Search Results for “Supersonic jet” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Tue, 02 Apr 2024 13:02:36 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “Supersonic jet” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 17.1.2020 Acoustic problems of rocket launch Wed, 13 Sep 2023 11:36:44 +0000
Identification and definition of acoustic sources structure within a complex supersonic jet, being a one of the most important scientific problems, which have to be solved to find the ways to control accoustic radiation. The paper considers various aspects of acoustics of the launch of rocket systems, which includes characteristics of acoustic sources in supersonic jets, possibilities and physical limitation factors, under which it is possible to control the sound radiation. Significant progress on the topic of understanding the process of sound generation by supersonic jets can be achieved via mathematical modeling of sound radiation. The latest achievements of mathematical modeling of sound generation by supersonic jets being presented. Acoustic generation mechanism of a supersonic jet impinging on deflectors / S. An Evaluation of various concepts of Reducing Supersonic Jet Noise, AIAA-90-3982.

17. Acoustic problems of rocket launch


Institute of Hydromechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 155-159


Language: Russian

Annotation: Due to an increase of power of rocket engines, the high intensity sound field generated by the exhaust jets have become an important factor, which determines the success rate of a rocket launch. Ensuring a successful launch of a rocket system became harder due to new engineering problems. Identification and definition of acoustic sources structure within a complex supersonic jet, being a one of the most important scientific problems, which have to be solved to find the ways to control accoustic radiation. A three components of acoustic sources can be defined here – broadband signals from large and small components of of turbulent jet and tonal signals which usually being overlooked during the estimation of overall sound pressure level. The paper considers various aspects of acoustics of the launch of rocket systems, which includes characteristics of acoustic sources in supersonic jets, possibilities and physical limitation factors, under which it is possible to control the sound radiation. Among the possible ways to control the process of sound generation by a jet, a method of water injection in a jet is being studied. While saving the general thrust of the engine this method can not greatly reduce the sound radiation by a jet. It is recommended to use big amounts of water-air mix to protect the launch pad from damage. Significant progress on the topic of understanding the process of sound generation by supersonic jets can be achieved via mathematical modeling of sound radiation. The latest achievements of mathematical modeling of sound generation by supersonic jets being presented.

Key words: Acoustics of rocket launch, acoustic efficiency of a jet, semi-empirical models of of jet acoustics, numeric-computational methods in aeroacoustics, control of jet-generated acoustic levels

1. Lighthill M. J. On Sound Generated Aerodynamically: I. General Theory. Proc. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A, 211. 1952. Р. 564–581.
2. Tam C. K. W. Jet noise. Theoretical Computftional Fluid Dynamics. 1998. No 10. Р. 393–405.
3. Lubert C. P. Sixty years of launch vehicle acoustics. Proc.Mtgs.Acoust. Vol. 31. 2017.
4. Ask the Astronaut: What does launch feel like? URL: https://www.airspacemag. com/ask-astronaut/ask-astronaut-what-does-launch-feel-what-thoughts-and-emotions-run-through-your-mind-180959920/
5. Tim P. Ask an Astronaut: My Guide to Life in Space. 2018. 272 p.
6. Saucer B. What’s the Deal with Rocket Vibration? MIT Technology Review. July 15, 2009. URL:
7. Ross D. Mechanics of Underwater noise. 1976. 266 p.
8. Varnier J. Experimental study and simulation of rocket engine free jet noise. AIAA J. 2001. Vol. 39, Nо 10. P. 1851–1859.
9. Eldred K. M. Acoustic loads generated by the propulsion system. NASA SP-8072, 1971. 49 p.
10. Balakrishnan P., Srinivason K. Impinging get noise reduction using non-circular jets. Applied Acoustics. 2019. Vol. 143. Р. 19-30.
11. Tsutsumi S. Acoustic generation mechanism of a supersonic jet impinging on deflectors / S. Tsutsumi, R. Takaki, Y. Nakanishi, K. Okamoto, S. Teramoto 52th AIAA Aerospace Sci. Meet. AIAA Pap. 2014-0882. 2014. 12 p.
12. Ahuja K. K., Manes J. P., Massey K. C., Calloway A. B. An Evaluation of various concepts of Reducing Supersonic Jet Noise, AIAA-90-3982. AIAA 13th Aeroacoustic Conference, 1990. Р. 1-21.
13. Krathapalli A., Lenkatakrishnan L., Elovarsan R., Laurenco L. Supersonic Jet Noise Suppression by Water Injection. AIAA 2000-2025. 6th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustic Conference, 2000. Р. 1-25.
14. Moratilla-Vega M. A., Lackhole K., Janicka J., Xia H., Page C. J. Jet Noise Analysis using an Efficient LES/ High-Order Acoustic Coupling Method. Computer and Fluid. 2020.
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17.1.2020  Acoustic problems of rocket launch
17.1.2020  Acoustic problems of rocket launch
17.1.2020  Acoustic problems of rocket launch

