Search Results for “control and controlled parameters” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Tue, 05 Nov 2024 21:33:15 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “control and controlled parameters” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 2.1.2020 Analysis of development trends of design parameters and basic characteristics of missiles for the advanced multiple launch rocket systems
The aim of the article is an analysis of the development trends of the guided missiles with the solid rocket motors for the multiple launch rocket systems, identifying the characteristics and requirements for the flight trajectories, design parameters, control programs, overall dimensions and mass characteristics, structural layout and aerodynamic schemes of missiles. The formalization of the complex task to optimize design parameters, trajectory parameters and motion control programs for the guided missiles capable of flying along the ballistic, aeroballistic or combined trajectories is given. complex problem of the optimal control theory , problem of nonlinear mathematical programming , main solid rocket motor , limitations for motion parameters and basic characteristics of the guided missiles Bibliography: 1. Tail controlled rocket demonstrates near-vertical impact at extended range. URL: (Access date 01.09.2019).

2. Analysis of development trends of design parameters and basic characteristics of missiles for the advanced multiple launch rocket systems


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; The Institute of Technical Mechanics, Dnipro, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 13-25


Language: Russian

Annotation: The scientific and methodological propositions for the designing single-stage guided missiles with the solid rocket motors for advanced multiple launch rocket systems are defined. The guided missiles of multiple launch rocket system are intended for delivering munitions to the given spatial point with required and specified kinematic motion parameters at the end of flight. The aim of the article is an analysis of the development trends of the guided missiles with the solid rocket motors for the multiple launch rocket systems, identifying the characteristics and requirements for the flight trajectories, design parameters, control programs, overall dimensions and mass characteristics, structural layout and aerodynamic schemes of missiles. The formalization of the complex task to optimize design parameters, trajectory parameters and motion control programs for the guided missiles capable of flying along the ballistic, aeroballistic or combined trajectories is given. The complex task belongs to a problem of the optimal control theory with limitations in form of equa lity, inequality and differential constraints. To simplify the problem, an approach to program forming is proposed for motion control in the form of polynomial that brings the problem of the optimal control theory to a simpler problem of nonlinear mathematical programming. When trajectory parameters were calculated the missile was regarded as a material point of variable mass and the combined equations for center-of-mass motion of the guided missile with projections on axes of the terrestrial reference system were used. The structure of the mathematical model was given along with the calculation sequence of the criterion function that was used for determination of the optimal parameters, programs and characteristics. The mathematical model of the guided missile provides adequate accuracy for design study to determine depending on the main design parameters: overall dimensions and mass characteristics of the guided missile in general and its structural comp onents and subsystems; power, thrust and consumption characteristics of the rocket motor; aerodynamic and ballistic characteristics of the guided missile. The developed methodology was tested by determining design and trajectory parameters, overall dimensions and mass characteristics, power and ballistic characteristics of two guided missiles with wings for advanced multiple launch rocket systems produced by the People’s Republic of China, using the limited amount of information available in the product catalog.

Key words: multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), complex problem of the optimal control theory, problem of nonlinear mathematical programming, main solid rocket motor, limitations for motion parameters and basic characteristics of the guided missiles

