Search Results for “control system” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Tue, 05 Nov 2024 20:21:47 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “control system” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 2.1.2020 Analysis of development trends of design parameters and basic characteristics of missiles for the advanced multiple launch rocket systems
The aim of the article is an analysis of the development trends of the guided missiles with the solid rocket motors for the multiple launch rocket systems, identifying the characteristics and requirements for the flight trajectories, design parameters, control programs, overall dimensions and mass characteristics, structural layout and aerodynamic schemes of missiles.

2. Analysis of development trends of design parameters and basic characteristics of missiles for the advanced multiple launch rocket systems


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; The Institute of Technical Mechanics, Dnipro, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 13-25


Language: Russian

Annotation: The scientific and methodological propositions for the designing single-stage guided missiles with the solid rocket motors for advanced multiple launch rocket systems are defined. The guided missiles of multiple launch rocket system are intended for delivering munitions to the given spatial point with required and specified kinematic motion parameters at the end of flight. The aim of the article is an analysis of the development trends of the guided missiles with the solid rocket motors for the multiple launch rocket systems, identifying the characteristics and requirements for the flight trajectories, design parameters, control programs, overall dimensions and mass characteristics, structural layout and aerodynamic schemes of missiles. The formalization of the complex task to optimize design parameters, trajectory parameters and motion control programs for the guided missiles capable of flying along the ballistic, aeroballistic or combined trajectories is given. The complex task belongs to a problem of the optimal control theory with limitations in form of equa lity, inequality and differential constraints. To simplify the problem, an approach to program forming is proposed for motion control in the form of polynomial that brings the problem of the optimal control theory to a simpler problem of nonlinear mathematical programming. When trajectory parameters were calculated the missile was regarded as a material point of variable mass and the combined equations for center-of-mass motion of the guided missile with projections on axes of the terrestrial reference system were used. The structure of the mathematical model was given along with the calculation sequence of the criterion function that was used for determination of the optimal parameters, programs and characteristics. The mathematical model of the guided missile provides adequate accuracy for design study to determine depending on the main design parameters: overall dimensions and mass characteristics of the guided missile in general and its structural comp onents and subsystems; power, thrust and consumption characteristics of the rocket motor; aerodynamic and ballistic characteristics of the guided missile. The developed methodology was tested by determining design and trajectory parameters, overall dimensions and mass characteristics, power and ballistic characteristics of two guided missiles with wings for advanced multiple launch rocket systems produced by the People’s Republic of China, using the limited amount of information available in the product catalog.

Key words: multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), complex problem of the optimal control theory, problem of nonlinear mathematical programming, main solid rocket motor, limitations for motion parameters and basic characteristics of the guided missiles

