Search Results for “mechanical condition” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Tue, 05 Nov 2024 21:31:23 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “mechanical condition” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 12.1.2024 Hardening of steels modifying their surfaces with ion-plasma nitriding in glow discharge Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:36:02 +0000
Ion-plasma nitriding is a multi-factor process, which requires the study of the influence of nitriding process conditions on the structure of modified layers, which, in its turn, determines their mechanical properties.

12. Hardening of steels modifying their surfaces with ion-plasma nitriding in glow discharge


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2024, (1); 102-113


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: Steel hardening technology is considered, which implies modification of the steel surface with the method of ion-plasma nitriding in glow discharge. Ion-plasma nitriding is a multi-factor process, which requires the study of the influence of nitriding process conditions on the structure of modified layers, which, in its turn, determines their mechanical properties. The subjects of research included: austenitic steel 12X18Н10T, carbon steel Ст3 and structural steel 45. There were two conditions of plasma creation during the research: free location of samples on the surface of the cathode (configuration I) and inside the hollow cathode (configuration II). Optimal parameters of the ion-plasma nitriding process have been determined, which provide stability of the process and create conditions for intensive diffusion of nitrogen into the steel surface. Hydrogen was added to the argon-nitrogen gaseous medium to intensify the nitriding process. Working pressure in the chamber was maintained within the range of 250-300 Pa, the duration of the process was 120 minutes. Comparative characteristics of the structure and microhardness of the modified surfaces of the steels under study for two ion-plasma nitriding technologies are presented. Metallographic examination of the structure of the surface modified layers in the cross section showed the presence of the laminated nitrided layer, which consists of different phases and has different depths, depending on the material of the sample and treatment mode. Nitrided layer of 12Х18Н10Т steel consisted of four sublayers: upper “white” nitride layer, double diffuse layer and lower transition layer. The total depth of the nitrided layer after the specified treatment time reached 23 μm, use of hollow cathode increased it by 26% to 29 μm. The nitrided layers of steel Ст3 and steel 45 consisted of two sublayers – thick “white” nitride layer and general diffuse layer with a thickness of about 18 μm. The microhardness of the nitrided layer of steel Ст3 was 480 HV, increasing by 2,5 times, and for steel 45 was 440 HV, increasing by 1,7 times. The use of hollow cathode for these steels reduces the depth of the nitrided layer, but at the same time the microhardness increases due to the formation of a thicker and denser nitride layer on the surface. The results of the conducted research can be used to strengthen the surfaces of the steel parts in rocket and space technology, applying high-strength coatings.

Key words: ion nitriding, glow discharge, cross-sectional layer structure, hardening, microhardness


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6. Skiba M. Ye., Stechishyna N. M., Medvechku N. K., Stechishyn M. S., Lyukhovets’ V. V. Bezvodneve azotuvannya u tliyuchomu rozryadi, yak metod pidvyschennya znosostiykisti konstruktsiynykh staley. Visn. Khmelnitskogo natsionalnogo universitetu. 2019. №5. S. 7-12.
7. Axenov I. I. Vakkumno-dugovye pokrytiya. Technologiya, materialy, struktura i svoistva. Kharkov, 2015. 379 s.
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9. Pastukh I. M. Teoriya i praktika bezvodorodnogo azotirovanniya v tleuschem razryade: izdatelstvo NNTs KhFTI. Kharkov, 2006. 364 s.
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11. Kozlov A. A. Nitrogen potential during ion nitriding process in glow-discharge plasma. Science and Technique. 2015. Vol. 1. P. 79-90.
12. Nadtoka V., Kraiev M., Borisenko А., Kraieva V. Multi-component nitrated ion-plasma Ni-Cr coating. Journal of Physics and Electronics. 2021. №29(1). Р. 61–64. DOI 10.15421/332108.
13. Nadtoka V., Kraiev M., Borisenko A., Bondar D., Gusarova I. Heat-resistant MoSi2–NbSi2 and Cr–Ni coatings for rocket engine combustion chambers and respective vacuum-arc deposition technology/ 74th International Astronautical Congress (IAC-23-C2.4.2), Baku, Azerbaijan, 2-6 October 2023.
14. Kostik K. O., Kostik V. O. Porivnyalniy analiz vplyvu gazovogo ta ionno-plazmovogo azotuvannya na zminu struktury i vlastyvostey legovannoi stali 30Х3ВА. Visnik NTU «KhPI». 2014. №48(1090). S. 21-41.
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12.1.2024 Hardening of steels modifying their surfaces with ion-plasma nitriding in glow discharge
12.1.2024 Hardening of steels modifying their surfaces with ion-plasma nitriding in glow discharge
12.1.2024 Hardening of steels modifying their surfaces with ion-plasma nitriding in glow discharge

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6.1.2024 New methods of load-carrying capacity prediction for the ultimately compressed frame structures Mon, 17 Jun 2024 07:56:18 +0000
2024, (1); 51-60 DOI: Language: English Annotation: Amid acute problems that arise in the field of rocket and space technology, mechanical engineering, and other fields and require a workable engineering solution, the problem of prediction and prevention of the unpredicted collapse of the structural members of the structures subjected to loading is considered. Application of the adequate diagnostic techniques and methods of prediction of the maximum loads under compression conditions will make it possible to avoid the structural failures.

