Search Results for “elastic oscillations” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Tue, 02 Apr 2024 12:34:34 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “elastic oscillations” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 7.2.2018 Theoretical Models of Sound Speed Increase Effects in Gas Duct with Corrugated Wall Thu, 07 Sep 2023 11:12:23 +0000
It is indicated that its causes may be two mutually complementary factors – a decrease of gas compressibility at eddy motion and oscillations of metal hose wall. The physical model is considered that describes variation of gas elasticity and density in the conditions of high flow vorticity. The mathematical model has been developed that describes coupled longitudinal-lateral oscillations of gas and channel’s corrugated shell. Key words: rocket engine automatic units , pneumatic test bench , metal hose , corrugated shell , toroidal vortex , longitudinal-lateral oscillations Bibliography: 1.

7. Theoretical Models of Sound Speed Increase Effects in Gas Duct with Corrugated Wall


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kharkiv, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (2); 57-67


Language: Russian

Annotation: During experimental investigation of the dynamic characteristics of a pneumatic test bench for testing liquid rocket engine high-flowrate automatic units, the effect was detected of 20-35% sound speed increase in the gas flow moving along the channel with corrugated wall (metal hose) which is a part of test bench drain system. The article presents the results of experiments and the task of theoretical justification of the effect is solved. It is indicated that its causes may be two mutually complementary factors – a decrease of gas compressibility at eddy motion and oscillations of metal hose wall. The physical model is considered that describes variation of gas elasticity and density in the conditions of high flow vorticity. It is supposed that in the near-wall layer of the channel, toroidal vortexes (vortex rings) are formed, which move into turbulent core of the flow where their size decreases and the velocity of rotation around the ring axis of torus increases. The spiral shape of the corrugation ensures also axial rotation, which increases vortexes stability. The intensive rotation around the ring axis creates considerable centrifugal forces; as a result, the dependence of pressure on gas density and the sound speed increase. The mathematical model has been developed that describes coupled longitudinal-lateral oscillations of gas and channel’s corrugated shell. It is indicated that in the investigated system, two mutually influencing wave types are present – longitudinal, which mainly transfer gas pressure pulses along the channel and lateral ones, which transfer the shell radial deformation pulses. As a result of modeling, it has been ascertained that because of the lateral oscillations of the wall, the propagation rate of gas pressure longitudinal waves (having the same wave length as in the experiments at test bench) turns out to be higher than adiabatic sound speed.

Key words: rocket engine automatic units, pneumatic test bench, metal hose, corrugated shell, toroidal vortex, longitudinal-lateral oscillations

1. Shevchenko S. A. Experimental Investigation of Dynamic Characteristics of Gas Pressure Regulator in Multiple Ignition LRE Starting System. Problems of Designing and Manufacturing Flying Vehicle Structures: Collection of scientific works. 2015. Issue 4 (84). P. 49-68.
2. Shevchenko S. A., Valivakhin S. A. Results of Mathematical Modeling of Transient Processes in Gas Pressure Regulator. NTU “KhPI” News. 2014. No. 39 (1082). P. 198-206.
3. Shevchenko S. A., Valivakhin S. A. Mathematical Model of Gas Pressure Regulator. NTU “KhPI” News. 2014. No. 38 (1061). P. 195-209.
4. Shevchenko S. A., Konokh V. I., Makoter A. P. Gas Dynamic Resistance and Sound Speed in Channel with Corrugated Wall. NTU “KhPI” News. 2016. No. 20 (1192). P. 94-101.
5. Flexible Metal Hoses. Catalogue. Ufimsky Aggregate Company “Hydraulics”, 2001.
6. Loytsyansky L.G. Liquid and Gas Mechanics. М., 1978. 736 p.
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8. Kirillin V. A., Sychyov V. V., Sheydlin A. E. Technical Thermodynamics. М., 2008. 486 p.
9. Grekhov L. V., Ivashchenko N. A., Markov V. A. Propellant Equipment and Control Systems of Diesels. М., 2004. 344 p.
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11. Shariff K., Leonard A. Vortex rings. Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 1992. Vol. 24. P. 235-279.
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13. Akhmetov D. G. Formation and Basic Parameters of Vortex Rings. Applied Mechanics and Theoretical Physics. 2001. Vol. 42, No 5. P. 70–83.
14. Shevchenko S. A., Grigor’yev A. L., Stepanov M. S. Refinement of Invariant Method for Calculation of Gas Dynamic Parameters in Rocket Engine Starting Pneumatic System Pipelines. NTU “KhPI” News. 2015. No. 6 (1115). P. 156-181.
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7.2.2018 Theoretical Models of Sound Speed Increase Effects in Gas Duct with Corrugated Wall
7.2.2018 Theoretical Models of Sound Speed Increase Effects in Gas Duct with Corrugated Wall
7.2.2018 Theoretical Models of Sound Speed Increase Effects in Gas Duct with Corrugated Wall