1. Degtyarev A. V. Raketnaia tekhnika. Problemy i perspektivy: izbrannye nauchno-tekhnicheskie publikatsii. Dnepropetrovsk, 2014. 420 s.
2. Pro zatverdzhennia Poriadku zdiisnennia derzhavnoho kontriliu za mizhnarodnymy peredachamy tovariv podviinoho vykorystannia:Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 28 sichnia 2004 r. № 86. Date: 29.11.2018. URL: (Access date 01.09.2019).
3. Catalogue China Aerospase Long-march International. February, 2017. 136 p.
4. Reaktivnye sistemy zalpovogo ognia zarubezhnykh stran: obzor po materialam otkrytoi pechati za 1987–2016 gg. i interneta. Dnipro, 2016. Ч. I. 205 s.
5. Upravliaemye OTRK i TRK stran mira: obzor po materialam otkrytoi otechestvennoi i zarubezhnoi pechati za 2008–2014 gg. i interneta. Dnipro, 2014. 162 s.
6. Tail controlled rocket demonstrates near-vertical impact at extended range. URL: (Access date 01.09.2019).
7. SY-400 Short-Range Ballistic Missile. URL: (Access date 01.09.2019).
8. Vohniana “Vilkha”: nova vysokotochna systema zalpovoho vohnyu. Vpershe – detalno. URL: (Access date 01.09.2019).
9. Gurov S. V. Reaktivnye sistemy zalpovogo ognia: obzor. 1-е izd. Tula, 2006. 432 s.
10. The new M30A1 GMLRS Alternate Warhead to replace cluster bombs for US Army Central 71601171. URL: (Access date 01.09.2019).
11. High-Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), a member of MLRS family. URL: (Access date 01.09.2019).
12. SR-5 Multiple Launch Rocket System. URL: (Access date 01.09.2019).
13. Effectivnost slozhnykh system. Dinamicheskie modeli / V. А. Vinogradov, V. А. Hrushchansky, S. S. Dovhodush i dr. М., 1989. 285 s.
14. Ilichev А. V., Volkov V. D., Hrushchansky V. А. Effectivnost proektiruemykh elementov slozhnykh system: ucheb. posobie. М., 1982. 280 s.
15. Krotov V. F., Gurman V. I. Metody I zadachi optimalnogo upravleniia. М., 1973. 446 s.
16. Pontriagin L. S., Boltiansky V. G., Gamkrelidze R. V., Mishchenko Е. F. Matematicheskaia teoriia optimalnykh protsesov. М., 1969. 385 s.
17. Tarasov Е. V. Algoritm optimalnogo proektirovaniia letatelnogo apparata. М., 1970. 364 s.
18. Shcheverov D. N. Proektirovanie bespilotnykh letatelnykh apparatov. М., 1978. 264 s.
19. Siniukov А. М., Volkov L. I., Lvov А. I., Shishkevich А. М. Ballisticheskaia raketa na tverdom toplive / pod red. А. М. Siniukova. М., 1972. 511 s.
20. Burov М. А., Varfolomeev V. I., Volkov L. I. Proektirovanie i ispytanie ballisticheskikh raket / pod red. V. I. Varfolomeeva, М. I. Kopytova. М., 1970. 392 s.
21. Siutkina-Doronina S. V. K voprosu optimizatsii proektnykh parametrov i programm upravleniia raketnogo ob’ekta s raketnym dvigatelem na tverdom toplive. Aviatsionno-kosmicheskaia tekhnika i tekhnologiia. 2017. № 2 (137). S. 44–59.
22. Aksenenko A. V., Baranov E. Yu., Hursky A. I., Klochkov A. S., Morozov A. S., Alpatov A. P., Senkin V. S., Siutkina-Doronina S. V. Metodicheskoe obespechenie dlia optimizatsii na nachalnom etape proektirovaniia proektnykh parametrov, parametrov traektorii i programm upravleniia dvizheniem raketnogo ob’ekta. Kosmicheskaia tekhnika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie: sb. nauch.-tekhn. st. / GP “KB “Yuzhnoye”. Dnipro, 2018. Vyp. 2 (116). S. 101–116.
23. Metodicheskoe obespechenie dlia optimizatsii na nachalnom etape proektirovaniia proektnykh parametrov, programm upravleniia, ballisticheskikh, energeticheskikh i gabaritno-massovykh kharakteristik upravliaemykh raketnykh ob’ektov, osushchestvliaiushchikh dvizhenie po aeroballisticheskoi traektorii: otchet po NIR / ITM NANU i GKAU, GP “KB “Yuzhnoye”. Dnepropetrovsk, 2017. 159 S.
24. Senkin V. S. K Vyboru programm upravleniia dvizheniem raketnogo ob’ekta po ballisticheskoi traektorii. Tekhnicheskaia mekhanika. 2018. № 1. S. 48–59.
25. Alpatov A. P., Senkin V. S. Metodicheskoe obespechenie dlia vybora oblika, optimizatsii proektnykh parametrov i programm upravleniia poletom rakety-nositelia. Tekhnicheskaia mekhanika. 2013. № 4. S. 146–161.
26. Alpatov A. P., Senkin V. S. Kompleksnaia zadacha optimizatsii osnovnykh proektnykh parametrov i programm upravleniia dvizheniem raket kosmicheskogo naznacheniia. Tekhnicheskaia mekhanika. 2011. № 4. S. 98–113.
27. Senkin V. S. Optimizatsiia proektnykh parametrov rakety-nositelia sverkhlegkogo klassa. Tekhnicheskaia mekhanika. 2009. № 1. S. 80–88.
28. Lebedev А. А., Gerasiuta N. F. Ballistika raket. М., 1970. 244 s.
29. Razumev V. F., Kovalev B. K. Osnovy proektirovaniia ballisticheskikh raket na tverdom toplive: ucheb. posobie dlia vuzov. М., 1976. 356 s.
30. Erokhin B. Т. Teoreticheskie osnovy oroektirovaniia RDTT. М., 1982. 206 s.
31. Abugov D. I., Bobylev V. М. Teoriia i raschet raketnykh dvigatelei tverdogo topliva: uchebnik dlia mashinostroitelnykh vuzov. М., 1987. 272 s.
32. Shishkov А. А. Gasodinamika porokhovykh raketnykh dvigatelei: inzhenernye metody rascheta. М., 1974. 156 s.
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2.1.2020 Analysis of development trends of design parameters and basic characteristics of missiles for the advanced multiple launch rocket systems
2.1.2020 Analysis of development trends of design parameters and basic characteristics of missiles for the advanced multiple launch rocket systems
2.1.2020 Analysis of development trends of design parameters and basic characteristics of missiles for the advanced multiple launch rocket systems

