Search Results for “Shyniberov D. O.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Thu, 25 Apr 2024 06:51:09 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “Shyniberov D. O.” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 3.1.2023 Analysis of a modernized 9K51 Hrad Multiple Rocket Launcher System to determine the performance specifications of the 122-mm unguided rocket projectile in development Fri, 12 May 2023 16:10:31 +0000
, Shyniberov D. A., Shyniberov D. A., Shyniberov D. A., Shyniberov D. A., Shyniberov D. A., Shyniberov D. A., Shyniberov D.

3. Analysis of a modernized 9K51 Hrad Multiple Rocket Launcher System to determine the performance specifications of the 122-mm unguided rocket projectile in development


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2023 (1); 31-40


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: The article dwells on the multiple launch rocket systems with high firepower, firing rate and manoeuvrability, which continue to be one of the basic means of destruction of the land forces in the conditions of the modern armed conflicts. Authors observed the importance of reconstruction and upgrading of multiple launch rocket systems of Grad 9К51, Hurricane 9К57 and Tornado 9К58 types and missiles they use by the enterprises of the domestic military-industrial complex. The article dwells on the main areas of upgrading of the multiple launch rocket system Grad 9K51 performed by NPO Splav and co-operating enterprises in 1997‒1998 for a foreign customer. The key factors that allowed improving the performance of the Grad system in the upgrading process are identified in this article. The main characteristics of the unguided missiles 9M217, 9M218, 9M521, 9M522, designed for the foreign customer, had been investigated. The performance characteristics of the Tornado-G multiple launch rocket system which went into service with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2014, as well as the family of the upgraded unguided missiles 9M538, 9M539, 9M641, are analyzed. The article identifies the main areas of work for further improvement of the performance characteristics of the 122-mm unguided missile, developed by Yuzhnoe Design Office for the multiple launch rocket system 9K51 Grad. This article can be useful for the specialists in development of new and upgrading outdated systems of rocket weapons.

Key words: multiple launch rocket system (MLRS), missile, 9K51 Grad, 9M217, 9M218, 9M521, 9M522, Tornado-G, 9M538, 9M539, 9M541

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3.1.2023 Analysis of a modernized 9K51 Hrad Multiple Rocket Launcher System to determine the performance specifications of the 122-mm unguided rocket projectile in development
3.1.2023 Analysis of a modernized 9K51 Hrad Multiple Rocket Launcher System to determine the performance specifications of the 122-mm unguided rocket projectile in development
3.1.2023 Analysis of a modernized 9K51 Hrad Multiple Rocket Launcher System to determine the performance specifications of the 122-mm unguided rocket projectile in development

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