6. New methods of load-carrying capacity prediction for the ultimately compressed frame structures


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine,1; Kharkiv Aviation Institute, Kharkiv, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2024, (1); 51-60


Language: English

Annotation: Amid acute problems that arise in the field of rocket and space technology, mechanical engineering, and other fields and require a workable engineering solution, the problem of prediction and prevention of the unpredicted collapse of the structural members of the structures subjected to loading is considered. Prediction of the load-carrying capacity and residual life of the space frames during the long-term operation is based on the analysis of the stress and strain state, using readings from the strain and displacement pickups installed in the most loaded zones. In this case the yield strength of the structural material or the fatigue strength of the material may be considered as the criterion of the maximum load. At the same time the loss of stability of the compressed structural members used in the load-carrying thin-walled structures are among the potentially dangerous failure modes. In these cases such failure occurs unexpectedly without any visible signs of change in the initial geometry. Application of the adequate diagnostic techniques and methods of prediction of the maximum loads under compression conditions will make it possible to avoid the structural failures. In this case an assembly under test may be used for other purposes. To perform static strength testing, the rocket and space companies use costly compartments of as-built dimension. Therefore, keeping compartments safe solves an important problem of saving financial costs for hardware production. Nowadays this problem is particularly acute when ground testing the new technology prototypes.

Key words: space frames, load-carrying members, stress and strain state, loss of stability, prediction of the structural failure.

  1. Prochnost raketnyh konstruktsyi. Ucheb. posobie pod redaktsiyei V.I. Mossakovskogo. M.: Vyssh. shk., 1990. S. 359 (in Russian).
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6.1.2024 New methods of load-carrying capacity prediction for the ultimately compressed frame structures
6.1.2024 New methods of load-carrying capacity prediction for the ultimately compressed frame structures
6.1.2024 New methods of load-carrying capacity prediction for the ultimately compressed frame structures

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15.1.2024 Enhancing operability of the fuel system units in the hot climate conditions Mon, 17 Jun 2024 07:43:36 +0000
Enhancing operability of the fuel system units in the hot climate conditions Authors: Udod A. 2024, (1); 129-135 DOI: Language: Ukrainian Annotation: The article dwells on the problem of enhancement of durability for the mechanical rubber articles, which is directly related to the enhance of rubber resistance to various types of heat aging. The main cause of the defects is the loss of elastic properties of the seals because of the accelerated heat aging of the nitrile group under conditions of long-term exposure to elevated temperatures in conditions of hot climate. Replacing the existing rubbers with rubbers created on the basis of more heat-bearing rubbers is the most promising way to improve the performance properties of the mechanical rubber articles under the high temperatures. (2024) "Enhancing operability of the fuel system units in the hot climate conditions" Космическая техника. "Enhancing operability of the fuel system units in the hot climate conditions" Космическая техника.

15. Enhancing operability of the fuel system units in the hot climate conditions


DINTEM Ukrainian Research Design-Technological Institute of Elastomer Materials and Products LLC1; FED Joint Stock Company2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2024, (1); 129-135


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: The article dwells on the problem of enhancement of durability for the mechanical rubber articles, which is directly related to the enhance of rubber resistance to various types of heat aging. Heat resistance during compression is most important for rubbers used for seals of various types: rings, collars, armored collars, gaskets for aviation and rocket technology hardware. Stress relaxation and the accumulation of relative residual deformation of rubbers, caused by the kinetic rearrangement of chemical bonds, are extremely sensitive to the influence of high temperatures. The main cause of the defects is the loss of elastic properties of the seals because of the accelerated heat aging of the nitrile group under conditions of long-term exposure to elevated temperatures in conditions of hot climate. The results of accelerated climatic testing of specimens of mechanical rubber articles, as well as the results of climatic endurance testing of the units for the period simulating 20-year service life are specified, and the main types of defects which result in the loss of performance properties of the mechanical rubber articles are as follows: great (up to 100%) residual deformation of intersections, cracking, loss of elasticity. The warranty life of fuel system units, made of ИРП-1078 nitrile rubber, does not exceed 12 years. Replacing the existing rubbers with rubbers created on the basis of more heat-bearing rubbers is the most promising way to improve the performance properties of the mechanical rubber articles under the high temperatures. The new D2301 rubber is based on fluorosiloxane rubber. It provides high thermal stability and, especially, the ability to maintain high performance properties for a long time under the simultaneous impact of hostile environment and high temperatures. The results of climatic endurance testing of fuel system units, equipped with rubber articles made of D2301 rubber, fully justify the increase of the specified service life of the specified units from 12 to 16 years. It is recommended to introduce D2301 rubber into the effective normative documentation and continue studies in order to extend the nomenclature of mechanical rubber articles made of D2301 rubber to provide the reliable sealing of units during the service life of 16 years or longer.