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4.1.2024 The dynamics of servo drives Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:08:46 +0000
Calculation results with the application of the given mathematical model match well with the results of the full-scale testing of different specimens of servo drives, which makes it possible to use it for the development of new servomechanisms, as well as for the correct flight simulation when testing the aircraft control systems.

4. The dynamics of servo drives

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2024, (1); 29-39


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: The article gives the analysis results for the servo drives dynamics, obtained from the theoretical calculations and during the development testing of the high power electric drives. Theoretical research was conducted, using the complete mathematical model of the servo drive, which included the equations of the control signal shaping path, electric motor, reducer and load. The equations of the control signal shaping network include only the characteristics of the compensating element in the assumption that all other delays in the transformation path are minimized. The electric motor equations are assumed in the classical form, taking into account the influence of the following main parameters on the motor dynamics: inductance and stator winding resistance, torque and armature reaction coefficients and rotor moment of inertia. Interaction of the motor with the multimass system of the reducer and load is presented in the form of force interaction of two masses – a reduced mass of the rotor and mass of the load through the certain equivalent rigidity of the kinematic chain. To describe the effect of gap in the kinematic connection the special computational trick, which considerably simplifies its mathematical description, is used. Efficiency of the reducer is presented in the form of the internal friction, proportional to the transmitted force. Calculation results with the application of the given mathematical model match well with the results of the full-scale testing of different specimens of servo drives, which makes it possible to use it for the development of new servomechanisms, as well as for the correct flight simulation when testing the aircraft control systems. In particular, based on the frequency response calculations of the closed circuit with the application of the given mathematical model, it is possible to define optimal parameters of the correcting circuit. Reaction on the step action with the various values of circular amplification coefficient in the circuit gives complete information on the stability regions of the closed circuit and influence of various drive parameters on these regions. Based on the conducted theoretical and experimental studies, the basic conclusions and recommendations were obtained and presented, accounting and implementation of which will provide high dynamic characteristics of the newly designed servo drives.

Key words: electric drive, servo drive, reducer, stability, mathematical model.

  1. Kozak L. Dynamika servomechanismov raketnoy techniki. Inzhenernye metody issledovaniya. Izd-vo LAP LAMBERT Academic Publiching, Germania. 2022.
  2. Kozak L. R., Shakhov M. I. Matematicheskie modely hydravlicheskikh servomekhanismov raketno-kosmicheskoy techniki. Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie. 2019. Vyp. 1.
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4.1.2024 The dynamics of servo drives
4.1.2024 The dynamics of servo drives
4.1.2024 The dynamics of servo drives

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11.2.2017 Remote Monitoring Method of Pneudraulic System Structural Elements Integrity Thu, 30 May 2024 12:33:16 +0000
2017 (2); 57-59 Language: Russian Annotation: The remote control method of launch vehicle hydrosystem detachable joints airtightness by mass spectrometer at the Launch Complex in conditions of limited access to hydrosystem elements is under consideration. The additional design development of hydrosystems prior to article roll-out to the launch side is provided for control.

