Search Results for “angles of precession” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Tue, 02 Apr 2024 11:42:30 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “angles of precession” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 2.1.2019 Flying Vehicle Maneuvering Dynamics in Atmosphere with Weight Asymmetry and Elements of Terminal Control in Turn Leg Thu, 25 May 2023 12:09:03 +0000
Key words: angular motion , angles of precession , nutation (attack) , angular motion , angles of precession , nutation (attack) ,

2. Flying Vehicle Maneuvering Dynamics in Atmosphere with Weight Asymmetry and Elements of Terminal Control in Turn Leg


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 4-14


Language: Russian

Annotation: This paper suggests method for analysis of the dynamics of the aircraft with weight asymmetry (transverse displacement of the center of mass) maneuvering in the atmosphere under the impact of the short-time alternating moment of engine thrust, spread out over a period. The engines are installed on the bottom of the aircraft at the maximum distance from its longitudinal axis. Angular motion with nominal and perturbed performances of the aircraft and flight conditions has been consistently considered. Before maneuvering, the aircraft is set at the trimming angle of attack, determined by the magnitude of transverse displacement of the center of mass and aerodynamic characteristics. The direction of the aircraft maneuvering in the atmosphere depends on the acting moments of forces and time diversity of the engine firings to speed up and shutdown the angular motion. In the absence of disturbances, the angular motion of the aircraft shows in part signs of regular precession (almost constant precession velocity and nutation angle) and autorotation (close to zero self-rotation angle). Under the influence of disturbances, the spread of the aircraft angular motion parameters increases, mainly at the angle of precession, which characterizes changes in the direction of maneuvering. Composition of disturbances includes the spread of the aircraft technical characteristics (position of the center of mass, moments of inertia, aerodynamic coefficients, velocity head, etc.), errors associated with the operation of the engines (thrust spread, time of ignition and shutdown, angular alignment of their longitudinal axes). Terminal control was introduced to realize the given final state and to reduce the disturbances impact on the maneuvering parameters based on the registered deviations of the angular motion from the nominal one after the first shutdown of the attitude maneuver engine. Monte Carlo method (1000 variations of random realizations of the acting perturbations) confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed terminal control of the angular motion of the aircraft to provide the specified maneuvering parameters.

Key words: angular motion, angles of precession, nutation (attack), proper rotation, spread of technical characteristics of the aircraft


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2. Buchgolz N. N. Osnovnoy kurs teoreticheskoi mechaniki. Ch. 2. M.: Nauka, 1972. 332 p.
3. Aslanov V. S. Prostranstvennoe dvizhenie tela pri spuske v atmosfere. M.: Fizmatlit, 2004. 160 p.
4. Gukov V. V., Kirilinko P. P., Mareev Y. A., Samarskiy A. M., Chernov V. V. Osnovy teorii poleta letatelnykh apparatov. M.: MAI, 1978. 70 p.
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2.1.2019 Flying Vehicle Maneuvering Dynamics in Atmosphere with Weight Asymmetry and Elements of Terminal Control in Turn Leg
2.1.2019 Flying Vehicle Maneuvering Dynamics in Atmosphere with Weight Asymmetry and Elements of Terminal Control in Turn Leg
2.1.2019 Flying Vehicle Maneuvering Dynamics in Atmosphere with Weight Asymmetry and Elements of Terminal Control in Turn Leg

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