Search Results for “computer simulation” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Tue, 02 Apr 2024 13:02:36 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “computer simulation” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 9.2.2019 Gas-dynamic simulation of the supersonic stream in the pulsed wind tunnel Tue, 03 Oct 2023 11:48:27 +0000
Gas-dynamic simulation of the supersonic stream in the pulsed wind tunnel Authors: Sirenko V. The results of the research presented in the article are based on the use of numerical simulation methods, as well as data obtained experimentally. As a result of gasdynamic simulation of a supersonic flow conducted for the nozzle Mа=4 and the nozzle Mа=2, the calculated and experimental data on the distribution pattern and field values of Mach numbers in the working section of the tunnel were obtained. Computerno-vymiryuvalni tekhnologii kontrolu ta upravlinnya raketno-kosmichnoi techniki / monogr.

9. Gas-dynamic simulation of the supersonic stream in the pulsed wind tunnel


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (2); 63-70


Language: Russian

Annotation: A promising experimental bench – a shock wind tunnel was put into operation at Yuzhnoye SDO. The shock wind tunnel is designed to simulate the incident flow during rocket flight at high supersonic and hypersonic velocities. To solve actual design problems facing Yuzhnoye SDO, it was necessary to expand the range of velocities under investigation in a shock wind tunnel by low supersonic Mach numbers (Mа=1.5; 2; 3). As a result of this work, a modernized configuration of the shock wind tunnel was developed, which allows simulating flow parameters at low supersonic velocities. The results of aerodynamic experiment performed in the modernized shock wind tunnel, which are close to full scale ones, can be obtained using as much data on peculiarities of supersonic flow formation in it as possible. Therefore, the study of the distribution of Mach numbers profiles in the working section of the modernized shock wind tunnel at low and high supersonic velocity was chosen as the main line of research. The results of the research presented in the article are based on the use of numerical simulation methods, as well as data obtained experimentally. As a result of gasdynamic simulation of a supersonic flow conducted for the nozzle Mа=4 and the nozzle Mа=2, the calculated and experimental data on the distribution pattern and field values of Mach numbers in the working section of the tunnel were obtained. A comparative analysis was carried out. The boundaries of the region of equal velocities, within which the condition of quasistatic supersonic flow is satisfied, and the lifetime of the operating mode for the selected nozzle type were determined. At the flow from the nozzle Mа=2, a peculiarity was revealed in the distribution pattern of Mach numbers fields associated with the appearance of “blocking” effect of the supersonic flow. The methods for eliminating the effect of flow “blocking” at low supersonic velocities are proposed.

Key words: incident flow modeling, velocity fields in the wind tunnel working section, aerodynamic experiment

1. Zvegintsev V. I. Gasodynamicheskie ustanovki kratkovremennogo deistviya. V dvuh chastyakh. Ch. 1. Ustanovki dlya nauchnykh issledovaniy. Novosibirsk, 2014. 551 s.
2. Computerno-vymiryuvalni tekhnologii kontrolu ta upravlinnya raketno-kosmichnoi techniki / monogr. pid zagal. red. prof. V. P. Malaichuka. Dnipro, 2018. 344 s.
3. «Sirius-18». Systema izmereniya i upravleniya impulsnoi aerodynamicheskoi truboi. Rukovodstvo po ekspluatatsii. ELVA4.044.901 RE. 2018. 45 s.
4. Abramovich G.N. Prikladnaya gazovaya dynamika. M., 1978. 888 s.
5. Raschet vnutrennego davlenia v otsekakh RN. YSF YZH UMN 041 01. Rukovodstvo operatora. 2016. 138 s.
6. Issledovania characteristic hyperzvukovoi aerodynamicheskoi truby AT-303. Ch. 1. Polya skorostey / A. M. Kharitonov at al. Teplophysika i aeromekhanika. 2006. T. 13, № 1. S. 1–17.
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9.2.2019 Gas-dynamic simulation of the supersonic stream in the pulsed wind tunnel
9.2.2019 Gas-dynamic simulation of the supersonic stream in the pulsed wind tunnel
9.2.2019 Gas-dynamic simulation of the supersonic stream in the pulsed wind tunnel

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17.1.2020 Acoustic problems of rocket launch Wed, 13 Sep 2023 11:36:44 +0000
Experimental study and simulation of rocket engine free jet noise. Computer and Fluid.