11. Remote Monitoring Method of Pneudraulic System Structural Elements Integrity


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (2); 57-59

Language: Russian

Annotation: The remote control method of launch vehicle hydrosystem detachable joints airtightness by mass spectrometer at the Launch Complex in conditions of limited access to hydrosystem elements is under consideration. The additional design development of hydrosystems prior to article roll-out to the launch side is provided for control.

Key words:

1. Volkov V. P., Kulik A. V. et al. Technological Processes of Strength and Leak Tests in Space Rocketry Production / Under the editorship of L. D. Kuchma. Dnepropetrovsk, 2014. 264 p.
2. Sanin F. P. et al. Leak-Tightness in Space Rocketry: Tutorial / F. P. Sanin, E. O. Dzhur, L. D. Kuchma, V. A. Naidyonov. Dnipropetrovsk, 1995. 168 p.
3. Babkin V. T., Zaichenko A. A. et al. Leak-Tightness of Hydraulic Systems Fixed Connections. М., 1977. 120 p.
4. OST 92-1527-89. Leak Tests of Products Using Mass-Spectrometer Helium Leak Detectors. Test Methods. 138 p.
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USA Boardman; Matawan; Baltimore; Plano; Dublin; Columbus; Monroe; Ashburn; Seattle; Ashburn; Ashburn; Ashburn; Seattle; Tappahannock; Portland; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn22
Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore8
Germany Frankfurt am Main; Frankfurt am Main; Falkenstein3
Unknown Brisbane;2
Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro2
Belgium Brussels1
Finland Helsinki1
Canada Monreale1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
11.2.2017 Remote Monitoring Method of Pneudraulic System Structural Elements Integrity
11.2.2017 Remote Monitoring Method of Pneudraulic System Structural Elements Integrity
11.2.2017 Remote Monitoring Method of Pneudraulic System Structural Elements Integrity
10.2.2019 Dynamic performance of the gas drive with jet motor Tue, 03 Oct 2023 11:52:15 +0000
The Dynamics of Lead-Screw Drivers: Low-Order Modeling and Experiments /Journal of Dynamic System, Measurement and Control.

10. Dynamic performance of the gas drive with jet motor


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (2); 71-79


Language: Russian

Annotation: The use of servo drives on flying vehicles determines the requirements to their dynamic characteristics. The problems of dynamics of drive with jet motor are not practically covered in publications. The task arises of selection of structure and parameters of devices consisting of several subsystems whose dynamic characteristics must be brought into agreement with each other in optimal way. The purpose of this work is to develop mathematical dependences for calculation of dynamic characteristics. The functional arrangement of the drive is considered consisting of jet motor based on Segner wheel with de Laval nozzle, mechanical transmission, pneumatic distributing device – jet pipe controlled by electromechanical converter. The layout is presented of mechanical segment of servo drive with jet motor with screw-nut transmission. The dynamic model is presented and the algebraic relations to determine natural frequencies of the drive are given. The motion equations of output rod at full composition of load are given. Using Lagrange transformation as applied to ball screw transmission, the expression for reduced mass of output element was derived. The reduced mass of load depends on the jet motor design and exerts basic influence on the drive’s natural frequencies. The evaluation is given of reduced mass change from the jet motor moment of inertia and reducer transmission coefficient. Based on the proposed algorithms, the dynamic characteristics of servo drive were constructed: transient process and amplitude-frequency characteristic. The drive has relatively low pass band, which is explained by the value of reduced mass of load.

