Search Results for “tank” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Thu, 20 Jun 2024 09:39:11 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “tank” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 10.2.2017 Analysis Method of Hydraulic Parameters of Circular Intake Device in Limit Operating Modes Fri, 21 Jun 2024 08:45:59 +0000
Experimental Investigation of Toroidal Tank Intake Device at High-Flowrate Flow Lab. On Measurement of Liquid Flow Discontinuity during Development Testing of Flying Vehicle Propellant Tanks Intake Devices.

10. Analysis Method of Hydraulic Parameters of Circular Intake Device in Limit Operating Modes


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (2); 53-56

Language: Russian

Annotation: The paper presents the experiment-calculated data on hydraulic parameters of ring intake device in different operation modes. The method of their calculation is proposed taking into account limit deviations of influencing factors. Satisfactory convergence of calculated and experiment data is shown.

Key words:

1. Il’in G. I., Demchenko S. A., Smolensky D. E. Experimental Investigation of Toroidal Tank Intake Device at High-Flowrate Flow Lab. Space Technology. Missile Armaments: Collection of scientific–technical articles. 2013. Issue 1. Dnepropetrovsk. P. 54–59.
2. Vasilina V. G. et al. Autonomous Development Testing of LRPS Pneumatic System Units and Subsystems: Tutorial / V. G. Vasilina, G. I. Il’in, V. F. Nesvit, V. I. Perlik. Kharkiv, 2005. 130 p.
3. Voloshina M. A. et al. On Measurement of Liquid Flow Discontinuity during Development Testing of Flying Vehicle Propellant Tanks Intake Devices. Space Technology. Missile Armaments: Collection of scientific-technical articles. 2010. Issue 2. P. 122–135.
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USA Boardman; Ashburn; Matawan; Baltimore; Columbus; Columbus; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Ashburn; Ashburn; Seattle; Tappahannock; Portland; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; Ashburn; Des Moines; Boardman; Ashburn; Ashburn23
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10.2.2017 Analysis Method of Hydraulic Parameters of Circular Intake Device in Limit Operating Modes
10.2.2017 Analysis Method of Hydraulic Parameters of Circular Intake Device in Limit Operating Modes
10.2.2017 Analysis Method of Hydraulic Parameters of Circular Intake Device in Limit Operating Modes
11.1.2020 Some results of strength calculations relying on analytical and FEM approaches. Trends of using contemporary machine learning strategies Wed, 13 Sep 2023 10:51:08 +0000
An Investigation of a Spacecraft’s Propellant Tanks Shells Bearing Strength.

11. Some results of strength calculations relying on analytical and FEM approaches. Trends of using contemporary machine learning strategies


Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 107-113


Language: Russian

Annotation: This article analyzes the results of studies, which are based on numerical methods of analysis, of the stress-strain state of thin-walled shell structures. This article also discusses analytical solutions that apply asymptotic approaches and a method of initial parameters in a matrix form for solving a problem of equal stability of reinforced compartments of combined shell systems of the rocket and space technology within the scope of the research being carried out jointly by teams of Yuzhnoye State Design Office and Zaporizhzhya National University. The primary attention is paid to the use of FEM-based direct numerical methods and the research results for which analytical methods can be useful for making a preliminary assessment of the bearing capacity of load-bearing structures, and in some cases for their rational design. This article does not contrast numerical and analytical approaches but about the possibility of using them effectively. The article talks about possible ways of using the up-to-date technique of machine learning (Machine Learning Technology) in the calculation and experimental methods for determining the characteristics of the rocket and space technology.

Key words: numerical and analytical methods, stress-strain state, rocket structures, shell system, reinforcing load-bearing elements, local and general stability, machine learning technology

