Search Results for “Reva V. S.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Wed, 06 Nov 2024 11:42:12 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “Reva V. S.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 2.1.2024 New and advanced liquid rocket engines of the Yuzhnoye SDO Wed, 12 Jun 2024 15:04:41 +0000
, Shulga V. Seventeen of them were commercially produced by Yuzhmash PA and installed on launch vehicles. Bibliography: Zhidkostnye raketnye dvigateli, dvigatelnye ustanovki, bortovye istochniki moschnosti, razrabotannye KB dvigatelnykh ustanovok GP«KB «Yuzhnoye». Dnipropetrovsk: DP «KB «Pivdenne», 2008. O., Shulga V. S., Sintyuk V. Degtyareva. O., Shulga V. O., Shulga V. Missile armaments, vol. O., Shulga V. O., Shulga V. O., Shulga V. O., Shulga V. More Citation Formats Harvard Chicago IEEE AIP ДСТУ 8302:2015 ДСТУ ГОСТ 7.1:2006 (ВАК) ISO 690:2010 BibTeX Keywords cloud Your browser doesn't support the HTML5 CANVAS tag.

2. New and advanced liquid rocket engines of the Yuzhnoye SDO

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2024, (1); 9-18


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: Specialized design office for liquid engines was established on July 22, 1958 to develop engines and propulsion systems, powered by liquid propellants to be installed on the combat missile systems and integrated launch vehicles (LV), developed by Yuzhnoye SDO. Moreover, liquid engines design office was assigned with manufacturing and testing of the main rocket engines, developed by NPO Energomash and to be installed on Yuzhnoye-developed launch vehicles. Over the past 66 years Yuzhnoye SDO has developed more than 40 liquid rocket engines (LRE) of various purpose, designed both to gas-generator cycle and to staged combustion cycle. Seventeen of them were commercially produced by Yuzhmash PA and installed on launch vehicles. Nowadays Yuzhnoye propulsion experts keep working on development of the advanced liquid rocket engines powered both by cryogenic and hypergolic propellants, which satisfy the majority of launch service market demands. Within the framework of extensive cooperation with foreign space companies, on a contract basis, Yuzhnoye propulsion experts are working on the design and development testing of the liquid rocket engines, as well as their components. The accumulated vast experience in the development of liquid rocket engines nowadays enables high scientific and technical level in the creation of up-to-date engines, demanded in the world market. Significant steps in this area have been made by the experts from the Yuzhnoye propulsion division and then subsequent manufacture and delivery by Yuzhmash PA of the engine intended for the European rocket Vega Stage 4; and designing the individual components for the engines with thrusts ranging from 500 kgf to 200 tf ordered by foreign customers. This article provides the review of current and scheduled activities of the Yuzhnoye SDO to develop the liquid rocket engines within the thrust ranges from ~ 40 kgf to ~ 500 tf.

Key words: LOX-kerosene liquid rocket engines, hypergolic propellant liquid rocket engines, staged combustion cycle, main rocket engine, thrust, specific thrust impulse.

  1. Zhidkostnye raketnye dvigateli, dvigatelnye ustanovki, bortovye istochniki moschnosti, razrabotannye KB dvigatelnykh ustanovok GP«KB «Yuzhnoye». Za nauk. red. akad. NAN Ukrainy S.M. Konyukhova, kand. tekhn. nauk V.M. Shnyakina. Dnipropetrovsk: DP «KB «Pivdenne», 2008. 466 ark.
  2. Prokopchyuk O. O., Shulga V. A., Khromyuk D. S., Sintyuk V. O. Zhidkostnye raketnye dvigateli GP«KB «Yuzhnoye»: nauk.-tekhn. zbirnyk. Za nauk. red. akademika NAN Ukrainy
    O. V. Degtyareva. Dnipro: ART-PRES, 2019. 440 ark.
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2.1.2024 New and advanced liquid rocket engines of  the Yuzhnoye SDO
2.1.2024 New and advanced liquid rocket engines of  the Yuzhnoye SDO
2.1.2024 New and advanced liquid rocket engines of  the Yuzhnoye SDO