Key words: pneumatic drive, functional arrangement, hydrodynamic force, reduced mass, Lagrange transformations, ball screw transmission, transient process, frequency characteristic

1. Pnevmoprivod system upravleniya letatelnykh apparatov /V. A. Chaschin, O. T. Kamladze, A. B. Kondratiev at al. M., 1987. 248 s.
2. Berezhnoy A. S. Sovershenstvovanie rabochikh characteristic struino-reaktivnogo pnevmoagregata na osnove utochneniya modeli rabochego processa: dis. cand. techn. nauk: 05.05.17. Zaschischena 03.10.14. Sumy, 2014. 157 s.
3. Oleinik V. P., Yelanskiy Yu. A., Kovalenko V. N. et al. Staticheskie characteristiki gazovogo privoda so struinym dvigatelem /Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie: Sb. nauch.-techn. st. 2016. Vyp. 2. S. 21-27.
4. Abramovich G. N. Prikladnaya gazovaya dynamika. M., 1976. 888 s.
5. Strutinskiy V. B. Matematichne modelyuvannya processiv ta system mechaniki. Zhitomir, 2001. 612 s.
6. Shalamov A. V., Mazein P. G. Dynamicheskaya model’ sharikovintovoi pary/ Izv. Chelyabinskogo nauchnogo centra UrO RAN. №4. Chelyabinsk, 2002. S.161-170.
7. Kripa K.Varanasi, Samir A. Nayfer. The Dynamics of Lead-Screw Drivers: Low-Order Modeling and Experiments /Journal of Dynamic System, Measurement and Control. June 2004. Vol. 126. P. 388-395.
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10.2.2019 Dynamic performance of the gas drive with jet motor
10.2.2019 Dynamic performance of the gas drive with jet motor
10.2.2019 Dynamic performance of the gas drive with jet motor

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12.1.2017 Static Performance Prediction of Hot-Gas Flapper-Nozzle Actuator Fri, 22 Sep 2023 15:14:35 +0000
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Power Control System / Under the editorship of J.

12. Static Performance Prediction of Hot-Gas Flapper-Nozzle Actuator


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (1); 78-83

Language: Russian

Annotation: The basic mathematical relations are considered to construct static characteristics of nozzle-shutter twostage piston pneumatic drive with the working medium – powder combustion products.

Key words:

1. Oleinik V. P. et al. Static Characteristics of Gas Drive with Jet Engine / V. P. Oleinik, Y. A. Yelansky, V. N. Kovalenko, L. G. Kaluger, Е. V. Vnukov. Space Technology. Missile Armaments: Collection of scientific-technical articles. 2015. Issue. 1. P. 21-27.
2. Kornilov Y. G. et al. Pneumatic Elements and Systems. К., 1968. 143 p.
3. Hydraulic and Pneumatic Power Control System / Under the editorship of J. Blackborn, H. Reethoff, G. L. Sherer. М., 1962. 614 p.
4. Mertaf S. A. Tutorial on the Theory of Electrohydraulic Servo Mechanism with Acceleration Control Operating in Switchover Mode. Problems of Rocket Engineering. 1961. No. 2. P. 74-95.
5. Banshtyk A. М. Electrohydraulic Servo Mechanisms with Pulse-Width Control. М., 1972. 144 p.
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USA Boardman; Baltimore; Dublin; Ashburn; Columbus; Ashburn; Detroit; Phoenix; Phoenix; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Seattle; Ashburn; Seattle; Tappahannock; Portland; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Ashburn; Ashburn; Boardman26
Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore6
Canada Toronto; Toronto; Toronto3
Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro2
Germany Falkenstein1
Romania Voluntari1
12.1.2017 Static Performance Prediction of Hot-Gas Flapper-Nozzle Actuator
12.1.2017 Static Performance Prediction of Hot-Gas Flapper-Nozzle Actuator
12.1.2017 Static Performance Prediction of Hot-Gas Flapper-Nozzle Actuator
13.1.2017 Reliability Evaluation of ILV Thermostating System Mating Hoses Fri, 22 Sep 2023 15:13:28 +0000
Reliability Evaluation of ILV Thermostating System Mating Hoses Authors: Bigun S. 2017 (1); 84-87 Language: Russian Annotation: The technique is proposed of reliability evaluation of space launch vehicle low pressure air thermostating system joints hoses. Development of Single Action Units’ Hoses of Cyclone-4 Space Launch System Thermostating System: SOW for R&D 2G40.12.8599.608TЗ/Yuzhnoye SDO. Tables for Reliability Analysis and Control. (2017) "Reliability Evaluation of ILV Thermostating System Mating Hoses" Космическая техника.

