Search Results for “Onofriienko V. I.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Tue, 02 Apr 2024 13:02:58 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “Onofriienko V. I.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 19.1.2020 Pyrobolts: types, design, development. Shear type pyrobolt developed at Yuzhnoye SDO Wed, 13 Sep 2023 12:02:02 +0000
, Onofriienko V. V., Onofriienko V. V., Onofriienko V. V., Onofriienko V. V., Onofriienko V. V., Onofriienko V. V., Onofriienko V.

19. Pyrobolts: types, design, development. Shear type pyrobolt developed at Yuzhnoye SDO


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 170-176


Language: Russian

Annotation: The pyrobolts, or explosive bolts, belong to the pyrotechnical devices with monolithic case consisting o f the cap, as a rule with hexagonal surface, and of cylindrical part with thread. The pyrobolts are separated into parts using the pyrotechnical charge placed inside the case. Owing to the simple design, reliability and short action time, the pyrobolts have found wide application in aerospace engineering for separation of assemblies and bays, in particular, stages, head modules, launching boosters, etc. So, for example, about 400 pyrobolts are used in the Proton launch vehicle. The designs of pyrobolts are markedly different. By method of explosive substance action on case structural elements, the pyrobolts are divided into two types: the pyrobolts using the shock wave formed at detonation of brisant explosive substance for case wall destruction and the pyrobolts using the pressure of gases arising at pyrotechnical charge blasting. By method of separation into parts, they are divided into fragmenting pyrobolts with ridge-cut, with piston, and shear pyrobolts. The paper deals with the design of various types of pyrobolts, their disadvantages are considered. The Yuzhnoye SDO-developed pyrobolt of shear type with segments is presented that uses radial shear forces of segments located in the hole of cylindrical part to separate the case parts. The above segments a re actuated using a rod with sealing rings and a piston connected to the rod through a rubber gasket; the piston moves under pressure of gases formed during pyro cartridge action. The following calculations are presen ted: strength analyses with determination of case load-carrying capacity; power analyses with justification of pyro cartridge selection for pyrobolt actuation. In the developed pyrobolt of shear type with segments, the case parts are separated without considerable shock loads and without high-temperature gases and fragments release into environment, ensuring reliable separation of bays and assemblies without damaging sensitive equipment.

Key words: explosive bolt, shock wave, brisant explosive substance, pyro cartridge, electric igniting fuse, high-temperature gases

1. Mashinostroenie. Entsiklopediia / А. P. Adzhian i dr.; pod red. V. P. Legostaeva. М., 2012. Т. IV-22. V 2-kh kn. Kn. 1. 925 s.
2. Bement L. J., Schimmel M. L. A Manual for Pyrotechnic Design, Development and Qualification: NASA Technical Memorandum 110172. 1995.
3. Yumashev L. P. Ustroistvo raket-nositelei (vspomagatelnye sistemy): ucheb. posob. Samara, 1999. 190 s.
4. Lee J., Han J.-H., Lee Y., Lee H. Separation characteristics study of ridge-cut explosive bolts. Aerospace Science and Technology. 2014. Vol. 39. Р. 153-168.
5. Yanhua L., Jingcheng W., Shihui X., Li C., Yuquan W., Zhiliang L. Numerical Study of Separation Characteristics of Piston-Type Explosive Bolt. Shock and Vibration.
6. Yanhua L., Yuan L., Xiaogan L., Yuquan W., Huina M., Zhiliang L. Identification of Pyrotechnic Shock Sources for Shear Type Explosive Bolt. Shock and Vibration.
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19.1.2020  Pyrobolts: types, design, development. Shear type pyrobolt developed at Yuzhnoye SDO
19.1.2020  Pyrobolts: types, design, development. Shear type pyrobolt developed at Yuzhnoye SDO
19.1.2020  Pyrobolts: types, design, development. Shear type pyrobolt developed at Yuzhnoye SDO

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21.2.2017 Mass Parameter Optimization of Thermal Protective Structure for Reusable Spacecraft Wed, 09 Aug 2023 12:32:56 +0000
1 , Onofriienko V. I., Onofriienko V. I., Onofriienko V. I., Onofriienko V. I., Onofriienko V. I., Onofriienko V. I., Onofriienko V.