1. Jean-Jacques Rousseau. URL:
2. Akimov D. V., Gristchak V. Z., Gomenjuk S. I., Grebenyk S. N., Lisniak А. А., Choporov S. V., Larionov I. F., Klimenko D. V., Sirenko V. N. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie i issledovanie prochnosti silovykh elementov konstruktsij kosmicheskikh letatelnykh apparatov. Visn. Zaporiz’koho nats. un-tu. Fiz.-mat. nauky. 2015. № 3. S. 6–13.
3. Akimov D. V., Gristchak V. Z., Gomenjuk S. I., Larionov I. F., Klimenko D. V., Sirenko V. N. Finite-element analysis and experimental investigation on the strength of a three-layered honeycomb sandwich structure of spacecraft adapter module. Strength of Materials. 2016. № 3. P. 52–57.
4. Akimov D. V., Larionov I. F., Klimenko D. V., Gristchak V. Z., Gomenjuk S. I. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie i issledovanie napriazhenno-deformirovannogo sostoianiia otsekov raket kosmicheskogo naznacheniia. Kosmicheskaya tekhnika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie: sb. nauch.-tekhn. st. GP «KB «Yuzhnoye». Dnipro, 2019. Vyp. 1. S. 21–27.
5. Yarevskii Ye. А. Teoreticheskie osnovy metodov kompiuternogo modelirovaniia: ucheb.-metod. posobie. Sankt-Peterburg, 2010. 83 S.
6. Klovanich S. F. Metod konechnykh elementov v nelineinykh zadachakh inzhenernoi mekhaniki. Zaporozhie, 2009. 394 S.
7. Akimov D. V., Gristchak V. Z., Larionov I. F., Gomenjuk S. I., Klimenko D. V., Choporov S. V., Grebenyk S. N. Matematicheskoe obespechenie analiza prochnosti silovykh elementov raketno-kosmicheskoi techniki. Problemy obchysliuvalnoi mekhaniky i mitsnosti konstruktsii: zb. nayk. prats. 2017. Vyp. 26. S. 5–21.
8. Akimov D. V., Gristchak V. Z., Gomenjuk S. I., Larionov I. F., Klimenko D. V., Sirenko V. N. Eksperimentalnoe issledovanie deformirovannogo sostoianiia i prochnosti mezhstupenchatogo otseka raketonositelia pri staticheskom vneshnem nagruzhenii. Novi materialy i technolohii v metalurhii ta mashynobuduvanni. 2016. №1. S. 82–89.
9. Akimov D. V., Gristchak V. Z., Grebenyk S. N., Gomenjuk S. I. Sravnitelnyi analiz metodik rascheta napriazhenno-deformirovannogo sostoianiia elementov konstruktsii raketonositelia. Novi materialy i technolohii v metalurhii ta mashynobuduvanni. 2016. № 2. S. 116–120.
10. Gristchak V. Z., Gomeniuk S. I., Grebeniuk S. N., Larionov I. F., Degtiarenko P. G., Akimov D. V. An Investigation of a Spacecraft’s Propellant Tanks Shells Bearing Strength. Aviation in XXI-st Century. Safety in Aviation and Space Technologies: Proccedings the Sixth world congress. Kiev, 2014. Vol. 1. Р. 1.14.49–1.14.51.
11. Gristchak V. Z., Manievich А. I. Vliianiie zhestkosti shpangoutov na izgib iz ploskosti na ustoichivost podkreplennoi tsilindricheskoi obolochki. Gidroaeromechanika i teoriia uprugosti. 1972. Vyp. 14. S. 121–130.
12. Gristchak V. Z., Diachenko N. M. Opredelenie oblastei ustoichivosti konicheskoi obolochki pri kombinirovanom nagruzhenii na baze gibridnogo asimptoticheskogo podkhoda. Visn. Zaporiz’koho nats. un-tu. Fiz.-mat. nauky. 2017. №2. S. 32–46. URL: http://
13. Dehtiarenko P. H., Gristchak V. Z., Gristchak D. D., Diachenko N. M. K probleme ravnoustojchivosti podkreplenoi obolochechnoi konstruktsii pri kombinirovannom nagruzhenii. Kosmicheskaia nauka I technologiia. 2019. Т. 25, № 6(121). S. 3–14.
14. Kononiuk А. Е. Fundamentalnaia teoriia oblachnykh technologij: v 18 kn. Kyiv, 2018. Kn. 1. 620 s.
15. URL:
16. Choporova О. V., Choporov S. V., Lysniak А. О. Vykorystannia mashynnoho navchannia dlia prohnozuvannia napruzheno-deformovannoho stanu kvadratnoi plastyny. Matematychne modeliuvannia fizychnykh I tekhnolohichnykh system. Visnyk KhNTU. 2019. № 2(69). S. 192–201.
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Netherlands Amsterdam1
11.1.2020  Some results of strength calculations relying on analytical and FEM approaches. Trends of using contemporary machine learning strategies
11.1.2020  Some results of strength calculations relying on analytical and FEM approaches. Trends of using contemporary machine learning strategies
11.1.2020  Some results of strength calculations relying on analytical and FEM approaches. Trends of using contemporary machine learning strategies

Keywords cloud

9.1.2020 Experimental investigation of a liner-free propellant tank made from polymer composite materials Wed, 13 Sep 2023 10:43:08 +0000
Experimental investigation of a liner-free propellant tank made from polymer composite materials Authors: Sidoruk А. 2020, (1); 90-98 DOI: Language: Russian Annotation: The exploratory and experimental investigations were conducted into design of propellant tank made of composite polymer materials for work in cryogenic environment at operating pressure of 7.5 kgf/cm2 . When determining the configuration of a liner-free composite propellant tank, the main requirement was ensuring its leak-tightness at internal excess pressure and cryogenic temperature effect. The world experience of creating similar designs was analyzed and the requirements were defined imposed on configuration of propellant tank load-bearing shells. The tests of pilot propellant tank showed that the calculated values of deformations and displacements differ from the experimental values by no more than 10 %.