1. Degtyarev A. V. Raketnaia tekhnika. Problemy i perspektivy: izbrannye nauchno-tekhnicheskie publikatsii. Dnepropetrovsk, 2014. 420 s.
2. Pro zatverdzhennia Poriadku zdiisnennia derzhavnoho kontriliu za mizhnarodnymy peredachamy tovariv podviinoho vykorystannia:Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 28 sichnia 2004 r. № 86. Date: 29.11.2018. URL: (Access date 01.09.2019).
3. Catalogue China Aerospase Long-march International. February, 2017. 136 p.
4. Reaktivnye sistemy zalpovogo ognia zarubezhnykh stran: obzor po materialam otkrytoi pechati za 1987–2016 gg. i interneta. Dnipro, 2016. Ч. I. 205 s.
5. Upravliaemye OTRK i TRK stran mira: obzor po materialam otkrytoi otechestvennoi i zarubezhnoi pechati za 2008–2014 gg. i interneta. Dnipro, 2014. 162 s.
6. Tail controlled rocket demonstrates near-vertical impact at extended range. URL: (Access date 01.09.2019).
7. SY-400 Short-Range Ballistic Missile. URL: (Access date 01.09.2019).
8. Vohniana “Vilkha”: nova vysokotochna systema zalpovoho vohnyu. Vpershe – detalno. URL: (Access date 01.09.2019).
9. Gurov S. V. Reaktivnye sistemy zalpovogo ognia: obzor. 1-е izd. Tula, 2006. 432 s.
10. The new M30A1 GMLRS Alternate Warhead to replace cluster bombs for US Army Central 71601171. URL: (Access date 01.09.2019).
11. High-Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), a member of MLRS family. URL: (Access date 01.09.2019).
12. SR-5 Multiple Launch Rocket System. URL: (Access date 01.09.2019).
13. Effectivnost slozhnykh system. Dinamicheskie modeli / V. А. Vinogradov, V. А. Hrushchansky, S. S. Dovhodush i dr. М., 1989. 285 s.
14. Ilichev А. V., Volkov V. D., Hrushchansky V. А. Effectivnost proektiruemykh elementov slozhnykh system: ucheb. posobie. М., 1982. 280 s.
15. Krotov V. F., Gurman V. I. Metody I zadachi optimalnogo upravleniia. М., 1973. 446 s.
16. Pontriagin L. S., Boltiansky V. G., Gamkrelidze R. V., Mishchenko Е. F. Matematicheskaia teoriia optimalnykh protsesov. М., 1969. 385 s.
17. Tarasov Е. V. Algoritm optimalnogo proektirovaniia letatelnogo apparata. М., 1970. 364 s.
18. Shcheverov D. N. Proektirovanie bespilotnykh letatelnykh apparatov. М., 1978. 264 s.
19. Siniukov А. М., Volkov L. I., Lvov А. I., Shishkevich А. М. Ballisticheskaia raketa na tverdom toplive / pod red. А. М. Siniukova. М., 1972. 511 s.
20. Burov М. А., Varfolomeev V. I., Volkov L. I. Proektirovanie i ispytanie ballisticheskikh raket / pod red. V. I. Varfolomeeva, М. I. Kopytova. М., 1970. 392 s.
21. Siutkina-Doronina S. V. K voprosu optimizatsii proektnykh parametrov i programm upravleniia raketnogo ob’ekta s raketnym dvigatelem na tverdom toplive. Aviatsionno-kosmicheskaia tekhnika i tekhnologiia. 2017. № 2 (137). S. 44–59.
22. Aksenenko A. V., Baranov E. Yu., Hursky A. I., Klochkov A. S., Morozov A. S., Alpatov A. P., Senkin V. S., Siutkina-Doronina S. V. Metodicheskoe obespechenie dlia optimizatsii na nachalnom etape proektirovaniia proektnykh parametrov, parametrov traektorii i programm upravleniia dvizheniem raketnogo ob’ekta. Kosmicheskaia tekhnika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie: sb. nauch.-tekhn. st. / GP “KB “Yuzhnoye”. Dnipro, 2018. Vyp. 2 (116). S. 101–116.
23. Metodicheskoe obespechenie dlia optimizatsii na nachalnom etape proektirovaniia proektnykh parametrov, programm upravleniia, ballisticheskikh, energeticheskikh i gabaritno-massovykh kharakteristik upravliaemykh raketnykh ob’ektov, osushchestvliaiushchikh dvizhenie po aeroballisticheskoi traektorii: otchet po NIR / ITM NANU i GKAU, GP “KB “Yuzhnoye”. Dnepropetrovsk, 2017. 159 S.
24. Senkin V. S. K Vyboru programm upravleniia dvizheniem raketnogo ob’ekta po ballisticheskoi traektorii. Tekhnicheskaia mekhanika. 2018. № 1. S. 48–59.
25. Alpatov A. P., Senkin V. S. Metodicheskoe obespechenie dlia vybora oblika, optimizatsii proektnykh parametrov i programm upravleniia poletom rakety-nositelia. Tekhnicheskaia mekhanika. 2013. № 4. S. 146–161.
26. Alpatov A. P., Senkin V. S. Kompleksnaia zadacha optimizatsii osnovnykh proektnykh parametrov i programm upravleniia dvizheniem raket kosmicheskogo naznacheniia. Tekhnicheskaia mekhanika. 2011. № 4. S. 98–113.
27. Senkin V. S. Optimizatsiia proektnykh parametrov rakety-nositelia sverkhlegkogo klassa. Tekhnicheskaia mekhanika. 2009. № 1. S. 80–88.
28. Lebedev А. А., Gerasiuta N. F. Ballistika raket. М., 1970. 244 s.
29. Razumev V. F., Kovalev B. K. Osnovy proektirovaniia ballisticheskikh raket na tverdom toplive: ucheb. posobie dlia vuzov. М., 1976. 356 s.
30. Erokhin B. Т. Teoreticheskie osnovy oroektirovaniia RDTT. М., 1982. 206 s.
31. Abugov D. I., Bobylev V. М. Teoriia i raschet raketnykh dvigatelei tverdogo topliva: uchebnik dlia mashinostroitelnykh vuzov. М., 1987. 272 s.
32. Shishkov А. А. Gasodinamika porokhovykh raketnykh dvigatelei: inzhenernye metody rascheta. М., 1974. 156 s.
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2.1.2020 Analysis of development trends of design parameters and basic characteristics of missiles for the advanced multiple launch rocket systems
2.1.2020 Analysis of development trends of design parameters and basic characteristics of missiles for the advanced multiple launch rocket systems
2.1.2020 Analysis of development trends of design parameters and basic characteristics of missiles for the advanced multiple launch rocket systems

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Key words: composite parts , joints with metal tips , process properties , quantitative assessment , mathematical model , control and controlled parameters , control algorithms. composite parts , joints with metal tips , process properties , quantitative assessment , mathematical model , control and controlled parameters , control algorithms.

