the design of the pressurization system were defended by ~80 copyright certificates and patents of invention, ~40 of which were successfully implemented.

Key words: gas generator, sprayer, propulsion system, tank, gas pressure, gas temperature


1. Belyaev N. M. Systemy nadduva toplivnykh bakov raket. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1976. 336 p.
2. Logvinenko A. I. Osnovnyie napravlenia sovershenstvovania PGS sovremennykh RN / Dokl. Mezhd. astronavt. kongress. IAA. C4.1 IAC-63. Naples, Italia, 2012.
3. Kozlov A. A., Novikov V. N., Soloviev Ye. V. Systemy pitania i upravlenia zhidkostnykh raketnykh dvigatelnykh ustanovok. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1988. 352 p.
4. Logvinenko A. I. Tendentsii razvitia system nadduva toplivnykh bakov RN// Tez. dokl. Mezhdunar. astronavt. congressa IAC–05–C4.1.10, IAC-56. Fukuoka, Japan, 2005.
5. Logvinenko A. Gas-generation pressurization system experimental development method of the LV propellant tanks / Acta Astronautica. 2009. AA3161. №64. Р. 84-87.
6. Ivanitskiy G. M., Logvinenko A. I., Tkachev V. A. K voprosu rascheta temperatury gazanadduva v bakakh raket / Systemne proektuvannya aerokosmichnoi techniki. 2001. T. III. P. 44-47.
7. Pat. 72330 Ukraina, MPK (2006) F02K 9/44 (2006.1), F02K 11/00, В64Д 37/00. Sposib vyroblennya zalyshku palyva v rushiniy ustanovtsi riddinoi rakety/ Ivanitskiy G. M., Kubanov S. M., Logvinenko A. I., Yushin G. I.; zayavnil I vlasnyk DP KB “Pivdenne”. №20021210267; zayvl. 18.12.2002; opubl. 15.02.2005, Bul. №2/2005.
8. Voloshin M. L., Kuda S. A., Mikhalchishin R. V. Complex meropriyatiy po povysheniyu energeticheskykh kharakteristic RN// Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoye vooruzhenie: Sb. nauch.-techn. st. Dnepr: GP KB «Yuzhnoye». 2017. Vyp. 2. P. 29-34.

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Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore7
Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro2
Cambodia Phnom Penh1
Finland Helsinki1
Great Britain London1
Canada Monreale1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
7.1.2019 Experience of Development and Use of Generator Pressurization System for Tanks of Launch Vehicles on High-Temperature Propellants
7.1.2019 Experience of Development and Use of Generator Pressurization System for Tanks of Launch Vehicles on High-Temperature Propellants
7.1.2019 Experience of Development and Use of Generator Pressurization System for Tanks of Launch Vehicles on High-Temperature Propellants

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Editorial board Sat, 13 May 2023 17:09:21 +0000
LOGVINENKO, Candidate of Engineering, Chief Research Associate of the Yuzhnoye State Design Office G.
Editorial Board:


M. O. DEGTYAROV, Candidate of Engineering, General Designer of the Yuzhnoye State Design Office


E. G. GLADKIY, Doctor of Engineering, Chief Research Associate of the Yuzhnoye State Design Office


L. I. PETRUSENKO, Yuzhnoye State Design Office


V. P. GORBULIN, Academician of the Ukraine’s National Academy of Sciences, First Vice-President of the Ukraine’s National Academy of Sciences
GRAZIANI FILIPPO, Senior Professor of Astrodynamics at Aerospace Engineering School, La Sapienza University of Roma; President of Group of Astrodynamics for the Use of Space Systems (Italy)
I. O. GUSAROVA, Doctor of Engineering, Chief Research Associate of the Yuzhnoye State Design Office
I. I. DEREVYANKO, Candidate of Engineering, Head of Department in the Yuzhnoye State Design Office
D. V. KLIMENKO, Candidate of Engineering, Head of Department in the Yuzhnoye State Design Office
Kh. V. KOZIS, Candidate of Engineering, Senior Associate
A. I. LOGVINENKO, Candidate of Engineering, Chief Research Associate of the Yuzhnoye State Design Office
G. A. MAIMUR, Candidate of Engineering, Chief Research Associate of the Yuzhnoye State Design Office
S. M. POLUYAN, Head of Division of the Yuzhnoye State Design Office
O. M. POTAPOV, Candidate of Engineering, Head of Division in the Yuzhnoye State Design Office
L. P. POTAPOVICH, Candidate of Engineering, Academic Secretary – Head of Research and Education Center of the Yuzhnoye State Design Office
A. F. SANIN, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Head of the Rocket and Space and Innovation Technologies Department of the Physics and Technology Faculty at the Oles Honchar Dniper National University
V. M. SIRENKO, Candidate of Engineering, Head of the Design-Theoretical Division of the Yuzhnoye State Design Office
V. S. KHOROSHILOV, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Chief Research Associate of the Yuzhnoye State Design Office
V. S. SHEKHOVTSOV, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Academic Advisor of the Yuzhnoye State Design Office

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