Key words: leaktightness of articles, fluorosiloxane rubber, rubber, temperature of the hot climate, physical-mechanical properties of the rubber, climatic endurance tests, elastic properties, warranty life

  1. Lepetov V. A., Yurtsev L. N. Raschet i konstruirovanie rezinovykh izdeliy. Moskva.
    Khimia. 1971. 417 s.
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15.1.2024 Enhancing operability of the fuel system units in the hot climate conditions
15.1.2024 Enhancing operability of the fuel system units in the hot climate conditions
15.1.2024 Enhancing operability of the fuel system units in the hot climate conditions

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18.1.2020 Development of autonomous power engineering systems with hydrogen energy storage Wed, 13 Sep 2023 11:57:42 +0000
Intsitute of Mechanical Engineering Problems, Kharkiv, Ukraine 1 ; Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine 2 Page: Kosm. The current level of hydrogen technologies that are implemented in electrochemical plants developed at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering named after A. Study of the Influence of Operating Conditions on High Pressure Electrolyzer Efficiency. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. Journal of Mechanical Engineering.

18. Development of autonomous power engineering systems with hydrogen energy storage


Pidgorny A. Intsitute of Mechanical Engineering Problems, Kharkiv, Ukraine1; Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 160-169


Language: Russian

Annotation: The article analyzes the energy potential of alternative sources of Ukraine. The projects using hydrogen technologies aimed at attracting solar energy to the infrastructure of energy technological complexes, in particular water desalination systems and for refueling automobile vehicles located in areas with high solar radiation potential, are considered. During the operation of water desalination plants using a solar power station as an energy source, contingencies are very likely to arise due to either a power outage (due to cloudy weather) or an emergency failure of individual elements of the system. In this case, it is required to ensure its removal from service without loss of technological capabilities (operability). For this purpose, it is necessary to provide for the inclusion in the technological scheme of the energy technological complex of an additional element that ensures operation of the unit for a given time, determined by the regulations for its operation. As such an element, a buffer system based on a hydrogen energy storage device is proposed. The current level of hydrogen technologies that are implemented in electrochemical plants developed at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering named after A. N. Podgorny of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine allows producing and accumulating the hydrogen under high pressure, which eliminates the use of compressor technology.

Key words: alternative energy sources, hydrogen, solar energy, hydrogen generator

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15. Solovey V. V., Kotenko А. L., Vorobiova I. О., Shevchenko A. А., Zipunnikov M. М. Osnovnye printsipy raboty i algoritm upravleniya bezmembrannym elektrolizerom vysokogo davleniia. Problemy mashinostroyeniia. 2018. T. 21, №. 4. S. 57–63.
16. Solovey V., Khiem N. T., Zipunnikov M. M., Shevchenko A. A. Improvement of the Membraneless Electrolysis Technology for Hydrogen and Oxygen Generation. French-Ukrainian Journal of Chemistry. 2018. Vol. 6, № 2. P. 73–79.
17. Solovey V., Zipunnikov N., Shevchenko A., Vorobjova I., Kotenko A. Energy Effective Membrane-less Technology for High Pressure Hydrogen Electro-chemical Generation. French-Ukrainian Journal of Chemistry. 2018. Vol. 6, № 1. P.151–156.
18. Solovey V. V., Zipunnikov М. М., Shevchenko А. А., Vorobiova І. О., Semykin V. M. Bezmembrannyi henerator vodniu vysokoho tysku. Fundamentalni aspekty vidnovliuvano-vodnevoi enerhetyky i palyvno-komirchanykh technologij / za zahal. red. Yu. М. Solonina. Kyiv, 2018. S. 99–107.
19. Matsevytyi Yu. M., Chorna N. A., Shevchenko A. A. Development of a Perspective Metal Hydride Energy Accumulation System Based on Fuel Cells for Wind Energetics. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2019. Vol. 22, № 4. P. 48–52.
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18.1.2020  Development of autonomous power engineering systems with hydrogen energy storage
18.1.2020  Development of autonomous power engineering systems with hydrogen energy storage
18.1.2020  Development of autonomous power engineering systems with hydrogen energy storage

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15.1.2020 Simulation of thermomechanical processes in functionally-gradient materials of inhomogeneous structure in the manufacturing and operation of rocket structural elements Wed, 13 Sep 2023 11:07:28 +0000
Simulation of thermomechanical processes in functionally-gradient materials of inhomogeneous structure in the manufacturing and operation of rocket structural elements Authors: Usov A. Organization: Institute of Mechanical Engineering of Odessa National Polytechnic University, Odessa, Ukraine Page: Kosm. Also, a criterion correlation of the condition of the equilibrium defect condition with a length of 2l was got, depending on the magnitude of the contact temperature. (2020) "Simulation of thermomechanical processes in functionally-gradient materials of inhomogeneous structure in the manufacturing and operation of rocket structural elements" Космическая техника.

