Search Results for “carrying capacity” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Fri, 21 Jun 2024 06:42:17 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “carrying capacity” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 6.1.2024 New methods of load-carrying capacity prediction for the ultimately compressed frame structures Mon, 17 Jun 2024 07:56:18 +0000
New methods of load-carrying capacity prediction for the ultimately compressed frame structures Authors: Muliar Yu. Prediction of the load-carrying capacity and residual life of the space frames during the long-term operation is based on the analysis of the stress and strain state, using readings from the strain and displacement pickups installed in the most loaded zones. (2024) "New methods of load-carrying capacity prediction for the ultimately compressed frame structures" Космическая техника. "New methods of load-carrying capacity prediction for the ultimately compressed frame structures" Космическая техника. quot;New methods of load-carrying capacity prediction for the ultimately compressed frame structures", Космическая техника. New methods of load-carrying capacity prediction for the ultimately compressed frame structures Автори: Muliar Yu. New methods of load-carrying capacity prediction for the ultimately compressed frame structures Автори: Muliar Yu.

6. New methods of load-carrying capacity prediction for the ultimately compressed frame structures


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine,1; Kharkiv Aviation Institute, Kharkiv, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2024, (1); 51-60

Language: English

Annotation: Amid acute problems that arise in the field of rocket and space technology, mechanical engineering, and other fields and require a workable engineering solution, the problem of prediction and prevention of the unpredicted collapse of the structural members of the structures subjected to loading is considered. Prediction of the load-carrying capacity and residual life of the space frames during the long-term operation is based on the analysis of the stress and strain state, using readings from the strain and displacement pickups installed in the most loaded zones. In this case the yield strength of the structural material or the fatigue strength of the material may be considered as the criterion of the maximum load. At the same time the loss of stability of the compressed structural members used in the load-carrying thin-walled structures are among the potentially dangerous failure modes. In these cases such failure occurs unexpectedly without any visible signs of change in the initial geometry. Application of the adequate diagnostic techniques and methods of prediction of the maximum loads under compression conditions will make it possible to avoid the structural failures. In this case an assembly under test may be used for other purposes. To perform static strength testing, the rocket and space companies use costly compartments of as-built dimension. Therefore, keeping compartments safe solves an important problem of saving financial costs for hardware production. Nowadays this problem is particularly acute when ground testing the new technology prototypes.

Key words: space frames, load-carrying members, stress and strain state, loss of stability, prediction of the structural failure.

  1. Prochnost raketnyh konstruktsyi. Ucheb. posobie pod redaktsiyei V.I. Mossakovskogo. M.: Vyssh. shk., 1990. S. 359 (in Russian).
  2. Truesdell C. A first course in rational continuum mechanics. The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, 1972. Russian translation was published by Mir, M., 1975. P. 592.
  3. Rabotnov Yu. Mehanika deformiruyemogo tverdogo tela.: Nauka, 1979. S. 744.
  4. Bolotin V. Nekonservativnyie zadachi teoriyi uprugoy ustoychivosti. Phyzmatgiz, M., 1961. S. 339.
  5. Feodosyev V. Izbrannyie zadachi i voprosy po soprotivleniyu materialov. Nauka. , 1973. S. 400.
  6. Muliar Yu. M., Fedorov V.M., Triasuchev L.M. O vliyanii nachalnyh nesovershenstv na poteryu ustoychivosti sterzhney v usloviyah osevogo szhatiya. Kosmicheskaya tehnicka. Raketnoye vooruzheniye: Sb. nauch.-tehn. st. 2017. Vyp. 1 (113). S. 48-58.
  7. Volmir A. Ustoychivost deformiruyemyh sistem. M., 1967. S. 984.
  8. Muliar Yu. M. K voprosy ob ustoichivosty szhatogo sterzhnya. Tekhnicheskaya mekhanika. Dnepropetrovsk: ITM. 2000. No S. 51.
  9. Muliar Yu. M., Perlik V.I. O matematicheskom modelnom predstavlenii informatsionnogo polia v nagruzhennoy deformiruyemoy sisteme. Informatsionnyie i telekommunikatsionnyie tehnologii. M.: Mezhdunar. akad. nauk informatizatsii, informatsionnyh protsessov i tehnologiy. 2012. No 15. S. 61.
  10. Koniuhov S. N., Muliar Yu. M., Privarnikov Yu. K. Issledovaniye vliyaniya malyh vozmuschayuschih vozdeystviy na ustoychivost obolochki. Mehanika. 1996. 32,  No 9. S. 50-65.
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6.1.2024 New methods of load-carrying capacity prediction for the ultimately compressed frame structures
6.1.2024 New methods of load-carrying capacity prediction for the ultimately compressed frame structures
6.1.2024 New methods of load-carrying capacity prediction for the ultimately compressed frame structures

