Search Results for “functional units of separation” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Fri, 21 Jun 2024 08:16:05 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “functional units of separation” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 7.1.2024 Selection of the functional units for the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system Fri, 14 Jun 2024 11:36:31 +0000
Selection of the functional units for the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system Authors: Logvinenko A. Key words: separation system , functional units of separation , « (2024) "Selection of the functional units for the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system" Космическая техника. "Selection of the functional units for the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system" Космическая техника. quot;Selection of the functional units for the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system", Космическая техника. Selection of the functional units for the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system Автори: Logvinenko A. Selection of the functional units for the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system Автори: Logvinenko A. Selection of the functional units for the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system Автори: Logvinenko A. Selection of the functional units for the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system Автори: Logvinenko A. separation system , functional units of separation , «

7. Selection of the functional units for the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2024, (1); 61-71

Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: Separation of the spent LV stages is one of the important problems of the rocket technology, which requires the comprehensive analysis of different types of systems, evaluation of their parameters and structural layouts. Basic requirements are specified that need to be taken into account when engineering the separation system: reliable and safe separation, minimal losses in payload capability, keeping sufficient distance between the stages at the moment of the propulsion system start. Detailed classification of their types («cold», «warm», «hot», «cold-launched» separation) is given and their technical substance with advantages and drawbacks is described. Certain types of «cold» and «warm» separation of the spent stages of such rockets as Dnepr, Zenit, Antares, Falcon-9 with different operating principle are introduced – braking with the spent stage and pushing apart two stages. Brief characteristics of these systems are given, based on the gas-reactive nozzle thrust, braking with solid-propellant rocket engines, separating with spring or pneumatic pushers. Development of the separation system for the advanced Cyclone-4M ILV is taken as an example and design sequence of stage separation is suggested: determination of the necessary separation velocity and capability of the separation units, determination of the number of active units, calculation of design and energy parameters of the separation units, analysis of the obtained results followed by the selection of the separation system. Use of empirical dependences is shown, based on the great scope of experimental and theoretical activities in the process of design, functional testing and flight operation of similar systems in such rockets as Cyclone, Dnepr and Zenit. According to the comparative analysis results, pneumatic separation system to separate Cyclone-4M Stages 1 and 2 was selected as the most effective one. Its basic characteristics, composition, overall view and configuration are specified. Stated materials are of methodological nature and can be used to engineer the separation systems for LV stages, payload fairings, spacecraft etc.

Key words: separation system, functional units of separation, «cold separation», «warm separation», pneumatic pusher, spring pusher, SPRE, gas-reactive nozzles, Zenit LV, Dnepr LV, Falcon 9 rocket, Cyclone-4М LV.

  1. Pankratov Yu. , Novikov A. V., Tatarevsky K. E., Azanov I. B. Dynamika perekhodnykh processov. 2014.
  2. Sinyukov A. M., Morozov N. I. Konstruktsia upravlyaemykh ballisticheskykh raket. 1969.
  3. Kabakova Zh. V., Kuda S. A., Logvinenko A. I., Khomyak V. A. Opyt razrabotki pneumosystemy dlya otdelenita golovnogo aerodynamicheskogo obtekatelya. Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie. 2017. Vyp. 2 (114).
  4. Kolesnikov K. S., Kozlov V. V., Kokushkin V. V. Dynamika razdeleniya stupeney letatelnykh apparatov. 1977.
  5. Antares – Spaceflight Insider: web site. URL: https://www. (data zvernennya 30.10.2023).
  6. Falcon 9 – pexels: website. URL: https://www. 9 (data zvernennya 31.10.2023).
  7. Kolesnikov K. , Kokushkin V. V., Borzykh S. V., Pankova N. V. Raschet i proektirovanie system razdeleniya stupeney raket. 2006.
  8. Cyclone-4M – website URL: (data zvernennya 31.10.2023)
  9. Logvinenko A. Sozdanie gasoreaktivnykh system otdeleniya i uvoda otrabotavshykh stupeney – noviy shag v RKT. Kosmicheskaya tekhnika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie, KBU, NKAU, vyp. 1, 2001.
  10. Logvinenko A. I., Porubaimekh V. I., Duplischeva O. M. Sovremennye metody ispytaniy system i elementov konstruktsiy letatelnykh apparatov. Monografia. Dnepr, KBU, 2018.
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7.1.2024 Selection of the functional units for  the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system
7.1.2024 Selection of the functional units for  the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system
7.1.2024 Selection of the functional units for  the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system

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20.2.2017 Research Support for Development of Launch Vehicle Payload Unit Composite Load-Bearing Compartments Wed, 09 Aug 2023 12:26:27 +0000
Use of Polymer Composite Materials in Space Rockets as Reserve of Increasing their Mass and Functional Effectiveness. Analysis of Nomenclature of Type Composite Units of Space Rockets and Structural Schemes Applied for them / A. Methodology of Developing Effective Design and Technological Solutions of Space Rocketry Composite Units: Monography in 2 volumes. Synthesis of Space Rocketry Composite Units Parameters at Heterogeneous Loading / A. Methodology of Developing Effective Design and Technological Solutions of Space Rocketry Composite Units: Monography in 2 volumes. Connection of Parts and Units Made of Composite Materials: Monography. Evaluation of Carrying Capacity of Launch Vehicle Bays Separation System Composite Fitting / A.

