Search Results for “process properties” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Mon, 17 Jun 2024 13:56:57 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “process properties” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 12.1.2024 Hardening of steels modifying their surfaces with ion-plasma nitriding in glow discharge Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:36:02 +0000
Ion-plasma nitriding is a multi-factor process, which requires the study of the influence of nitriding process conditions on the structure of modified layers, which, in its turn, determines their mechanical properties.

12. Hardening of steels modifying their surfaces with ion-plasma nitriding in glow discharge


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2024, (1); 102-113

Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: Steel hardening technology is considered, which implies modification of the steel surface with the method of ion-plasma nitriding in glow discharge. Ion-plasma nitriding is a multi-factor process, which requires the study of the influence of nitriding process conditions on the structure of modified layers, which, in its turn, determines their mechanical properties. The subjects of research included: austenitic steel 12X18Н10T, carbon steel Ст3 and structural steel 45. There were two conditions of plasma creation during the research: free location of samples on the surface of the cathode (configuration I) and inside the hollow cathode (configuration II). Optimal parameters of the ion-plasma nitriding process have been determined, which provide stability of the process and create conditions for intensive diffusion of nitrogen into the steel surface. Hydrogen was added to the argon-nitrogen gaseous medium to intensify the nitriding process. Working pressure in the chamber was maintained within the range of 250-300 Pa, the duration of the process was 120 minutes. Comparative characteristics of the structure and microhardness of the modified surfaces of the steels under study for two ion-plasma nitriding technologies are presented. Metallographic examination of the structure of the surface modified layers in the cross section showed the presence of the laminated nitrided layer, which consists of different phases and has different depths, depending on the material of the sample and treatment mode. Nitrided layer of 12Х18Н10Т steel consisted of four sublayers: upper “white” nitride layer, double diffuse layer and lower transition layer. The total depth of the nitrided layer after the specified treatment time reached 23 μm, use of hollow cathode increased it by 26% to 29 μm. The nitrided layers of steel Ст3 and steel 45 consisted of two sublayers – thick “white” nitride layer and general diffuse layer with a thickness of about 18 μm. The microhardness of the nitrided layer of steel Ст3 was 480 HV, increasing by 2,5 times, and for steel 45 was 440 HV, increasing by 1,7 times. The use of hollow cathode for these steels reduces the depth of the nitrided layer, but at the same time the microhardness increases due to the formation of a thicker and denser nitride layer on the surface. The results of the conducted research can be used to strengthen the surfaces of the steel parts in rocket and space technology, applying high-strength coatings.

Key words: ion nitriding, glow discharge, cross-sectional layer structure, hardening, microhardness


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12.1.2024 Hardening of steels modifying their surfaces with ion-plasma nitriding in glow discharge
12.1.2024 Hardening of steels modifying their surfaces with ion-plasma nitriding in glow discharge
12.1.2024 Hardening of steels modifying their surfaces with ion-plasma nitriding in glow discharge

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The work proposes a comprehensive mathematical model for managing the quality of technical preparation for the production of joints based on a quantitative assessment of the properties of the main manufacturing processes. The controlled parameter in it is a complex quality index, and the controlling parameter is the weight factor of group or individual properties of the component processes. Key words: composite parts , joints with metal tips , process properties , quantitative assessment , mathematical model , control and controlled parameters , control algorithms. composite parts , joints with metal tips , process properties , quantitative assessment , mathematical model , control and controlled parameters , control algorithms.

13. Model of quality management of technical preparation for the metal+composite joints production

Автори: Taranenko I. M.

Organization: Kharkiv Aviation Institute, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2024, (1); 114-120

Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: Modern aerospace structures widely use parts, panels and assemblies made of composites. Connecting them to metal tips is quite complicated problem. Known conventional methods of joints using bolts, rivets and adhesive ones do not meet the requirements for a number of reasons related to restrictions on weight, dimensions of joints, their reliability and manufacturability. In the world practice of such joints, many design and technological solutions for “metal+composite” joints are known. Among them, metal-composite heterogeneous connections with transversal fastening joints most fully meet the technical requirements. To connect composite tips of different structures with different shapes and grades of alloys of metal fittings, monolithic (with metal tips) fastening elements, pins (cylindrical, conical, pyramidal, etc.) and sheet microelements are used. The latter are attached to the metal tips in different ways. The microelements themselves can have different shapes from the top view and in longitudinal section. Depending on the direction and type of transmitted loads, the structure of the arrangement of elements on the surface of the metal tip can be different. In such multifactorial conditions, technical preparation of production, including design and technological preparation, is a complex task. It is necessary to consider that the goals of the production of such equipment may differ significantly – prototype (single piece) or mass production with different requirements for them. It is quite difficult to organize such production with technical preparation of high-quality production without a quality management model for the preparation process. The work proposes a comprehensive mathematical model for managing the quality of technical preparation for the production of joints based on a quantitative assessment of the properties of the main manufacturing processes. The controlled parameter in it is a complex quality index, and the controlling parameter is the weight factor of group or individual properties of the component processes. Setting the values of the weight coefficient of a particular property is carried out using an expert or analytical method in the range of values 0…1.0. In this case, the controlled parameter varies within 0.5…3.5. The indicated values are verified by calculation for different joint materials and processes of forming fastening microelements. Conclusions are drawn about the sufficient effectiveness of quality management of technical preparation for the production of metal+composite joints.

Key words: composite parts, joints with metal tips, process properties, quantitative assessment, mathematical model, control and controlled parameters, control algorithms.


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15.1.2020 Simulation of thermomechanical processes in functionally-gradient materials of inhomogeneous structure in the manufacturing and operation of rocket structural elements Wed, 13 Sep 2023 11:07:28 +0000
Simulation of thermomechanical processes in functionally-gradient materials of inhomogeneous structure in the manufacturing and operation of rocket structural elements Authors: Usov A. The purpose of the work is to take into account the heterogeneities in the materials of the elements of the rocket structures on their functionally-gradient properties, including strength. Defectiveness allows you to adequately consider the mechanism of destruction of objects as a process of development of cracks. The purpose of the work is to take into account the heterogeneities in the materials of the elements of the rocket structures on their functionally gradient properties, including strength. Defectiveness allows you to adequately consider the mechanism of destruction of objects as a process of development of cracks.

15. Simulation of thermomechanical processes in functionally-gradient materials of inhomogeneous structure in the manufacturing and operation of rocket structural elements


Institute of Mechanical Engineering of Odessa National Polytechnic University, Odessa, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 137-148


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: The strength of real solids depends essentially on the defect of the structure. In real materials, there is always a large number of various micro defects, the development of which under the influence of loading leads to the appearance of cracks and their growth in the form of local or complete destruction. In this paper, based on the method of singular integral equations, we present a unified approach to the solution of thermal elasticity problems for bodies weakened by inhomogeneities. The purpose of the work is to take into account the heterogeneities in the materials of the elements of the rocket structures on their functionally-gradient properties, including strength. The choice of the method of investigation of strength and destruction of structural elements depends on the size of the object under study. Micro-research is related to the heterogeneities that are formed in the surface layer at the stage of preparation, the technology of manufacturing structural elements. Defectiveness allows you to adequately consider the mechanism of destruction of objects as a process of development of cracks. In studying the limit state of real elements, weakened by defects and constructing on this basis the theory of their strength and destruction in addition to the deterministic one must consider the probabilistic – statistical approach. In the case of thermal action on structural elements in which there are uniformly scattered, non-interacting randomly distributed defects of the type of cracks, the laws of joint distribution of the length and angle of orientation of which are known, the limiting value of the heat flux for the balanced state of the crack having the length of the “weakest link” is determined. The influence of heterogeneities of technological origin (from the workpiece to the finished product) that occur in the surface layer in the technology of manufacturing structural elements on its destruction is taken into account by the developed model. The strength of real solids depends essentially on the defect of the structure. In real materials, there are always many various micro defects, the development of which under the influence of loading leads to the appearance of cracks and their growth in the form of local or complete destruction. In this paper, based on the method of singular integral equations, we present a unified approach to the solution of thermal elasticity problems for bodies weakened by inhomogeneities. The purpose of the work is to take into account the heterogeneities in the materials of the elements of the rocket structures on their functionally gradient properties, including strength. The choice of the method of investigation of strength and destruction of structural elements depends on the size of the object under study. Micro-research is related to the heterogeneities that are formed in the surface layer at the stage of preparation, the technology of manufacturing structural elements. Defectiveness allows you to adequately consider the mechanism of destruction of objects as a process of development of cracks. In studying the limit state of real elements, weakened by defects and constructing on this basis the theory of their strength and destruction besides the deterministic one must consider the probabilistic – statistical approach. With thermal action on structural elements in which there are uniformly scattered, non-interacting randomly distributed defects of the cracks, the laws of joint distribution of the length and angle of orientation of which are known, the limiting value of the heat flux for the balanced state of the crack having the length of the “weakest link” is determined. The influence of heterogeneities of technological origin (from the workpiece to the finished product) that occur in the surface layer in the technology of manufacturing structural elements on its destruction is taken into account by the developed model. The solution of the singular integral equation with the Cauchy kernel allows one to determine the intensity of stresses around the vertexes of defects of the cracks, and by comparing it with the criterion of fracture toughness for the material of a structural element, one can determine its state. If this criterion is violated, the weak link defect develops into a trunk crack. Also, a criterion correlation of the condition of the equilibrium defect condition with a length of 2l was got, depending on the magnitude of the contact temperature. When the weld is cooled, it develops “hot cracks” that lead to a lack of welding elements of the structures. The results of the simulation using singular integral equations open the possibility to evaluate the influence of thirdparty fillers on the loss of functional properties of inhomogeneous systems. The exact determination of the order and nature of the singularity near the vertices of the acute-angled imperfection in the inhomogeneous medium, presented in the analytical form, is necessary to plan and record the corresponding criterion relations to determine the functional properties of inhomogeneous systems.