13. Model of quality management of technical preparation for the metal+composite joints production

Автори: Taranenko I. M.

Organization: Kharkiv Aviation Institute, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2024, (1); 114-120


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: Modern aerospace structures widely use parts, panels and assemblies made of composites. Connecting them to metal tips is quite complicated problem. Known conventional methods of joints using bolts, rivets and adhesive ones do not meet the requirements for a number of reasons related to restrictions on weight, dimensions of joints, their reliability and manufacturability. In the world practice of such joints, many design and technological solutions for “metal+composite” joints are known. Among them, metal-composite heterogeneous connections with transversal fastening joints most fully meet the technical requirements. To connect composite tips of different structures with different shapes and grades of alloys of metal fittings, monolithic (with metal tips) fastening elements, pins (cylindrical, conical, pyramidal, etc.) and sheet microelements are used. The latter are attached to the metal tips in different ways. The microelements themselves can have different shapes from the top view and in longitudinal section. Depending on the direction and type of transmitted loads, the structure of the arrangement of elements on the surface of the metal tip can be different. In such multifactorial conditions, technical preparation of production, including design and technological preparation, is a complex task. It is necessary to consider that the goals of the production of such equipment may differ significantly – prototype (single piece) or mass production with different requirements for them. It is quite difficult to organize such production with technical preparation of high-quality production without a quality management model for the preparation process. The work proposes a comprehensive mathematical model for managing the quality of technical preparation for the production of joints based on a quantitative assessment of the properties of the main manufacturing processes. The controlled parameter in it is a complex quality index, and the controlling parameter is the weight factor of group or individual properties of the component processes. Setting the values of the weight coefficient of a particular property is carried out using an expert or analytical method in the range of values 0…1.0. In this case, the controlled parameter varies within 0.5…3.5. The indicated values are verified by calculation for different joint materials and processes of forming fastening microelements. Conclusions are drawn about the sufficient effectiveness of quality management of technical preparation for the production of metal+composite joints.

Key words: composite parts, joints with metal tips, process properties, quantitative assessment, mathematical model, control and controlled parameters, control algorithms.


1. Karpov Ya. S. Soedineniya detalej i agregatov iz kompozicionnyh materialov. Har’kov: Nac. aerokosm. un-t im. N. E. Zhukovskogo «HAI», 2006. 359 с. ISBN 966-662-133-9.
2. Vorobej V. V., Sirotkin O. S. Soedineniya konstrukcij iz kompozicionnyh materialov. L.: Mashinostroenie, 1985. 168 p.
3. Bulanov I. M. Tekhnologiya raketnyh i aerokosmicheskih konstrukcij iz kompozici-onnyh materialov: ucheb. dlya vuzov. M.: MGTU im. N.E. Baumana, 1998. 516 p. ISBN 5-7038-1319-0.
4. Eduardo E. Feistauer, Jorge F. dos Santos, Sergio T. Amancio-Filho. A review on direct assembly of through-the-thickness reinforced metal–polymer composite hybrid structures. Polymer Engineering and Science, Published: April 2019. Vol. 59, Issue 4. Р. 661 – 674. 1002/pen.25022.
5. Anna Galińska, Cezary Galiński. Mechanical Joining of Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites to Metals–A Review. Part II: Riveting, Clinching, Non-Adhesive Form-Locked Joints, Pin and Loop Joining / Polymers. Published 28 July 2020, Vol. 12(8). Issue 1681. Р. 1 – 40.
6. Azgaldov G. The ABC of Qualimetry Toolkit for measuring the immeasurable. G. Azgaldov, A. Kostin, A. Padilla Omiste, Ridero, 2015, 167 p. ISBN 978-5-4474-2248-6,
7. Taranenko M. E. Kvalimetriya v listovoj shtampovke : uchebnik. Harkov: Nac. aerokosm. un-t im. N. E. Zhukovskogo «Hark. aviac. in-t», 2015. 133 s.
8. Ovodenko Anatoliy, Ivakin Yan, Frolova Elena, Smirnova Maria. Qualimetric model for assessing the impact of the level of development of corporate information systems on the quality of aerospace instrumentation. SES-2020, E3S Web of Conferences 220, 01017 (2020). 5 p.
9. Taranenko I. M. Sravnitel’nyj analiz konstruktivno-tekhnologicheskih reshenij soedinenij metall-kompozit. Aviacionno-kosmicheskaya tekhnika i tekhnologiya. Nauchno-tekhnicheskij zhurnal. Vyp. 4(139). H.: HAI, 2017. Р. 40-49.
10. Krivoruchko A. V. Mekhanicheskaya obrabotka kompozicionnyh materialov pri sborke letatel’nyh apparatav (analiticheskij obzor): monografiya. A. V. Krivoruchko, V. A. Zaloga, V. A. Kolesnik i dr.; pod. obshch. red. prof. V. A. Zalogi. Sumy: «Universitetskaya kniga», 2013. 272 p. ISBN 978-680-694-2.
11. Spravochnik tehnologa-mashinostroitelya. T. 1. Pod red. A. M. Dalskogo, A. G. Kosilovoj, R. K. Mesheryakova. M.: Mashinostroenie, 2003. 656 s.
12. Spravochnik tehnologa-mashinostroitelya. T. 2. Pod red. A.M. Dalskogo, A.G. Kosilovoj, R.K. Mesheryakova. M.: Mashinostroenie, 2003. 944 s.