20. Research Support for Development of Launch Vehicle Payload Unit Composite Load-Bearing Compartments


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; Kharkiv Aviation Institute, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (2); 112-120

Language: Russian

Annotation: Some main results of scientific support of development of launch vehicle head module composite loadbearing bays are presented. The methodology is proposed for developing these units. By the example of payload fairing and interstage bay of Cyclone-4 launch vehicle, high efficiency is shown of proposed methodology implementation when selecting their rational design and technological parameters.

Key words:

1. Degtyarev A. V. Rocket Technology. Problems and Prospects. Selected scientific-technical publications. Dnepropetrovsk, 2014. 420 p.
2. Kovalenko V. A., Kondrat’yev A. V. Use of Polymer Composite Materials in Space Rockets as Reserve of Increasing their Mass and Functional Effectiveness. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2011. No. 5 (82). P. 14-20.
3. Kondrat’yev A. V. et al. Analysis of Nomenclature of Type Composite Units of Space Rockets and Structural Schemes Applied for them / A. V. Kondrat’yev, A. G. Dmitrenko, K. D. Stenile, А. А. Tsaritsynsky. Problems of Designing and Manufacturing Flying Vehicle Structures: Collection of scientific works of N. E. Zhukovsky Aerospace University “KhAI”. Issue 3 (79). Kharkiv, 2014. P. 19 – 30.
4. Potapov A. M. et al. Comparison of Payload Fairings of Existing and Prospective Domestic Launch Vehicles and their Foreign Analogs / А. М. Potapov, V. A. Kovalenko, A. V. Kondrat’yev. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2015. No. 1(118). P. 35 – 43.
5. Gaidachuk A. V. et al. Methodology of Developing Effective Design and Technological Solutions of Space Rocketry Composite Units: Monography in 2 volumes. Vol. 2. Synthesis of Space Rocketry Composite Units Parameters at Heterogeneous Loading / A. V. Gaidachuk, V. E. Gaidachuk, A. V. Kondrat’yev, V. A. Kovalenko, V. V. Kirichenko, А. M. Potapov / Under the editorship of A. V. Gaidachuk. Kharkiv, 2016. 250 p.
6. Gaidachuk A. V. et al. Methodology of Developing Effective Design and Technological Solutions of Space Rocketry Composite Units: Monography in 2 volumes. Vol. 1. Creation of Space Rocketry Units with Specified Quality of Polymer Composite Materials / A. V. Gaidachuk, V. E. Gaidachuk, A. V. Kondrat’yev, V. A. Kovalenko, V. V. Kirichenko, А. M. Potapov / Under the editorship of A. V. Gaidachuk. Kharkiv, 2016. 263 p.
7. Smerdov A. A. Development of Methods to Design Space Rocketry Composite Materials and Structures: Dissertation of Doctor of Engineering Science: 05.07.02, 05.02.01. М., 2007. 410 p.
8. Slyvyns’kyy V. et al. Basic parameters’ optimization concept for composite nose fairings of launchers / V. Slyvyns’kyy, V. Gajdachuk, V. Kirichenko, A. Kondratiev. 62nd International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2011 (Cape Town, 3-7 October 2011). Red Hook, NY: Curran, 2012. Vol. 9. P. 5701-5710.
9. Gaidachuk V. E. et al. Optimization of Cyclone-4 Launch Vehicle Payload Fairing Design Parameters / V. E. Gaidachuk, V. I. Slivinsky, A. V. Kondrat’yev, A. P. Kushnar’ov, Effectiveness of Honeycomb Structures in Aerospace Products: Proceedings of III International Scientific-Practical Conference (Dnepropetrovsk, 27-29 May 2009). Dnepropetrovsk, 2009. P. 88 – 95.
10. Zinov’yev A. M. et al. Design and Technological Solution and Carrying Capacity of Cyclone-4 Launch Vehicle Interstage Bay Made of Polymer Composite Materials / А. М. Zinov’yev, А. P. Kushnar’ov, A. V. Kondrat’yev, А. М. Potapov, А. P. Kuznetsov, V. A. Kovalenko. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2013. No. 3 (100). P. 46-53.
11. Karpov Y. S. Connection of Parts and Units Made of Composite Materials: Monography. Kharkiv, 2006. 359 p.
12. Kondrat’yev A. V. Mass Optimization of Launch Vehicle Payload Fairing Irregular Zones. Problems of Designing and Manufacturing Flying Vehicle Structures: Collection of scientific works of N. E. Zhukovsky Aerospace University “KhAI”. Issue 47 (4). Kharkiv, 2006. P. 126 – 133.
13. Degtyarev A. V. et al. Evaluation of Carrying Capacity of Launch Vehicle Bays Separation System Composite Fitting / A. V. Degtyarev, A. P. Kushnar’ov, V. V. Gavrilko, V. A. Kovalenko, А. V. Kondrat’yev, А. М. Potapov. Space Technology. Missile Armaments: Collection of scientific-technical articles. 2013. Issue 1. P. 18-21.
14. Patent 81537 UA, MPK (2013.01) F42B 15/36 (2006.01) B64D 1/00 Fitting of Rocket’s Three-Layer Shell / О. М. Zinov’yev, О. P. Kuznetsov, V. V. Gavrilko, О. М. Potapov, V. O. Kovalenko et al.; Applicant and patent holder NVF Dniprotechservice, Yuzhnoye SDO. No. u 2012 11210; Claimed 27.09.2012; Published 10.07.13, Bulletin 13. 4 p.
15. Zinov’yev A. M. et al. Manufacturing Technology of Cyclone-4 Launch Vehicle Experimental Large-Sized Interstage Bay Made of Carbon Plastics / А. M. Zinov’yev, А. P. Kushnar’ov, А. V. Kondrat’yev, А. М. Potapov, А. P. Kuznetsov, V. A. Kovalenko. Problems of Designing and Manufacturing Flying Vehicle Structures: Collection of scientific works of N. E. Zhukovsky Aerospace University “KhAI”. Issue 2 (74). Kharkiv, 2013. P. 7 – 17.
16. Zinov’yev A. M. et al. Static Tests of Cyclone-4 Launch Vehicle Experimental Interstage Bay Made of Carbon Plastic / А. М. Zinov’yev, А. P. Kushnar’ov, А. V. Kondrat’yev, А. М. Potapov, А. P. Kuznetsov, V. A. Kovalenko. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2013. No. 4(101). P. 28-35.
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20.2.2017 Research Support for Development of Launch Vehicle Payload Unit Composite Load-Bearing Compartments
20.2.2017 Research Support for Development of Launch Vehicle Payload Unit Composite Load-Bearing Compartments
20.2.2017 Research Support for Development of Launch Vehicle Payload Unit Composite Load-Bearing Compartments
7.1.2023 Specificity of using rubbers as structural materials for making connector assemblies of temperature conditioning systems Fri, 12 May 2023 16:10:58 +0000
Functional testing of the device, using the pendulum suspension and measuring separation speed and vibration impulsive loading, showed that body parts of the shear explosive bolt with segments are separated without significant impact loads and discharge of high-temperature gases and debris, providing reliable separation of compartments and units without damaging the sensitive equipment.