21. Mass Parameter Optimization of Thermal Protective Structure for Reusable Spacecraft


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (2); 121-126

Language: Russian

Annotation: The paper considers the TZS-U design developed by Yuzhnoye SDO specialists for windward part of reusable spacecraft with external metal three-layer panel, U-like joint and tiled thermal protection, in which the problem is solved of compensation of thermal expansions and sealing of gaps; for optimization of structural mass. The specially created dispersion-hardened powder alloy based on nichrome and aluminum with yttrium dioxide with decreased specific mass of 7500 kg/m3 and lighter felt of MKRF brand are used , and honeycomb filler of three-layer panel is replaced by the filler with square cell.

Key words:

1. Aerothermal performance and structural integrity of a René-41 thermal protection system at Mach 6.6 / W. D. Deveikis, R. Miserentino, I. Weinstein, J. L. Schideler. NASA-TN-D-7943, NASA, Washington DC. 1975. 105 р.
2. Poteet C. C., Blosser M. L. Improving Metallic Thermal-Protection-System Hypervelocity Impact Resistance Through Numerical Simulation. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. 2004. Vol. 41, No. 2. Р. 221-232.
3. Advanced metallic thermal protection system development / M. L. Blosser, R. R. Chen, I. H. Schmidt et al. AIAA-2002-0504; AIAA, Washington DC. 2002. 56 р.
4. David E. European Directions for Hypersonic Thermal Protection Systems and Hot Structures. 31st Annual Conference on Composite Materials and Structures (Daytona Beach, FL, January 22, 2007). 44 р.
5. Gusarova I. A. Selection of Scheme of Heat Protection Tile Attachment to Reusable Spacecraft Body. Problems of Designing and Manufacturing Flying Vehicle Structures. 2016. No. 4 (88). P. 105-113.
6. Gusarova I. A. Evaluation of Thermal Resistance of Three-Layer Honeycomb Panel Produced from YuIPM-1200 Alloy by Method of Diffusion Welding in Vacuum / I. A. Gusarova, М. Parko, А. М. Potapov, Y. V. Fal’chenko, L. V. Petrushinets, Т. V. Melnichenko, V. E. Fedorchuk. Automatic Welding. 2016. No. 12 (759). P. 31-35.
7. Patent 108096 Ukraine. Method of Producing Heat-Resistant Alloy Based on Nichrome / V. V. Skorokhod, V. P. Solntsev, G. O. Frolov, Т. O. Solntseva, О. М. Potapov, V. G. Tikhiy, I. A. Gusarova, Y. M. Litvinenko / Application No. а2012 11691; Claimed 04.10.2012; Published 25.03.2015, Bulletin No. 6. 4 p.
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21.2.2017 Mass Parameter Optimization of Thermal Protective Structure for Reusable Spacecraft
21.2.2017 Mass Parameter Optimization of Thermal Protective Structure for Reusable Spacecraft
21.2.2017 Mass Parameter Optimization of Thermal Protective Structure for Reusable Spacecraft
16.2.2017 Determination of Spherical Flange Connections Gasket Clamping Site Width Wed, 09 Aug 2023 12:12:37 +0000
Determination of Spherical Flange Connections Gasket Clamping Site Width Authors: Onofriienko V. Content 2017 (2) Downloads: 41 Abstract views: 264 Dynamics of article downloads Dynamics of abstract views Downloads geography Country City Downloads USA Boardman; Ashburn; Ashburn; Matawan; Baltimore; Plano; Columbus; Monroe; Ashburn; Seattle; Seattle; Ashburn; Tappahannock; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; Ashburn; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn; Boardman 23 Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore 7 Ukraine Poltava; Dnipro 2 China Pekin 1 Finland Helsinki 1 Unknown 1 France 1 Canada Monreale 1 Germany Falkenstein 1 Latvia Riga 1 Romania Voluntari 1 Netherlands Amsterdam 1 Downloads, views for all articles Articles, downloads, views by all authors Articles for all companies Geography of downloads articles Onofriienko V. Onofriienko V.