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21.1.2020 Contemporary approaches to the improvement of methods of space launch system operation for commercial launches of ILV Wed, 13 Sep 2023 12:05:46 +0000
Turning of space hardware and services into marketable commodity requires their new qualities that determine competitiveness. Analiticheskaia otsenka ob’ema rabot i zatrat na puskovye uslugi i napravleniia rabot dlia ikh snizheniia v perspektivnykh RKK razrabotki GP “KB “Yuzhnoye”: tekhn. Dnepropetrovsk, 2015. Degtyareva. quot;Contemporary approaches to the improvement of methods of space launch system operation for commercial launches of ILV", Космическая техника. Missile armaments, vol. More Citation Formats Harvard Chicago IEEE AIP ДСТУ 8302:2015 ДСТУ ГОСТ 7.1:2006 (ВАК) ISO 690:2010 BibTeX Keywords cloud Your browser doesn't support the HTML5 CANVAS tag.

21. Contemporary approaches to the improvement of methods of space launch system operation for commercial launches of ILV


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 184-192


Language: Russian

Annotation: The article deals with the problems of applying new approaches to formation and improvement of operation system. Turning of space hardware and services into marketable commodity requires their new qualities that determine competitiveness. The main task of presented works was approbation of new approaches to improvement of space launch systems operation quality and operation process effectiveness by the example of prospective Cyclone-4M space rocket complex. The works to form and improve its operation system were performed using the methods based on general theory of space systems operation and the pocedures based on the results of research work conducted by Yuzhnoye SDO in 2015 for analytical evaluation of launch services costs. The topicality of the article is confirmed by the results of practical application of new approaches in main directions of Cyclone-4M space rocket complex operation system improvement, which allowed increasing commercial attractibility of Yuzhnoye SDO-developed systems due to reduction of direct recurring costs and annual expenses. The article describes the course of development of operation model of a created object; based on investigation of the processes of this model, the object’s performance characteristics are detemined. The basis of the article are the organizational-and-technical decisions used herewith and the results obtained for Cyclone-4M space rocket complex. The article is of practical interest for specialists involved in creation of space rocket complexes and other sophisticated systems where the operation system is a multi-level organizational-technical system.

Key words: space hardware, launch services, performance characteristics, operation model, organizational-and-technical decisions

1. Analiticheskaia otsenka ob’ema rabot i zatrat na puskovye uslugi i napravleniia rabot dlia ikh snizheniia v perspektivnykh RKK razrabotki GP “KB “Yuzhnoye”: tekhn. otchet / GP “KB “Yuzhnoye”. Dnepropetrovsk, 2015. 344 s.
2. Teoriia i praktika ekspluatatsii ob’ektov kosmicheskoi infrastruktury: monografiia / N. D. Anikeichik i dr. SPb., 2006. Т. 1: Ob’ekty kosmicheskoi infrastruktury. 400 s.
3. Ispytaniia i ekspluatatsiia raketnykh kompleksov: kurs lektsii / А. V. Agarkov i dr.; pod red. А. V. Degtyareva. GP “KB “Yuzhnoye”. Dnipro, 2016. Kn. 1. 505 s.
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USA Matawan; Baltimore; Boydton; Plano; Phoenix; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Seattle; Columbus; Seattle; Ashburn; Ashburn; Portland; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn; Ashburn22
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Unknown Sidney;2
Canada Toronto; Monreale2
Finland Helsinki1
Germany Falkenstein1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
Ukraine Dnipro1
21.1.2020  Contemporary approaches to the improvement of methods of space launch system operation for commercial launches of ILV
21.1.2020  Contemporary approaches to the improvement of methods of space launch system operation for commercial launches of ILV
21.1.2020  Contemporary approaches to the improvement of methods of space launch system operation for commercial launches of ILV

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5.1.2020 Strength and stability of inhomogeneous structures of space technology, consid-ering plasticity and creep Wed, 13 Sep 2023 06:15:53 +0000
tr., posv. tel, posv. Degtyareva. O vozmozhnosti provedeniia virtualnyks ispytanii pri razrabotke raketno-kosmicheskoi tekhniki s tseliu opredeleniia nesushchikh svoistv. Dniepropetrovsk, 2014. Ustoichivost v MDTT: materialy Vsesoiuzn. Mossakovsky. Razrushenie i lokalnaia poteria ustoichivosti tonkostennykh tel s vyrezami. S., Diskovskii I. Vsesoiuzn. Simpoziuma (Dniepropetrovsk, 1982 g.). Dniepropetrovsk, 1982. Т., Sosnovskii L. Missile armaments, vol. More Citation Formats Harvard Chicago IEEE AIP ДСТУ 8302:2015 ДСТУ ГОСТ 7.1:2006 (ВАК) ISO 690:2010 BibTeX Keywords cloud Your browser doesn't support the HTML5 CANVAS tag.

