Search Results for “hydraulic actuator” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Fri, 21 Jun 2024 08:13:32 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “hydraulic actuator” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 12.1.2017 Static Performance Prediction of Hot-Gas Flapper-Nozzle Actuator Fri, 22 Sep 2023 15:14:35 +0000
Static Performance Prediction of Hot-Gas Flapper-Nozzle Actuator Authors: Tsyganov V. Hydraulic and Pneumatic Power Control System / Under the editorship of J. Tutorial on the Theory of Electrohydraulic Servo Mechanism with Acceleration Control Operating in Switchover Mode. Electrohydraulic Servo Mechanisms with Pulse-Width Control. (2017) "Static Performance Prediction of Hot-Gas Flapper-Nozzle Actuator" Космическая техника. "Static Performance Prediction of Hot-Gas Flapper-Nozzle Actuator" Космическая техника. quot;Static Performance Prediction of Hot-Gas Flapper-Nozzle Actuator", Космическая техника. Static Performance Prediction of Hot-Gas Flapper-Nozzle Actuator Автори: Tsyganov V.

12. Static Performance Prediction of Hot-Gas Flapper-Nozzle Actuator


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (1); 78-83

Language: Russian

Annotation: The basic mathematical relations are considered to construct static characteristics of nozzle-shutter twostage piston pneumatic drive with the working medium – powder combustion products.

Key words:

1. Oleinik V. P. et al. Static Characteristics of Gas Drive with Jet Engine / V. P. Oleinik, Y. A. Yelansky, V. N. Kovalenko, L. G. Kaluger, Е. V. Vnukov. Space Technology. Missile Armaments: Collection of scientific-technical articles. 2015. Issue. 1. P. 21-27.
2. Kornilov Y. G. et al. Pneumatic Elements and Systems. К., 1968. 143 p.
3. Hydraulic and Pneumatic Power Control System / Under the editorship of J. Blackborn, H. Reethoff, G. L. Sherer. М., 1962. 614 p.
4. Mertaf S. A. Tutorial on the Theory of Electrohydraulic Servo Mechanism with Acceleration Control Operating in Switchover Mode. Problems of Rocket Engineering. 1961. No. 2. P. 74-95.
5. Banshtyk A. М. Electrohydraulic Servo Mechanisms with Pulse-Width Control. М., 1972. 144 p.
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USA Boardman; Baltimore; Dublin; Columbus; Detroit; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Ashburn; Seattle; Tappahannock; Portland; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Ashburn; Boardman19
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12.1.2017 Static Performance Prediction of Hot-Gas Flapper-Nozzle Actuator
12.1.2017 Static Performance Prediction of Hot-Gas Flapper-Nozzle Actuator
12.1.2017 Static Performance Prediction of Hot-Gas Flapper-Nozzle Actuator
13.1.2017 Reliability Evaluation of ILV Thermostating System Mating Hoses Fri, 22 Sep 2023 15:13:28 +0000
Hydraulic Actuator Elements (Guide).

13. Reliability Evaluation of ILV Thermostating System Mating Hoses


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; State Enterprise DINTEM Ukrainian Research Design-Technological Institute of Elastomer Materials and Products2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (1); 84-87

Language: Russian

Annotation: The technique is proposed of reliability evaluation of space launch vehicle low pressure air thermostating system joints hoses. By calculation method, high reliability level was confirmed of hoses of joints being an interface elements of launch vehicle launch complexes.

Key words:

1. Development of Single Action Units’ Hoses of Cyclone-4 Space Launch System Thermostating System: SOW for R&D 2G40.12.8599.608TЗ/Yuzhnoye SDO. 2009. 41 p.
2. Abramov E. I., Kolesnichenko K. A., Maslov V. T. Hydraulic Actuator Elements (Guide). Kyiv, 1969. 320 p.
3. Shor Y. B., Kuzmin F. I. Tables for Reliability Analysis and Control. М, 1968. 286 p.
4. Ventsel E. S. Theory of Probability. М., 1964. 576 p.
Downloads: 35
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USA Boardman; Matawan; Baltimore; Plano; Columbus; Detroit; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Seattle; Ashburn; Boardman; Seattle; Tappahannock; Portland; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Ashburn21
Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore9
Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro2
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13.1.2017 Reliability Evaluation of ILV Thermostating System Mating Hoses
13.1.2017 Reliability Evaluation of ILV Thermostating System Mating Hoses
13.1.2017 Reliability Evaluation of ILV Thermostating System Mating Hoses
13.1.2020 Mathematical models of hydraulic servomechanisms of space technology Wed, 13 Sep 2023 10:58:26 +0000
2020, (1); 121-132 DOI: Language: Russian Annotation: Being a final executive element of rocket control systems, a hydraulic actuator is at the same time the main source of various non-linear dependencies in rocket dynamic design whose availability dramatically com plicates theoretical analysis of their dynamics and control systems synthesis. The paper deals with the simplest models of hydraulic servo actuators intended to calculate rocket controllability and to define requirements to response and power characteristics of the actuators. Key words: mathematical model , hydraulic actuator , servo actuator , stability , damping , slide Bibliography: 1. mathematical model , hydraulic actuator , servo actuator , stability , damping , slide .