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19.1.2020 Pyrobolts: types, design, development. Shear type pyrobolt developed at Yuzhnoye SDO Wed, 13 Sep 2023 12:02:02 +0000
The following calculations are presen ted: strength analyses with determination of case load-carrying capacity; power analyses with justification of pyro cartridge selection for pyrobolt actuation.

19. Pyrobolts: types, design, development. Shear type pyrobolt developed at Yuzhnoye SDO


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 170-176


Language: Russian

Annotation: The pyrobolts, or explosive bolts, belong to the pyrotechnical devices with monolithic case consisting o f the cap, as a rule with hexagonal surface, and of cylindrical part with thread. The pyrobolts are separated into parts using the pyrotechnical charge placed inside the case. Owing to the simple design, reliability and short action time, the pyrobolts have found wide application in aerospace engineering for separation of assemblies and bays, in particular, stages, head modules, launching boosters, etc. So, for example, about 400 pyrobolts are used in the Proton launch vehicle. The designs of pyrobolts are markedly different. By method of explosive substance action on case structural elements, the pyrobolts are divided into two types: the pyrobolts using the shock wave formed at detonation of brisant explosive substance for case wall destruction and the pyrobolts using the pressure of gases arising at pyrotechnical charge blasting. By method of separation into parts, they are divided into fragmenting pyrobolts with ridge-cut, with piston, and shear pyrobolts. The paper deals with the design of various types of pyrobolts, their disadvantages are considered. The Yuzhnoye SDO-developed pyrobolt of shear type with segments is presented that uses radial shear forces of segments located in the hole of cylindrical part to separate the case parts. The above segments a re actuated using a rod with sealing rings and a piston connected to the rod through a rubber gasket; the piston moves under pressure of gases formed during pyro cartridge action. The following calculations are presen ted: strength analyses with determination of case load-carrying capacity; power analyses with justification of pyro cartridge selection for pyrobolt actuation. In the developed pyrobolt of shear type with segments, the case parts are separated without considerable shock loads and without high-temperature gases and fragments release into environment, ensuring reliable separation of bays and assemblies without damaging sensitive equipment.

Key words: explosive bolt, shock wave, brisant explosive substance, pyro cartridge, electric igniting fuse, high-temperature gases

1. Mashinostroenie. Entsiklopediia / А. P. Adzhian i dr.; pod red. V. P. Legostaeva. М., 2012. Т. IV-22. V 2-kh kn. Kn. 1. 925 s.
2. Bement L. J., Schimmel M. L. A Manual for Pyrotechnic Design, Development and Qualification: NASA Technical Memorandum 110172. 1995.
3. Yumashev L. P. Ustroistvo raket-nositelei (vspomagatelnye sistemy): ucheb. posob. Samara, 1999. 190 s.
4. Lee J., Han J.-H., Lee Y., Lee H. Separation characteristics study of ridge-cut explosive bolts. Aerospace Science and Technology. 2014. Vol. 39. Р. 153-168.
5. Yanhua L., Jingcheng W., Shihui X., Li C., Yuquan W., Zhiliang L. Numerical Study of Separation Characteristics of Piston-Type Explosive Bolt. Shock and Vibration.
6. Yanhua L., Yuan L., Xiaogan L., Yuquan W., Huina M., Zhiliang L. Identification of Pyrotechnic Shock Sources for Shear Type Explosive Bolt. Shock and Vibration.
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19.1.2020  Pyrobolts: types, design, development. Shear type pyrobolt developed at Yuzhnoye SDO
19.1.2020  Pyrobolts: types, design, development. Shear type pyrobolt developed at Yuzhnoye SDO
19.1.2020  Pyrobolts: types, design, development. Shear type pyrobolt developed at Yuzhnoye SDO

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12.1.2020 Modification of technology as the main course in the military transport aircraft development Wed, 13 Sep 2023 10:54:55 +0000
ensuring growth of carrying capacity and the required range of modifications of military transport aircraft of various purposes; –

12. Modification of technology as the main course in the military transport aircraft development


Los’ O. V.