5. Strength and stability of inhomogeneous structures of space technology, consid-ering plasticity and creep


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; The Institute of Technical Mechanics, Dnipro, Ukraine2; Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine3

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 44-56


Language: Russian

Annotation: The shell structures widely used in space rocket hardware feature, along with decided advantage in the form of optimal combination of mass and strength, inhomogeneities of different nature: structural (different thicknesses, availability of reinforcements, cuts-holes et al.) and technological (presence of defects arising in manufacturing process or during storage, transportation and unforseen thermomechanical effects). The above factors are concentrators of stress and strain state and can lead to early destruction of structural elements. Their different parts are deformed according to their program and are characterized by different levels of stress and strain state. Taking into consideration plasticity and creeping of material, to determine stress and strain state, the approach is effective where the calculation is divided into phases; in each phase the parameters are entered that characterize the deformations of plasticity and creeping: additional loads in the equations of equilibrium or in boundary conditions, additional deformations or variable parameters of elasticity (elasticity modulus and Poisson ratio). Then the schemes of successive approximations are constructed: in each phase, the problem of elasticity theory is solved with entering of the above parameters. The problems of determining the lifetime of space launch vehicles and launching facilities should be noted separately, as it is connected with damages that arise at alternating-sign thermomechanical loads of high intensity. The main approach in lifetime determination is one that is based on the theory of low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue. Plasticity and creeping of material are the fundamental factors in lifetime substantiation. The article deals with various aspects of solving the problem of strength and stability of space rocket objects with consideration for the impact of plasticity and creeping deformations.

Key words: shell structures, stress and strain state, structural and technological inhomogeneity, thermomechanical loads, low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue, lifetime