15. Simulation of thermomechanical processes in functionally-gradient materials of inhomogeneous structure in the manufacturing and operation of rocket structural elements


Institute of Mechanical Engineering of Odessa National Polytechnic University, Odessa, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 137-148


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: The strength of real solids depends essentially on the defect of the structure. In real materials, there is always a large number of various micro defects, the development of which under the influence of loading leads to the appearance of cracks and their growth in the form of local or complete destruction. In this paper, based on the method of singular integral equations, we present a unified approach to the solution of thermal elasticity problems for bodies weakened by inhomogeneities. The purpose of the work is to take into account the heterogeneities in the materials of the elements of the rocket structures on their functionally-gradient properties, including strength. The choice of the method of investigation of strength and destruction of structural elements depends on the size of the object under study. Micro-research is related to the heterogeneities that are formed in the surface layer at the stage of preparation, the technology of manufacturing structural elements. Defectiveness allows you to adequately consider the mechanism of destruction of objects as a process of development of cracks. In studying the limit state of real elements, weakened by defects and constructing on this basis the theory of their strength and destruction in addition to the deterministic one must consider the probabilistic – statistical approach. In the case of thermal action on structural elements in which there are uniformly scattered, non-interacting randomly distributed defects of the type of cracks, the laws of joint distribution of the length and angle of orientation of which are known, the limiting value of the heat flux for the balanced state of the crack having the length of the “weakest link” is determined. The influence of heterogeneities of technological origin (from the workpiece to the finished product) that occur in the surface layer in the technology of manufacturing structural elements on its destruction is taken into account by the developed model. The strength of real solids depends essentially on the defect of the structure. In real materials, there are always many various micro defects, the development of which under the influence of loading leads to the appearance of cracks and their growth in the form of local or complete destruction. In this paper, based on the method of singular integral equations, we present a unified approach to the solution of thermal elasticity problems for bodies weakened by inhomogeneities. The purpose of the work is to take into account the heterogeneities in the materials of the elements of the rocket structures on their functionally gradient properties, including strength. The choice of the method of investigation of strength and destruction of structural elements depends on the size of the object under study. Micro-research is related to the heterogeneities that are formed in the surface layer at the stage of preparation, the technology of manufacturing structural elements. Defectiveness allows you to adequately consider the mechanism of destruction of objects as a process of development of cracks. In studying the limit state of real elements, weakened by defects and constructing on this basis the theory of their strength and destruction besides the deterministic one must consider the probabilistic – statistical approach. With thermal action on structural elements in which there are uniformly scattered, non-interacting randomly distributed defects of the cracks, the laws of joint distribution of the length and angle of orientation of which are known, the limiting value of the heat flux for the balanced state of the crack having the length of the “weakest link” is determined. The influence of heterogeneities of technological origin (from the workpiece to the finished product) that occur in the surface layer in the technology of manufacturing structural elements on its destruction is taken into account by the developed model. The solution of the singular integral equation with the Cauchy kernel allows one to determine the intensity of stresses around the vertexes of defects of the cracks, and by comparing it with the criterion of fracture toughness for the material of a structural element, one can determine its state. If this criterion is violated, the weak link defect develops into a trunk crack. Also, a criterion correlation of the condition of the equilibrium defect condition with a length of 2l was got, depending on the magnitude of the contact temperature. When the weld is cooled, it develops “hot cracks” that lead to a lack of welding elements of the structures. The results of the simulation using singular integral equations open the possibility to evaluate the influence of thirdparty fillers on the loss of functional properties of inhomogeneous systems. The exact determination of the order and nature of the singularity near the vertices of the acute-angled imperfection in the inhomogeneous medium, presented in the analytical form, is necessary to plan and record the corresponding criterion relations to determine the functional properties of inhomogeneous systems.

Key words: mathematical model, linear systems, singular integral equations, impulse response, defects, criteria for the destruction of stochastically defective bodies, Riemann problem, thermoelastic state

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15.1.2020  Simulation of thermomechanical processes in functionally-gradient materials of inhomogeneous structure in the manufacturing and operation of rocket structural elements
15.1.2020  Simulation of thermomechanical processes in functionally-gradient materials of inhomogeneous structure in the manufacturing and operation of rocket structural elements
15.1.2020  Simulation of thermomechanical processes in functionally-gradient materials of inhomogeneous structure in the manufacturing and operation of rocket structural elements

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13.1.2020 Mathematical models of hydraulic servomechanisms of space technology Wed, 13 Sep 2023 10:58:26 +0000
To calculate the rocket stability regions and to evaluate own stability of servo actuators, a linearized mathematical model of hydraulic servo actuator is used that takes into account the most important parameters having impact on stability of the servo actuator itself and on that of the rocket: hardness of working fluid, stiffness of elastic suspension of the actuator and control element, slope of mechanical characteristic of the actuator in the area of small control signals, which, as full mathematical model analysis showed, is conditioned only by dimensions of initial axial clearances of slide’s throats.

