Search Results for “multifunctional system” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Wed, 06 Nov 2024 11:42:12 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “multifunctional system” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 1.2.2018 Design Office of Liquid Rocket Engines is 60 Thu, 07 Sep 2023 08:19:39 +0000
Among them we should mention the RD858 and RD859 engines for the soviet lunar take-off-and –landing module of Block E, the unique RD857 and RD862 engines with afterburning of reducing generator gas and gas dynamic method of thrust vector control, the RD866 multifunctional engine of space tug ensuring multiple ignition in flight, and many others. At present, Yuzhnoye SDO jointly with SE PA Yuzhny Machine-Building Plant deliver the engine for the European Vega LV forth stage propulsion system under the contract with Avio company (Italy). Based on Yuzhnoye SDO–created engines, propulsions systems for ballistic missiles and space rockets that are unique by their characteristics and scope of functions, the engines, propulsions systems for spacecraft, LV upper stages and transfer orbit stages can be developed in short terms and at minimal costs.

1. Design Office of Liquid Rocket Engines is 60


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (2); 3-7


Language: Russian

Annotation: During 60 years of existence of specialized Liquid Rocket Engines Design Office – DO-4 as a part of Yuzhnoye Design Office, extensive experience was accumulated in development of liquid rocket engines of various purpose on storable and cryogenic propellant components. The required test benches and production base were created. When developing the engines, the DO-4 specialists widely use the experience accumulated during manufacturing and testing of the engines developed by the other design offices for Yuzhnoye SDO LVs that were manufactured by SE PA Yuzhny Machine-Building Plant and tested at Yuzhnoye SDO’s and Plant’s test benches. Along with the conventional ones, new original engine designs were developed to achieve high energy-mass characteristics, reliability and quality. Among them we should mention the RD858 and RD859 engines for the soviet lunar take-off-and –landing module of Block E, the unique RD857 and RD862 engines with afterburning of reducing generator gas and gas dynamic method of thrust vector control, the RD866 multifunctional engine of space tug ensuring multiple ignition in flight, and many others. At present, Yuzhnoye SDO jointly with SE PA Yuzhny Machine-Building Plant deliver the engine for the European Vega LV forth stage propulsion system under the contract with Avio company (Italy). Based on Yuzhnoye SDO–created engines, propulsions systems for ballistic missiles and space rockets that are unique by their characteristics and scope of functions, the engines, propulsions systems for spacecraft, LV upper stages and transfer orbit stages can be developed in short terms and at minimal costs.

Key words: liquid rocket engine, developed engines, testing, Yuzhnoye SDO, accumulated experience

1. Liquid Rocket Engines, Propulsion Systems, Onboard Power Sources Developed by Propulsion Systems Design Office of Yuzhnoye SDO / Under scientific editorship of S. N. Konyukhov, Academician of NAS of Ukraine, V. N. Shnyakin, Candidate of Engineering Science. Dnepropetrovsk, 2008. 466 p.
2. Shnyakin V. N., Shulga V. A., Dibrivny A. V. Possibilities of Creating New LRE Based on Mature Technologies. Space Technology. Missile Armaments: Collection of scientific-technical articles. 2011. Issue 2. P. 61-71.
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1.2.2018 Design Office of Liquid Rocket Engines is 60
1.2.2018 Design Office of Liquid Rocket Engines is 60
1.2.2018 Design Office of Liquid Rocket Engines is 60

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9.1.2023 Methodology for selecting design parameters of solid-propellant sustainer engines. Mathematical support and software Fri, 12 May 2023 16:11:14 +0000
Key words: multifunctional system , mathematical model , military unit , combat potential , correlation of forces , defensive sufficiency Bibliography: 1. multifunctional system , mathematical model , military unit , combat potential , correlation of forces , defensive sufficiency .