16. Determination of Spherical Flange Connections Gasket Clamping Site Width


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (2); 83-89

Language: Russian

Annotation: The technique is proposed to determine width of the spherical-type flange coupling’s metal gasket clamping area by the specified joint tightening force considering the joint geometry and mechanical properties of the gasket material.

Key words:

1. Kachanov L. M. Fundamentals of Plasticity Theory. М., 1969.
2. Heat Power Engineering and Heat Technology: General Problems: Guide / Under the general editorship of V. A. Grigor’yev, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Science, V. M. Zorin. 2nd edition, revised. М., 1987.
3. Technical Report on Test Results OK 02.2826.0000.0000.00.0, 2TRS2S1.21.16971.219 OT / Yuzhnoye SDO. Dnepropetrovsk, 2010.
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16.2.2017 Determination of Spherical Flange Connections Gasket Clamping Site Width
16.2.2017 Determination of Spherical Flange Connections Gasket Clamping Site Width
16.2.2017 Determination of Spherical Flange Connections Gasket Clamping Site Width
19.1.2019 Peculiarities of Radio Transparent Fairings Development Wed, 24 May 2023 16:00:43 +0000
, Onofriienko V. D., Onofriienko V. D., Onofriienko V. D., Onofriienko V. D., Onofriienko V. D., Onofriienko V. D., Onofriienko V.

19. Peculiarities of Radio Transparent Fairings Development


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 132-138


Language: Russian

Annotation: The main task of the radiotransparent radome design is to develop a structure that reliably protects the aircraft components, sensitive instrumentation of the guidance system from incoming air flow and heating in all phases of operation, meeting all the requirements of minimum weight, allowable temperature under the radome, strength, centre of mass and radio characteristics. Development of the radome solves the complex task of coupling and optimization of the geometric aspects of design with physical-mechanical, radio and thermal properties of materials. The article dwells on the aspects of development of the radiotransparent radomes depending on the aircraft flight speed; basic requirements for the selection of outside perimeter configuration; structural materials, providing the required radio properties in combination with minimum mass and necessary strength, acceptable temperature inside the fairing. Yuzhnoye-developed radome for the up to 5 M aircraft was considered, consisting of ogive shell made of АФ-10ПО fiberglass, heat-resistant tip and structural ring made of aluminum alloy. Methods of thermal and strength analyses of the shell are considered, results of calculations confirming the fitness for work of the structure are presented. Options of configuration with ceramic shells and methods of their coupling with rings are presented for the aircraft that reaches up to 5 M speed. Basic principles of radiotransparent radomes development and aspects of ceramic shells coupling with structural rings are considered, as well as the results of strength analyses and thermal calculations that ensure the performance of the structure and equipment in the area under the radome.

Key words: structural ring, under dome area, aircraft

1. Rusin M. Y. Proektirovanie golovnykh obtekateley raket iz keramicheskykh i compozitsionnykh materialov: Ucheb. posobie. M.: Izd-vo MGTU im. N. E. Baumana, 2005. 64 p.
2. Mossakovskiy V. I. i dr. Prochnost’ raketnykh konstruktsiy. M.: Vyssh. shk., 1990. 190 p.
3. Pat. 114323 Ukraine, MPK H01Q1/42. Golovnoy obtekatel’ ballisticheskoy rakety/ Shevtsov Ye. I., Kharchenko Y. D., Voloshin V. V., Samoilenko I. D.; zayavitel’ i patentoobladatel’ KB «Yuzhnoye». Opubl. 10.03.2017
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19.1.2019 Peculiarities of Radio Transparent Fairings Development
19.1.2019 Peculiarities of Radio Transparent Fairings Development
19.1.2019 Peculiarities of Radio Transparent Fairings Development