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13. Rabotnov Yu. N. Problemy mekhaniki deformiruemogo tverdogo tela. Izbrannye Trudy / otv. red. K. V. Frolov. М., 1991. 196 s.
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15. Hudramovych V. S., Hart E. L., Ryabokon’ S. A. Plastic deformation of nonhomogeneous plates. J. Math. Eng. 2013. V. 78, Iss. 1. P. 181 – 197.
16. Hart E. L., Hudramovych V. S. Applications of the projective-iterative versions of FEM in damage problems for engineering structures. Maintenance 2012. Proceedings of 2th Int. Conf. (Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2012). Zenica, 2012. P. 157 – 164.
17. Hudramovich V. S., Hart E. L. Konechnoelementnyi analiz protsessa rasseiannogo razrusheniia ploskodeformiruemykh uprugoplasticheskikh sred s lokalnymi kontsentratsiami napriazhenii. Uprugost i neuprugost: materialy Mezhdunar. simp. Po problemam mekhaniki deform. tel, posv. 105-letiiu so dnia rozhd А. А. Iliushina (Moskva, yanv. 2016 g.). М., 2016. S. 158 – 161.
18. Lazarev Т. V., Sirenko V. N., Degtyarev М. А. i dr. Vysokoproizvoditelnaia vychislitelnaia sistema dlia raschetnykh zadach GP KB “Yuzhnoye”. Raketnaia tekhnika. Novyie vozmozhnosti: nauch.-tekhn. sb. / pod red. A. V. Degtyareva. Dnipro, 2019. S. 407 – 419.
19. Sirenko V. N. O vozmozhnosti provedeniia virtualnyks ispytanii pri razrabotke raketno-kosmicheskoi tekhniki s tseliu opredeleniia nesushchikh svoistv. Aktualni problemy mekhaniky sytsilnoho seredovyshcha i mitsnosti konstruktsii: tezy dop. II Mizhnar. nauk.-tekhn. konf. pam’iati akad. NANU V. І. Mossakovskoho (do storichchia vid dnia narodzhennia). (Dnipro, 2019 r.). Dnipro, 2019. S. 43 – 44.
20. Degtyarev А. V. Shestdesiat let v raketostroyenii i kosmonavtike. Dniepropetrovsk, 2014. 540 s.
21. Mak-Ivili А. Dzh. Analiz avariinykh razrushenii. М., 2010. 416 s.
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23. Hudramovich V. S., Sirenko V. N., Klimenko D. V., Daniev Ju. F., Hart E. L. Development of the normative framework methodology for justifying the launcher structures resource of launch vehicles. Strength of Materials. 2019. Vol. 51, No 3. P. 333 – 340.
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27. Hudramovich V. S. Ustoichivost i nesushchaia sposobnost plasticheskikh obolochek. Prochnost i dolgovechnost konstruktsii: sb. nauch. tr. / otv. red. V. S. Budnik. Kiev, 1980. S. 15 – 32.
28. Hudramovich V. S., Pereverzev E. S. Nesushchaia sposobnost i dolgovechnost elementov konstruktsii / otv. red. V. I. Mossakovsky. Kiev, 1981. 284 s.
29. Hudramovich V. S., Konovalenkov V. S. Deformirovanie i predelnoie sostoianie neuprugikh obolochek s uchetom istorii nagruzheniia. Izv. AN SSSR. Mekhanika tverdogo tela. 1987. №3. S. 157 – 163.
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34. Herasimov V. P., Hudramovich V. S., Larionov I. F. i dr. Plasticheskoe razrushenie sostavnykh obolochechnykh konstruktsii pri osevom szhatii. Probl. prochnosti. 1979. №11. S. 58 – 61.
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37. Galkin V. F., Hudramovich V. S., Mossakovsky V. I., Spiridonov I. N. O vliianii predela tekuchesti na ustoichivost tsilindricheskikh obolochek pri osevom szhatii. Izv. AN SSSR. Mekhanika tverdogo tela. 1973. №3. С 180 – 182.
38. Hudramovich V. S., Dziuba A. P., Selivanov Yu. М. Metody golograficheskoi interferometrii v mechanike neodnorodnykh tonkostennykh konstruktsii. Dnipro, 2017. 288 s.
39. Hudramovich V. S., Skalskii V. R., Selivanov Yu. М. Holohrafichne te akustyko-emisiine diahnostuvannia neodnoridnykh konstruktsii i materialiv / vidpovid. red. Z. Т. Nazarchuk. Lviv, 2017. 488 s.
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42. Hudramovich V. S., Diskovskii I. A., Makeev E. M. Tonkostennye element zerkalnykh antenn. Kiev, 1986. 152 s.
43. Hudramovich V. S., Hart E. L., Klimenko D. V., Ryabokon’ S. A. Mutual influence of openings on strength of shell-type structures under plastic deformation. Strength of Materials. 2013. V. 45, Iss. 1. P. 1 – 9.
44. Hudramovich V. S., Klimenko D. V., Hart E. L. Vliianie vyrezov na prochnost tsilindricheskikh otsekov raket-nositelei pri neuprugom deformirovanii materiala. Kosmichna nauka i tekhnolohiia. 2017. Т. 23, № 6. S. 12 – 20.
45. Hart E. L., Hudramovich V. S. Proektsiino-iteratsiini skhemy realizatsii variatsiino-sitkovykh metodiv u zadachakh pruzhno-plastychnoho deformuvannia neodnoridnykh tonkostinnykh konstruktsii. Matematychni metody I fizyko-mechanichni polia. 2019. Т. 51, № 3. S. 24 – 39.
46. Nikitin P. I., Hudramovich V. S., Larionov I. F. Ustoichivost obolochek v usloviiakh polzuchesti. Polzuchest v konstruktsiakh: tez. dokl. Vsesoiuzn. Simpoziuma (Dniepropetrovsk, 1982 g.). Dniepropetrovsk, 1982. S. 3 – 5.
47. Hudramovich V. S. Ob issledovaniiakh v oblasti teorii polzuchesti v Institute tekhnicheskoi mekhaniki NANU i GKAU. Tekhn. mekhanika. 2016. №4. S. 85 – 89.
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52. Troshchenko V. Т., Sosnovskii L. А. Soprotivlenie ustalosti metallov i splavov: spravochnik v 2-kh t. Kiev, 1987. Т. 1. 510 s. Kiev, 1987. Т. 2. 825 s.
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5.1.2020 Strength and stability of inhomogeneous structures of space technology, consid-ering plasticity and creep
5.1.2020 Strength and stability of inhomogeneous structures of space technology, consid-ering plasticity and creep
5.1.2020 Strength and stability of inhomogeneous structures of space technology, consid-ering plasticity and creep