17. Acoustic problems of rocket launch


Institute of Hydromechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 155-159


Language: Russian

Annotation: Due to an increase of power of rocket engines, the high intensity sound field generated by the exhaust jets have become an important factor, which determines the success rate of a rocket launch. Ensuring a successful launch of a rocket system became harder due to new engineering problems. Identification and definition of acoustic sources structure within a complex supersonic jet, being a one of the most important scientific problems, which have to be solved to find the ways to control accoustic radiation. A three components of acoustic sources can be defined here – broadband signals from large and small components of of turbulent jet and tonal signals which usually being overlooked during the estimation of overall sound pressure level. The paper considers various aspects of acoustics of the launch of rocket systems, which includes characteristics of acoustic sources in supersonic jets, possibilities and physical limitation factors, under which it is possible to control the sound radiation. Among the possible ways to control the process of sound generation by a jet, a method of water injection in a jet is being studied. While saving the general thrust of the engine this method can not greatly reduce the sound radiation by a jet. It is recommended to use big amounts of water-air mix to protect the launch pad from damage. Significant progress on the topic of understanding the process of sound generation by supersonic jets can be achieved via mathematical modeling of sound radiation. The latest achievements of mathematical modeling of sound generation by supersonic jets being presented.

Key words: Acoustics of rocket launch, acoustic efficiency of a jet, semi-empirical models of of jet acoustics, numeric-computational methods in aeroacoustics, control of jet-generated acoustic levels

1. Lighthill M. J. On Sound Generated Aerodynamically: I. General Theory. Proc. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A, 211. 1952. Р. 564–581.
2. Tam C. K. W. Jet noise. Theoretical Computftional Fluid Dynamics. 1998. No 10. Р. 393–405.
3. Lubert C. P. Sixty years of launch vehicle acoustics. Proc.Mtgs.Acoust. Vol. 31. 2017.
4. Ask the Astronaut: What does launch feel like? URL: https://www.airspacemag. com/ask-astronaut/ask-astronaut-what-does-launch-feel-what-thoughts-and-emotions-run-through-your-mind-180959920/
5. Tim P. Ask an Astronaut: My Guide to Life in Space. 2018. 272 p.
6. Saucer B. What’s the Deal with Rocket Vibration? MIT Technology Review. July 15, 2009. URL:
7. Ross D. Mechanics of Underwater noise. 1976. 266 p.
8. Varnier J. Experimental study and simulation of rocket engine free jet noise. AIAA J. 2001. Vol. 39, Nо 10. P. 1851–1859.
9. Eldred K. M. Acoustic loads generated by the propulsion system. NASA SP-8072, 1971. 49 p.
10. Balakrishnan P., Srinivason K. Impinging get noise reduction using non-circular jets. Applied Acoustics. 2019. Vol. 143. Р. 19-30.
11. Tsutsumi S. Acoustic generation mechanism of a supersonic jet impinging on deflectors / S. Tsutsumi, R. Takaki, Y. Nakanishi, K. Okamoto, S. Teramoto 52th AIAA Aerospace Sci. Meet. AIAA Pap. 2014-0882. 2014. 12 p.
12. Ahuja K. K., Manes J. P., Massey K. C., Calloway A. B. An Evaluation of various concepts of Reducing Supersonic Jet Noise, AIAA-90-3982. AIAA 13th Aeroacoustic Conference, 1990. Р. 1-21.
13. Krathapalli A., Lenkatakrishnan L., Elovarsan R., Laurenco L. Supersonic Jet Noise Suppression by Water Injection. AIAA 2000-2025. 6th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustic Conference, 2000. Р. 1-25.
14. Moratilla-Vega M. A., Lackhole K., Janicka J., Xia H., Page C. J. Jet Noise Analysis using an Efficient LES/ High-Order Acoustic Coupling Method. Computer and Fluid. 2020.
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17.1.2020  Acoustic problems of rocket launch
17.1.2020  Acoustic problems of rocket launch
17.1.2020  Acoustic problems of rocket launch

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13.2.2019 Study of the stress and strain state of the multilayer bellows Mon, 15 May 2023 15:46:07 +0000
Key words: computer simulation , finite element method , calculation model , strength Bibliography: 1. computer simulation , finite element method , calculation model , strength .