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13.2.2019 Study of the stress and strain state of the multilayer bellows Mon, 15 May 2023 15:46:07 +0000
, Onofriienko V. A., Onofriienko V. A., Onofriienko V. A., Onofriienko V. A., Onofriienko V. A., Onofriienko V. A., Onofriienko V.

13. Study of the stress and strain state of the multilayer bellows


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (2); 96-102


Language: Russian

Annotation: Strength calculation example of the specific design bellows is taken to consider one of the possible approaches to the numerical simulation of the stress and strain state of the multilayer bellows. Proposed approach is based on the use of axial symmetry of the structure for transition from 3D calculation model to 2D one. Calculations take place in the elastoplastic setup, using the software package of the finite elements method. As an example of the proposed approach static and fatigue strength of the three-layer steel bellows of the Cyclone-4M fuel supply line are calculated. Calculation of the static strength of the bellows, loaded with internal pressure, showed that layer stresses achieve yield strength, at the same time preserving the bearing capacity of the structure. Results of the simulated change in the stress and strain state of the bellows per one cycle of the variable reloading were taken to find the amplitude of the plastic deformations in the most loaded area of the bellows, which allowed estimation of its fatigue strength in the conditions of lowcycle loading. Advantage of the proposed approach to the multilayer bellows strength evaluation is that it does not require large volumes of RAM and time to do the calculations.

Key words: computer simulation, finite element method, calculation model, strength

1. GOST 21744-83. Silfony mnogosloynye metallicheskie. Obschie technicheskie uslovia. 72 s.
2. Prochnost’, ustoychivost’, kolebaniya: spravochnil; v 3-kh t. / pod red. I. A. Birgera, Ya. G. Panovko. M., 1968. T. 2. 462 s.
3. Grabin B. V., Davydov O. I., Zhikharev V. I. i dr. Osnovy konstruirovaniya raket-nositeley kosmicheskykh apparatov: uchebnik dlya studentov vuzov / pod red. V. P. Mishina, V. K. Karraska. M., 1991. 416 s.
4. Silfony. Raschet i proektirovanie / pod red. L. Y. Andreevoy. M., 1975. 156 s.
5. Issledovanie vliyaniya tekhnologicheskykh operatsiy na kachestvo izgotovleniya silfonov iz lenty staly marki DIN 1.4541 EN 1099-2 pri razlichnykh temperaturno-silovykh vozdeistviyakh i vibratsiyakh v processe izgotovleniya i ispytaniy: techn. otchet № 3 М-13 / PO YMZ im. A. M. Makarova». Dnepropetrovsk. 2013. 13 s.
6. Pisarenko G. S., Yakovlev A. P., Matveev V. V. Spravochnik po soprotivleniyu materialov / otv. red. Pisarenko G. S. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. Kiev. 1988. 736 s.
7. Gusenkov A. P., Moskvitin G. M., Khoroshilov V. N. Malotsiklovaya prochnost’ obolochechnykh konstruktsiy. M., 1989. 254 s.
8. Kogaev V. P., Makhutov N. A., Gusenkov A. P. Raschety detaley mashin na prochnost’ i dolgovechnost’: spravochnik. M., 1985. 224 s.
9. DSTU EN 10088-2:2010. Stali nerzhavki. Ch. 2. List i strichka z koroziynotryvkykh staley zagalnoi pryznachenosti. Technichni umovy postachannya. 42 s.
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13.2.2019 Study of the stress and strain state of the multilayer bellows
13.2.2019 Study of the stress and strain state of the multilayer bellows
13.2.2019 Study of the stress and strain state of the multilayer bellows

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