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10.2.2019 Dynamic performance of the gas drive with jet motor Tue, 03 Oct 2023 11:52:15 +0000
The task arises of selection of structure and parameters of devices consisting of several subsystems whose dynamic characteristics must be brought into agreement with each other in optimal way. The functional arrangement of the drive is considered consisting of jet motor based on Segner wheel with de Laval nozzle, mechanical transmission, pneumatic distributing device – jet pipe controlled by electromechanical converter. The Dynamics of Lead-Screw Drivers: Low-Order Modeling and Experiments /Journal of Dynamic System, Measurement and Control.

10. Dynamic performance of the gas drive with jet motor


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (2); 71-79


Language: Russian

Annotation: The use of servo drives on flying vehicles determines the requirements to their dynamic characteristics. The problems of dynamics of drive with jet motor are not practically covered in publications. The task arises of selection of structure and parameters of devices consisting of several subsystems whose dynamic characteristics must be brought into agreement with each other in optimal way. The purpose of this work is to develop mathematical dependences for calculation of dynamic characteristics. The functional arrangement of the drive is considered consisting of jet motor based on Segner wheel with de Laval nozzle, mechanical transmission, pneumatic distributing device – jet pipe controlled by electromechanical converter. The layout is presented of mechanical segment of servo drive with jet motor with screw-nut transmission. The dynamic model is presented and the algebraic relations to determine natural frequencies of the drive are given. The motion equations of output rod at full composition of load are given. Using Lagrange transformation as applied to ball screw transmission, the expression for reduced mass of output element was derived. The reduced mass of load depends on the jet motor design and exerts basic influence on the drive’s natural frequencies. The evaluation is given of reduced mass change from the jet motor moment of inertia and reducer transmission coefficient. Based on the proposed algorithms, the dynamic characteristics of servo drive were constructed: transient process and amplitude-frequency characteristic. The drive has relatively low pass band, which is explained by the value of reduced mass of load.

Key words: pneumatic drive, functional arrangement, hydrodynamic force, reduced mass, Lagrange transformations, ball screw transmission, transient process, frequency characteristic

1. Pnevmoprivod system upravleniya letatelnykh apparatov /V. A. Chaschin, O. T. Kamladze, A. B. Kondratiev at al. M., 1987. 248 s.
2. Berezhnoy A. S. Sovershenstvovanie rabochikh characteristic struino-reaktivnogo pnevmoagregata na osnove utochneniya modeli rabochego processa: dis. cand. techn. nauk: 05.05.17. Zaschischena 03.10.14. Sumy, 2014. 157 s.
3. Oleinik V. P., Yelanskiy Yu. A., Kovalenko V. N. et al. Staticheskie characteristiki gazovogo privoda so struinym dvigatelem /Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie: Sb. nauch.-techn. st. 2016. Vyp. 2. S. 21-27.
4. Abramovich G. N. Prikladnaya gazovaya dynamika. M., 1976. 888 s.
5. Strutinskiy V. B. Matematichne modelyuvannya processiv ta system mechaniki. Zhitomir, 2001. 612 s.
6. Shalamov A. V., Mazein P. G. Dynamicheskaya model’ sharikovintovoi pary/ Izv. Chelyabinskogo nauchnogo centra UrO RAN. №4. Chelyabinsk, 2002. S.161-170.
7. Kripa K.Varanasi, Samir A. Nayfer. The Dynamics of Lead-Screw Drivers: Low-Order Modeling and Experiments /Journal of Dynamic System, Measurement and Control. June 2004. Vol. 126. P. 388-395.
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10.2.2019 Dynamic performance of the gas drive with jet motor
10.2.2019 Dynamic performance of the gas drive with jet motor
10.2.2019 Dynamic performance of the gas drive with jet motor

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6.1.2020 Mechanics of a satellite cluster. Methods for estimating the probability of their maximal approach in flight Wed, 13 Sep 2023 06:19:43 +0000
2020, (1); 57-75 DOI: Language: Russian Annotation: The methods are proposed (analytical and numerical based on motion equations integration) to evaluate probability of first approaches to small distances of satellites of cluster uncontrolled in flight in long time intervals. For the option of injecting 12 satellites to the area of one base orbit of ~ 650 km altitude and  98 inclination, the parameters of satellites separation at the equator were determined that realize their uniform dispersion in the first orbits of autonomous flight.