13. Study of the stress and strain state of the multilayer bellows


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (2); 96-102


Language: Russian

Annotation: Strength calculation example of the specific design bellows is taken to consider one of the possible approaches to the numerical simulation of the stress and strain state of the multilayer bellows. Proposed approach is based on the use of axial symmetry of the structure for transition from 3D calculation model to 2D one. Calculations take place in the elastoplastic setup, using the software package of the finite elements method. As an example of the proposed approach static and fatigue strength of the three-layer steel bellows of the Cyclone-4M fuel supply line are calculated. Calculation of the static strength of the bellows, loaded with internal pressure, showed that layer stresses achieve yield strength, at the same time preserving the bearing capacity of the structure. Results of the simulated change in the stress and strain state of the bellows per one cycle of the variable reloading were taken to find the amplitude of the plastic deformations in the most loaded area of the bellows, which allowed estimation of its fatigue strength in the conditions of lowcycle loading. Advantage of the proposed approach to the multilayer bellows strength evaluation is that it does not require large volumes of RAM and time to do the calculations.

Key words: computer simulation, finite element method, calculation model, strength

1. GOST 21744-83. Silfony mnogosloynye metallicheskie. Obschie technicheskie uslovia. 72 s.
2. Prochnost’, ustoychivost’, kolebaniya: spravochnil; v 3-kh t. / pod red. I. A. Birgera, Ya. G. Panovko. M., 1968. T. 2. 462 s.
3. Grabin B. V., Davydov O. I., Zhikharev V. I. i dr. Osnovy konstruirovaniya raket-nositeley kosmicheskykh apparatov: uchebnik dlya studentov vuzov / pod red. V. P. Mishina, V. K. Karraska. M., 1991. 416 s.
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5. Issledovanie vliyaniya tekhnologicheskykh operatsiy na kachestvo izgotovleniya silfonov iz lenty staly marki DIN 1.4541 EN 1099-2 pri razlichnykh temperaturno-silovykh vozdeistviyakh i vibratsiyakh v processe izgotovleniya i ispytaniy: techn. otchet № 3 М-13 / PO YMZ im. A. M. Makarova». Dnepropetrovsk. 2013. 13 s.
6. Pisarenko G. S., Yakovlev A. P., Matveev V. V. Spravochnik po soprotivleniyu materialov / otv. red. Pisarenko G. S. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. Kiev. 1988. 736 s.
7. Gusenkov A. P., Moskvitin G. M., Khoroshilov V. N. Malotsiklovaya prochnost’ obolochechnykh konstruktsiy. M., 1989. 254 s.
8. Kogaev V. P., Makhutov N. A., Gusenkov A. P. Raschety detaley mashin na prochnost’ i dolgovechnost’: spravochnik. M., 1985. 224 s.
9. DSTU EN 10088-2:2010. Stali nerzhavki. Ch. 2. List i strichka z koroziynotryvkykh staley zagalnoi pryznachenosti. Technichni umovy postachannya. 42 s.
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13.2.2019 Study of the stress and strain state of the multilayer bellows
13.2.2019 Study of the stress and strain state of the multilayer bellows
13.2.2019 Study of the stress and strain state of the multilayer bellows

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4.2.2019 Numerical simulation of behavior of elastic structures with local stiffening elementse Mon, 15 May 2023 15:45:37 +0000
This article features ANSYS – based computer simulation of the aerospace structural element behavior – a rectangular plate with two extended elastic inclusions of different rigidity, simulating elastic heterogeneities of structures and materials. Key words: finite-element method , strength , inclusions , computer simulation Bibliography: 1. finite-element method , strength , inclusions , computer simulation .

4. Numerical simulation of behavior of elastic structures with local stiffening elements


The Institute of Technical Mechanics, Dnipro, Ukraine1; Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine2; Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine3

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (2); 25-34


Language: Russian

Annotation: Availability of different inclusions, stiffenings, discontinuities (holes, voids and flaws) are the factors that cause structural irregularity and are typical for structural elements and buildings from various current technology areas, in particular aerospace technology. They significantly influence the deformation processes and result in stress concentration, which can cause local damages or malconformations and as a result lead to impossibility to further use the structure. Materials used are also heterogeneous in its structure. Inclusions can simulate thin stiffening elements, straps, welded or glue joints. It is necessary to detect the thin inclusions when phase transformations of materials are studied, for example, when martensite structures are formed. Study of the various bodies with inclusions is very important in the powder technology, ceramics, etc., where powder, previously compressed under high pressure, is sintered at high temperatures. Use of surface hardening that increases working efficiency of the structural elements is prospective in many engineering sectors. It is important to develop discrete hardening, implemented through manufacturing schemes of particular type. When discrete hardenings impact on the structural elements mode of deformation is simulated, they can also be considered as inclusions of specific structure. Inclusions can also simulate banding of the ferritic-pearlitic structure in the microstructure, related to the complex preloading under material plastic forming. It is advisable to use numerical methods for studies that are universal and suitable for objects of various shapes, sizes and types of loading. Main numerical methods are finite difference method, boundary element method, variation grid-based method, finite element method, method of local variations. This article features ANSYS – based computer simulation of the aerospace structural element behavior – a rectangular plate with two extended elastic inclusions of different rigidity, simulating elastic heterogeneities of structures and materials.