Key words: mathematical model, linear systems, singular integral equations, impulse response, defects, criteria for the destruction of stochastically defective bodies, Riemann problem, thermoelastic state

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15.1.2020  Simulation of thermomechanical processes in functionally-gradient materials of inhomogeneous structure in the manufacturing and operation of rocket structural elements
15.1.2020  Simulation of thermomechanical processes in functionally-gradient materials of inhomogeneous structure in the manufacturing and operation of rocket structural elements
15.1.2020  Simulation of thermomechanical processes in functionally-gradient materials of inhomogeneous structure in the manufacturing and operation of rocket structural elements

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23.2.2018 On the Role of Space in Origination of Inertia Force Field, Earth Gravity Force Field and Zero Gravity of Material Body Thu, 07 Sep 2023 12:35:25 +0000
In the phenomenological approach under study, allowing for reflection properties of the space, earlier unknown interdependent information-physical link of the body and its mechanical particles with space under the accelerated motion was determined in the state of rest of the gravitation field as well as in the state of weightlessness. Solution of the problem rests on the example of the cantilever beam and mathematical model of the information reflection process, which for the first time takes into consideration previously unknown property of space reflection.

23. On the Role of Space in Origination of Inertia Force Field, Earth Gravity Force Field and Zero Gravity of Material Body


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (2); 190-206


Language: Russian

Annotation: Presented is the theoretical justification of the phenomenon of the inertia initiation under accelerated motion of the body, and gravity origin in the circumterrestrial space. There is no description of the physical nature of the inertia and gravity in the scientific publications. In the phenomenological approach under study, allowing for reflection properties of the space, earlier unknown interdependent information-physical link of the body and its mechanical particles with space under the accelerated motion was determined in the state of rest of the gravitation field as well as in the state of weightlessness. Alongside with the environment, eigenspace, i.e. configuration space of the body and corresponding metric lines of the space are considered. Idea of metric lines agrees with the concept of F. Wilczek, the American physicist, Nobel-Prize laureate, on the existence of the unobservable metric field in the real space. Solution of the problem rests on the example of the cantilever beam and mathematical model of the information reflection process, which for the first time takes into consideration previously unknown property of space reflection. Under the accelerated motion of the body reflection gains the acceleration vector dt d а     . In this case reflection manifests itself in the initiation of the beam of polarization vector under study   ~ in every point of the configuration space and is expressed as     ~ а . Value of the polarization vector equals the value of acceleration vector with negative sign. As a result metric lines of the configuration space under conditions of beam acceleration become polarized lines, generating vector information inertia field. Interaction of mechanical particles with the information inertia field in the configuration space generates physical inertia field of force, providing the real inertia under accelerated motion of the beam. (Relatively slow motion of bodies is studied as compared to the speed of light). According to the set forth unconventional approach the nature of the earth gravity is conditioned by the polarization of the radial metric lines of the circumterrestrial space. And polarization vector is directed to the center of the Earth and equals acceleration vector of the free fall with the same sign. Interaction of the body with specific mass with the vector information field of the Earth generates the physical force field of gravity. Article deals with the fundamental issues of theoretical physics and other fields of natural science. Materials of the conducted research are regarded as a potential scientific discovery.