6. Mechanics of a satellite cluster. Methods for estimating the probability of their maximal approach in flight


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 57-75


Language: Russian

Annotation: The methods are proposed (analytical and numerical based on motion equations integration) to evaluate probability of first approaches to small distances of satellites of cluster uncontrolled in flight in long time intervals. As the number of satellites injected into area of one base orbit grows, the necessity of evaluating such probability constantly increases – already at present their number in some cases exceeds hundred units. In flight, such satellites form in limited area of space rather compact cluster; the satellite density in such cluster exceeds by many orders the density of operating space objects at their functioning altitudes. Due to somewhat different satellite orbiting periods, the distances between them in flight direction continuously change, different precession motion of orbital planes determines their angular spread – approach in flight. It was determined that maximal probability of approach of whatever pair of satellites of cluster to small distances is the case if in some neighborhood of numbers of their flight orbits, simultaneously two events are realized – the satellites approach to minimal distances in flight direction and angular spread of their orb ital planes is close to zero. The conditions are determined of separation of whatever two satellites of cluster (their separation directions and velocities) – that ensure simultaneous realization of the above events in some neighborhood of number of flight orbits. The analytical relations were obtained that allow determining the corresponding numerical values of satellite approach parameters. For particular case – satellite separation at the equator – maximal probability of approach of two satellites of cluster to small distances is the case when their relative separation velocities are equal in flight direction and in perpendicular to this direction. For the option of injecting 12 satellites to the area of one base orbit of ~ 650 km altitude and  98 inclination, the parameters of satellites separation at the equator were determined that realize their uniform dispersion in the first orbits of autonomous flight. For 2 pairs (out of 66 formed for considered injection case) the conditions of maximal probability of their first approaches to small distances are realized. Using two developed methods evaluations of such probability were obtained.

Key words: mutually relative motion of the satellite cluster, sun-synchronous orbits, satellites approach probability

1. Venttsel’ Е. S. Teoriia veroiatnostei. М., 1958. 464 s.
2. Gerasiuta N. F., Lebedev А. А. Ballistika raket. М., 1970. 244 s.
3. GOST 25645, 115-84. Model’ plotnosti dlia ballisticheskogo obespecheniia poletov ISZ. М., 1985.
4. Degtyarev A. V., Sheptun A. D. Proektno-ballisticheskie resheniia po gruppovym zapuskam kosmicheskikh apparatov v raion neskolkikh bazovykh orbit. Kosmicheskaia tekhnika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie. 2011. Vyp. 2. S. 37–51.
5. Degtyarev A. V., Sheptun A. D., Vorobiova I. A. Organizatsiia ravnomernogo raskhozhdeniia gruppirovki malykh sputnikov posle otdeleniia i ikh priemlemogo razneseniia na etapakh posleduiushchikh sblizhenii. Kosmichna nauka i tekhnologiia. 2016. № 3. S. 25–31.
6. Kugaenko B. V., Eliasberg P. E. Evoliutsiia pochti krugovykh orbit ISZ pod vliianiem zonalnykh garmonik. Kosmicheskie issledovaniia. 1968. Vyp. 2. S. 186–202.
7. Degtyarev O. V., Denysov V. І., Shchehol’ V. А., Degtyarenko P. H., Nesterov О. V., Mashtak І. V., Sheptun А. D., Avchynnikov І. K., Sirenko V. М., Tatarevsky K. Е. Sposib pidhotovky ta provedennia hrupovogo zapusky suputnykiv u kosmosi odniieiu paketoiu: pat. Ukrainy № 87290. Opubl. 10.02.2014.
8. Eliasberg P. E. Vvedenie v teoriiu poleta iskusstvennykh sputnikov Zemli. М., 1965. 540 s.
9. Eliasberg P. E. i dr. Dvizhenie iskusstvennykh sputnikov v gravitatsionnom pole Zemli. М., 1967. 299 s.
10. Degtyarev A., Vorobiova I., Sheptun A. Organization uniform dispersal for group of small satellites after their separation and acceptable spread at stages of their further approaches. Amer. J. Aerospace Eng. 2015. № 2. P. 36–42.
11. Vorobiova I., Sheptun A. Organization uniform dispersal for group of small satellites after their separation and acceptable spread at stages of their further approaches. IAC-15-B4.5.11. Jerusalem, 2015. P. 4–9.
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USA Boardman; Matawan; Baltimore; Boydton; Plano; Columbus; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Seattle; Ashburn; Ashburn; Ashburn; Mountain View; Seattle; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Ashburn; Ashburn21
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6.1.2020 Mechanics of a satellite cluster. Methods for estimating the probability of their maximal approach in flight
6.1.2020 Mechanics of a satellite cluster. Methods for estimating the probability of their maximal approach in flight
6.1.2020 Mechanics of a satellite cluster. Methods for estimating the probability of their maximal approach in flight