Antоnov Company, Kyiv, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 114-120


Language: Russian

Annotation: The process of creating modifications of aircraft in the transport category is a very relevant and widespread phenomenon in modern aircraft construction. A separate group of military transport aircraft has been distinguished in connection with the specific character of their mission: – the need to formulate the characteristics “cargo – range” for light, medium, operational tactical and strategic military transport aircraft, since it is precisely according to this characteristic that they are positioned by their purpose; –specific requirements are imposed on military transport aircraft cargo compartment not only with respect to its geometrical dimensions and usable volume, but also with respect to the possibility of simultaneous accommodation of military equipment and people, as well as the placement of a stretcher with t he wounded during their evacuation from the war zone; – the possibility of airborne landing of military equipment and paratroopers, which requires specific hatches and means of maintaining weight balance in flight; – the possibility of basing on poorly prepared sites with a runway length of less than 800 m in the short take-off and landing (STL) mode, especially for operational tactical military-technical vehicles, which significantly expands their use in combat zones; – the possibility of conversion into a civilian aircraft: for the delivery of goods to areas of the far north, when fighting fires, when evacuating victims from disaster zones, etc. The article shows that creation of modifications of expensive military transport aircraft is the main direction of their development. All leading aircraft manufacturing companies in the world use modification procedures as the way to most quickly meet constantly changing requirements for military transport aircraft. Along with the traditional methods of designing the modifications, the domestic school proposed a new methodology for determining the necessary parameters for “deep” modifications in wing geometry and propulsion system. The methodology is based on the use of three principles: – ensuring growth of carrying capacity and the required range of modifications of military transport aircraft of various purposes; – geometric re-arrangement of wing and system of carrying surfaces “wing + tail units” according to the criterion of minimum inductive resistance when lifting forces are equal to basic version; – coordination of modifications in wing with the required parameters of propulsion system as a condition for ensuring the required fuel efficiency.

Key words: military transport aircraft, hallmarks of military transport aircraft modifications, principles of designing military transport aircraft modifications

1. Krivov G. А. Mirovaia aviatsiia na rubezhe ХХ – ХХI stoletii. Promyshlennost, rynki. Kiev, 2003. 295 s.
2. Andrienko Yu. G. Metod formirovaniia sovokupnosti tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh kharakteristik v protsedure vybora proektnykh reshenii pri razrabotke transportnykh samoletov. Otkrytye informatsionnye i kompiuternye tekhnologii: sb. nauch. tr. NAU im. N. Е. Zhukovskogo “KhAI”. Kharkiv, 2002. Vyp. 12. С. 125–138.
3. Sheinin V. М. Rol’ modifikatsii v razvitii aviatsionnoi tekhniki. 1983. 226 s.
4. Babenko Yu. V. Metodika stoimostnoi otsenki modifikatsii blizhnemagistralnykh passazhirskikh samoletov. Aviatsionno-kosmicheskaia tekhnika i tekhnologiia: sb. nauch. tr. NAU im. N. Е. Zhukovskogo “KhAI”. Kharkiv, 2015. Vyp. 7(126). S. 145–149.
5. Los’ А. V. Poniatie koeffitsienta elliptichnosti trapetsievidnogo kryla i metod ego otsenki. Aviatsionno-kosmicheskaia tekhnika i tekhnologiia: sb. nauch. tr. NAU im. N. Е. Zhukovskogo “KhAI”. Kharkiv, 2019. Vyp. 9. S. 9–15.
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12.1.2020  Modification of technology as the main course in the military transport aircraft development
12.1.2020  Modification of technology as the main course in the military transport aircraft development
12.1.2020  Modification of technology as the main course in the military transport aircraft development

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8.1.2020 Determining the main parameters of transport aircraft modifications considering the fuel efficiency Wed, 13 Sep 2023 10:34:58 +0000
2020, (1); 85-89 DOI: Language: Russian Annotation: The main parameters are understood as: carrying capacity mг, range L and fuel efficiency qт, which largely determine the competitiveness of aircraft of this type, including military transport aircraft. The reason for the creation of modifications of transport category aircraft is the requirement for a constant increase in their flight performance by increasing the carrying capacity and range. The parameters of new model: specific fuel efficiency – specific route productivity, in order to form the relative carrying capacity and relative range of action for the required specific fuel efficiency. Key words: productivity , carrying capacity , fuel efficiency , parameter formation Bibliography: 1. productivity , carrying capacity , fuel efficiency , parameter formation .