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11.1.2018 Ensuring Long Lifetime of the Electrochemical Accumulators Included in Space Rocketry Electric Power Supply Systems Tue, 05 Sep 2023 06:50:56 +0000
1 , Reva V. 2 Organization: Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine 1 ; Kharkiv Aviation Institute, Kharkiv, Ukraine 2 . Development of Technique of Alkaline Nickel-Cadmium Accumulators Recovery to Prolong their Service Life. V., Vasilenko A. S., Davidov A. Recovery of Open-Type Nickel-Cadmium Accumulators Capacity by Acting on Active Mass of Oxide-Nickel Electrode. Dnepropetrovsk, 2010. Space Technologies: Present and Future: The III International Conference: Collection of Abstracts (Dnepropetrovsk, 20-22 April, 2011). Dnepropetrovsk, 2011. V., Shirinsky S. M., Reva V. S., Frolov V. M., Reva V. S., Frolov V. Missile armaments, vol. M., Reva V. S., Frolov V. M., Reva V. S., Frolov V. M., Reva V. S., Frolov V. M., Reva V. S., Frolov V.

11. Ensuring Long Lifetime of the Electrochemical Accumulators Included in Space Rocketry Electric Power Supply Systems


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; Kharkiv Aviation Institute, Kharkiv, Ukraine2 .

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (1); 63-68


Language: Russian

Annotation: Several measures to ensure long service life of electrochemical batteries are proposed: electrochemical battery performance evaluation, study of theoretical basis for improvement and building of experimental bench equipment.

Key words:

1. Davidov А. О. Development of Technique of Alkaline Nickel-Cadmium Accumulators Recovery to Prolong their Service Life. Aerospace Hardware and Technology. 2009. No. 8 (65). P. 132-137.
2. Bezruchko K. V., Vasilenko A. S., Davidov A. О., Kharchenko А. А. Recovery of Open-Type Nickel-Cadmium Accumulators Capacity by Acting on Active Mass of Oxide-Nickel Electrode. Problems and Chemistry and Chemical Technology. 2002. No. 2. P. 66-70.
3. Azarnov A. L. et al. Express-Diagnostics Technique for Electrochemical Accumulators. The ХII International Scientific-Practical Youth Conference “Man and Space”: Collection of abstracts. Dnepropetrovsk, 2010. P. 78.
4. Bezruchko K. V., Davidov A. O. Express-Diagnostics Method for Electrochemical Energy Storage Units of Space Rocketry Power Systems. Space Technologies: Present and Future: The III International Conference: Collection of Abstracts (Dnepropetrovsk, 20-22 April, 2011). Dnepropetrovsk, 2011. P. 5-6.
5. Bezruchko K. V., Davidov A. O., Sinchenko S. V. Pulse Diagnostics Method for Nickel-Cadmium Accumulators. The V Scientific–Technical Conference “Present-Day Problems of Space Rocketry and Space Technologies”: Collection of abstracts. Kharkiv, 2010. P. 13.
6. Bezruchko K. V., Davidov A. O., Katorgina J. G., Sinchenko S. V., Shirinsky S. V. Method of Predicting the Performance of Electrochemical Batteries Working during Long Time in Space Rocketry Power Systems. Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2013. Vol. 3 (3). P. 81-85.
7. Bezruchko K. V. et al. Development and Approbation of Mathematical Model to Predict the Characteristics of Electrochemical Accumulators of Space Rocketry Power Systems. MAI News. 2013, Vol. 20, No. 1. P. 38-49.
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11.1.2018 Ensuring Long Lifetime of the Electrochemical Accumulators Included in Space Rocketry Electric Power Supply Systems
11.1.2018 Ensuring Long Lifetime of the Electrochemical Accumulators Included in Space Rocketry Electric Power Supply Systems
11.1.2018 Ensuring Long Lifetime of the Electrochemical Accumulators Included in Space Rocketry Electric Power Supply Systems
14.2.2016 Investigation of Deformability of Carbon Plastic Panels in Moisture Absorption Process Tue, 06 Jun 2023 12:03:05 +0000
Investigation of Deformability of Carbon Plastic Panels in Moisture Absorption Process Authors: Vaisero M. 1 , Kudrevatykh А. 2 , Moskalyov S. V., Kudrevatykh O. Т., Moskalyov S. V., Kudrevatykh O. Т., Moskalyov S. Missile armaments, vol. Investigation of Deformability of Carbon Plastic Panels in Moisture Absorption Process Автори: Vaisero M. V., Kudrevatykh O. Т., Moskalyov S. Investigation of Deformability of Carbon Plastic Panels in Moisture Absorption Process Автори: Vaisero M. V., Kudrevatykh O. Т., Moskalyov S. Investigation of Deformability of Carbon Plastic Panels in Moisture Absorption Process Автори: Vaisero M. V., Kudrevatykh O. Т., Moskalyov S. Investigation of Deformability of Carbon Plastic Panels in Moisture Absorption Process Автори: Vaisero M. V., Kudrevatykh O. Т., Moskalyov S.