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16.1.2020 Parameters of the supersonic jet of a block propulsion system, flowing into a gas duct, considering chemical kinetics of gas-cycle transformations Wed, 13 Sep 2023 11:18:27 +0000
Parameters of the supersonic jet of a block propulsion system, flowing into a gas duct, considering chemical kinetics of gas-cycle transformations Authors: Furkalo S. (2020) "Parameters of the supersonic jet of a block propulsion system, flowing into a gas duct, considering chemical kinetics of gas-cycle transformations" Космическая техника. "Parameters of the supersonic jet of a block propulsion system, flowing into a gas duct, considering chemical kinetics of gas-cycle transformations" Космическая техника. quot;Parameters of the supersonic jet of a block propulsion system, flowing into a gas duct, considering chemical kinetics of gas-cycle transformations", Космическая техника. Parameters of the supersonic jet of a block propulsion system, flowing into a gas duct, considering chemical kinetics of gas-cycle transformations Автори: Furkalo S. Parameters of the supersonic jet of a block propulsion system, flowing into a gas duct, considering chemical kinetics of gas-cycle transformations Автори: Furkalo S.

16. Parameters of the supersonic jet of a block propulsion system, flowing into a gas duct, considering chemical kinetics of gas-cycle transformations


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 149-154


Language: Russian

Annotation: Launch vehicle lift-off is one of the most critical phases of the whole mission requiring special technical solutions to ensure trouble-free and reliable launch. A source of increased risk is the intense thermal and pressure impact of rocket propulsion jet on launch complex elements and on rocket itself. The most accurate parameters of this impact can be obtained during bench tests, which are necessary to confirm the operability of the structure, as well as to clarify the parameters and configuration of the equipment and systems of complex. However, full-scale testing is expensive and significantly increases the development time of the complex. Therefore, a numerical simulation of processes is quite helpful in the design of launch complexes. The presented work contains simulation of liquid rocket engine combustion products jet flowing into the gas duct at the rocket lift-off, taking into account the following input data: the parameters of propulsion system, geometric parameters of launch complex elements, propulsion systems nozzles and gas duct. A three-dimensional geometric model of the launch complex, including rocket and gasduct, was constructed. The thermodynamic parameters of gas in the engine nozzle were verified using NASA CEA code and ANSYS Fluent. When simulating a multicomponent jet, the equations of conservation of mass, energy, and motion were solved taking into account chemical kinetics. The three-dimensional problem was solved in ANSYS Fluent in steady-state approach, using Pressure-based solver and RANS k-omega SST turbulence model. The calculation results are the gas-dynamic and thermodynamic parameters of jets, as well as distribution of gas-dynamic parameters at nozzle exit, in flow and in boundary layer at gas duct surface. The methodology applied in this work makes it possible to qualitatively evaluate the gas-dynamic effect of combustion products jets on gas duct for subsequent optimization of its design.

Key words: liquid rocket engine, combustion products, multicomponent flow, ANSYS Fluent

1. Bonnie J. McBride, Sanford Gordon. Computer Program for Calculation of Complex Chemical Equilibrium Compositions and Applications. II. Users Manual and Program Descriptions: NASA Reference Publication 1311. 1996.
2. Ten-See Wang. Thermophysics Characterization of Kerosene Combustion. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer. 2001. № 2, Vol. 15. P. 140–147.
3. Maas U., Warnatz J. Ignition Processes in Carbon-Monoxide-Hydrogen-Oxygen Mixtures: Twenty-Second Symposium (International) on Combustion. The Combustion Institute, 1988. P. 1695–1704.
4. Timoshenko V. I. Teoreticheskiie osnovy tekhnicheskoj gazovoj dinamiki. Kiev, 2013. S. 154–155.
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16.1.2020  Parameters of the supersonic jet of a block propulsion system, flowing into a gas duct, considering chemical kinetics of gas-cycle transformations
16.1.2020  Parameters of the supersonic jet of a block propulsion system, flowing into a gas duct, considering chemical kinetics of gas-cycle transformations
16.1.2020  Parameters of the supersonic jet of a block propulsion system, flowing into a gas duct, considering chemical kinetics of gas-cycle transformations

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10.1.2019 Semi-Empirical Evaluation of External Acoustic Loads in Payload Area during Lift-off Thu, 25 May 2023 12:09:56 +0000
The proposed technique was updated in respect of evaluation of mechano-acoustic effectiveness of supersonic jet, determination of spatial scale of sound generating zone in jet, and formation of sound radiation direction towards rocket’s head module. Key words: LV lift-off , supersonic jet , sound generation , sound generating zone scale , sound waves direction Bibliography: 1. LV lift-off , supersonic jet , sound generation , sound generating zone scale , sound waves direction .