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15.1.2019 Simulation of SMR Oscillations in Rig that Arise during Firing Bench Test Wed, 24 May 2023 16:00:27 +0000
Simulated and experimental (thrust sensor readings) curves of the elastic force were compared, which showed the qualitative and quantitative conformity of the suggested model of oscillations to the actual oscillations of the solid rocket motor, installed in the rig during the firing rig test. It was concluded that simulation of the elastic oscillations of the solid rocket motor in the rig using the suggested analytical model will enable more reliable definition of the initial thrust of the motor and its time behavior, impulse loading due to the separation of the plug and used elements that separate with it. Key words: elastic oscillations , motor starting operation , sudden loading , measurement of thrust , principle of superposition , initial thrust Bibliography: 1. elastic oscillations , motor starting operation , sudden loading , measurement of thrust , principle of superposition , initial thrust .

15. Simulation of SMR Oscillations in Rig that Arise during Firing Bench Test


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 102-108


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: This paper describes the firing rig test of the solid rocket motor, fastened to the rig in order to measure the thrust level. It is shown that when the motor enters the steady-state mode, the rig with solid rocket motor starts experiencing mechanical oscillations due to the sudden thrust build-up. Motion of the oscillating system is studied under the impact of the linearly or suddenly increasing impulse load. Mechanical oscillations damping is considered on the basis of the viscous friction model. Procedure of the analytical modeling of the damped oscillations is suggested for the complex pattern of the loading variations, based on the fundamental principle of superposition, according to which the motor displacement during the oscillating motion is considered as sum of displacements due to the impact of the impulsive, sudden and linearly increasing loadings. This procedure simulates different time variations of thrust as motor enters the steady-state mode. Oscillating motion with parameters of the oscillating system and thrust change with time option have been simulated as they were realized during the firing rig tests of one of the solid rocket motors. Simulated and experimental (thrust sensor readings) curves of the elastic force were compared, which showed the qualitative and quantitative conformity of the suggested model of oscillations to the actual oscillations of the solid rocket motor, installed in the rig during the firing rig test. Values of the initial thrust, initial impulse and other simulation parameters were updated, adjusting the simulated curve of the elastic force to the experimental one. It was concluded that simulation of the elastic oscillations of the solid rocket motor in the rig using the suggested analytical model will enable more reliable definition of the initial thrust of the motor and its time behavior, impulse loading due to the separation of the plug and used elements that separate with it. Application of the suggested procedure of motor oscillations simulation in the phase of rig design will enable more detailed prediction of the occurring processes as well as the estimation of parameters of the individual elements, units and rig as a whole.

Key words: elastic oscillations, motor starting operation, sudden loading, measurement of thrust, principle of superposition, initial thrust


1. Beskrovniy I. B., Kirichenko A. S., Balitskiy I. P. i dr. Opyt predpriyatiya po proektirovaniyu i ekspluatatsii stapeley dlya ispytaniy RDTT / Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoye vooruzhenie: Sb. nauch.- techn. st. 2008. Vyp. 1. Dnepropetrovsk: GP KB «Yuzhnoye». P. 119–127.
2. Bidermann V. L. Teoria mechanicheskykh kolebaniy: Uchebnik dlya VUZov. M.: Vyssh. shk., 1980. 408 p.
3. Yablonskiy A. A., Noreyko S. S. Kurs teorii kolebaniy. Ucheb. Posobie dlya studentov VUZov. Izd. 3-e, ispr. i dop. M.: Vyssh. shk., 1975. 248 p.