14. Investigation of Deformability of Carbon Plastic Panels in Moisture Absorption Process


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2016 (2); 85-91

Language: Russian

Annotation: The developed technology for experimental estimation of stability of sizes of carbon structures in the process of moisture absorption is under consideration. The results of geometry change of honeycomb carbon panel at its imbibition are described.

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14.2.2016 Investigation of Deformability of Carbon Plastic Panels in Moisture Absorption Process
14.2.2016 Investigation of Deformability of Carbon Plastic Panels in Moisture Absorption Process
14.2.2016 Investigation of Deformability of Carbon Plastic Panels in Moisture Absorption Process
7.2.2016 Analysis of Operation Modes and Selection of Chemical Current Source Included in Autonomous Electric Power Supply Systems of Self-Propelled Launcher Tue, 06 Jun 2023 11:54:33 +0000
1 , Reva V. 2 Organization: Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine 1 ; Kharkiv Aviation Institute, Kharkiv, Ukraine 2 Page: Kosm. M., Reva V. S., Frolov V. M., Reva V. S., Frolov V. Missile armaments, vol. M., Reva V. S., Frolov V. M., Reva V. S., Frolov V. M., Reva V. S., Frolov V. M., Reva V. S., Frolov V. More Citation Formats Harvard Chicago IEEE AIP ДСТУ 8302:2015 ДСТУ ГОСТ 7.1:2006 (ВАК) ISO 690:2010 BibTeX на сайт ДП «КБ «Південне»

7. Analysis of Operation Modes and Selection of Chemical Current Source Included in Autonomous Electric Power Supply Systems of Self-Propelled Launcher


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; Kharkiv Aviation Institute, Kharkiv, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2016 (2); 52-56

Language: Russian

Annotation: It also contains the description of generalized mathematical model which can be used for selection of a specific type of chemical current sources for the self-contained power supply system of self-propelled launcher.

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Canada Toronto; Monreale2
India Thane1
Finland Helsinki1
Germany Falkenstein1
Romania Voluntari1
7.2.2016 Analysis of Operation Modes and Selection of Chemical Current Source Included in Autonomous Electric Power Supply Systems of Self-Propelled Launcher
7.2.2016 Analysis of Operation Modes and Selection of Chemical Current Source Included in Autonomous Electric Power Supply Systems of Self-Propelled Launcher
7.2.2016 Analysis of Operation Modes and Selection of Chemical Current Source Included in Autonomous Electric Power Supply Systems of Self-Propelled Launcher
4.2.2019 Numerical simulation of behavior of elastic structures with local stiffening elementse Mon, 15 May 2023 15:45:37 +0000
Vasidzu K. Vilchevskaya Ye. 2: Vzaimideistvie treschiny s vklyucheniem, preterpevayushim fazovoe prevraschenie. Konechnoelementniy analiz ploskodeformiruemukh sred s vklyucheniyami. Visn. F., Konyukhov S. Modelirovanie processa deformirovaniya plastinchatykh elementov zherezobetonnykh konstruktsiy teploenergetiki s ispolzovaniem MKE. S., Reprintsev A. Otsenka resursa konstruktsiy raketno-kosmicheskoy techniki pri uchete vliyaniya kontsetratov napryazheniy v vide otverstiy. Kashanov A. Degtyareva. A., Mossakovsky V. Olevsky E. Missile armaments, vol. More Citation Formats Harvard Chicago IEEE AIP ДСТУ 8302:2015 ДСТУ ГОСТ 7.1:2006 (ВАК) ISO 690:2010 BibTeX Keywords cloud Your browser doesn't support the HTML5 CANVAS tag.

