Search Results for “servo drive” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Thu, 20 Jun 2024 09:25:02 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “servo drive” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 4.1.2024 The dynamics of servo drives Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:08:46 +0000
The dynamics of servo drives Authors: Degtiarov М. Theoretical research was conducted, using the complete mathematical model of the servo drive, which included the equations of the control signal shaping path, electric motor, reducer and load. Based on the conducted theoretical and experimental studies, the basic conclusions and recommendations were obtained and presented, accounting and implementation of which will provide high dynamic characteristics of the newly designed servo drives. Key words: electric drive , servo drive , reducer , stability , mathematical model. (2024) "The dynamics of servo drives" Космическая техника. "The dynamics of servo drives" Космическая техника. quot;The dynamics of servo drives", Космическая техника. The dynamics of servo drives Автори: Degtiarov М. The dynamics of servo drives Автори: Degtiarov М. The dynamics of servo drives Автори: Degtiarov М.

4. The dynamics of servo drives

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2024, (1); 29-39

Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: The article gives the analysis results for the servo drives dynamics, obtained from the theoretical calculations and during the development testing of the high power electric drives. Theoretical research was conducted, using the complete mathematical model of the servo drive, which included the equations of the control signal shaping path, electric motor, reducer and load. The equations of the control signal shaping network include only the characteristics of the compensating element in the assumption that all other delays in the transformation path are minimized. The electric motor equations are assumed in the classical form, taking into account the influence of the following main parameters on the motor dynamics: inductance and stator winding resistance, torque and armature reaction coefficients and rotor moment of inertia. Interaction of the motor with the multimass system of the reducer and load is presented in the form of force interaction of two masses – a reduced mass of the rotor and mass of the load through the certain equivalent rigidity of the kinematic chain. To describe the effect of gap in the kinematic connection the special computational trick, which considerably simplifies its mathematical description, is used. Efficiency of the reducer is presented in the form of the internal friction, proportional to the transmitted force. Calculation results with the application of the given mathematical model match well with the results of the full-scale testing of different specimens of servo drives, which makes it possible to use it for the development of new servomechanisms, as well as for the correct flight simulation when testing the aircraft control systems. In particular, based on the frequency response calculations of the closed circuit with the application of the given mathematical model, it is possible to define optimal parameters of the correcting circuit. Reaction on the step action with the various values of circular amplification coefficient in the circuit gives complete information on the stability regions of the closed circuit and influence of various drive parameters on these regions. Based on the conducted theoretical and experimental studies, the basic conclusions and recommendations were obtained and presented, accounting and implementation of which will provide high dynamic characteristics of the newly designed servo drives.

Key words: electric drive, servo drive, reducer, stability, mathematical model.

  1. Kozak L. Dynamika servomechanismov raketnoy techniki. Inzhenernye metody issledovaniya. Izd-vo LAP LAMBERT Academic Publiching, Germania. 2022.
  2. Kozak L. R., Shakhov M. I. Matematicheskie modely hydravlicheskikh servomekhanismov raketno-kosmicheskoy techniki. Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie. 2019. Vyp. 1.
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4.1.2024 The dynamics of servo drives
4.1.2024 The dynamics of servo drives
4.1.2024 The dynamics of servo drives

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10.2.2019 Dynamic performance of the gas drive with jet motor Tue, 03 Oct 2023 11:52:15 +0000
2019, (2); 71-79 DOI: Language: Russian Annotation: The use of servo drives on flying vehicles determines the requirements to their dynamic characteristics. The layout is presented of mechanical segment of servo drive with jet motor with screw-nut transmission. Based on the proposed algorithms, the dynamic characteristics of servo drive were constructed: transient process and amplitude-frequency characteristic.

10. Dynamic performance of the gas drive with jet motor


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (2); 71-79


Language: Russian

Annotation: The use of servo drives on flying vehicles determines the requirements to their dynamic characteristics. The problems of dynamics of drive with jet motor are not practically covered in publications. The task arises of selection of structure and parameters of devices consisting of several subsystems whose dynamic characteristics must be brought into agreement with each other in optimal way. The purpose of this work is to develop mathematical dependences for calculation of dynamic characteristics. The functional arrangement of the drive is considered consisting of jet motor based on Segner wheel with de Laval nozzle, mechanical transmission, pneumatic distributing device – jet pipe controlled by electromechanical converter. The layout is presented of mechanical segment of servo drive with jet motor with screw-nut transmission. The dynamic model is presented and the algebraic relations to determine natural frequencies of the drive are given. The motion equations of output rod at full composition of load are given. Using Lagrange transformation as applied to ball screw transmission, the expression for reduced mass of output element was derived. The reduced mass of load depends on the jet motor design and exerts basic influence on the drive’s natural frequencies. The evaluation is given of reduced mass change from the jet motor moment of inertia and reducer transmission coefficient. Based on the proposed algorithms, the dynamic characteristics of servo drive were constructed: transient process and amplitude-frequency characteristic. The drive has relatively low pass band, which is explained by the value of reduced mass of load.