13. Mathematical models of hydraulic servomechanisms of space technologynt


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 121-132


Language: Russian

Annotation: Being a final executive element of rocket control systems, a hydraulic actuator is at the same time the main source of various non-linear dependencies in rocket dynamic design whose availability dramatically com plicates theoretical analysis of their dynamics and control systems synthesis. The required accuracy and complexity of mathematical models of hydraulic servo mechanisms are different for different design phases of guided rockets. The paper deals with the simplest models of hydraulic servo actuators intended to calculate rocket controllability and to define requirements to response and power characteristics of the actuators. To calculate the rocket stability regions and to evaluate own stability of servo actuators, a linearized mathematical model of hydraulic servo actuator is used that takes into account the most important parameters having impact on stability of the servo actuator itself and on that of the rocket: hardness of working fluid, stiffness of elastic suspension of the actuator and control element, slope of mechanical characteristic of the actuator in the area of small control signals, which, as full mathematical model analysis showed, is conditioned only by dimensions of initial axial clearances of slide’s throats. The full mathematical model constructed based on accurate calculations of the balance of fluid flow rate through the slide’s throats allows, as early as at designing phase, determining the values of most important static and dynamic characteristics of a future hydraulic actuator, selecting optimal characteristics of slides based on specified degree of stability and response of servo actuator and conducting final modeling of rocket flight on the integrated control system test benches without using real actuators and loading stands. It is correct and universal for all phases of rockets and their control systems designing and testing. Using this mathematical model, the powerful actuators of a line of intercontinental ballistic missiles with swinging reentry vehicle and the main engines actuators of Zenit launch vehicle first stage were developed. The results of their testing separately and in rockets practically fully comply with the data of theoretical calculations.

Key words: mathematical model, hydraulic actuator, servo actuator, stability, damping, slide

1. Dinamika gidroprivoda / pod red. V. N. Prokofieva. М., 1972. 292 s.
2. Gamynin N. S. Gidravlicheskii privod system upravleniia. М., 1972. 376 s.
3. Chuprakov Yu. I. Gidroprivod i sredstva gidroavtomatiki. М., 1979. 232 s.
4. Kozak L. R. Geometriia zolotnika i dinamicheskie kharakteristiki gidroprivoda // Visnyk Dnipropetrovskoho universytetu. Vyp. 13, Tom 1. 2009.
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Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore4
Finland Helsinki1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
Ukraine Dnipro1
13.1.2020  Mathematical models of hydraulic servomechanisms of space technology
13.1.2020  Mathematical models of hydraulic servomechanisms of space technology
13.1.2020  Mathematical models of hydraulic servomechanisms of space technology

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15.2.2017 Oxidizer Feedline Structural Optimization Results Wed, 09 Aug 2023 12:10:23 +0000
Reference Book on Hydraulics, Hydraulic Machines, and Hydraulic Actuators / Under the editorship of B.

15. Oxidizer Feedline Structural Optimization Results


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (2); 77-82

Language: Russian

Annotation: Two design options of manifold and dividing valve are considered, the loss calculation by analytical and numerical methods has been made. Based on the calculation results, the optimal design option has been selected. The calculation correctness is confirmed as a result of development tests of the design.

Key words:

1. Idel’chik I. E. Guide on Hydraulic Resistances / Under the editorship of M. O. Steinberg. 3rd edition revised and enlarged. М., 1992. 672 p.
2. Yan’shin B. I. Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Regulating Valves and Pipeline Elements. М., 1965. 259 p.
3. Gurevich D. F. Calculation and Designing of Pipeline Fittings: Calculation of Pipeline Fittings. 5th edition. М., 2008. 480 p.
4. Frenkel N. Z. Hydraulics. М., L., 1956. 451 p.
5. Reference Book on Hydraulics, Hydraulic Machines, and Hydraulic Actuators / Under the editorship of B. B. Nekrasov. Minsk, 1985.
6. Alyamovsky A. A. “Solid Works” Computer Modeling in Engineering Practice. Saint Petersburg, 2012. 445 p.
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USA Boardman; Matawan; Baltimore; Plano; Dublin; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Ashburn; Boardman; Seattle; Seattle; Tappahannock; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Ashburn; Boardman19
Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore6
Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro2
Finland Helsinki1
Unknown Hong Kong1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
15.2.2017 Oxidizer Feedline Structural Optimization Results
15.2.2017 Oxidizer Feedline Structural Optimization Results
15.2.2017 Oxidizer Feedline Structural Optimization Results
9.1.2017 Mathematical Simulation of Gas-Jet Control System Distributor for Launch Vehicles Tue, 27 Jun 2023 12:09:02 +0000
Equipment of Massive Hydraulic Actuators: Operating Processes and Characteristics.

9. Mathematical Simulation of Gas-Jet Control System Distributor for Launch Vehicles


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (1); 59-66

Language: Russian

Annotation: The differential equations of the gas-jet control system two-stage hot gas distributor are considered.

