Search Results for “Pozdieiev H.L.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Thu, 20 Jun 2024 09:41:39 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “Pozdieiev H.L.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 9.1.2018 On the Peculiarities of High-Temperature Rocket Propellants Drain from Delivery Means to Filling Tank for Closed Drain Tue, 05 Sep 2023 06:29:31 +0000
Content 2018 (1) Downloads: 33 Abstract views: 775 Dynamics of article downloads Dynamics of abstract views Downloads geography Country City Downloads USA Matawan; Baltimore; North Bergen; Boydton; Plano; Columbus; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Seattle; Portland; San Mateo; Columbus; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn 17 Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore 8 Ukraine Dnipro; Odessa 2 Belgium Brussels 1 Finland Helsinki 1 Great Britain London 1 Canada Monreale 1 Romania Voluntari 1 Netherlands Amsterdam 1 Downloads, views for all articles Articles, downloads, views by all authors Articles for all companies Geography of downloads articles Pozdieiev H.L., Gamaza А. Pozdieiev H.L., Gamaza А. On the Peculiarities of High-Temperature Rocket Propellants Drain from Delivery Means to Filling Tank for Closed Drain Автори: Pozdieiev H.L., Gamaza А.

9. On the Peculiarities of High-Temperature Rocket Propellants Drain from Delivery Means to Filling Tank for Closed Drain


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (1); 53-57


Language: Russian

Annotation: The paper presents the variation of parameters of gas-vapor mixture of hypergolic rocket propellant components in a filling tank in the process of rocket propellant components filling into it with “closed drainage” depending on tank filing coefficient and initial parameters of environment in the tank.

Key words:

1. Cosmodrome / Under the general editorship of A. P. Vol’sky. М., 1977.
2. Berezhkovsky M. I. Storage and Transportation of Chemical Products. М., 1973.
3. Selection and Justification of Technology of Rocket Propellants Drain from Tank-Containers into OFS, FFS Tanks: Technical Note Cyclone-4 22.6840.155 СТ. Yuzhnoye SDO, 2005.
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9.1.2018 On the Peculiarities of High-Temperature Rocket Propellants Drain from Delivery Means to Filling Tank for Closed Drain
9.1.2018 On the Peculiarities of High-Temperature Rocket Propellants Drain from Delivery Means to Filling Tank for Closed Drain
9.1.2018 On the Peculiarities of High-Temperature Rocket Propellants Drain from Delivery Means to Filling Tank for Closed Drain
15.1.2017 Assessment of Liquid Equipment Neutralization Method Effectiveness Wed, 28 Jun 2023 11:45:54 +0000
Content 2017 (1) Downloads: 38 Abstract views: 333 Dynamics of article downloads Dynamics of abstract views Downloads geography Country City Downloads USA Matawan; Baltimore; North Bergen; Plano; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Seattle; Ashburn; Tappahannock; Portland; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Boardman 18 Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore 9 Netherlands Meppel; Amsterdam 2 Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro 2 Cambodia Phnom Penh 1 Unknown Melbourne 1 Finland Helsinki 1 Great Britain London 1 Germany Frankfurt am Main 1 Canada Monreale 1 Romania Voluntari 1 Downloads, views for all articles Articles, downloads, views by all authors Articles for all companies Geography of downloads articles Pozdieiev H.L., Berezina K. Pozdieiev H.L., Berezina K. Assessment of Liquid Equipment Neutralization Method Effectiveness Автори: Pozdieiev H.L., Berezina K.

15. Assessment of Liquid Equipment Neutralization Method Effectiveness


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (1); 95-99

Language: Russian

Annotation: The formula is presented to evaluate neutralization process completeness that allows determining the effectiveness of method for specific equipment elements contaminated in specific operating conditions.

Key words:

1. GOST 12.1.014-84. General Sanitary-Hygienic Requirements to Working Area Air. 7 p.
2. Assessment of Methods and Technologies of SLS GSE Removable Elements Complete Neutralization at SC&PLU PC FS: Technical Report. Cyclone-4.21.17493.101 ОТ. P. 9-11.
3. Kasatkin A. G. Main Processes and Apparatuses of Chemical Technology. М., 1960. 829 p.
4. Timerkeyev R. G., Sapozhnikov V. M. Industrial Cleanliness and Fine Filtration of Flying Vehicle Working Fluids. М., 1986. 152 p.
5. Stepanov M. I. Rockets and Spacecraft Fueling Complex. Saint Petersburg, 2002. P. 247-251.
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USA Matawan; Baltimore; North Bergen; Plano; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Seattle; Ashburn; Tappahannock; Portland; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Boardman18
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15.1.2017 Assessment of Liquid Equipment Neutralization Method Effectiveness
15.1.2017 Assessment of Liquid Equipment Neutralization Method Effectiveness
15.1.2017 Assessment of Liquid Equipment Neutralization Method Effectiveness
6.1.2019 Investigation into Peculiarities of Delivery to Launch Base of Rocket Propellant with Specified Gasing Thu, 25 May 2023 12:09:32 +0000
Content 2019 (1) Downloads: 31 Abstract views: 554 Dynamics of article downloads Dynamics of abstract views Downloads geography Country City Downloads USA Boardman; Matawan; Baltimore;; Plano; Columbus; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Ashburn; Seattle; Tappahannock;; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn 20 Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore 3 Ukraine Zaporizhia; Dnipro 2 Unknown Melbourne 1 Finland Helsinki 1 Germany 1 Canada Monreale 1 Romania Voluntari 1 Netherlands Amsterdam 1 Downloads, views for all articles Articles, downloads, views by all authors Articles for all companies Geography of downloads articles Pozdieiev H.L., Kucherenko R. Pozdieiev H.L., Kucherenko R. Investigation into Peculiarities of Delivery to Launch Base of Rocket Propellant with Specified Gasing Автори: Pozdieiev H.L., Kucherenko R. Investigation into Peculiarities of Delivery to Launch Base of Rocket Propellant with Specified Gasing Автори: Pozdieiev H.L., Kucherenko R.

6. Investigation into Peculiarities of Delivery to Launch Base of Rocket Propellant with Specified Gasing


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 38-44


Language: Russian

Annotation: This article considers the issue of achievement of the specified value of propellants saturation by helium after their delivery from the manufacturers to the launch site. Knowing the fact that propellants gas saturation or gas separation processes are labour-consuming and costly this issue is of immediate interest. In order to solve this problem number of factors have been considered, which determine the value of gas saturation in the propellants delivered to the launch site and procedure to control the value of gas saturation by the fuel manufacturer has been developed. This procedure implies that shipping tank container is pressurized after being fueled with propellants at the manufacturer’s, the pressure is characterized by the value of the known initial deficit or excess of gas in the propellants, following which tank container is delivered to the launch site. During transportation tank container is subjected to various kinds of mechanical actions (vibration, rolling and pitching in the sea, braking, transshipment), therefore intensive mixing of propellants occur. As propellants mix, process of propellant saturation occurs when certain amount of gas transits from tank container’s gas volume into the liquid, therefore certain gas saturation is reached. Article includes the measuring results of the gas liquid medium parameters inside the tank containers with fuel in the process of fuel transportation to Ukraine from PRC factories and estimations of the measuring results using the developed model which confirmed the quantitative nature of the mass exchange processes, included in the model, going on in the gas liquid medium during transportation of the tank container with fuel equipment. It has been determined that due to inevitable errors in the measuring of the specified parameters by the tank container, the achievement of the specified gas saturation with high precision is problematic. In spite of the fact that this procedure does not provide exact value of the specified gas saturation, its application will accelerate and make cheaper the process of fuel preparation for filling operations at the launch site, which is especially relevant in case of fuel saturation by helium. Based on this fuel saturation by helium procedure, the complex technology is suggested, providing controlled gas saturation during fuel delivery and subsequent adjustment of gas saturation using launch site equipment. Therefore, this article develops and studies the original model of the controlled gas saturation of the fuel during its delivery to the consumer. Alternative of the practical use of the study results is suggested in the form of the complex technology of fuel saturation by helium, delivered in the tank containers from the manufacturer to the launch site.

Key words: oxidizer, fuel, saturation by helium, tank container, transportation


1. Volskiy A. P. Kosmodrom. M.: Voenizdat, 1977. 311 p.
2. Stepanov A. N., Vorobiev A. M., Grankin B. K. Kompleksy zapravki raket I kosmicheskikh apparatov. SPB:OM-PRESS, 2004. 26 p.
3. Kiriyanova A. N., Matveeva O. P. Opredelenie kolebania davlenia v gazovoy polosti hermetychikh emkostey transportnozapravochnykh containerov dlya raketnykh topliv pri temperaturnykh vozdeistviyakh/ Nauka i innovatsii. 2016. Vyp. 7.
4. Berezhkovskiy M. I. Khranenie i transportirovka khimicheskykh produktov. – M.: Khimia, 1973. – 272 s.
5. Perepelkin K. Ye., Matveev V. S. Gazovye emulsii. L.:Khimia, 1979. 200 p.
6. Issledovanie protsessov degazirovaniya komponentov topliva v conteinere-tsisterne pri dostavke topliva potrebitelyu. Cyclone4M 21.18425.174 OT: Techn. report. Dnepropetrovsk: Yuzhnoye SDO, 2017. 39 p.