13. Mathematical models of hydraulic servomechanisms of space technologynt


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 121-132


Language: Russian

Annotation: Being a final executive element of rocket control systems, a hydraulic actuator is at the same time the main source of various non-linear dependencies in rocket dynamic design whose availability dramatically com plicates theoretical analysis of their dynamics and control systems synthesis. The required accuracy and complexity of mathematical models of hydraulic servo mechanisms are different for different design phases of guided rockets. The paper deals with the simplest models of hydraulic servo actuators intended to calculate rocket controllability and to define requirements to response and power characteristics of the actuators. To calculate the rocket stability regions and to evaluate own stability of servo actuators, a linearized mathematical model of hydraulic servo actuator is used that takes into account the most important parameters having impact on stability of the servo actuator itself and on that of the rocket: hardness of working fluid, stiffness of elastic suspension of the actuator and control element, slope of mechanical characteristic of the actuator in the area of small control signals, which, as full mathematical model analysis showed, is conditioned only by dimensions of initial axial clearances of slide’s throats. The full mathematical model constructed based on accurate calculations of the balance of fluid flow rate through the slide’s throats allows, as early as at designing phase, determining the values of most important static and dynamic characteristics of a future hydraulic actuator, selecting optimal characteristics of slides based on specified degree of stability and response of servo actuator and conducting final modeling of rocket flight on the integrated control system test benches without using real actuators and loading stands. It is correct and universal for all phases of rockets and their control systems designing and testing. Using this mathematical model, the powerful actuators of a line of intercontinental ballistic missiles with swinging reentry vehicle and the main engines actuators of Zenit launch vehicle first stage were developed. The results of their testing separately and in rockets practically fully comply with the data of theoretical calculations.

Key words: mathematical model, hydraulic actuator, servo actuator, stability, damping, slide

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13.1.2020  Mathematical models of hydraulic servomechanisms of space technology
13.1.2020  Mathematical models of hydraulic servomechanisms of space technology
13.1.2020  Mathematical models of hydraulic servomechanisms of space technology

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5.1.2020 Strength and stability of inhomogeneous structures of space technology, consid-ering plasticity and creep Wed, 13 Sep 2023 06:15:53 +0000
2020, (1); 44-56 DOI: Language: Russian Annotation: The shell structures widely used in space rocket hardware feature, along with decided advantage in the form of optimal combination of mass and strength, inhomogeneities of different nature: structural (different thicknesses, availability of reinforcements, cuts-holes et al.) and technological (presence of defects arising in manufacturing process or during storage, transportation and unforseen thermomechanical effects). Taking into consideration plasticity and creeping of material, to determine stress and strain state, the approach is effective where the calculation is divided into phases; in each phase the parameters are entered that characterize the deformations of plasticity and creeping: additional loads in the equations of equilibrium or in boundary conditions, additional deformations or variable parameters of elasticity (elasticity modulus and Poisson ratio).

5. Strength and stability of inhomogeneous structures of space technology, consid-ering plasticity and creep


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; The Institute of Technical Mechanics, Dnipro, Ukraine2; Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine3

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 44-56


Language: Russian

Annotation: The shell structures widely used in space rocket hardware feature, along with decided advantage in the form of optimal combination of mass and strength, inhomogeneities of different nature: structural (different thicknesses, availability of reinforcements, cuts-holes et al.) and technological (presence of defects arising in manufacturing process or during storage, transportation and unforseen thermomechanical effects). The above factors are concentrators of stress and strain state and can lead to early destruction of structural elements. Their different parts are deformed according to their program and are characterized by different levels of stress and strain state. Taking into consideration plasticity and creeping of material, to determine stress and strain state, the approach is effective where the calculation is divided into phases; in each phase the parameters are entered that characterize the deformations of plasticity and creeping: additional loads in the equations of equilibrium or in boundary conditions, additional deformations or variable parameters of elasticity (elasticity modulus and Poisson ratio). Then the schemes of successive approximations are constructed: in each phase, the problem of elasticity theory is solved with entering of the above parameters. The problems of determining the lifetime of space launch vehicles and launching facilities should be noted separately, as it is connected with damages that arise at alternating-sign thermomechanical loads of high intensity. The main approach in lifetime determination is one that is based on the theory of low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue. Plasticity and creeping of material are the fundamental factors in lifetime substantiation. The article deals with various aspects of solving the problem of strength and stability of space rocket objects with consideration for the impact of plasticity and creeping deformations.