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19.2.2018 Control of Validity and Assessment of Accuracy of Telemetry Results during Full-Scale Test of Launch Vehicles Thu, 07 Sep 2023 12:23:58 +0000
Control of Validity and Assessment of Accuracy of Telemetry Results during Full-Scale Test of Launch Vehicles Authors: Aksiuta О. The sampling rates of the main controlled parameters are three to ten times higher than the frequency range of their changing. Statistically Optimal Linear Estimations and Control. Estimation Theory and its Application in Communication and Control. Filtration and Stochastic Control in Dynamic Systems: Collection of articles / Under the editorship of K. (2018) "Control of Validity and Assessment of Accuracy of Telemetry Results during Full-Scale Test of Launch Vehicles" Космическая техника.

19. Control of Validity and Assessment of Accuracy of Telemetry Results during Full-Scale Test of Launch Vehicles


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (2); 157-172


Language: Russian

Annotation: The measurement errors upon conducting flight tests for launch vehicles are evaluated by considering the interferences and uncertainties in the measurement system procedure. Formal use of this approach can lead to unpredictable consequences. More reliable evaluation of errors upon conducted measurements can be achieved if the measurement process is regarded as a procedure of successive activities for designing, manufacturing, and testing the measurement system and the rocket including measurements and their processing during the after-flight analysis of the received data. The sampling rates of the main controlled parameters are three to ten times higher than the frequency range of their changing. Therefore, it is possible to determine the characteristics of the random error components directly on the basis of registered data. The unrevealed systematic components create the basic uncertainty in the evaluation of the examined parameter’s total measurement error. To evaluate the precision and measurement accuracy of a particular launch, the article suggests specifying the preliminary data on measurement error components determined during prelaunch processing and launch. Basic structures of algorithms for evaluation of precision and measurement accuracy for certain mathematical models that form the measured parameters were considered along with the practical case when static correlation existed among the measured parameters.

Key words: flight tests, sensor, measurement error, mathematical model

1. Novitsky P. V., Zograf I. A. Evaluation of Measurement Errors. L., 1985. 248 p.
2. Shmutzer E. Relativity Theory. Modern Conception. Way to Unity of Physics. М., 1981. 230 p.
3. Blekhman I. I., Myshkis A. D., Panovenko Y. G. Applied Mathematics: Subject, Logic, Peculiarities of Approaches. К., 1976. 270 p.
4. Moiseyev N. N. Mathematical Problems of System Analysis. М., 1981. 488 p.
5. Bryson A., Ho Yu-Shi. Applied Theory of Optimal Control. М., 1972. 544 p.
6. Yevlanov L. G. Monitoring of Dynamic Systems. М., 1972. 424 p.
7. Sergiyenko A. B. Digital Signal Processing: Collection of publications. 2011. 768 p.
8. Braslavsky D. A., Petrov V. V. Precision of Measuring Devices. М., 1976. 312 p.
9. Glinchenko A. S. Digital Signal Processing: Course of lectures. Krasnoyarsk, 2008. 242 p.
10. Garmanov A. V. Practice of Optimization of Signal-Noise Ratio at ACP Connection in Real Conditions. М., 2002. 9 p.
11. Denosenko V. V., Khalyavko A. N. Interference Protection of Sensors and Connecting Wires of Industrial Automation Systems. SТА. No. 1. 2001. P. 68-75.
12. Garmanov A. V. Connection of Measuring Instruments. Solution of Electric Compatibility and Interference Protection Problems. М., 2003. 41 p.
13. TP ACS Encyclopedia.
14. Smolyak S. A., Titarenko B. P. Stable Estimation Methods. М., 1980. 208 p.
15. Fomin A. F. et al. Rejection of Abnormal Measurement Results. М., 1985. 200 p.
16. Medich J. Statistically Optimal Linear Estimations and Control. М., 1973. 440 p.
17. Sage E., Mells J. Estimation Theory and its Application in Communication and Control. М., 1976. 496 p.
18. Filtration and Stochastic Control in Dynamic Systems: Collection of articles / Under the editorship of K. T. Leondes. М., 1980. 408 p.
19. Krinetsky E. I. et al. Flight Tests of Rockets and Spacecraft. М., 1979. 464 p.
20. Viduyev N. G., Grigorenko A. G. Mathematical Processing of Geodesic Measurements. К., 1978. 376 p.
21. Aivazyan S. A., Yenyukov I. S., Meshalkin L. D. Applied Statistics. Investigation of Dependencies. М., 1985. 487 p.
22. Sirenko V. N., Il’yenko P. V., Semenenko P. V. Use of Statistic Approaches in Analysis of Gas Dynamic Parameters in LV Vented Bays. Space Technology. Missile Armaments: Collection of scientific-technical articles. Issue 1. P. 43-47.
23. Granovsky V. A., Siraya T. N. Methods of Experimental Data Processing at Measurements. L., 1990. 288 p.
24. Zhovinsky A. N., Zhovinsky V. N. Engineering Express Analysis of Random Processes. М., 1979. 112 p.
25. Anishchenko V. A. Control of Authenticity of Duplicated Measurements in Uncertainty Conditions. University News. Minsk, 2010. No. 2. P. 11-18.
26. Anishchenko V. A. Reliability and Accuracy of Triple Measurements of Analog Technological Variables. University News. Minsk, 2017. No. 2. P. 108-117.
27. Shenk H. Theory of Engineering Experiment. М., 1972. 381 p.
28. Bessonov А. А., Sverdlov L. Z. Methods of Statistic Analysis of Automatic Devices Errors. L., 1974. 144 p.
29. Pugachyov V. N. Combined Methods to Determine Probabilistic Characteristics. М., 1973. 256 p.
30. Gandin L. S., Kagan R. L. Statistic Methods of Meteorological Data Interpretation. L., 1976. 360 p.
31. Zheleznov I. G., Semyonov G. P. Combined Estimation of Complex Systems Characteristics. М., 1976. 52 p.
32. Vt222М Absolute Pressure Sensor: ТU Vt2.832.075TU. Penza, 1983.
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19.2.2018 Control of Validity and Assessment of Accuracy of Telemetry Results during Full-Scale Test of Launch Vehicles
19.2.2018 Control of Validity and Assessment of Accuracy of Telemetry Results during Full-Scale Test of Launch Vehicles
19.2.2018 Control of Validity and Assessment of Accuracy of Telemetry Results during Full-Scale Test of Launch Vehicles