9. Methodology for selecting design parameters of solid-propellant sustainer engines. Mathematical support and software


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2023 (1); 77-87


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: Substantiation of the research tools has been performed as a part of methodology development for the air and missile defense system. The problem under consideration is very complex due to the multifactorial nature of the research object, its qualitative variety and manifold structure, incomplete definition of the problem statement. Furthermore, the ability of modern technologies to produce different arms systems, which are capable of carrying out same class tasks, considerably increases the risk of making not the best decisions. Based on this, as well as taking into account the sharp increase in the cost of weaponry, the considered problem is classified as an optimization one that should be solved through the theory of operations research. In this theory, such task is viewed as a mathematical problem, and mathematical simulation is the basic method of research. The main types of mathematical models, their areas of application have been considered as a part of the analysis. The classification of mathematical models has been indicated according to the scale of reproduced operations, purpose, and goal orientation. Quantitative and qualitative correlation of forces has been accepted as the efficiency criterion, which determines a goal orientation of the model. The problems related to this have been shown. In particular, searching for the compromise between simplicity of the mathematical model and its adequacy to the research object is among these problems. Two of the basic approaches to principles of the military operation model construction and its assessment have been considered. The first is implemented through modeling of the combat operations. The second approach is based on the assumption that different armament types can be compared based on their contribution to the outcome of the operation, and on the possibility to assign «a weighting coefficient» named as a combat potential to each of these types. The modern level of problem solving related to this method has been shown. The reasonability of its application in the considered task, including the definition of forces correlation of the opposing parties, has been substantiated. The basic regulations of the construction concept of the required mathematical model and tools for its research have been formulated based on the analysis results: the assigned problem should be solved by analytical methods through the theory of operations research; the analytical model is the most acceptable conception of the analyzed level of the military operation; the synthesis of the model should be based on the idea of a combat potential. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the known approach to the definition of forces correlation, which uses the combat potential method, has a number of essential limitations, including the methodological ones. Therefore, within the bounds of further research, this approach requires the development both in terms of improving the reliability of the single assessment and in terms of giving the system qualities to the synthesized mathematical model.

Key words: multifunctional system, mathematical model, military unit, combat potential, correlation of forces, defensive sufficiency


1. Pavlyuk Yu. S. Ballisticheskoe proektirovanie raket: ucheb.-metod, posobie dlya vuzov. UDK623.451.8. Izd-vo ChGTU, Chelyabinsk, 1996. 92 s.
2. Nikolaev Yu. M., Solomonov Yu. S. Inzhenernoe proektirovanie upravlyaemykh ballisticheskikh raket s RDTT. M., 1979. 240 s.
3. Enotov V. G., Kirichenko A. S., Pustovgarova Ye. V. Osobennosti rascheta i vybora raskhodnoy diagrammy dvukhrezhimnykh marshevykh RDTT: ucheb.-metod. posobie. Pod red. akadem. A. V. Degtyreva. Dnepr, 2019. 68 s.
4. Enotov V. G., Kushnir B. I., Pustovgarova Ye. V. Metodika-programma proektnoy otsenki characteristic marshevykh dvigateley na tverdom toplive s korpusami iz vysokoprochnykh metallicheskikh materialov, statsionarnymi soplami i postanovka ee na avtomatizirovanniy raschet: ucheb.-metod. posobie. Vtoroe izd., pererabot. i dop. Pod red. A. S. Kirichenko. Dnep, 2019. 91 s.
5. Enotov V. G., Kirichenko A. S., Kushnir B. I., Pustovgarova Ye. V. Metodika proektnoy otsenki characteristic marshevykh dvigatelnykh ustanovok na tverdom toplive s povorotnymi upravlyayuschimi soplami, plastikovymi tselnomotannymi korpusamy i postanovka ee na avtomatizirovanniy raschet: ucheb.-metod. posobie. Vtoroe izd., pererabot. i dop. Pod red. akadem. A. V. Degtyareva. Dnepr. 2019. 149 s.
6. Alemasov V. Ye., Dregalin A. F., Tishin A. P. Teoriya raketnykh dvigateley. M., 1980. 55 s.
7. Raschetnye materialy dlya podgotovki i vydachi iskhodnykh dannykh na razrabotku uzlov marshevykh dvigatelnykh ustanovok na tverdom toplive. Raschet ID metodom avtomatizirovannogo proektirovaniya operativno-takticheskikh raket: inzhenern. zapiska 553-376 IZ. GP «KB «Yuzhnoye». Dnepropetrovsk, 2017. 30 s.
8. Metodika avtomatizirovannogo proektirovaniya operativno-takticheskikh raket: nauch.-tekhn. Otchet 03-453/32 NTO. GP «KB «Yuzhnoye». Dnepropetrovsk, 2010. 127 s.