7. Specificity of using rubbers as structural materials for making connector assemblies of temperature conditioning systems


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; State Enterprise DINTEM Ukrainian Research Design-Technological Institute of Elastomer Materials and Products2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2023 (1); 63-69


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: Explosive bolts are widely used as actuating devices in the spacecraft separation systems. Explosive bolt body is divided into parts as a result of engagement of the pyromixture placed inside. Activated explosive bolts have negative mechanical effect on the interface elements and sensitive electronic devices installed nearby owing to explosive behavior of the pyromixture combustion, generating shock front with high pressure and velocities, impacts and collisions of the structural units. Cumulative effect of the above factors on the separated objects is called pyroshock. For separation systems with increased requirements to external actions and cleanliness, authors developed a shear explosive bolt or pyrobolt, divided into parts, cutting the body walls in segments, which are set in motion by action of the pressure of gases, released as a result of pyrocartridge activation. The basic sources of pyroshock for these shear explosive bolts with segments are: combustion of pyromixture, internal impacts of structural units against the bolt body; cutting of body wall in segments, release of preliminary deformed interface after activation. Structural solutions are presented to reduce the pyroshock per each of the components. Vibration impulsive loading during pyromixture combustion is reduced by optimization of explosive quantity, finding its minimum to provide the reliable activation of the device. To reduce the impact on the explosive bolt elements and shock front interface the rubber gasket is installed in the path of shock wave distribution, partially disseminating and absorbing its kinetic energy. Damper, made of easily deformable aluminum alloy, is also installed to decrease the internal impact of the rod against the explosive bolt body. Functional testing of the device, using the pendulum suspension and measuring separation speed and vibration impulsive loading, showed that body parts of the shear explosive bolt with segments are separated without significant impact loads and discharge of high-temperature gases and debris, providing reliable separation of compartments and units without damaging the sensitive equipment. Obtained values of the mechanical momentum, I = 0,4÷0,7 N•s and shock load spectrum – g-load 1950 g at the frequency range up to 5000 Hz, meet the up-to-date requirements to pyrotechnical devices.

Key words: explosive bolt, pyroshock, shock wave, pyrocartridge, high-temperature gases, damper

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14. Bigun S. A., Khorolskiy M. S. i dr. Eksperimentalnye issledovania rezultatov otrabotki uzlov stykovki system termostatirovania RKN «Tsiklon-4». Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie: sb. nauch.-techn. st./ GP «KB «Yuzhnoye». Dnepropetrovsk, 2016. Vyp. 2. S. 43-51.

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7.1.2023 Specificity of using rubbers as structural materials for making connector assemblies of temperature conditioning systems
7.1.2023 Specificity of using rubbers as structural materials for making connector assemblies of temperature conditioning systems
7.1.2023 Specificity of using rubbers as structural materials for making connector assemblies of temperature conditioning systems

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