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China Pekin1
Finland Helsinki1
Canada Monreale1
Germany Falkenstein1
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15.1.2019 Simulation of SMR Oscillations in Rig that Arise during Firing Bench Test
15.1.2019 Simulation of SMR Oscillations in Rig that Arise during Firing Bench Test
15.1.2019 Simulation of SMR Oscillations in Rig that Arise during Firing Bench Test

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7.2.2019 On critical stress of the longitudinal stability of the stiffened cylindrical shells. Dynamic problem Mon, 15 May 2023 15:45:47 +0000
With dynamic approach to the solution of the problem of the shell’s longitudinal stability the achievement of the first zero frequency by one of the higher modes of bending oscillations of the shell will indicate the loss of stability under the impact of the axial compressive force P0. In the initial step of shell loading with axial compressive force P0, high-frequency bending oscillations with m, n ˃˃ This fact allowed formulation of the basic principles of nondestructive method for estimation of the critical stability stress of the flight-ready shell, main point of which is in the comparison of the theoretical curve of the frequency drop due to force P0 action on the structure versus the actual curve of the frequency drop of the flight-ready structure under the impact of the same values of P0 in the elastic range.

7. On critical stress of the longitudinal stability of the stiffened cylindrical shells. Dynamic problem


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (2); 50-57


Language: Russian

Annotation: New theoretical results were obtained in definition of the stability longitudinal stress of the stiffened cylindrical shells both with internal and external arrangement of the stiffened stacks. They were obtained due to application of the dynamic approach to the solution of the refined equilibrium equations, introduction of the Qfactor of the structural elements into the system of equations, definition and application of the forces and moments in the calculation, that act in the sections of the joint bending of the shell and elements of stiffening. Expressions are given, which define the process of stability loss, including parameters of wave generation and amplitude of shell oscillation from the moment of application of the axial compressive force P0 up to the moment of snap action. With dynamic approach to the solution of the problem of the shell’s longitudinal stability the achievement of the first zero frequency by one of the higher modes of bending oscillations of the shell will indicate the loss of stability under the impact of the axial compressive force P0. This process is most obvious during testing of the absolutely flexible shells, which permit multiple loading. In the initial step of shell loading with axial compressive force P0, high-frequency bending oscillations with m, n ˃˃ 1 modes and low amplitudes occur. With a rise in force P0 oscillation frequency begins to drop, and amplitude to increase, with oscillatory mode remaining unchanged. There is a snap action when zero frequency is achieved for the first time by one of the oscillatory modes. This fact allowed formulation of the basic principles of nondestructive method for estimation of the critical stability stress of the flight-ready shell, main point of which is in the comparison of the theoretical curve of the frequency drop due to force P0 action on the structure versus the actual curve of the frequency drop of the flight-ready structure under the impact of the same values of P0 in the elastic range.

Key words: shell rigidity, dynamical problem, nondestructive testing

1. Kaplya P. G. K voprosu o kriticheskykh napryazheniyakh prodolnoy ustoichivosti gladkykh tsilendricheskikh obolochek. Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie: sb. nauchn.- techn. st. / GP “KB “Yuzhnoye”. Dnepr, 2017. Vyp. 1. S. 8-17.
2. Kaplya P. G., Pinyagin V. D. K voprosu dinamiki podkreplennykh tsilendricheskikh obolochek. Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie: sb. nauchn.- techn. st. / GP “KB “Yuzhnoye”. Dnepr, 2009. Vyp. 2. S. 59–73.
3. Timoshenko S. P. Ustoichivost’ sterzhney, plastin I obolochek. M., 1971. S. 257–259, 457–472.
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5. Tikhonov V. I. Statisticheskaya radiotechnika. M., 1966. S. 112–115.
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7.2.2019 On critical stress of the longitudinal stability of the stiffened cylindrical shells. Dynamic problem
7.2.2019 On critical stress of the longitudinal stability of the stiffened cylindrical shells. Dynamic problem
7.2.2019 On critical stress of the longitudinal stability of the stiffened cylindrical shells. Dynamic problem

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