Key words: configuration space, modified method of sections, information and vacuum environment, metric lines, property of space reflection, polarization, scalar information field, vector information field

1. Vilchek F. Fine Physics. Mass, Ester and Unification of World Forces. Collection of publications, 2018. 336 p.
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15. Lisin A.I. Paradigm of Dualism. Ide: Reality of ideality. Part 1. М., 1999. 382 p.
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23.2.2018 On the Role of Space in Origination of Inertia Force Field, Earth Gravity Force Field and Zero Gravity of Material Body
23.2.2018 On the Role of Space in Origination of Inertia Force Field, Earth Gravity Force Field and Zero Gravity of Material Body
23.2.2018 On the Role of Space in Origination of Inertia Force Field, Earth Gravity Force Field and Zero Gravity of Material Body

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7.2.2018 Theoretical Models of Sound Speed Increase Effects in Gas Duct with Corrugated Wall Thu, 07 Sep 2023 11:12:23 +0000
Results of Mathematical Modeling of Transient Processes in Gas Pressure Regulator. Thermodynamic Properties of Air.

7. Theoretical Models of Sound Speed Increase Effects in Gas Duct with Corrugated Wall


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kharkiv, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (2); 57-67


Language: Russian

Annotation: During experimental investigation of the dynamic characteristics of a pneumatic test bench for testing liquid rocket engine high-flowrate automatic units, the effect was detected of 20-35% sound speed increase in the gas flow moving along the channel with corrugated wall (metal hose) which is a part of test bench drain system. The article presents the results of experiments and the task of theoretical justification of the effect is solved. It is indicated that its causes may be two mutually complementary factors – a decrease of gas compressibility at eddy motion and oscillations of metal hose wall. The physical model is considered that describes variation of gas elasticity and density in the conditions of high flow vorticity. It is supposed that in the near-wall layer of the channel, toroidal vortexes (vortex rings) are formed, which move into turbulent core of the flow where their size decreases and the velocity of rotation around the ring axis of torus increases. The spiral shape of the corrugation ensures also axial rotation, which increases vortexes stability. The intensive rotation around the ring axis creates considerable centrifugal forces; as a result, the dependence of pressure on gas density and the sound speed increase. The mathematical model has been developed that describes coupled longitudinal-lateral oscillations of gas and channel’s corrugated shell. It is indicated that in the investigated system, two mutually influencing wave types are present – longitudinal, which mainly transfer gas pressure pulses along the channel and lateral ones, which transfer the shell radial deformation pulses. As a result of modeling, it has been ascertained that because of the lateral oscillations of the wall, the propagation rate of gas pressure longitudinal waves (having the same wave length as in the experiments at test bench) turns out to be higher than adiabatic sound speed.

Key words: rocket engine automatic units, pneumatic test bench, metal hose, corrugated shell, toroidal vortex, longitudinal-lateral oscillations