4. Numerical simulation of behavior of elastic structures with local stiffening elements


The Institute of Technical Mechanics, Dnipro, Ukraine1; Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine2; Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine3

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (2); 25-34


Language: Russian

Annotation: Availability of different inclusions, stiffenings, discontinuities (holes, voids and flaws) are the factors that cause structural irregularity and are typical for structural elements and buildings from various current technology areas, in particular aerospace technology. They significantly influence the deformation processes and result in stress concentration, which can cause local damages or malconformations and as a result lead to impossibility to further use the structure. Materials used are also heterogeneous in its structure. Inclusions can simulate thin stiffening elements, straps, welded or glue joints. It is necessary to detect the thin inclusions when phase transformations of materials are studied, for example, when martensite structures are formed. Study of the various bodies with inclusions is very important in the powder technology, ceramics, etc., where powder, previously compressed under high pressure, is sintered at high temperatures. Use of surface hardening that increases working efficiency of the structural elements is prospective in many engineering sectors. It is important to develop discrete hardening, implemented through manufacturing schemes of particular type. When discrete hardenings impact on the structural elements mode of deformation is simulated, they can also be considered as inclusions of specific structure. Inclusions can also simulate banding of the ferritic-pearlitic structure in the microstructure, related to the complex preloading under material plastic forming. It is advisable to use numerical methods for studies that are universal and suitable for objects of various shapes, sizes and types of loading. Main numerical methods are finite difference method, boundary element method, variation grid-based method, finite element method, method of local variations. This article features ANSYS – based computer simulation of the aerospace structural element behavior – a rectangular plate with two extended elastic inclusions of different rigidity, simulating elastic heterogeneities of structures and materials.

Key words: finite-element method, strength, inclusions, computer simulation


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8. Hudramovich V. S. Osobennosti neuprugogo povedeniya neodnorodnykh obolochechnykh elementov konstruktsiy. Aktualnye problem mekhaniki: monografia/ za red. M. V. Polyakova. Dnipro, 2018. S. 195–207.
9. Hudramovich V. S., Hart E. L. Konechnoelementniy analiz processa rasseyanogo razrusheniya ploskodeformiruemykh uprugoplastichnykh sred s lokalnymi contsetratami napryazheniy. Uprugost’ I neuprugost’: Materialy Mezhdunarod. nauchn. symp. po problemam mekhaniki deformiruemykh tel, posvyaschennogo 105-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya A. A. Ilyushina (Moskow, 2016 ). M., 2016. S. 158–161.
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13. Hudramovich V. S., Levin V. M., Hart E. L. i dr. Modelirovanie processa deformirovaniya plastinchatykh elementov zherezobetonnykh konstruktsiy teploenergetiki s ispolzovaniem MKE. Techn. mechanika. 2015. № 2. S. 59–70.
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4.2.2019 Numerical simulation of behavior of elastic structures with local stiffening elementse
4.2.2019 Numerical simulation of behavior of elastic structures with local stiffening elementse
4.2.2019 Numerical simulation of behavior of elastic structures with local stiffening elementse

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9.1.2023 Methodology for selecting design parameters of solid-propellant sustainer engines. Mathematical support and software Fri, 12 May 2023 16:11:14 +0000
Key words: multifunctional system , mathematical model , military unit , combat potential , correlation of forces , defensive sufficiency Bibliography: 1. Osobennosti rascheta i vybora raskhodnoy diagrammy dvukhrezhimnykh marshevykh RDTT: ucheb.-metod. Degtyreva. Degtyareva. Dnepropetrovsk, 2017. Dnepropetrovsk, 2010. Missile armaments, vol. More Citation Formats Harvard Chicago IEEE AIP ДСТУ 8302:2015 ДСТУ ГОСТ 7.1:2006 (ВАК) ISO 690:2010 BibTeX Keywords cloud Your browser doesn't support the HTML5 CANVAS tag. multifunctional system , mathematical model , military unit , combat potential , correlation of forces , defensive sufficiency .