13. Reliability Evaluation of ILV Thermostating System Mating Hoses


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; State Enterprise DINTEM Ukrainian Research Design-Technological Institute of Elastomer Materials and Products2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (1); 84-87

Language: Russian

Annotation: The technique is proposed of reliability evaluation of space launch vehicle low pressure air thermostating system joints hoses. By calculation method, high reliability level was confirmed of hoses of joints being an interface elements of launch vehicle launch complexes.

Key words:

1. Development of Single Action Units’ Hoses of Cyclone-4 Space Launch System Thermostating System: SOW for R&D 2G40.12.8599.608TЗ/Yuzhnoye SDO. 2009. 41 p.
2. Abramov E. I., Kolesnichenko K. A., Maslov V. T. Hydraulic Actuator Elements (Guide). Kyiv, 1969. 320 p.
3. Shor Y. B., Kuzmin F. I. Tables for Reliability Analysis and Control. М, 1968. 286 p.
4. Ventsel E. S. Theory of Probability. М., 1964. 576 p.
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USA Boardman; Matawan; Baltimore; Plano; Columbus; Columbus; Detroit; Phoenix; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Seattle; Ashburn; Ashburn; Boardman; Ashburn; Seattle; Tappahannock; Portland; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Ashburn; Ashburn27
Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore9
Canada Toronto; Toronto; Monreale3
Germany;; Falkenstein3
Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro2
Finland Helsinki1
Belarus Vitebsk1
Romania Voluntari1
13.1.2017 Reliability Evaluation of ILV Thermostating System Mating Hoses
13.1.2017 Reliability Evaluation of ILV Thermostating System Mating Hoses
13.1.2017 Reliability Evaluation of ILV Thermostating System Mating Hoses
1.2.2019 Optimization of the trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile Sat, 16 Sep 2023 21:19:15 +0000
The control program selected the angle of attack  program. Systemy obrobky informatsii. Systemy ozbroyennya i viyskova tekhnika. Journal of guidance, control and dynamics. Journal of guidance, control and dynamics. Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics. Systemy samonavedeniya.

1. Optimization of the trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (2); 3-10


Language: Russian

Annotation: The article is devoted to optimization of a trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile performed in design phase. The review of existing solutions on this issue confirmed the topicality of the problem. The analytical solution cannot be obtained, therefore, according to modern tendencies, optimization by numerical method of original development was performed. The basis of the method is two-level optimization which is carried out, in turn, by two different numerical methods and for two different criteria functions. At the top level, by method of random search and as a variant, by method of coordinate descent, the search was carried out for a fixed set of intermediate for the specified flight range trajectory points which co-ordinates in aggregate provide the necessary optimum. At the bottom level, for each pair of consecutive intermediate points, the boundary problem of falling into distant point by one-dimensional optimization was solved. The coordinate descent method was used for search for the simplified flight program. As optimization criteria for top level, minimum flight time or maximum final speed, for bottom  terminal criterion were used. The control program selected the angle of attack  program. As a result, the optimum and suboptimum (additionally ensuring minimum calculation time) trajectories and flight programs to maximum range and different altitudes were obtained. The analysis of results showed practical proximity of trajectories of minimum flight time and maximum final speed.

Key words: anti-aircraft missile, optimization, angle of attack program, trajectory

1. Letov A. M. Dynamika poleta i upravlenie. M., 1969. 360 s.
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5. Shaw Y. Ong. Optimal Planar Evasive Aircraft Maneuvers Against Proportional Navigation Missiles. Journal of guidance, control and dynamics. 1996. Vol. 19, № 6. Р. 1210-1215.
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9. Lebedev A. A., Gerasyuta N. F. Ballistila raket. M., 1970. 244 s.
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11. Drakin I. I. Osnovy proektirovania letatelnykh apparatov s uchetom ekonomicheskoy effektivnosti. M., 1973. 224 s.
12. Beiko I. V., Bublik B. N., Zinko P. N. Metody i algoritmy resheniya zadach optimizatsii. K., 1983. 512 s.
13. Krinetskiy Ye. I. Systemy samonavedeniya. M., 1970. 236 s.
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1.2.2019 Optimization of the trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile
1.2.2019 Optimization of the trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile
1.2.2019 Optimization of the trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile

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18.1.2020 Development of autonomous power engineering systems with hydrogen energy storage Wed, 13 Sep 2023 11:57:42 +0000
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.