8. Determining the main parameters of transport aircraft modifications considering the fuel efficiency


Los’ O. V.


Antоnov Company, Kyiv, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 85-89


Language: Russian

Annotation: The main parameters are understood as: carrying capacity mг, range L and fuel efficiency qт, which largely determine the competitiveness of aircraft of this type, including military transport aircraft. The reason for the creation of modifications of transport category aircraft is the requirement for a constant increase in their flight performance by increasing the carrying capacity and range. Among the main goals of implementing such decisions there is an indispensable increase in the fuel efficiency of modifications, since the cost of fuel reaches 80 % of the cost of an airplane hour during operation. There are a number of models that make it possible to assess the influence of the weight and aerodynamic parameters of the airframe of the aircraft and the fuel performance of the power plant (specific engine consumption) on the integral indicator of the fuel efficiency of the modification at cruising mode and the average hourly fuel consumption at the certification stage, when all parameters of the airframe and engine are fixed and consideration of options is not possible. A new model is proposed for the stage of designing modifications, in which deep modification changes are made in the geometry of wing and in the power plant with various variants of their correlation and coordination. The parameters of new model: specific fuel efficiency – specific route productivity, in order to form the relative carrying capacity and relative range of action for the required specific fuel efficiency. An analysis of such dependencies showed: – with an increase in relative range L , fuel costs per flight also increase; – the adequacy of changes in route performance is observed only at L < 0.5. At L > 0.5 productivity is constantly decreasing, while the specific indicator of fuel consumption per unit of work increases exponentially; – if in the analysis we take into account the specific value of transport efficiency, that is, the characteristic “load – range” ( mп.н  f L ), it becomes obvious that the most favorable (from the point of view of fuel efficiency) are relative ranges of 0,3 < L < 0,5. In this range L , not only acceptable fuel efficiency values are realized, but also the maximum value of the route performance, that is the main parameters for which modifications are developed.

Key words: productivity, carrying capacity, fuel efficiency, parameter formation

1. Balabuev P. V. Osnovy obshchego proektirovaniia samoletov s gazoturbinnymi dvigateliami. Kharkiv, 2003. Ch. 2. 389 s.
2. Yugov О. K. Soglasovanie kharakteristik samoleta i dvigatelia. 1975. 204 s.; 2-е izd., 1980. 200 s.
3. Korol’ V. N. Kontseptsiia sozdaniia mezhdunarodnogo konsortsiuma “Srednii transportnyi samolet”. Voprosy proektirovaniia i proizvodstva konstruktsii letalelnykh apparatov. Kharkiv, 2002. Vyp. 30(3). S. 6-27.
4. Global Market Forecast. Future Journeys 2013 – 2020 / AIRBUS S.A.S Blagnac Cedex: Art @ Caractere, 2013. 125 p. [electronic resource]. Access mode:
5. 747-400 Freighter Main deck cargo arrangements. Boeing, 2010 10 p. [electronic resource]. Access mode:
6. 6. ICAO. 3.2bn passengers used air transport in 2014. [electronic resource]. Access mode:
7. An-188. Srednii voenno-ttansportnyi samolet ukorochennogo vzleta i posadki. Kyiv, 2018. S. 118.
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8.1.2020 Determining the main parameters of transport aircraft modifications considering the fuel efficiency
8.1.2020 Determining the main parameters of transport aircraft modifications considering the fuel efficiency
8.1.2020 Determining the main parameters of transport aircraft modifications considering the fuel efficiency

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20.2.2017 Research Support for Development of Launch Vehicle Payload Unit Composite Load-Bearing Compartments Wed, 09 Aug 2023 12:26:27 +0000
Design and Technological Solution and Carrying Capacity of Cyclone-4 Launch Vehicle Interstage Bay Made of Polymer Composite Materials / А. Evaluation of Carrying Capacity of Launch Vehicle Bays Separation System Composite Fitting / A.