Key words: pneumatic drive, functional arrangement, hydrodynamic force, reduced mass, Lagrange transformations, ball screw transmission, transient process, frequency characteristic

1. Pnevmoprivod system upravleniya letatelnykh apparatov /V. A. Chaschin, O. T. Kamladze, A. B. Kondratiev at al. M., 1987. 248 s.
2. Berezhnoy A. S. Sovershenstvovanie rabochikh characteristic struino-reaktivnogo pnevmoagregata na osnove utochneniya modeli rabochego processa: dis. cand. techn. nauk: 05.05.17. Zaschischena 03.10.14. Sumy, 2014. 157 s.
3. Oleinik V. P., Yelanskiy Yu. A., Kovalenko V. N. et al. Staticheskie characteristiki gazovogo privoda so struinym dvigatelem /Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie: Sb. nauch.-techn. st. 2016. Vyp. 2. S. 21-27.
4. Abramovich G. N. Prikladnaya gazovaya dynamika. M., 1976. 888 s.
5. Strutinskiy V. B. Matematichne modelyuvannya processiv ta system mechaniki. Zhitomir, 2001. 612 s.
6. Shalamov A. V., Mazein P. G. Dynamicheskaya model’ sharikovintovoi pary/ Izv. Chelyabinskogo nauchnogo centra UrO RAN. №4. Chelyabinsk, 2002. S.161-170.
7. Kripa K.Varanasi, Samir A. Nayfer. The Dynamics of Lead-Screw Drivers: Low-Order Modeling and Experiments /Journal of Dynamic System, Measurement and Control. June 2004. Vol. 126. P. 388-395.
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10.2.2019 Dynamic performance of the gas drive with jet motor
10.2.2019 Dynamic performance of the gas drive with jet motor
10.2.2019 Dynamic performance of the gas drive with jet motor

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12.1.2017 Static Performance Prediction of Hot-Gas Flapper-Nozzle Actuator Fri, 22 Sep 2023 15:14:35 +0000
2017 (1); 78-83 Language: Russian Annotation: The basic mathematical relations are considered to construct static characteristics of nozzle-shutter twostage piston pneumatic drive with the working medium – powder combustion products. Static Characteristics of Gas Drive with Jet Engine / V. Tutorial on the Theory of Electrohydraulic Servo Mechanism with Acceleration Control Operating in Switchover Mode. Electrohydraulic Servo Mechanisms with Pulse-Width Control.

12. Static Performance Prediction of Hot-Gas Flapper-Nozzle Actuator


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (1); 78-83

Language: Russian

Annotation: The basic mathematical relations are considered to construct static characteristics of nozzle-shutter twostage piston pneumatic drive with the working medium – powder combustion products.

Key words:

1. Oleinik V. P. et al. Static Characteristics of Gas Drive with Jet Engine / V. P. Oleinik, Y. A. Yelansky, V. N. Kovalenko, L. G. Kaluger, Е. V. Vnukov. Space Technology. Missile Armaments: Collection of scientific-technical articles. 2015. Issue. 1. P. 21-27.
2. Kornilov Y. G. et al. Pneumatic Elements and Systems. К., 1968. 143 p.
3. Hydraulic and Pneumatic Power Control System / Under the editorship of J. Blackborn, H. Reethoff, G. L. Sherer. М., 1962. 614 p.
4. Mertaf S. A. Tutorial on the Theory of Electrohydraulic Servo Mechanism with Acceleration Control Operating in Switchover Mode. Problems of Rocket Engineering. 1961. No. 2. P. 74-95.
5. Banshtyk A. М. Electrohydraulic Servo Mechanisms with Pulse-Width Control. М., 1972. 144 p.
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USA Boardman; Baltimore; Dublin; Columbus; Detroit; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Ashburn; Seattle; Tappahannock; Portland; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Ashburn; Boardman19
Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore5
Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro2
Romania Voluntari1
12.1.2017 Static Performance Prediction of Hot-Gas Flapper-Nozzle Actuator
12.1.2017 Static Performance Prediction of Hot-Gas Flapper-Nozzle Actuator
12.1.2017 Static Performance Prediction of Hot-Gas Flapper-Nozzle Actuator
18.1.2019 Designing of Servo Driver of Throttle Mechanisms and Fuel Flow Regulator of ILV Main Motor Wed, 24 May 2023 16:00:39 +0000
Designing of Servo Driver of Throttle Mechanisms and Fuel Flow Regulator of ILV Main Motor Authors: Oslavsky S. 2019, (1); 122-131 DOI: Language: Russian Annotation: The basic results of the design calculations and mathematical modelling of the control processes in the precision high-speed servo drive are presented, as well as results of experimental studies of the functional mock-up of this servo drive’s movable gears of the throttle and fuel flow regulator of the ILV main engine. Major task of the studies was theoretical and experimental verification of the required static and dynamic accuracy of the servo drive in the process of try-out of the command signals reception from the main engine’s controller. In the phase of development, theoretical study of the linearized servo drive with application of transformations and theorems of Laplace passages to the limit is conducted.

18. Designing of Servo Driver of Throttle Mechanisms and Fuel Flow Regulator of ILV Main Motor


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 122-131


Language: Russian

Annotation: The basic results of the design calculations and mathematical modelling of the control processes in the precision high-speed servo drive are presented, as well as results of experimental studies of the functional mock-up of this servo drive’s movable gears of the throttle and fuel flow regulator of the ILV main engine. Major task of the studies was theoretical and experimental verification of the required static and dynamic accuracy of the servo drive in the process of try-out of the command signals reception from the main engine’s controller. In the phase of development, theoretical study of the linearized servo drive with application of transformations and theorems of Laplace passages to the limit is conducted. Analytical dependences between servo drive circuit parametres, its elements and characteristics of the control signals are obtained. Instrument errors and servostatic elasticity of the servo drive are calculated. Calculation model including the basic nonlinearities of this servo drive is prepared. Mathematical modelling of the control processes is conducted according to the computational model, varying the circuit and design parameters of the electric drive. Results of the theoretical studies were taken as input data for the requirements specification document to develop the executive unit with the electromotor, reduction gear and output shaft position sensor, and the control box. Functional mockups of the executive unit, control box, as well as the computer-controlled technological test console were manufactured on the basis of the requirements specification documents. The required scope of the laboratory-development tests of the functional mock-up of the servo drive was conducted. Results of the conducted activities confirm the achievement of the required accuracies of the servo drive in the laboratory environment.

Key words: control system, permanent-field synchronous motor, mathematical model, computational analysis

1. Programma «Mayak», raketa kosmicheskogo naznacheniya, marsheviy dvigatel’ pervoi stupeni: Techn. proekt. Dnepropetrovsk: GP KB «Yuzhnoye», 2015. 490 p.
2. Controller marshevogo dvigatelya pervoi stupeni RKN: Poyasnitelnaya zapiska. Dnepr: GP KB «Yuzhnoye», 2017. 108 p.
3. Marsheviy dvigatel pervoi stupeni RKN: Technicheskoe zadanie na razrabotku electromechanicheskogo privoda mechanizmov drosselya i regulyatora raschoda goryuchego. Dnepr: GP KB «Yuzhnoye», 2016. 68 p.
4. Basharin A. V., Novikov V. A., Sokolovskiy G. G. Upravlenie electroprivodami: Uch. posob. dlya VUZov. L.: Energoizdat, 1982. 392 p.
5. Makarov I. M., Menskiy B. M. Lineinye avtomaticheskie systemy. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1982. 504 p.
6. Otchet po rezultatam ispytania maketnogo obraztsa electromechanicheskogo privoda mechanizmov drosselya i regulyatora goruchego. Dnepr: GP KB «Yuzhnoye», 2018. 50 p.
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18.1.2019 Designing of Servo Driver of Throttle Mechanisms and Fuel Flow Regulator of ILV Main Motor
18.1.2019 Designing of Servo Driver of Throttle Mechanisms and Fuel Flow Regulator of ILV Main Motor
18.1.2019 Designing of Servo Driver of Throttle Mechanisms and Fuel Flow Regulator of ILV Main Motor

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