18. Development of autonomous power engineering systems with hydrogen energy storage


Pidgorny A. Intsitute of Mechanical Engineering Problems, Kharkiv, Ukraine1; Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 160-169


Language: Russian

Annotation: The article analyzes the energy potential of alternative sources of Ukraine. The projects using hydrogen technologies aimed at attracting solar energy to the infrastructure of energy technological complexes, in particular water desalination systems and for refueling automobile vehicles located in areas with high solar radiation potential, are considered. During the operation of water desalination plants using a solar power station as an energy source, contingencies are very likely to arise due to either a power outage (due to cloudy weather) or an emergency failure of individual elements of the system. In this case, it is required to ensure its removal from service without loss of technological capabilities (operability). For this purpose, it is necessary to provide for the inclusion in the technological scheme of the energy technological complex of an additional element that ensures operation of the unit for a given time, determined by the regulations for its operation. As such an element, a buffer system based on a hydrogen energy storage device is proposed. The current level of hydrogen technologies that are implemented in electrochemical plants developed at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering named after A. N. Podgorny of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine allows producing and accumulating the hydrogen under high pressure, which eliminates the use of compressor technology.

Key words: alternative energy sources, hydrogen, solar energy, hydrogen generator

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15. Solovey V. V., Kotenko А. L., Vorobiova I. О., Shevchenko A. А., Zipunnikov M. М. Osnovnye printsipy raboty i algoritm upravleniya bezmembrannym elektrolizerom vysokogo davleniia. Problemy mashinostroyeniia. 2018. T. 21, №. 4. S. 57–63.
16. Solovey V., Khiem N. T., Zipunnikov M. M., Shevchenko A. A. Improvement of the Membraneless Electrolysis Technology for Hydrogen and Oxygen Generation. French-Ukrainian Journal of Chemistry. 2018. Vol. 6, № 2. P. 73–79.
17. Solovey V., Zipunnikov N., Shevchenko A., Vorobjova I., Kotenko A. Energy Effective Membrane-less Technology for High Pressure Hydrogen Electro-chemical Generation. French-Ukrainian Journal of Chemistry. 2018. Vol. 6, № 1. P.151–156.
18. Solovey V. V., Zipunnikov М. М., Shevchenko А. А., Vorobiova І. О., Semykin V. M. Bezmembrannyi henerator vodniu vysokoho tysku. Fundamentalni aspekty vidnovliuvano-vodnevoi enerhetyky i palyvno-komirchanykh technologij / za zahal. red. Yu. М. Solonina. Kyiv, 2018. S. 99–107.
19. Matsevytyi Yu. M., Chorna N. A., Shevchenko A. A. Development of a Perspective Metal Hydride Energy Accumulation System Based on Fuel Cells for Wind Energetics. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2019. Vol. 22, № 4. P. 48–52.
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18.1.2020  Development of autonomous power engineering systems with hydrogen energy storage
18.1.2020  Development of autonomous power engineering systems with hydrogen energy storage
18.1.2020  Development of autonomous power engineering systems with hydrogen energy storage

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17.1.2020 Acoustic problems of rocket launch Wed, 13 Sep 2023 11:36:44 +0000
The paper considers various aspects of acoustics of the launch of rocket systems, which includes characteristics of acoustic sources in supersonic jets, possibilities and physical limitation factors, under which it is possible to control the sound radiation.