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9.1.2023 Methodology for selecting design parameters of solid-propellant sustainer engines. Mathematical support and software
9.1.2023 Methodology for selecting design parameters of solid-propellant sustainer engines. Mathematical support and software
9.1.2023 Methodology for selecting design parameters of solid-propellant sustainer engines. Mathematical support and software

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5.1.2023 Fueling-neutralization stations. New developments and applications Fri, 12 May 2023 16:10:44 +0000
2023 (1); 48-55 DOI: Language: Ukrainian Annotation: The article dwells on development and study of the multifunctional operations while preparing propellant components for launch vehicle tank filling by high-boiling propellant components at the neutralization stations. Usually these issues refer to the common technology of propellant preparation and are tackled sequentially: first, propellant is drained into the filling tank of the filling system, then the propellant is denitrogened, for example purging the propellant by helium under atmospheric pressure in the tank, then propellant is saturated with helium to the given concentration by bubbling helium in the propellant, maintaining the set pressure of helium in the tank. This article studies multifunctional operations, where the propellant is simultaneously drained from delivery vehicles, saturated with helium and denitrogenated.

5. Fueling-neutralization stations. New developments and applications


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2023 (1); 48-55


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: The article dwells on development and study of the multifunctional operations while preparing propellant components for launch vehicle tank filling by high-boiling propellant components at the neutralization stations. The article considers the preparation of propellant for filling the launch vehicle stages with high-boiling propellant components of nitrogen tetroxide (oxidizer) and unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine (fuel) in terms of propellant saturation with helium and denitrogenation. Usually these issues refer to the common technology of propellant preparation and are tackled sequentially: first, propellant is drained into the filling tank of the filling system, then the propellant is denitrogened, for example purging the propellant by helium under atmospheric pressure in the tank, then propellant is saturated with helium to the given concentration by bubbling helium in the propellant, maintaining the set pressure of helium in the tank. This technology significantly complicates the process of propellant preparation, increases helium consumption, as well as the amount of the generated vapor, which requires recycling in the neutralization units. This article studies multifunctional operations, where the propellant is simultaneously drained from delivery vehicles, saturated with helium and denitrogenated. Amount of residual nitrogen in the propellant and the main direction of deep denitrogenation of the propellant are calculated. Amount of generated vapor and consumed helium are determined. The process of propellant draining by extrusion, maintaining the given pressure in the tank and alternating the propellant drain on the closed vent device (compression) and open vent device (decompression) is studied. As a result, the theoretical justification of multifunctional operations in preparation of high–boiling propellant components to fill the launch-vehicle stages is presented.

Key words: saturation with helium and denitrogenation of the propellant, drain with closed vent device, excessive pressure draining, gas-vapor mixture, neutralization system


1. Pozdeev G. L., Kucherenko R. A., Kucherenko T. V. Issledovanie osobennostey dostavki na kosmodrom komponentov raketnogo topliva s zadannym gazonasyschenniem. Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie: sb. nauch.-techn. st. / GP «KB «Yuzhnoye». Dnepr, 2019. Vyp. 1. S. 38–44.
2. Pozdeev G. L. Razrabotka I issledovanie metodov obespecheniya zadannyh parametrov pri zapravke: dis. na soiskanie kand. tehn. nauk. GP «KB «Yuzhnoye», 1978. Dnepropetrovsk. 123 s.
3. KRK «Tsiklon-4M». Zapravochno-neitralizatsionnaya stantsia. Tehnicheskiy proekt. С4М YZH-ANL 02802. GP «KB «Yuzhnoye». 2017. 108 s.
4. KRK «Tsiklon-4M». Predlozheniya po helirovaniyu komponentov topliva dlya zapravki 2-oy stupeni rakety-nositelya na ZNS s uchetom osobennostey dostavki topliva v hermetichnyh konteynerah-tsisternah. Nauchno-tehnicheskiy otchet. Tsiklon-4M. 21.18668.174 OT. GP «KB «Yuzhnoye», 2019. 33 s.
5. Sposob zakrytoy zapravki toplivnogo baka zhidkim toplivom i systema dlya ego osuschestvlenniya: pat. RU 2489327. В64F1/28.