Key words:

1. Belyayev N. M., Uvarov E. I. Calculation and Designing of Spacecraft Reaction Control Systems. М., 1974. 200 p.
2. Volkov E. B., Golovkov L. T., Syritsin Т. А. Liquid Rocket Engines. М., 1970. 592 p.
3. Abramovich G. N. Applied Gas Dynamics. М., 1976. 888 p.
4. Mamontov M. A. Some Cases of Gas Flowing in Pipes, Heads and Flow Vessels. М., 1951. 469 p.
5. Gerz E. V., Kreinin G. V. Dynamics of Pneumatic Actuators of Automatic Machines. М., 1964. 233 p.
6. Flying Vehicle Control System Pneumatic Actuators / V. A. Chashhin, О. Т. Kamladze, А. B. Kondrat’yev et al. М., 1987. 248 p.
7. Simakov N. N. Experimental Confirmation of Early Critical Region on Single Sphere. Journal of Technical Physics. Vol. 80, Issue 7. 2010.
8. Deich М. Е. Technical Gas Dynamics. М.-L., 1961. 412 p.
9. Sitnikov B. T., Matveyev I. B. Calculation and Investigation of Safety and Relief Valves. М., 1972. 127 p.
10. Danilov Y. A., Kirillovsky Y. L., Kolpakov Y. G. Equipment of Massive Hydraulic Actuators: Operating Processes and Characteristics. М., 1990. 272 p.
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Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore6
Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro2
Finland Helsinki1
Unknown Hong Kong1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
9.1.2017 Mathematical Simulation of Gas-Jet Control System Distributor for Launch Vehicles
9.1.2017 Mathematical Simulation of Gas-Jet Control System Distributor for Launch Vehicles
9.1.2017 Mathematical Simulation of Gas-Jet Control System Distributor for Launch Vehicles
20.1.2019 Possibilities of Increasing Acting Loads on Hydraulic Actuator Middle Position Lock Wed, 24 May 2023 16:00:46 +0000
Possibilities of Increasing Acting Loads on Hydraulic Actuator Middle Position Lock Authors: Yaryz’ko O. The results are presented of experimental check of impact of material of rod with hydraulic actuator piston on contact resistance and load capacity of the middle position lock of thrust vector control system two-channel hydraulic actuator. (2019) "Possibilities of Increasing Acting Loads on Hydraulic Actuator Middle Position Lock" Космическая техника. "Possibilities of Increasing Acting Loads on Hydraulic Actuator Middle Position Lock" Космическая техника. quot;Possibilities of Increasing Acting Loads on Hydraulic Actuator Middle Position Lock", Космическая техника. Possibilities of Increasing Acting Loads on Hydraulic Actuator Middle Position Lock Автори: Yaryz'ko O. Possibilities of Increasing Acting Loads on Hydraulic Actuator Middle Position Lock Автори: Yaryz'ko O.

20. Possibilities of Increasing Acting Loads on Hydraulic Actuator Middle Position Lock


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 139-143


Language: Russian

Annotation: The results of work are described to determine optimal materials for one of the elements of middle position lock to increase load bearing characteristics and contact resistance of the middle position lock. The results are presented of experimental check of impact of material of rod with hydraulic actuator piston on contact resistance and load capacity of the middle position lock of thrust vector control system two-channel hydraulic actuator. As replacer, the 18ХГТ steel was selected allowing (after carbonization and hardening) obtaining in surface layer of material the HRCэ 56-62 hardness with plastic core, instead of HRCэ 36-42 after hardening of applied 09Х16Н4Б steel. The comparative results were obtained in the tests of experimental sample of the lock completed with two rods with piston: the rod with piston manufactured according to DD and the experimental rod with piston that passed carbonization to the depth 0.9-1.3 mm and hardened to HRCэ 56-62. The rod’s ring groove – one of the elements of lock was subjected to carbonization and hardening. Both rods with piston were tested in the lock’s dummy in the load range: up to 1200 kgf –standard rod with piston and up to 3000 kgf – experimental rod with piston under static and cyclic loading. The test results are positive: the standard rod with piston confirmed its serviceability at the loads up to 1200 kgf inclusive; the experimental rod with piston withstood the loads up to 3000 kgf under static and cyclic loading. The evaluation of contact resistance was made by comparison of dimensions of traces left by the balls on the surface of rod’s grove under lock loading. The dimensions of traces on the experimental rod with piston under the load 3000 kgf inclusive did not exceed the dimensions of traces on the standard rod with piston, which testifies to the increase of contact resistance. We believe that the direction of search for steel brands in combination with advanced methods of thermal treatment is promising in increasing the lock’s load-bearing characteristics.

Key words: thrust vector control system, main engine, tests, rod with piston

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Unknown Melbourne1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
Ukraine Dnipro1
20.1.2019 Possibilities of Increasing Acting Loads on Hydraulic Actuator Middle Position Lock
20.1.2019 Possibilities of Increasing Acting Loads on Hydraulic Actuator Middle Position Lock
20.1.2019 Possibilities of Increasing Acting Loads on Hydraulic Actuator Middle Position Lock

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