Key words: finite-element method, strength, inclusions, computer simulation


1. Brebbia K., Telles J., Wroubell L. Metody granichnykh elementov / per. s angl. M., 1987. 524 s.
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5. Hart E. L., Hudramovich V. S. Chislennoye modelirovanie povedeniya ploskodeformiruemykh strukturirivannykh sred na osnove proektsionno-iteratsionnykh ckhem MKE. Matemat. modelirovanie v mekh. deform. tel i konstruktsiy: materialy 24-oy Mezhdunarod. conf. (SPb., Rossiya, 2011). SPb., 2011. T. 11. S. 37–39.
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7. Hart E. L., Hudramovich V. S. Proektsionno-iteratsionnaya modifikatsia metoda lokalnykh variatsiy dlya zadach s kvadratychnym funktsionalom. Prikl. Matematika I mekhanika. 2016. T. 80, № 2. S. 218–230.
8. Hudramovich V. S. Osobennosti neuprugogo povedeniya neodnorodnykh obolochechnykh elementov konstruktsiy. Aktualnye problem mekhaniki: monografia/ za red. M. V. Polyakova. Dnipro, 2018. S. 195–207.
9. Hudramovich V. S., Hart E. L. Konechnoelementniy analiz processa rasseyanogo razrusheniya ploskodeformiruemykh uprugoplastichnykh sred s lokalnymi contsetratami napryazheniy. Uprugost’ I neuprugost’: Materialy Mezhdunarod. nauchn. symp. po problemam mekhaniki deformiruemykh tel, posvyaschennogo 105-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya A. A. Ilyushina (Moskow, 2016 ). M., 2016. S. 158–161.
10. Hudramovich V. S., Hart E. L., Strunin K. A. Modelirovanie processa deformirovaniya plastiny s uprugimi protyazhonnymi vklyucheniyami na osnove metoda konechnykh elementov. Tekhn. mechanika. 2014. № 2. S. 12–24.
11. Hudramovich V. S., Demenkov A. F., Konyukhov S. N. Nesuschaya sposobnost’ neidealnykh tsilindricheskykh obolochek s uchetom plasticheskykh deformatsiy. Prochnost’ I nadezhnost’ elementov konstruktsiy: sb. nauchn. tr. K., 1982. S. 45–48.
12. Hudramovich V. S., Klimenko D. V., Hart E. L. Vliyanie vyrezov na prochnost’ tsilindrycheskykh otsekov raket-nositeley pri neuprugom deformirovanii materiala. Kosmichna nauka I technologia. 2017. T. 23, № 6. S. 12–20.
13. Hudramovich V. S., Levin V. M., Hart E. L. i dr. Modelirovanie processa deformirovaniya plastinchatykh elementov zherezobetonnykh konstruktsiy teploenergetiki s ispolzovaniem MKE. Techn. mechanika. 2015. № 2. S. 59–70.
14. Hudramovich V. S., Reprintsev A. V., Ryabokon’ S. A., Samarskaya E. V. Otsenka resursa konstruktsiy raketno-kosmicheskoy techniki pri uchete vliyaniya kontsetratov napryazheniy v vide otverstiy. Technicheskaya diagnostika i nerazrushaushiy control. 2016. № 2. S. 28–36.
15. Gultyaev V. I., Zubchaninov V. G., Zubchaninov D. V. Strukturnye izmeneniya stali 45 v processe eyo deformirovaniya. Izv. Tulskogo gos. un-ta. 2005. Vyp. 8. S. 26-29.
16. Zenkevich O., Morgan K. Konechnye elementy i aproximatsia / per. s angl. M., 1986. 318 s.
17. Kashanov A. E. Perspektivy sotrudnichestva NAN Ukrainy, NAN Belarusi i Yuzhnoye SDO dlya resheniya problemnykh voprosov kosmicheskoy otrasli. Raketnaya technika. Novye vozmozhnosti: nauchn.-techn. sborn. / pod red. A. V. Degtyareva. Dnepr, 2019. S. 281–294.
18. Koval’ Y. N., Lobodyuk V. A. Deformatsionnye i relaksatsionnye yavlenia pri prevraschenniyakh martensitnogo typa. K., 2010. 288 s.
19. Lyashenko B. A., Kuzema Y. A., Digahm M. S. Uprochnenie poverkhnosti metallov pokrytiyami diskretnoy struktury s povyshennoy adhezionnoy i cohezionnoy stoykostyu. К., 1984. 57 s.
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25. Hudramovich V. S., Hart E. L., Ryabokon’ S. A. Elastoplastic deformation of nonhomogeneous plates. J. Eng. Math. 2013. Vol. 78, № 1. P. 181–197.
26. Hudramovich V. S., Hart E. L., Strunin K. A. Modeling of the behavior plane-deformable elastic media with elongated elliptic and rectangular inclusions. Materials Science. 2017. Vol. 52, № 6. P. 768–774.
27. Нudramovich V. S., Lebedev A. A., Mossakovsky V. I. Plastic deformation and limit states of metal shell structures with initial shape imperfections. Light-weight steel and aluminium structures: Procedings Int. Conf. (Helsinki, Finland, 1999). Amsterdam/ New York / Tokyo, 1999. P. 257–263.
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4.2.2019 Numerical simulation of behavior of elastic structures with local stiffening elementse
4.2.2019 Numerical simulation of behavior of elastic structures with local stiffening elementse
4.2.2019 Numerical simulation of behavior of elastic structures with local stiffening elementse