17. Acoustic problems of rocket launch


Institute of Hydromechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 155-159


Language: Russian

Annotation: Due to an increase of power of rocket engines, the high intensity sound field generated by the exhaust jets have become an important factor, which determines the success rate of a rocket launch. Ensuring a successful launch of a rocket system became harder due to new engineering problems. Identification and definition of acoustic sources structure within a complex supersonic jet, being a one of the most important scientific problems, which have to be solved to find the ways to control accoustic radiation. A three components of acoustic sources can be defined here – broadband signals from large and small components of of turbulent jet and tonal signals which usually being overlooked during the estimation of overall sound pressure level. The paper considers various aspects of acoustics of the launch of rocket systems, which includes characteristics of acoustic sources in supersonic jets, possibilities and physical limitation factors, under which it is possible to control the sound radiation. Among the possible ways to control the process of sound generation by a jet, a method of water injection in a jet is being studied. While saving the general thrust of the engine this method can not greatly reduce the sound radiation by a jet. It is recommended to use big amounts of water-air mix to protect the launch pad from damage. Significant progress on the topic of understanding the process of sound generation by supersonic jets can be achieved via mathematical modeling of sound radiation. The latest achievements of mathematical modeling of sound generation by supersonic jets being presented.

Key words: Acoustics of rocket launch, acoustic efficiency of a jet, semi-empirical models of of jet acoustics, numeric-computational methods in aeroacoustics, control of jet-generated acoustic levels

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12. Ahuja K. K., Manes J. P., Massey K. C., Calloway A. B. An Evaluation of various concepts of Reducing Supersonic Jet Noise, AIAA-90-3982. AIAA 13th Aeroacoustic Conference, 1990. Р. 1-21.
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14. Moratilla-Vega M. A., Lackhole K., Janicka J., Xia H., Page C. J. Jet Noise Analysis using an Efficient LES/ High-Order Acoustic Coupling Method. Computer and Fluid. 2020.
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17.1.2020  Acoustic problems of rocket launch
17.1.2020  Acoustic problems of rocket launch
17.1.2020  Acoustic problems of rocket launch

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14.1.2020 On the problem of optimum control Wed, 13 Sep 2023 11:02:31 +0000
The proposed method may be used in the control systems of rockets of various purpose for motion parameters regulation.

14. On the problem of optimum control


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 133-136


Language: Russian

Annotation: The use of Langrangian multipliers at solution of optimal control problems in linear statement with qua dratic quality criterion leads to the necessity of solving boundary value problem with conditions for multipliers at the right end of control interval. Solution of the obtained equations for the purpose of regulation synthesis in forward time in this case does not produce stabilizing effect, as a rule. For regulation synthesis, the met hod is widely used of analytical construction of optimal regulator based on stabilizing matrix, which is obtained by solution of algebraic Riccati equation. However, in this case, there are some difficulties ‒ the necessity of calculating the stabilizing matrix, impossibility of calculating this matrix in non-stationary problem. The article proposes the regulation synthesis method by way of solving boundary value problem on regulation cycle i nterval. For this purpose, the differential equations for state parameters and Langrangian multipliers are expressed in the form of finite-difference linear relations. Taking into account that the state parameters and Langrangian multipliers are equal to zero at the end of cycle, the Langrangian multipliers at the beginning of cycle are determined by known values of state parameters for the same moment through solving the above linear system. The obtained values form the regulation law. In consequence of small duration of regulation cycle, an amplifying coefficient is introduced in the regulation law. Its value is determined based on results of preliminary modeling. Efficiency of the proposed method was verified by the example of adopted dynamic system, including non-stationary. The amplifying coefficient is fairly simply selected by the type of stabilization process. The proposed method may be used in the control systems of rockets of various purpose for motion parameters regulation.

Key words: optimal control, regulation law, Langrangian multiplier, regulation cycle interval, amplifying coefficient

1. Braison A., Kho Yu-Shi. Prikladnaia teoriia optimalnogo upravleniia. М., 1972.
2. Larin V. B. O stabiliziruiushchikh i antistabiliziruiushchikh resheniiakh algebraicheskikh uravnenii Rikkati. Problemy upravleniia i informatiki. 1996. №1-2.
3. Aleksandrov А. G. Optimalnye i additivnye sistemy. М., 1989.
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14.1.2020  On the problem of optimum control
14.1.2020  On the problem of optimum control
14.1.2020  On the problem of optimum control

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