Search Results for “Savchuk T. L.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Tue, 02 Apr 2024 12:02:42 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “Savchuk T. L.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 9.1.2019 Modeling of Cyclone-4M Rocket Jet Acoustic Emission by Volumetric Source Thu, 25 May 2023 12:09:50 +0000
1 , Kotlov V. 2 , Savchuk T. Identification of Noise Sources during Rocket Engine Test Firings and a Rocket Launch a Microphone Phased-Array // P., Kotlov V. Tyulon V. Tyulin. M.: Fizmatlit, 2013. Schildt G. M., Kotlov V. Y., Savchuk T. M., Kotlov V. Y., Savchuk T. Modeling of Cyclone-4M Rocket Jet Acoustic Emission by Volumetric Source Автори: Sirenko V. M., Kotlov V. Y., Savchuk T. Modeling of Cyclone-4M Rocket Jet Acoustic Emission by Volumetric Source Автори: Sirenko V. M., Kotlov V. Y., Savchuk T. Modeling of Cyclone-4M Rocket Jet Acoustic Emission by Volumetric Source Автори: Sirenko V. M., Kotlov V. Y., Savchuk T. Modeling of Cyclone-4M Rocket Jet Acoustic Emission by Volumetric Source Автори: Sirenko V. M., Kotlov V. Y., Savchuk T.

9. Modeling of Cyclone-4M Rocket Jet Acoustic Emission by Volumetric Source


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 64-71


Language: Russian

Annotation: During lift-off of integrated launch vehicles, the propulsion system jet generates acoustic field. Therewith, the loads can be created that are critical for the launching equipment, rocket body and especially for the spacecraft, which are under the fairing. To take into account the effects on these elements, it is necessary to determine the characteristics of generated acoustic field. The method was developed that allows modeling the acoustic fields during integrated launch vehicle lift-off based on determination of acoustic sources type. In particular, modeling of Cyclone-4M ILV jet acoustic radiation by bulky source was performed. This provided the possibility to calculate acoustic pressure amplitudes in ILV ambient medium and to evaluate acoustic effect on the rocket body at certain points. The method is expected to be used to investigate kR wave parameter. The modeling of integrated launch vehicle propulsion system (ILV PS) jet acoustic field as bulky radiation source was performed in the rocket flight leg where ILV ascent altitude does not exceed ~ 25 m. In this case, one should be based on the value of boundary frequency fb =150 Hz which separates two types of acoustic field: fb ˂ 150 Hz – front of acoustic wave of spherical type, fb > 150 Hz – front of acoustic wave of flat type. The algorithm and program of calculation of sound pressure levels were developed in JAVA language. The characteristics of acoustic fields sound pressure levels were calculated depending on radiation frequency taking into account environmental temperature. The maximal acoustic pressure level in 150 Hz frequency in the payload area outside the fairing – 155 dB, in the instrumentation bay area – 157 dB, in the intertank bay area – 172 dB, in the aft bay area – 182 dB. In the frequencies lower than 150 Hz, the sound pressure levels are lower. The calculation data are presented graphically.

Key words: integrated launch vehicle, acoustic field, sound pressure


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9.1.2019 Modeling of Cyclone-4M Rocket Jet Acoustic Emission by Volumetric Source
9.1.2019 Modeling of Cyclone-4M Rocket Jet Acoustic Emission by Volumetric Source
9.1.2019 Modeling of Cyclone-4M Rocket Jet Acoustic Emission by Volumetric Source

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