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6.1.2019 Investigation into Peculiarities of Delivery to Launch Base of Rocket Propellant with Specified Gasing Thu, 25 May 2023 12:09:32 +0000
Article includes the measuring results of the gas liquid medium parameters inside the tank containers with fuel in the process of fuel transportation to Ukraine from PRC factories and estimations of the measuring results using the developed model which confirmed the quantitative nature of the mass exchange processes, included in the model, going on in the gas liquid medium during transportation of the tank container with fuel equipment. Based on this fuel saturation by helium procedure, the complex technology is suggested, providing controlled gas saturation during fuel delivery and subsequent adjustment of gas saturation using launch site equipment. Therefore, this article develops and studies the original model of the controlled gas saturation of the fuel during its delivery to the consumer.

6. Investigation into Peculiarities of Delivery to Launch Base of Rocket Propellant with Specified Gasing


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 38-44


Language: Russian

Annotation: This article considers the issue of achievement of the specified value of propellants saturation by helium after their delivery from the manufacturers to the launch site. Knowing the fact that propellants gas saturation or gas separation processes are labour-consuming and costly this issue is of immediate interest. In order to solve this problem number of factors have been considered, which determine the value of gas saturation in the propellants delivered to the launch site and procedure to control the value of gas saturation by the fuel manufacturer has been developed. This procedure implies that shipping tank container is pressurized after being fueled with propellants at the manufacturer’s, the pressure is characterized by the value of the known initial deficit or excess of gas in the propellants, following which tank container is delivered to the launch site. During transportation tank container is subjected to various kinds of mechanical actions (vibration, rolling and pitching in the sea, braking, transshipment), therefore intensive mixing of propellants occur. As propellants mix, process of propellant saturation occurs when certain amount of gas transits from tank container’s gas volume into the liquid, therefore certain gas saturation is reached. Article includes the measuring results of the gas liquid medium parameters inside the tank containers with fuel in the process of fuel transportation to Ukraine from PRC factories and estimations of the measuring results using the developed model which confirmed the quantitative nature of the mass exchange processes, included in the model, going on in the gas liquid medium during transportation of the tank container with fuel equipment. It has been determined that due to inevitable errors in the measuring of the specified parameters by the tank container, the achievement of the specified gas saturation with high precision is problematic. In spite of the fact that this procedure does not provide exact value of the specified gas saturation, its application will accelerate and make cheaper the process of fuel preparation for filling operations at the launch site, which is especially relevant in case of fuel saturation by helium. Based on this fuel saturation by helium procedure, the complex technology is suggested, providing controlled gas saturation during fuel delivery and subsequent adjustment of gas saturation using launch site equipment. Therefore, this article develops and studies the original model of the controlled gas saturation of the fuel during its delivery to the consumer. Alternative of the practical use of the study results is suggested in the form of the complex technology of fuel saturation by helium, delivered in the tank containers from the manufacturer to the launch site.