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Germany Falkenstein1
Ukraine Kremenchuk1
5.1.2023 Fueling-neutralization stations. New developments and applications
5.1.2023 Fueling-neutralization stations. New developments and applications
5.1.2023 Fueling-neutralization stations. New developments and applications

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1.1.2023 On the development of a methodology for building air and missile defense systems. Explanation of the investigation mechanism Thu, 11 May 2023 15:25:30 +0000
Key words: multifunctional system , mathematical model , military unit , combat potential , correlation of forces , defensive sufficiency Bibliography: Korshunov Yu.  multifunctional system , mathematical model , military unit , combat potential , correlation of forces , defensive sufficiency .

1. On the development of a methodology for building air and missile defense systems. Explanation of the investigation mechanism


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2023 (1); 3-13


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: Substantiation of the research tools has been performed as a part of methodology development for the air and missile defense system. The problem under consideration is very complex due to the multifactorial nature of the research object, its qualitative variety and manifold structure, incomplete definition of the problem statement. Furthermore, the ability of modern technologies to produce different arms systems, which are capable of carrying out same class tasks, considerably increases the risk of making not the best decisions. Based on this, as well as taking into account the sharp increase in the cost of weaponry, the considered problem is classified as an optimization one that should be solved through the theory of operations research. In this theory, such task is viewed as a mathematical problem, and mathematical simulation is the basic method of research. The main types of mathematical models, their areas of application have been considered as a part of the analysis. The classification of mathematical models has been indicated according to the scale of reproduced operations, purpose, and goal orientation. Quantitative and qualitative correlation of forces has been accepted as the efficiency criterion, which determines a goal orientation of the model. The problems related to this have been shown. In particular, searching for the compromise between simplicity of the mathematical model and its adequacy to the research object is among these problems. Two of the basic approaches to principles of the military operation model construction and its assessment have been considered. The first is implemented through modeling of the combat operations. The second approach is based on the assumption that different armament types can be compared based on their contribution to the outcome of the operation, and on the possibility to assign «a weighting coefficient» named as a combat potential to each of these types. The modern level of problem solving related to this method has been shown. The reasonability of its application in the considered task, including the definition of forces correlation of the opposing parties, has been substantiated. The basic regulations of the construction concept of the required mathematical model and tools for its research have been formulated based on the analysis results: the assigned problem should be solved by analytical methods through the theory of operations research; the analytical model is the most acceptable conception of the analyzed level of the military operation; the synthesis of the model should be based on the idea of a combat potential. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the known approach to the definition of forces correlation, which uses the combat potential method, has a number of essential limitations, including the methodological ones. Therefore, within the bounds of further research, this approach requires the development both in terms of improving the reliability of the single assessment and in terms of giving the system qualities to the synthesized mathematical model.

Key words: multifunctional system, mathematical model, military unit, combat potential, correlation of forces, defensive sufficiency

