Search Results for “first variation of a functional” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Tue, 02 Apr 2024 12:51:25 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “first variation of a functional” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 1.1.2020 Solving a problem of optimum curves of descent using the enhanced Euler equation Thu, 20 Jun 2024 11:13:04 +0000
It is assumed that the integrand of the first variation of a functional is equal to zero. Key words: first variation of a functional , joint application of extremality conditions , non-invariance in relation to the coordinate system , parametric shape of the second variation , optimum curves of descent Bibliography: 1. first variation of a functional , joint application of extremality conditions , non-invariance in relation to the coordinate system , parametric shape of the second variation , optimum curves of descent .

1. Solving a problem of optimum curves of descent using the enhanced Euler equation


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 3-12


Language: Russian

Annotation: The purpose of this study is the enhancement of Euler equation possibilities in order to solve the brachistochrone problem that is the determination of a curve of fastest descent. There are two circumstances: 1) the first integral of an Euler equation does not contain a partial derivative of integrand with respect to y in an explicit form; 2) when the classical Euler equation is derived, only the second term of integrand is integrated by parts. This allowed formulating a problem of determination of new conditions of functional extremality. It is assumed that the integrand of the first variation of a functional is equal to zero. Taking into account this pro vision and some other assumptions, the procedures have been determined for simultaneous application of the Euler equation and its analogue being non-invariant in relation to the coordinate system. The brachistochrone problem was solved using these equations: the curves that satisfy the conditions of weak minimum optimality were plotted. The time of a material point’s descent along the suggested curves and the classic extremals was numerically compared. It is shown that the application of suggested curves ensures short descent time as compared to the classic extremals.

Key words: first variation of a functional, joint application of extremality conditions, non-invariance in relation to the coordinate system, parametric shape of the second variation, optimum curves of descent


1. Bliss G. A. Lektsii po variatsionnomu ischisleniiu. М., 1960. 462 s.
2. Yang L. Lektsii po variatsionnomu ischisleniiu i teorii optimalnogo uravneniia. М.,1974. 488 s.
3. Elsgolts L. E. Differentsialnye uravneniia i variatsionnoe ischislenie. М., 1965. 420 s.
4. Teoriia optimalnykh aerodinamicheskikh form / pod red. А. Miele. М., 1969. 507 s.
5. Shekhovtsov V. S. O minimalnom aerodinamicheskom soprotivlenii tela vrashcheniia pri nulevom ugle ataki v giperzvukovom neviazkom potoke. Kosmicheskaia tekhnika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie: Sb. nauch.-tekhn. st. / GP “KB “Yuzhnoye”. Dnipro, 2016. Vyp. 2. S. 3–8.
6. Sumbatov А. S. Zadacha o brakhistokhrone (klassifikatsiia obobshchenii i nekotorye poslednie resultaty). Trudy MFTI. 2017. T. 9, №3 (35). S. 66–75.

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1.1.2020 Solving a problem of optimum curves of descent using the enhanced Euler equation
1.1.2020 Solving a problem of optimum curves of descent using the enhanced Euler equation
1.1.2020 Solving a problem of optimum curves of descent using the enhanced Euler equation

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13.2.2018 On an Approach to Constructing the Extremes in the Tasks of Optimal Solutions Search Thu, 07 Sep 2023 11:41:54 +0000
The method has been developed using the results of investigations of the first variation of functional with autonomous subintegral function for the problem with fixed ends. Key words: the first variation of functional , combined usage of conditions of extremeness , noninvariance relative to coordinate system , parametrical form of the second variation , optimal curves of descent Bibliography: 1 Shekhovtsov V. the first variation of functional , combined usage of conditions of extremeness , noninvariance relative to coordinate system , parametrical form of the second variation , optimal curves of descent .

13. On an Approach to Constructing the Extremes in the Tasks of Optimal Solutions Search


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (2); 117-126


Language: Russian

Annotation: The purpose of the article is development of a modified variational method to determine extremals in the tasks of search for optimal solutions. The method has been developed using the results of investigations of the first variation of functional with autonomous subintegral function for the problem with fixed ends. The assumption of non-zero values of variation of function at boundary points has been introduced. It is shown that when using this assumption and introducing some other assumptions and limitations, it is possible to expand the class of permissible functions, among which the extremal curves should be sought for. With this expansion, to construct one extremal it is necessary to use two conditions of extremeness, one of which is Euler equation. To fulfill them, it is necessary to realize the constancy of partial derivative from subintegral function of desired variable at each point of interval considered. The new condition of extremeness unlike Euler equation is noninvariant relative to coordinate system. The use of this property allows, at presentation of the second variation of functional in parametrical form, constructing the solutions that satisfy the necessary and sufficient conditions of local minimum (maximum). It is noted that the proposed method is the first step in the development of a new approach to solution of multidimensional variational problems. The use of the latter will allow obtaining new solutions of various problems of technical mechanics, such as the task of determining optimal trajectory parameters of launch vehicles in the phase of designing and development of technical proposals, selection of optimal flight modes et al. The efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated by example of solving the known problem about brachistichrone – determination of the curve of quickest descent. Using the method, two curves have been constructed that satisfy the necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality. The results are presented of comparison of time of material point descent along the proposed curves and descent along classical extremals. It is shown that the time of descent along the proposed curves is shorter than that at descent along classical exteremals.

Key words: the first variation of functional, combined usage of conditions of extremeness, noninvariance relative to coordinate system, parametrical form of the second variation, optimal curves of descent

1 Shekhovtsov V. S. On Minimal Aerodynamic Resistance of Rotation Body at Zero Attack Angle in Hypersonic Frictionless Flow. Space Technology. Missile Armaments: Collection of scientific-technical articles. 2016. Issue 2. P. 3-8.
2. Theory of Optimal Aerodynamic Shapes / Under the editorship of A. Miele. М., 1969. 507 p.
3. Sumbatov A. S. Least-Time Flight Path Problem (classification of generalizations and some latest results). Works of MFTI. 2017. Vol. 9, No. 3 (35). P. 66-75.
4. Bliss G. A. Lectures on Variational Calculus. М., 1960. 462 p.
5. Yang L. Lectures on Variational Calculus and Optimal Control Theory. М., 1974. 488 p.
6. Elsgolts L. E. Differential Equations and Variational Calculus. М., 1965. 420 p.
Downloads: 35
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USA Matawan; Plano; Dublin; Columbus; Detroit; Phoenix; Phoenix; Phoenix; Monroe; Columbus; Ashburn; Ashburn; Seattle; Tappahannock; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn; Boardman; Ashburn; Ashburn22
Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore5
Canada Toronto; Monreale2
Finland Helsinki1
Philippines Bacolod City1
Germany Falkenstein1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
Ukraine Dnipro1
13.2.2018 On an Approach to Constructing the Extremes in the Tasks of Optimal Solutions Search
13.2.2018 On an Approach to Constructing the Extremes in the Tasks of Optimal Solutions Search
13.2.2018 On an Approach to Constructing the Extremes in the Tasks of Optimal Solutions Search

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