Key words: oxidizer, fuel, saturation by helium, tank container, transportation


1. Volskiy A. P. Kosmodrom. M.: Voenizdat, 1977. 311 p.
2. Stepanov A. N., Vorobiev A. M., Grankin B. K. Kompleksy zapravki raket I kosmicheskikh apparatov. SPB:OM-PRESS, 2004. 26 p.
3. Kiriyanova A. N., Matveeva O. P. Opredelenie kolebania davlenia v gazovoy polosti hermetychikh emkostey transportnozapravochnykh containerov dlya raketnykh topliv pri temperaturnykh vozdeistviyakh/ Nauka i innovatsii. 2016. Vyp. 7.
4. Berezhkovskiy M. I. Khranenie i transportirovka khimicheskykh produktov. – M.: Khimia, 1973. – 272 s.
5. Perepelkin K. Ye., Matveev V. S. Gazovye emulsii. L.:Khimia, 1979. 200 p.
6. Issledovanie protsessov degazirovaniya komponentov topliva v conteinere-tsisterne pri dostavke topliva potrebitelyu. Cyclone4M 21.18425.174 OT: Techn. report. Dnepropetrovsk: Yuzhnoye SDO, 2017. 39 p.

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6.1.2019 Investigation into Peculiarities of Delivery to Launch Base of Rocket Propellant with Specified Gasing
6.1.2019 Investigation into Peculiarities of Delivery to Launch Base of Rocket Propellant with Specified Gasing
6.1.2019 Investigation into Peculiarities of Delivery to Launch Base of Rocket Propellant with Specified Gasing

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18.1.2019 Designing of Servo Driver of Throttle Mechanisms and Fuel Flow Regulator of ILV Main Motor Wed, 24 May 2023 16:00:39 +0000
Mathematical modelling of the control processes is conducted according to the computational model, varying the circuit and design parameters of the electric drive. Functional mockups of the executive unit, control box, as well as the computer-controlled technological test console were manufactured on the basis of the requirements specification documents.

18. Designing of Servo Driver of Throttle Mechanisms and Fuel Flow Regulator of ILV Main Motor


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 122-131


Language: Russian

Annotation: The basic results of the design calculations and mathematical modelling of the control processes in the precision high-speed servo drive are presented, as well as results of experimental studies of the functional mock-up of this servo drive’s movable gears of the throttle and fuel flow regulator of the ILV main engine. Major task of the studies was theoretical and experimental verification of the required static and dynamic accuracy of the servo drive in the process of try-out of the command signals reception from the main engine’s controller. In the phase of development, theoretical study of the linearized servo drive with application of transformations and theorems of Laplace passages to the limit is conducted. Analytical dependences between servo drive circuit parametres, its elements and characteristics of the control signals are obtained. Instrument errors and servostatic elasticity of the servo drive are calculated. Calculation model including the basic nonlinearities of this servo drive is prepared. Mathematical modelling of the control processes is conducted according to the computational model, varying the circuit and design parameters of the electric drive. Results of the theoretical studies were taken as input data for the requirements specification document to develop the executive unit with the electromotor, reduction gear and output shaft position sensor, and the control box. Functional mockups of the executive unit, control box, as well as the computer-controlled technological test console were manufactured on the basis of the requirements specification documents. The required scope of the laboratory-development tests of the functional mock-up of the servo drive was conducted. Results of the conducted activities confirm the achievement of the required accuracies of the servo drive in the laboratory environment.

Key words: control system, permanent-field synchronous motor, mathematical model, computational analysis

1. Programma «Mayak», raketa kosmicheskogo naznacheniya, marsheviy dvigatel’ pervoi stupeni: Techn. proekt. Dnepropetrovsk: GP KB «Yuzhnoye», 2015. 490 p.
2. Controller marshevogo dvigatelya pervoi stupeni RKN: Poyasnitelnaya zapiska. Dnepr: GP KB «Yuzhnoye», 2017. 108 p.
3. Marsheviy dvigatel pervoi stupeni RKN: Technicheskoe zadanie na razrabotku electromechanicheskogo privoda mechanizmov drosselya i regulyatora raschoda goryuchego. Dnepr: GP KB «Yuzhnoye», 2016. 68 p.
4. Basharin A. V., Novikov V. A., Sokolovskiy G. G. Upravlenie electroprivodami: Uch. posob. dlya VUZov. L.: Energoizdat, 1982. 392 p.
5. Makarov I. M., Menskiy B. M. Lineinye avtomaticheskie systemy. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1982. 504 p.
6. Otchet po rezultatam ispytania maketnogo obraztsa electromechanicheskogo privoda mechanizmov drosselya i regulyatora goruchego. Dnepr: GP KB «Yuzhnoye», 2018. 50 p.
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Unknown Melbourne;2
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18.1.2019 Designing of Servo Driver of Throttle Mechanisms and Fuel Flow Regulator of ILV Main Motor
18.1.2019 Designing of Servo Driver of Throttle Mechanisms and Fuel Flow Regulator of ILV Main Motor
18.1.2019 Designing of Servo Driver of Throttle Mechanisms and Fuel Flow Regulator of ILV Main Motor

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