  1. Korshunov Yu. M. Matematicheskie osnovy kibernetiki. M., 1972. 376 s.
  2. Pavlovskiy R. I., Karyakin V. V. Ob opyte primeneniya matematicheskih modeley. Voennaya mysl. № 3. S. 54-57.
  3. Katasonov Yu. V. SShA: voennoe programmirovanie. M., 1972. 228 s.
  4. Analiz opyta ministerstva oborony SShA po sovershenstvovaniyu systemy plannirovaniya i upravleniya razrabotkami vooruzhenniya. TsIVTI, otchet № 11152 po NIR. M., 1967.
  5. Sokolov A. Razvitie matemaicheskogo modelirovaniya boevyh deistviy v armii SShA. Zarubezhnoye voennoe obozrenie. № 8. S. 27-34.
  6. Chuev Yu. V. Issledovanie operatsiy v voennom dele. M., 1970. 256 s.
  7. Yevstigneev V. N. K voprosu metodologii matematicheskogo modelirovaniya operatsii. Voennaya mysl. № 17. S. 33-41.
  8. Fendrikov I., Yakovlev V. I. Metody raschetov boevoy effectivnosti vooruzhennia. M., 1971. 224 s.
  9. Neupukoev F. O podhode k otsenke boevyh vozmozhnostey i boevoy effectivnosti voisk. Voennaya mysl. № 11. S. 70-72.
  10. AgeevYu. D., Geraskin A. P. K voprosu o povyshenii dostovernosti otsenki sootnosheniya sil protivoborstvuyuschih storon. Voennaya mysl. № 4. S. 54-58.
  11. Aleshkin A. V. Otsenka i soozmerenie sil voyuuschih storon s uchetom kachestva sredstv porazhenya. Voennaya mysl. № 10. S. 69-76
  12. Ponomarev O. K. O metodah kolichestvennoy i kachestvennoy otsenki sil storon. Voennaya mysl. № 4. S. 41-46.
  13. Luzyanin V. P., Elizarov V. S. Podhod k opredeleniyu sostava gruppirovki sil i sredstv oboronnoy dostatochnosti. Voennaya mysl. № 11. S. 25-29.
  14. SpeshilovL. Ya., Pavlovskiy R. I., Kabysh A. I. K voprosu o kolichestvenno-kachestvennoy otsenke sootnosheniya sil raznorodnyh gruppirovok voisk. Voennaya mysl. № 5.
  15. . Strelchenko B. I., Ivanov V. A. Nekotoye voprosy otsenki sootnosheniya sil i sredstv v operatsii. Voennaya mysl. № 10. S. 55-61.
  16. Morozov N. A. O metodologii kachestvennogo analiza bolshih voennyh system. Voennaya mysl. № 7. S. 19-22.
  17. Terehov A. G. O metodike rascheta sootnosheniya sil v operatsii. Voennaya mysl. № 9. S. 51-57.
  18. Tsygichko V. A., Stokli F. Metod boevyh potentsialov. Istoria i nastoyaschee. Voennaya mysl. № 4. S. 23-28.
  19. BoninA. S. Osnovnye polozheniya metodicheskyh podhodov k otsenke boevyh potentsialov i boevyh vozmozhnostey aviatsionnyh formirovaniy. Voennaya mysl. № 1. S. 43-47.
  20. Bonin A. S., Gorchitsa G. I. O boevyh potentsialah obraztsov VVT, formirovaniy i sootnosheniyuah sil gruppirovok storon. Voennaya mysl. № 4. S. 61-67.
  21. SereginG. G., Strelkov  N., Bobrov V. M. Ob odnom podhode k raschetu znacheniy boevyh potentsialov perspektivnyh sredstv vooruzhenniy. Voennaya mysl. 2005. № 10. S. 32-38.
  22. Morozov N. A. Esche raz o boevyh potentsialah. Voennaya mysl. № 9. S. 75-79.
  23. Naryshkin V. G. O pokazatelyah boevogo potentsiala voinskyh formirovaniy. Voennaya mysl. № 1. S. 68-72.
  24. Kostin N. A. Metodologicheskiy podhod k opredeleniyu boevyh potentsialov voiskovyh formirovanniy. Voennaya mysl. № 10. S. 44-48
  25. Ostankov V. I. Obosnovanie boevogo sostava gruppirovok voisk (sil). Voennaya mysl. № 1. S. 23-28.
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Singapore Singapore1
1.1.2023 On the development of a methodology for building air and missile defense systems. Explanation of the investigation mechanism
1.1.2023 On the development of a methodology for building air and missile defense systems. Explanation of the investigation mechanism
1.1.2023 On the development of a methodology for building air and missile defense systems. Explanation of the investigation mechanism

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