20. Research Support for Development of Launch Vehicle Payload Unit Composite Load-Bearing Compartments


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; Kharkiv Aviation Institute, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (2); 112-120

Language: Russian

Annotation: Some main results of scientific support of development of launch vehicle head module composite loadbearing bays are presented. The methodology is proposed for developing these units. By the example of payload fairing and interstage bay of Cyclone-4 launch vehicle, high efficiency is shown of proposed methodology implementation when selecting their rational design and technological parameters.

Key words:

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4. Potapov A. M. et al. Comparison of Payload Fairings of Existing and Prospective Domestic Launch Vehicles and their Foreign Analogs / А. М. Potapov, V. A. Kovalenko, A. V. Kondrat’yev. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2015. No. 1(118). P. 35 – 43.
5. Gaidachuk A. V. et al. Methodology of Developing Effective Design and Technological Solutions of Space Rocketry Composite Units: Monography in 2 volumes. Vol. 2. Synthesis of Space Rocketry Composite Units Parameters at Heterogeneous Loading / A. V. Gaidachuk, V. E. Gaidachuk, A. V. Kondrat’yev, V. A. Kovalenko, V. V. Kirichenko, А. M. Potapov / Under the editorship of A. V. Gaidachuk. Kharkiv, 2016. 250 p.
6. Gaidachuk A. V. et al. Methodology of Developing Effective Design and Technological Solutions of Space Rocketry Composite Units: Monography in 2 volumes. Vol. 1. Creation of Space Rocketry Units with Specified Quality of Polymer Composite Materials / A. V. Gaidachuk, V. E. Gaidachuk, A. V. Kondrat’yev, V. A. Kovalenko, V. V. Kirichenko, А. M. Potapov / Under the editorship of A. V. Gaidachuk. Kharkiv, 2016. 263 p.
7. Smerdov A. A. Development of Methods to Design Space Rocketry Composite Materials and Structures: Dissertation of Doctor of Engineering Science: 05.07.02, 05.02.01. М., 2007. 410 p.
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9. Gaidachuk V. E. et al. Optimization of Cyclone-4 Launch Vehicle Payload Fairing Design Parameters / V. E. Gaidachuk, V. I. Slivinsky, A. V. Kondrat’yev, A. P. Kushnar’ov, Effectiveness of Honeycomb Structures in Aerospace Products: Proceedings of III International Scientific-Practical Conference (Dnepropetrovsk, 27-29 May 2009). Dnepropetrovsk, 2009. P. 88 – 95.
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12. Kondrat’yev A. V. Mass Optimization of Launch Vehicle Payload Fairing Irregular Zones. Problems of Designing and Manufacturing Flying Vehicle Structures: Collection of scientific works of N. E. Zhukovsky Aerospace University “KhAI”. Issue 47 (4). Kharkiv, 2006. P. 126 – 133.
13. Degtyarev A. V. et al. Evaluation of Carrying Capacity of Launch Vehicle Bays Separation System Composite Fitting / A. V. Degtyarev, A. P. Kushnar’ov, V. V. Gavrilko, V. A. Kovalenko, А. V. Kondrat’yev, А. М. Potapov. Space Technology. Missile Armaments: Collection of scientific-technical articles. 2013. Issue 1. P. 18-21.
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15. Zinov’yev A. M. et al. Manufacturing Technology of Cyclone-4 Launch Vehicle Experimental Large-Sized Interstage Bay Made of Carbon Plastics / А. M. Zinov’yev, А. P. Kushnar’ov, А. V. Kondrat’yev, А. М. Potapov, А. P. Kuznetsov, V. A. Kovalenko. Problems of Designing and Manufacturing Flying Vehicle Structures: Collection of scientific works of N. E. Zhukovsky Aerospace University “KhAI”. Issue 2 (74). Kharkiv, 2013. P. 7 – 17.
16. Zinov’yev A. M. et al. Static Tests of Cyclone-4 Launch Vehicle Experimental Interstage Bay Made of Carbon Plastic / А. М. Zinov’yev, А. P. Kushnar’ov, А. V. Kondrat’yev, А. М. Potapov, А. P. Kuznetsov, V. A. Kovalenko. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2013. No. 4(101). P. 28-35.
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20.2.2017 Research Support for Development of Launch Vehicle Payload Unit Composite Load-Bearing Compartments
20.2.2017 Research Support for Development of Launch Vehicle Payload Unit Composite Load-Bearing Compartments
20.2.2017 Research Support for Development of Launch Vehicle Payload Unit Composite Load-Bearing Compartments