1. Shevchenko S. A. Experimental Investigation of Dynamic Characteristics of Gas Pressure Regulator in Multiple Ignition LRE Starting System. Problems of Designing and Manufacturing Flying Vehicle Structures: Collection of scientific works. 2015. Issue 4 (84). P. 49-68.
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3. Shevchenko S. A., Valivakhin S. A. Mathematical Model of Gas Pressure Regulator. NTU “KhPI” News. 2014. No. 38 (1061). P. 195-209.
4. Shevchenko S. A., Konokh V. I., Makoter A. P. Gas Dynamic Resistance and Sound Speed in Channel with Corrugated Wall. NTU “KhPI” News. 2016. No. 20 (1192). P. 94-101.
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14. Shevchenko S. A., Grigor’yev A. L., Stepanov M. S. Refinement of Invariant Method for Calculation of Gas Dynamic Parameters in Rocket Engine Starting Pneumatic System Pipelines. NTU “KhPI” News. 2015. No. 6 (1115). P. 156-181.
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7.2.2018 Theoretical Models of Sound Speed Increase Effects in Gas Duct with Corrugated Wall
7.2.2018 Theoretical Models of Sound Speed Increase Effects in Gas Duct with Corrugated Wall
7.2.2018 Theoretical Models of Sound Speed Increase Effects in Gas Duct with Corrugated Wall

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4.1.2019 Mathematic Modeling and Investigation into Stress-Strain State of Space Rocket Bays Thu, 25 May 2023 12:09:18 +0000
As a result of analysis of the current situation with the stress-strain state studies of the complex configuration shell structures and mathematical support of the load-bearing capacity calculation of the aerospace structures, the following actual research trends can be singled out: 1) improvement of the methods of analytical estimation of the thin-walled structures’ strength and resistance; 2) improvement of the numerical methods of composite materials mechanical properties analysis; 3) development or application of the existing software packages and ADE-systems, automatizing stress-strain state analysis with visualization of the processes under study.

4. Mathematic Modeling and Investigation into Stress-Strain State of Space Rocket Bays


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 21-27


Language: Russian

Annotation: This paper presents the overview and features of the stress-strain state analysis of the multilayer shell structures widely used in the design of the missile compartments. As a result of analysis of the current situation with the stress-strain state studies of the complex configuration shell structures and mathematical support of the load-bearing capacity calculation of the aerospace structures, the following actual research trends can be singled out: 1) improvement of the methods of analytical estimation of the thin-walled structures’ strength and resistance; 2) improvement of the numerical methods of composite materials mechanical properties analysis; 3) development or application of the existing software packages and ADE-systems, automatizing stress-strain state analysis with visualization of the processes under study. One of the most important steps of the third research trend is development of the initial data input media (setting the model parameters) and presentation of analysis results with account of the user interface visualization. The description of the mathematical simulation and experimental studies of the stress-strain state of the interstage bay made of carbon fiber sandwich structure is presented and short description of the structure condition after the tests is provided. Based on the analysis it can be concluded that development of the geometric simulation methods, taking into account the manufacturing deviations, is an independent problem from the point of view of practical applications in the aerospace technology.

Key words: sandwich structure, interstage bay, finite-element model, manufacturing deviations, test loads


1. Vorovich I. I., Shlenev M. A. Plastiny I obolochki // Itogi nauki. Mechanika: Sbornik obzorov. M.: Nauka, 1963. P. 91–176.
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4.1.2019 Mathematic Modeling and Investigation into Stress-Strain State of Space Rocket Bays
4.1.2019 Mathematic Modeling and Investigation into Stress-Strain State of Space Rocket Bays
4.1.2019 Mathematic Modeling and Investigation into Stress-Strain State of Space Rocket Bays

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25.1.2019 Technological Peculiarities of Manufacturing Products of Irregular Profile by Method of Selective Laser Melting of 316L Powder Metal Material Wed, 24 May 2023 16:01:06 +0000
Selective laser sintering/melting (SLS/SLM) of pure Al, Al–Mg, and Al–Si powders: Effect of processing conditions and powder properties / Journal of Materials Processing Technology.