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USA Boardman; Matawan; Baltimore;; Plano; Columbus; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Ashburn; Seattle; Tappahannock;; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn20
Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore3
Ukraine Zaporizhia; Dnipro2
Unknown Melbourne1
Finland Helsinki1
Canada Monreale1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
6.1.2019 Investigation into Peculiarities of Delivery to Launch Base of Rocket Propellant with Specified Gasing
6.1.2019 Investigation into Peculiarities of Delivery to Launch Base of Rocket Propellant with Specified Gasing
6.1.2019 Investigation into Peculiarities of Delivery to Launch Base of Rocket Propellant with Specified Gasing

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5.1.2023 Fueling-neutralization stations. New developments and applications Fri, 12 May 2023 16:10:44 +0000
Content 2023 (1) Downloads: 36 Abstract views: 640 Dynamics of article downloads Dynamics of abstract views Downloads geography Country City Downloads USA Matawan; Baltimore; Boydton; Plano; Columbus; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Seattle; Ashburn; Mountain View; Seattle; Seattle; Portland; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn 21 Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore 9 Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro 2 Finland Helsinki 1 Canada Monreale 1 Romania Voluntari 1 Netherlands Amsterdam 1 Downloads, views for all articles Articles, downloads, views by all authors Articles for all companies Geography of downloads articles Pozdieiev H.L., Litau Ye. Pozdieiev H.L., Litau Ye. New developments and applications Автори: Pozdieiev H.L., Litau Ye. New developments and applications Автори: Pozdieiev H.L., Litau Ye. New developments and applications Автори: Pozdieiev H.L., Litau Ye.

5. Fueling-neutralization stations. New developments and applications


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2023 (1); 48-55


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: The article dwells on development and study of the multifunctional operations while preparing propellant components for launch vehicle tank filling by high-boiling propellant components at the neutralization stations. The article considers the preparation of propellant for filling the launch vehicle stages with high-boiling propellant components of nitrogen tetroxide (oxidizer) and unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine (fuel) in terms of propellant saturation with helium and denitrogenation. Usually these issues refer to the common technology of propellant preparation and are tackled sequentially: first, propellant is drained into the filling tank of the filling system, then the propellant is denitrogened, for example purging the propellant by helium under atmospheric pressure in the tank, then propellant is saturated with helium to the given concentration by bubbling helium in the propellant, maintaining the set pressure of helium in the tank. This technology significantly complicates the process of propellant preparation, increases helium consumption, as well as the amount of the generated vapor, which requires recycling in the neutralization units. This article studies multifunctional operations, where the propellant is simultaneously drained from delivery vehicles, saturated with helium and denitrogenated. Amount of residual nitrogen in the propellant and the main direction of deep denitrogenation of the propellant are calculated. Amount of generated vapor and consumed helium are determined. The process of propellant draining by extrusion, maintaining the given pressure in the tank and alternating the propellant drain on the closed vent device (compression) and open vent device (decompression) is studied. As a result, the theoretical justification of multifunctional operations in preparation of high–boiling propellant components to fill the launch-vehicle stages is presented.

Key words: saturation with helium and denitrogenation of the propellant, drain with closed vent device, excessive pressure draining, gas-vapor mixture, neutralization system


1. Pozdeev G. L., Kucherenko R. A., Kucherenko T. V. Issledovanie osobennostey dostavki na kosmodrom komponentov raketnogo topliva s zadannym gazonasyschenniem. Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie: sb. nauch.-techn. st. / GP «KB «Yuzhnoye». Dnepr, 2019. Vyp. 1. S. 38–44.
2. Pozdeev G. L. Razrabotka I issledovanie metodov obespecheniya zadannyh parametrov pri zapravke: dis. na soiskanie kand. tehn. nauk. GP «KB «Yuzhnoye», 1978. Dnepropetrovsk. 123 s.
3. KRK «Tsiklon-4M». Zapravochno-neitralizatsionnaya stantsia. Tehnicheskiy proekt. С4М YZH-ANL 02802. GP «KB «Yuzhnoye». 2017. 108 s.
4. KRK «Tsiklon-4M». Predlozheniya po helirovaniyu komponentov topliva dlya zapravki 2-oy stupeni rakety-nositelya na ZNS s uchetom osobennostey dostavki topliva v hermetichnyh konteynerah-tsisternah. Nauchno-tehnicheskiy otchet. Tsiklon-4M. 21.18668.174 OT. GP «KB «Yuzhnoye», 2019. 33 s.
5. Sposob zakrytoy zapravki toplivnogo baka zhidkim toplivom i systema dlya ego osuschestvlenniya: pat. RU 2489327. В64F1/28.

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Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore9
Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro2
Finland Helsinki1
Canada Monreale1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
5.1.2023 Fueling-neutralization stations. New developments and applications
5.1.2023 Fueling-neutralization stations. New developments and applications
5.1.2023 Fueling-neutralization stations. New developments and applications

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