Key words: shell structures, stress and strain state, structural and technological inhomogeneity, thermomechanical loads, low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue, lifetime

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5.1.2020 Strength and stability of inhomogeneous structures of space technology, consid-ering plasticity and creep
5.1.2020 Strength and stability of inhomogeneous structures of space technology, consid-ering plasticity and creep
5.1.2020 Strength and stability of inhomogeneous structures of space technology, consid-ering plasticity and creep

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23.2.2018 On the Role of Space in Origination of Inertia Force Field, Earth Gravity Force Field and Zero Gravity of Material Body Thu, 07 Sep 2023 12:35:25 +0000
In the phenomenological approach under study, allowing for reflection properties of the space, earlier unknown interdependent information-physical link of the body and its mechanical particles with space under the accelerated motion was determined in the state of rest of the gravitation field as well as in the state of weightlessness. As a result metric lines of the configuration space under conditions of beam acceleration become polarized lines, generating vector information inertia field. Interaction of mechanical particles with the information inertia field in the configuration space generates physical inertia field of force, providing the real inertia under accelerated motion of the beam. According to the set forth unconventional approach the nature of the earth gravity is conditioned by the polarization of the radial metric lines of the circumterrestrial space. On the Impact of Initial Imperfections on Rod Stability Loss in Conditions of Axial Compression.

23. On the Role of Space in Origination of Inertia Force Field, Earth Gravity Force Field and Zero Gravity of Material Body


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (2); 190-206


Language: Russian

Annotation: Presented is the theoretical justification of the phenomenon of the inertia initiation under accelerated motion of the body, and gravity origin in the circumterrestrial space. There is no description of the physical nature of the inertia and gravity in the scientific publications. In the phenomenological approach under study, allowing for reflection properties of the space, earlier unknown interdependent information-physical link of the body and its mechanical particles with space under the accelerated motion was determined in the state of rest of the gravitation field as well as in the state of weightlessness. Alongside with the environment, eigenspace, i.e. configuration space of the body and corresponding metric lines of the space are considered. Idea of metric lines agrees with the concept of F. Wilczek, the American physicist, Nobel-Prize laureate, on the existence of the unobservable metric field in the real space. Solution of the problem rests on the example of the cantilever beam and mathematical model of the information reflection process, which for the first time takes into consideration previously unknown property of space reflection. Under the accelerated motion of the body reflection gains the acceleration vector dt d а     . In this case reflection manifests itself in the initiation of the beam of polarization vector under study   ~ in every point of the configuration space and is expressed as     ~ а . Value of the polarization vector equals the value of acceleration vector with negative sign. As a result metric lines of the configuration space under conditions of beam acceleration become polarized lines, generating vector information inertia field. Interaction of mechanical particles with the information inertia field in the configuration space generates physical inertia field of force, providing the real inertia under accelerated motion of the beam. (Relatively slow motion of bodies is studied as compared to the speed of light). According to the set forth unconventional approach the nature of the earth gravity is conditioned by the polarization of the radial metric lines of the circumterrestrial space. And polarization vector is directed to the center of the Earth and equals acceleration vector of the free fall with the same sign. Interaction of the body with specific mass with the vector information field of the Earth generates the physical force field of gravity. Article deals with the fundamental issues of theoretical physics and other fields of natural science. Materials of the conducted research are regarded as a potential scientific discovery.

Key words: configuration space, modified method of sections, information and vacuum environment, metric lines, property of space reflection, polarization, scalar information field, vector information field

1. Vilchek F. Fine Physics. Mass, Ester and Unification of World Forces. Collection of publications, 2018. 336 p.
2. Sivukhin D. V. General Course of Physics. Vol. 1. М., 1989. 576 p.
3. Logunov А. А. Lectures on Relativity Theory and Gravitation. Modern Analysis of Problem. М., 1987. 272 p.
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5. Mulyar Y. M. On Stability of Compressed Rod. Technical mechanics. Dnepropetrovsk, 2000. No. 2. P. 51-57.
6. Mulyar Y. M., Perlik V. I. On Mathematical Model Representation of Information Field in Loaded Deformed System. Information and Telecommunication Technologies. М., 2012. No. 15. P. 61-74.
7. Vernadsky V. I. Reflections of Natural Scientist. Space and Time in Inanimate and Animate Nature. М., 1975. 173 p.
8. Ursul A. D. Reflection and Information. М., 1973. 231 p.
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10. Author’s Certificate 181066 USSR. Energy Absorber / А. М. Buyanovsky, Y. М. Mulyar. Discoveries. Inventions. 1993. No. 15. P. 101.
11. Cacku M. Physics of Impossible / Translation from English. М., 2016. 456 p.
12. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Problems of Ideality in Science”. М., 2001. 352 p.
13. Mulyar Y. M., Fyodorov V. M., Tryasuchev L. M. On the Impact of Initial Imperfections on Rod Stability Loss in Conditions of Axial Compression. Space Technology. Missile Armaments: Collection of scientific-technical articles. 2017. Issue 1 (113). P. 48-58.
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15. Lisin A.I. Paradigm of Dualism. Ide: Reality of ideality. Part 1. М., 1999. 382 p.
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23.2.2018 On the Role of Space in Origination of Inertia Force Field, Earth Gravity Force Field and Zero Gravity of Material Body
23.2.2018 On the Role of Space in Origination of Inertia Force Field, Earth Gravity Force Field and Zero Gravity of Material Body
23.2.2018 On the Role of Space in Origination of Inertia Force Field, Earth Gravity Force Field and Zero Gravity of Material Body

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13.1.2018 On Selection of Materials for Creation of Modern LV Thermostating System Mating Hoses Tue, 05 Sep 2023 06:52:56 +0000
Investigations of Physical-Mechanical Characteristics of Rubbers Based on Caoutchoucs of New Generation: Scientific–Technical Report DO-387-89, DF VNIIEMI. Increasing Rubber Products Service Life in Conditions of Tropical Climate: Recommendation No.