25. Technological Peculiarities of Manufacturing Products of Irregular Profile by Method of Selective Laser Melting of 316L Powder Metal Material


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 171-181


Language: Russian

Annotation: This article considers the practical data on parts (specimens) manufacturing from powder metal material 316L using the innovative method of selective laser melting; the comparative study of the structure and physical and mechanical properties of 316L material, the combined influence of heat treatment and specimen orientation relative to the arrangement plate on the physical and mechanical properties and structure of specimens made of 316L alloy. Results are presented of the following: comparative study of the physical and mechanical properties and structure of specimens, manufactured using the selective laser melting technologies with horizontal and vertical placement relative to the arrangement plate; dependence of the ultimate strength and unit elongation on the annealing temperature. The possibility and suitability of the selective laser melting technology to manufacture parts and space-rocket hardware are evaluated. Experimental study of the specimens heat treatment conditions after selective laser melting enabled the definition of the optimal condition for the 316L alloy and have shown that heat treatment of the manufactured specimens under the heating at 1230 °С with the subsequent tempering at the temperature of 510 °С gives the homogeneous structure to the material of specimens made of alloy 316L, its dendritic structure, inherent in the specimen material in its initial condition, disappears after selective laser melting. Results of the mechanical tests of the obtained specimens have shown that the technology of selective laser melting provides development of products made of powder metal material 316L with optimal complex of physical and mechanical properties. It is shown that transition to the selective laser melting technology will enable production of the aerospace products, in particular geometrically-complex parts made of powder metal material 316L, in one technological cycle, excluding cutting, punching, refinement, cropping, welding, manufacturing of special tools or stamps

Key words: specimens, heat treatment, alloy, physical and mechanical properties, technological cycle

1. Dovbysh V. M., Zabednev P. V., Zelenko M. A. Additivnye technologii I izdeliya iz metalla// Bibliotechka liteischika. №8–9. 2014. P. 33-38.
2. Kempen K., Thijs L., Van Humbeeck J., Kruth J.-P. Mechanical properties of AlSi10Mg produced by SLM / Physics Procedia. №39. 2012. Р. 439–446.
3. Olakanmi E. O. Selective laser sintering/melting (SLS/SLM) of pure Al, Al–Mg, and Al–Si powders: Effect of processing conditions and powder properties / Journal of Materials Processing Technology. №213. 2013. Р. 1387–1405.
4. Eleftherios Louvis, Fox Peter, Sutcliffe Christopher J. Selective laser melting of aluminium components // Journal of Materials Processing Technology. – №211. 2011. Р. 275–284.
5. Aboulkhair Nesma T., Everitt Nicola M., Ashcroft Ian, Tuck Chris. Reducing porosity in AlSi10Mg parts processed by selective laser melting // Additive Manufacturing Journal. №1–4. 2014. Р. 77 – 86.
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25.1.2019 Technological Peculiarities of Manufacturing Products of Irregular Profile by Method of Selective Laser Melting of 316L Powder Metal Material
25.1.2019 Technological Peculiarities of Manufacturing Products of Irregular Profile by Method of Selective Laser Melting of 316L Powder Metal Material
25.1.2019 Technological Peculiarities of Manufacturing Products of Irregular Profile by Method of Selective Laser Melting of 316L Powder Metal Material

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24.1.2019 Porous Cast Materials (Gasars). Options of Their Use in Space Rocket Hardware Wed, 24 May 2023 16:01:02 +0000
The basis of the process is gas-eutectic conversion in the system metal-hydrogen. The process of investigation and creation of gasars was commenced in 1979 in the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine and is currently continued in Ukraine, the USA, China, Japan, South Korea, Poland and others. The gasars production technological process consists in melting the specified material (metal, alloy, ceramics) in hydrogen (or other active gas) atmosphere at a certain pressure. The mechanical properties of gasars have a number of advantages as compared with conventional porous materials produced by different methods. And in case when the diameter of pores is less than 50 μm, the exceedance of mechanical properties of gasars as compared with monolithic materials of the same chemical composition is observed. The use of gasars in space hardware will help to considerably reduce the mass of launch vehicle structural elements without worsening strength properties.