9. Methodology for selecting design parameters of solid-propellant sustainer engines. Mathematical support and software


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2023 (1); 77-87


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: Substantiation of the research tools has been performed as a part of methodology development for the air and missile defense system. The problem under consideration is very complex due to the multifactorial nature of the research object, its qualitative variety and manifold structure, incomplete definition of the problem statement. Furthermore, the ability of modern technologies to produce different arms systems, which are capable of carrying out same class tasks, considerably increases the risk of making not the best decisions. Based on this, as well as taking into account the sharp increase in the cost of weaponry, the considered problem is classified as an optimization one that should be solved through the theory of operations research. In this theory, such task is viewed as a mathematical problem, and mathematical simulation is the basic method of research. The main types of mathematical models, their areas of application have been considered as a part of the analysis. The classification of mathematical models has been indicated according to the scale of reproduced operations, purpose, and goal orientation. Quantitative and qualitative correlation of forces has been accepted as the efficiency criterion, which determines a goal orientation of the model. The problems related to this have been shown. In particular, searching for the compromise between simplicity of the mathematical model and its adequacy to the research object is among these problems. Two of the basic approaches to principles of the military operation model construction and its assessment have been considered. The first is implemented through modeling of the combat operations. The second approach is based on the assumption that different armament types can be compared based on their contribution to the outcome of the operation, and on the possibility to assign «a weighting coefficient» named as a combat potential to each of these types. The modern level of problem solving related to this method has been shown. The reasonability of its application in the considered task, including the definition of forces correlation of the opposing parties, has been substantiated. The basic regulations of the construction concept of the required mathematical model and tools for its research have been formulated based on the analysis results: the assigned problem should be solved by analytical methods through the theory of operations research; the analytical model is the most acceptable conception of the analyzed level of the military operation; the synthesis of the model should be based on the idea of a combat potential. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the known approach to the definition of forces correlation, which uses the combat potential method, has a number of essential limitations, including the methodological ones. Therefore, within the bounds of further research, this approach requires the development both in terms of improving the reliability of the single assessment and in terms of giving the system qualities to the synthesized mathematical model.

Key words: multifunctional system, mathematical model, military unit, combat potential, correlation of forces, defensive sufficiency


1. Pavlyuk Yu. S. Ballisticheskoe proektirovanie raket: ucheb.-metod, posobie dlya vuzov. UDK623.451.8. Izd-vo ChGTU, Chelyabinsk, 1996. 92 s.
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4. Enotov V. G., Kushnir B. I., Pustovgarova Ye. V. Metodika-programma proektnoy otsenki characteristic marshevykh dvigateley na tverdom toplive s korpusami iz vysokoprochnykh metallicheskikh materialov, statsionarnymi soplami i postanovka ee na avtomatizirovanniy raschet: ucheb.-metod. posobie. Vtoroe izd., pererabot. i dop. Pod red. A. S. Kirichenko. Dnep, 2019. 91 s.
5. Enotov V. G., Kirichenko A. S., Kushnir B. I., Pustovgarova Ye. V. Metodika proektnoy otsenki characteristic marshevykh dvigatelnykh ustanovok na tverdom toplive s povorotnymi upravlyayuschimi soplami, plastikovymi tselnomotannymi korpusamy i postanovka ee na avtomatizirovanniy raschet: ucheb.-metod. posobie. Vtoroe izd., pererabot. i dop. Pod red. akadem. A. V. Degtyareva. Dnepr. 2019. 149 s.
6. Alemasov V. Ye., Dregalin A. F., Tishin A. P. Teoriya raketnykh dvigateley. M., 1980. 55 s.
7. Raschetnye materialy dlya podgotovki i vydachi iskhodnykh dannykh na razrabotku uzlov marshevykh dvigatelnykh ustanovok na tverdom toplive. Raschet ID metodom avtomatizirovannogo proektirovaniya operativno-takticheskikh raket: inzhenern. zapiska 553-376 IZ. GP «KB «Yuzhnoye». Dnepropetrovsk, 2017. 30 s.
8. Metodika avtomatizirovannogo proektirovaniya operativno-takticheskikh raket: nauch.-tekhn. Otchet 03-453/32 NTO. GP «KB «Yuzhnoye». Dnepropetrovsk, 2010. 127 s.

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9.1.2023 Methodology for selecting design parameters of solid-propellant sustainer engines. Mathematical support and software
9.1.2023 Methodology for selecting design parameters of solid-propellant sustainer engines. Mathematical support and software
9.1.2023 Methodology for selecting design parameters of solid-propellant sustainer engines. Mathematical support and software

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