13. On Selection of Materials for Creation of Modern LV Thermostating System Mating Hoses


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; State Enterprise DINTEM Ukrainian Research Design-Technological Institute of Elastomer Materials and Products2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (1); 72-84


Language: Russian

Annotation: A series of materials is proposed for creation of space launch vehicle low-pressure air thermostating systems joints hoses. The topical issues are considered of materials designing with consideration for specific features of the hoses as special industrial rubber articles of launch vehicle launch sites.

Key words:

1. Raw Stuff and Materials: Inf. Bull. М., 1999. No. 1. 44 p.
2. Svitlichna R. F., Lotakov V. S., Chumicheva N. P. State and Prospects of Using Rubbers of New Generation in Rubber Industry of Ukraine: Scientific-Technical Report. К., 2001. No. 3. 13 p.
3. Nesterova L. A., Reznichenko S. V., Noskova L. F. et al. Experience of Using BNKS Paraffinate Nitrile Rubber in Formulations of Oil-Resistant Rubbers of Various Purpose at JSC “Uralsky Zavod RTI”. Med. Conf. on rubber: Collection of abstracts. М., 2000. No. 4. 121 p.
4. Investigation to Select Optimal Options of Replacing Raw Materials and Rubbers with Specifying Guaranteed Service and Storage Life of Rubber Products Being Components of Special Articles: Scientific–Technical Report DO-473-2002 UNUKTI DINTEM SE. 2002. 47 p.
5. Raw Stuff and Materials: Inf. Bull. М., 1999. No. 5. 55 p.
6. Raw Stuff and Materials: Inf. Bull. М., 2001. No. 3. 90 p.
7. Raw Stuff and Materials: Inf. Bull. М., 2001. No. 3. 96 p.
8. Raw Stuff and Materials: Inf. Bull. М., 2000. No. 3. 43 p.
9. Lotakov V. S., Yevchik V. S., Utlenko E. V. et al. Investigation of Operability of Rubbers with Adhesion Additives in Rubber-Metal Valves. Manufacture of Tires, Rubber Products and ATI. М., 1980. No. 4. P. 43-44.
10. Lotakov V. S., Yevchik V. S., Markova L. A. et al. Investigation of Alkali Impact on Adhesive Properties of Ethylene-Propylene Vulcanizing Agents. Caoutchouc and Rubber: Scientific–Technical Report. UNIKTI-DINTEM SE. 1981. No. 6. P. 18-19.
11. Svitlichna R. F., Bogutska E. O., Lotaakov V. S. et al. Technical Carbon of N Series. Prospects of Using in Rubber Mixtures of Caoutchoucs of New Generation: Scientific–Technical Report. К., 2006. No. 3. P. 17-20.
12. Yevchik V. S., Bogutskaya E. A., Khorolsky M. S. Investigations to Select Optimal Options of Replacing Raw Materials and Rubbers with Specifying Guaranteed Service and Storage Life of Rubber Products Being Components of 11K77 Article: Scientific–Technical Report DO-468-2000, UNIKTI-DINTEM SE. 2000. 55 p.
13. Nudelman Z. N., Lavrova L. N. Effective Vulcanization of Fluorine Rubbers. The III Ukr. International Scientific-Technical Conference of Rubber Industry Workers: Collection of abstracts. Dnepropetrovsk, 2000. 43 p.
14. Semyonov G. D., Yevchik V. S., Zaitseva T. P., Lotakov V. S. Prospects of Using New Vulcanizing Systems in Rubber Mixtures Based on Fluoroelastomers: Scientific–Technical Report. К., 2001. No. 3. 18 p.
15. Yevchik V. S., Zaitseva T. P., Khorolsky M. S. Investigations of Physical-Mechanical Characteristics of Rubbers Based on Caoutchoucs of New Generation: Scientific–Technical Report DO-387-89, DF VNIIEMI. Dnepropetrovsk, 2000. 61 p.
16. Belozerov N. V. Rubber Technology. М., 1979. 201 p.
17. Blokh G. A. Organic Rubber Vulcanization Accelerators. М.,1964. 156 p.
18. Big Reference Book of Rubber Industry Worker in 2 parts. Part 1. Rubbers and Ingredients / Under the general editorship of S. V. Reznichenko and Y. L. Morozov. М., 2012. 740 p.
19. Polyurethane Chemistry and Technology: Collection of conference papers. Manchester, 1967. 254 p.
20. Degteva T. G. et al. The Impact of Additives on Thermal Ageing of Rubbers and Model Gaskets Made of SKEP. Caoutchouc and Rubber. М., 1984. No. 8. P. 17-19.
21. Lepetov V. A. Rubber Products. L., 1976. 440 p.
22. Lepetov V. A., Yurtsev L. N. Calculations and Designing of Rubber Products and Production Accessories. М., 2009. 417 p.
23. New Prospective Hoses and Scarce and Commercially Inviable Rubbers, Ingredients and Materials: Recommendation No. 51-РМ-22/38/57/50-1050-83. М., 1983. 42 p.
24. Kornev A. E. et al. Technology of Elastomer Materials. М., 2009. 504 p.
25. Gerasimenko A. А. Protection of Machines from Biological Damages. M., 1984. 92 p.
26. Principles of Constructing Formulations and Using Rubbers for Rubber Products of Tropical Version: Recommendation No. 51-РМ-26-48-66. М., 1966. 56 p.
27. Assessment of Rubber Resistance to Damage by Thermites: Recommendation No. 51-РМ-4-622-75. М., 1975. 36 p.
28. Increasing Rubber Products Service Life in Conditions of Tropical Climate: Recommendation No. 51-РМ-4-697-76. М., 1976. 23 p.
29. Assessment of Rubber Resistance to Mould: Recommendation No. 51-РМ-4-407-73. М., 1976. 42 p.
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13.1.2018 On Selection of Materials for Creation of Modern LV Thermostating System Mating Hoses
13.1.2018 On Selection of Materials for Creation of Modern LV Thermostating System Mating Hoses
13.1.2018 On Selection of Materials for Creation of Modern LV Thermostating System Mating Hoses
8.1.2019 Virtual Tests of Cassette Reentry Vehicle Dash Elements Attachment System during Ground Operation Thu, 25 May 2023 12:09:45 +0000
Based on the offered method the complex mechanical system, which attaches the cluster projectiles in the conditions of the temperature exposure and heat cycling, underwent the virtual tests. Computational models, criteria and test procedures necessary for the analysis of the mechanical condition and prediction of the performance of the actual airframe of the warhead were developed. Test results were used to conduct the static analysis of the mechanical condition, strength and conditions for performance of the actual structure of the attachment under the impact of the operating levels of temperature exposure and heat cycling. Key words: computer modelling , computational models , ground operations , mechanical condition , performance Bibliography: 1. computer modelling , computational models , ground operations , mechanical condition , performance .