24. Porous Cast Materials (Gasars). Options of Their Use in Space Rocket Hardware


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 163-170


Language: Russian

Annotation: Gasars is a new type of porous cast materials manufactured on the basis of metals and their alloys, some types of ceramics. The basis of the process is gas-eutectic conversion in the system metal-hydrogen. The process of investigation and creation of gasars was commenced in 1979 in the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine and is currently continued in Ukraine, the USA, China, Japan, South Korea, Poland and others. The gasars production technological process consists in melting the specified material (metal, alloy, ceramics) in hydrogen (or other active gas) atmosphere at a certain pressure. After the melt is saturated with active gas to a certain concentration, the crystallization process begins at which the pore formation process is launched. As the pores growth occurs perpendicular to crystallization front, the orientation of heat withdrawal influences pores location. So, for example, to obtain radial porosity, radial heat withdrawal is required. To obtain various structures, along with directed crystallization process, the pressure in crystallization chamber is an important factor, which drives the gasar morphology. The porous structure of gasars is diverse, there are the gasars with longitudinal, cylindrical, spherical, conical pores. It is possible to alternate the porosity layers and monolithic metal layers. The dimensions of gasars pores are in the limits from 10 μm to 10 mm at total porosity from 7 to 55 (75%). However, there is a possibility to obtain the pores with smaller diameter. The mechanical properties of gasars have a number of advantages as compared with conventional porous materials produced by different methods. Subsequent processing of the gasars does not differ from analogous non-porous materials, which is also an advantage over conventional porous materials. And in case when the diameter of pores is less than 50 μm, the exceedance of mechanical properties of gasars as compared with monolithic materials of the same chemical composition is observed. This is caused by the fact that the pores were formed during crystallization and at the action of pressure on a gasar, local hardening occurs. At present, the gasars have already found application as light and strong structural materials, filters, heat exchangers, dampers, slide bearings, catalyst elements, friction materials, etc. The use of gasars in space hardware will help to considerably reduce the mass of launch vehicle structural elements without worsening strength properties. The possibility of welding and soldering the gasars allows finding their application in the structure of propellant systems, compressed gas and propellants supply systems, creating filtering elements based on the gasars, including propellant spraying and mixing systems.

Key words: gasars, gas-eutectic conversion, eutectics, porosity

1. Shapovalov V. I. Legirovanie vodorodom. D.: Zhurfond, 2013. 385 p.
2. Shapovalov V. TERMEC 2006 // International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, July 4–8, 2006, Vancouver, Canada. Р. 529.
3. Komissarchuk Olga, Xu Zhengbin, Hao Hai, Zhang Xinglu, Karpov V. Pore structure and mechanical properties of directionally solidified porous aluminum alloys / Research & Development. Vol. 11, No.1, January 2014.
4. Karpov V. V., Karpov V. Yu. Vliyanie poristosti na teploprovodnost’ gazov/ Teoriya I praktica metallurgii. 2003. № 4.
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24.1.2019 Porous Cast Materials (Gasars). Options of Their Use in Space Rocket Hardware
24.1.2019 Porous Cast Materials (Gasars). Options of Their Use in Space Rocket Hardware
24.1.2019 Porous Cast Materials (Gasars). Options of Their Use in Space Rocket Hardware

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23.1.2019 Calculation of Thermal-Physical Properties of Gaseous Xenon Wed, 24 May 2023 16:00:58 +0000
Calculation of Thermal-Physical Properties of Gaseous Xenon Authors: Kravchenko N. 2019, (1); 154-162 DOI: Language: Russian Annotation: This article contains information on the calculation of the thermodynamic and translational properties of the gaseous xenon in the amount sufficient for the most engineering applications. The accuracy of calculation of these properties in the temperature range from 300 to 3000 K from 0,1 up to 120 MPa pressure was from 0,2 to 1,6%. The materials of the article are intended for the specialists dealing with heat exchange processes.