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4.1.2023 On control of spacecraft orientation to the ground data acquisition station Fri, 12 May 2023 16:10:38 +0000
Software was developed and space-craft dynamics was simulated on the personal computer with the specified initial data. Simulation initial con-ditions correspond to the attitude control mode of the spacecraft relative to the orbital coordinate system with the specified accuracy. Simulation results verify the applicability of the suggested reaction wheel control law.

4. On control of spacecraft orientation to the ground data acquisition station


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2023 (1); 41-47


Language: English

Annotation: The article dwells on the spacecraft attitude control to point the onboard antenna to the ground data acquisition station during the communication session. Antenna is fixed relative to the spacecraft body. Pur-pose of the antenna is to receive the flight task aboard the spacecraft and to downlink the telemetry infor-mation. When orbiting, the spacecraft position relative to the ground data acquisition station changes contin-uously. It is due to the diurnal rotation of the Earth, spacecraft orbital motion and angular motion of the spacecraft relative to the center of mass under the impact of the disturbing and control moments. To tilt the spacecraft uses reaction wheels, installed in axes of coordinate system coupled with spacecraft center of mass. Electromagnets are used to unload the reaction wheels. The reaction wheels control law is suggested, which tilts the spacecraft to point the antenna to the ground data acquisition station. Mathematical model of the spacecraft dynamics relative to center of mass is given, using the suggested reaction wheels control law. The following external disturbing moments, acting on the spacecraft in flight, are taken into consideration: gravitational, magnetic, aerodynamic moments and solar radiation moment of forces. Dipole model of the magnetic field of the Earth is used to calculate the magnetic moments. Software was developed and space-craft dynamics was simulated on the personal computer with the specified initial data. Simulation initial con-ditions correspond to the attitude control mode of the spacecraft relative to the orbital coordinate system with the specified accuracy. Simulation results verify the applicability of the suggested reaction wheel control law.

Key words: electrical axis of the antenna, mathematical model, coordinate system, transformation matrix, vector


1. Ivanova G.A., Ostapchuk S.V. Matematich-eskaya model magnitno-gravitatsionnoy sys-temy orientatsii dlya eksperimentalnogo mi-crosputnika. Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoye vooruzhennie: Nauch.-techn. sb. 2009. S. 192 -202.
2. Branets V.N., Shmyglevskiy I.P. Primenenie quoternionov v zadachah orientatsii tverdogo tela. M.: Nauka, 1973. 320 s.
3. Problemy orientatsii iskusstvennyh sputnikov Zemli. M.: Nauka, 1966. 350 s.

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4.1.2023 On control of spacecraft orientation to the ground data acquisition station
4.1.2023 On control of spacecraft orientation to the ground data acquisition station
4.1.2023 On control of spacecraft orientation to the ground data acquisition station

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