8. Virtual Tests of Cassette Reentry Vehicle Dash Elements Attachment System during Ground Operation


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; Pidgorny A. Intsitute of Mechanical Engineering Problems, Kharkiv, Ukraine2; National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kharkiv, Ukraine3

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 54-63


Language: Russian

Annotation: This paper describes the effective approach for the technology of the rocket airframe development testing, based on the method of numerical modelling, which enables the virtual experimental runs prior to the beginning of the development testing to check the performance of the standard airframes and predict issues of concern. The method is realized based on the computer models developed in the ANSYS Workbench environment. Based on the offered method the complex mechanical system, which attaches the cluster projectiles in the conditions of the temperature exposure and heat cycling, underwent the virtual tests. Computational models, criteria and test procedures necessary for the analysis of the mechanical condition and prediction of the performance of the actual airframe of the warhead were developed. Moreover, computational models consider all the design and technological features of the airframe: layout of the projectiles attachments, initial stress-strain state of the system after the tightening of the threaded connections, friction between the components of the system and their mutual displacement, temperature dependence of the physical and mechanical characteristics and ultimate stress of materials. For the specified loading conditions during the ground operations with the warhead, the most dangerous computational cases are determined which have been implemented during the virtual tests. Test results were used to conduct the static analysis of the mechanical condition, strength and conditions for performance of the actual structure of the attachment under the impact of the operating levels of temperature exposure and heat cycling. Results of the virtual tests confirm the performance of the projectiles attachment system and are introduced into production in the phase of engineering development.

Key words: computer modelling, computational models, ground operations, mechanical condition, performance


1. Birger I. A., Iosilevich G. B. Rezbovye i flantsevye soedineniya. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1990. 368 p.
2. Kukhling Ch. Spravochnik po phisike. M.: Mir, 1985. 520 p.
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4. Stali I splavy. Marochnik: Sprav. izd. / pod red. V. G. Sorokina, M. A. Gervasieva. M.: Intermet Engineering, 2001. 608 p.
5. Numerical simulation of missile warhead operation / G. Martynenko, M. Chernobryvko, K. Avramov, V. Martynenko, A. Tonkonozhenko, V. Kozharin, D. Klymenko / Advances in Engineering Software. 2018. Vol. 123. P. 93-103.

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8.1.2019 Virtual Tests of Cassette Reentry Vehicle Dash Elements Attachment System during Ground Operation
8.1.2019 Virtual Tests of Cassette Reentry Vehicle Dash Elements Attachment System during Ground Operation
8.1.2019 Virtual Tests of Cassette Reentry Vehicle Dash Elements Attachment System during Ground Operation

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