23. Calculation of Thermal-Physical Properties of Gaseous Xenon


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 154-162


Language: Russian

Annotation: This article contains information on the calculation of the thermodynamic and translational properties of the gaseous xenon in the amount sufficient for the most engineering applications. The equation of state of xenon was obtained in dimensionless form, enabling calculations of the thermodynamic values using already known methods, developed for the air and other extensively used gases. An example is made on the implementation of the method based on this equation for calculation of the density, enthalpy and entropy of the gaseous xenon. The accuracy of calculation of these properties in the temperature range from 300 to 3000 K from 0,1 up to 120 MPa pressure was from 0,2 to 1,6%. Sufficiently accurate and simple dependencies were obtained for calculation of the enthalpy and heat of vaporization at the saturation line. Accuracy of the enthalpy calculation of the liquid xenon at the saturation line is not below 0,2%, the accuracy of the calculation of the heat of vaporization is not below 0,5%. New, simpler method, as compared to standard reference data, to calculate the translational properties (thermal conductivity, viscosity) of xenon at atmospheric pressure has been proposed. It is shown that thermal conductivity and viscosity can be calculated from the expression of the same type with different coefficients. Accuracy of the calculation of these properties using the proposed method is not below 2,2%. Considering the unsatisfactory test results of the well-known methods of calculation of the translational properties at high pressures, the effective method for approximating the table values of these properties has been proposed. In this case, at first, the temperature data at fixed pressures are approximated, then using these approximations, the values of the properties are calculated at the given temperature and various pressure values. After this, the value of the property is interpolated at the given high pressure. As an example of the implementation of this method, the Mathcad software for calculations of the thermal conductivity of gaseous xenon at high pressure is given. The materials of the article are intended for the specialists dealing with heat exchange processes.

Key words: gas, equation of state, thermodynamic properties, thermophysical properties, thermal conductivity, viscosity

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23.1.2019 Calculation of Thermal-Physical Properties of Gaseous Xenon
23.1.2019 Calculation of Thermal-Physical Properties of Gaseous Xenon
23.1.2019 Calculation of Thermal-Physical Properties of Gaseous Xenon

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14.1.2019 Technique of Determination of SRM Operational Life Taking into Account Materials and Elements Strength Margins Wed, 24 May 2023 16:00:23 +0000
The methodology of estimation of the service life of material or structure is based on the generalization of great amount of Yuzhnoye SDO experimental data and theoretical research on the impact of various factors (properties of materials, loads, storage and operation conditions) on their service life on the ground of strength analysis. Strength properties of the material should be reduced to test conditions in terms of temperature, pressure, rate of loading, degrees of material aging etc. Methodology provides the estimation of safety margins in all phases of storage and operation of the device, consideration of the impact of the active factors (mass, temperature, loading, process of material aging), performance of calculations for the chosen specific zones of the device. Physiko-chimichaskie process v izdeliyakh iz vysokoenergetycheskykh kondensirovannykh materialov pri dlitelnoy ekspluatatsii/ Physicheskaya mezomechanika.

14. Technique of Determination of SRM Operational Life Taking into Account Materials and Elements Strength Margins


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 95-101


Language: Russian

Annotation: Service life (resource) of the device (system, structure, material) is one of the major factors, which defines the reliable performance of the device or necessity of its replacement. The purpose of this paper is to develop the engineering methodology to estimate the service life of the device to support the well-founded design decision-making. The methodology of estimation of the service life of material or structure is based on the generalization of great amount of Yuzhnoye SDO experimental data and theoretical research on the impact of various factors (properties of materials, loads, storage and operation conditions) on their service life on the ground of strength analysis. At the same time, service life definition is based on the results of stress and deformation analyses and their comparison with strength properties of the applied material (tensile strength and deformation properties). Strength properties of the material should be reduced to test conditions in terms of temperature, pressure, rate of loading, degrees of material aging etc. Methodology provides the estimation of safety margins in all phases of storage and operation of the device, consideration of the impact of the active factors (mass, temperature, loading, process of material aging), performance of calculations for the chosen specific zones of the device. It is shown that the service life estimation is in general case a probabilistic observation because of the random combination of the influencing factors (strength properties, storage and operation conditions, loads). Analysis of experimental and computation data as applied to solid-propellant rocket engine shows that the most dangerous zones, which define the service life, are the fuel charge channel (deformations at launch), a fuel-body coupling zone (breakaway coupling stress) and a “lock” zone of the release collar (concentration of shear and breakaway stresses and deformations). Developed methodological guidelines of the engineering estimate of the service life can be used as the computational basis for the service life of materials and structures in the phase of system design and updating of the assumed design solutions.

Key words: stress, deformation, service life, aging, load


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14.1.2019 Technique of Determination of SRM Operational Life Taking into Account Materials and Elements Strength Margins
14.1.2019 Technique of Determination of SRM Operational Life Taking into Account Materials and Elements Strength Margins
14.1.2019 Technique of Determination of SRM Operational Life Taking into Account Materials and Elements Strength Margins

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