10. Semi-Empirical Evaluation of External Acoustic Loads in Payload Area during Lift-off


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; Institute of Hydromechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 72-75


Language: Russian

Annotation: The semi-empirical technique of evaluation of external acoustic loads during lift-off is a modification of the known NASA SP-8072 technique based on empirically determined universal dependencies of jet section acoustic power on normalized coordinate and frequency (Strouhal number). The proposed technique was updated in respect of evaluation of mechano-acoustic effectiveness of supersonic jet, determination of spatial scale of sound generating zone in jet, and formation of sound radiation direction towards rocket’s head module. A detailed presentation of the sequence of solving the task set is provided. A comparative analysis of the NASA SP-8072 technique and the proposed modification is made.

Key words: LV lift-off, supersonic jet, sound generation, sound generating zone scale, sound waves direction


1. Eldred K. M. Acoustic loads generated by the propulsion system / K. M. Eldred. NASA SP-8072, 1971. 49 p.
2. Koudriavtsev V. A simplified model of jet aerodynamics and acoustics / V. Koudriavtsev, J. Varnier, A. Safronov // 10th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoust. Conf. AIAA Pap. 2004-2877, 2004. 13 p.
3. Haynes J. Modifications to the NASA SP-8072 Distributed Source Method II for Ares I lift-off environment predictions / J. Haynes, J. Kenny // 15th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoust. Conf. AIAA Pap. 2009-3160, 2009. 12 p.

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10.1.2019 Semi-Empirical Evaluation of External Acoustic Loads in Payload Area during Lift-off
10.1.2019 Semi-Empirical Evaluation of External Acoustic Loads in Payload Area during Lift-off
10.1.2019 Semi-Empirical Evaluation of External Acoustic Loads in Payload Area during Lift-off

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12.2.2019 Procedure of acoustic loads measuring during the ILV launch Mon, 15 May 2023 15:46:04 +0000
Key words: Supersonic jet , calculation of acoustic loads , acoustic measurements , acoustic protection Bibliography: 1. Supersonic jet , calculation of acoustic loads , acoustic measurements , acoustic protection .

12. Procedure of acoustic loads measuring during the ILV launch


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (2); 92-95


Language: Russian

Annotation: The paper considers the main aspects of acoustic loads measuring during the rocket launch as well as problem of staff, equipment and environment protection from destructive effect of noise, generated by rocket’s engine. Proposed is the procedure of acoustic loads measurement and calculation of the minimal acoustic noise-safe launching rocket distance, at which it is safe to put equipment and operating personnel. This procedure is based on sharing of the numerical simulation of the exhaust jet in the ANSYS software system, engineering approaches in calculation of propagation and extinction of acoustic waves and measurement of the actual values of acoustic loads with the use of several noise meters. Effective sanitary standards of noise safety were taken to define the duration and power of acoustic loads safe for the personnel. As an example of use of this procedure, results of calculation of noise levels, provided by the sound attenuating chamber, and measurement data during the pulsed wind tunnel tests have been presented. As an outcome of calculations and measurements, done by the proposed procedure, outlines of the noise-safe zone were successfully defined and number of modifications suggested for the sound attenuating chamber to reduce the acoustic loads it generates.

Key words: Supersonic jet, calculation of acoustic loads, acoustic measurements, acoustic protection

1. Opredelenie summarnogo urovnya shuma neskolkykh istochnikov. URL: http// opredelit_summarnyy_uroven_neskolkih_ istochnikov_shuma (data obrascheniya: 06.08.2017).
2. DSN Sanitarni normy vyrobnychogo shumu, ultrazvuku ta infrazvuku.
3. Khekl M., Muller Kh. A. Spravochnik po tekhnicheskoy akustike. 1980. 438 s.
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12.2.2019 Procedure of acoustic loads measuring during the ILV launch
12.2.2019 Procedure of acoustic loads measuring during the ILV launch
12.2.2019 Procedure of acoustic loads measuring during the ILV launch

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