9. Experimental investigation of a liner-free propellant tank made from polymer composite materials


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 90-98


Language: Russian

Annotation: The exploratory and experimental investigations were conducted into design of propellant tank made of composite polymer materials for work in cryogenic environment at operating pressure of 7.5 kgf/cm2 . When determining the configuration of a liner-free composite propellant tank, the main requirement was ensuring its leak-tightness at internal excess pressure and cryogenic temperature effect. The world experience of creating similar designs was analyzed and the requirements were defined imposed on configuration of propellant tank load-bearing shells. Before defining the final configuration, the types of materials, reinforcing patterns, and possible ways to ensure leak-tightness were analyzed, and preliminary tests were conducted of physical and mechanical characteristics of thin-wall samples of composite materials and tubular structures with different reinforcing patterns. The tests of carbon plastic samples were conducted at different curing modes to determine the most effective one from the viewpoint of strength characteristics and the tests for permeability by method of mouthpiece were conducted. The tests of pilot propellant tank showed that the calculated values of deformations and displacements differ from the experimental values by no more than 10 %. Using the parameters measurement results from the tests on liquid nitrogen, the empirical formulas were obtained to calculate linear thermal expansion coefficient of the package of materials of load -bearing shell. The empirical dependences were constructed of relative ring deformations at load-bearing shell middle section on pressure and temperature. The tests confirmed correctness of adopted solutions to ensure strength and leak-tightness of propellant tank load-bearing shell at combined effect on internal excess pressure and cryogenic temperature, particularly at cyclic loading. The materials used and propellant tank manufacturing technologies ensure leak-tightness of load-bearing shell at liquid nitrogen operating pressure of 7.5 kgf/cm2 and strength at excess pressure of 15 kgf/cm2 and allow conducting approbation of prospective stage of the integrated launch vehicle.

Key words: load-bearing shell, permeability, cryogenic propellant, relative deformations, linear thermal expansion coefficient

1. Frantsevich I. М., Karpinos D. М. Kompozitsionnye materialy voloknistogo stroeniia. K., 1970.
2. TSM YZH ANL 009 00. Composite fuel tank for ILV, Dnipro, Yuzhnoye SDO, 2019.
3. Zheng H., Zeng X., Zhang J., Sun H. The application of carbon fiber composites in cryotank. Solidification. 2018.
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Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore8
Canada Toronto; Toronto; Monreale3
Germany; Falkenstein2
Ukraine Dnipro; Odessa2
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur1
Finland Helsinki1
Ireland Dublin1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
9.1.2020  Experimental investigation of a liner-free propellant tank made from polymer composite materials
9.1.2020  Experimental investigation of a liner-free propellant tank made from polymer composite materials
9.1.2020  Experimental investigation of a liner-free propellant tank made from polymer composite materials

Keywords cloud

9.1.2018 On the Peculiarities of High-Temperature Rocket Propellants Drain from Delivery Means to Filling Tank for Closed Drain Tue, 05 Sep 2023 06:29:31 +0000
On the Peculiarities of High-Temperature Rocket Propellants Drain from Delivery Means to Filling Tank for Closed Drain Authors: Pozdieiev H. 2018 (1); 53-57 DOI: Language: Russian Annotation: The paper presents the variation of parameters of gas-vapor mixture of hypergolic rocket propellant components in a filling tank in the process of rocket propellant components filling into it with “closed drainage” depending on tank filing coefficient and initial parameters of environment in the tank. Selection and Justification of Technology of Rocket Propellants Drain from Tank-Containers into OFS, FFS Tanks: Technical Note Cyclone-4 22.6840.155 СТ. (2018) "On the Peculiarities of High-Temperature Rocket Propellants Drain from Delivery Means to Filling Tank for Closed Drain" Космическая техника. "On the Peculiarities of High-Temperature Rocket Propellants Drain from Delivery Means to Filling Tank for Closed Drain" Космическая техника.

9. On the Peculiarities of High-Temperature Rocket Propellants Drain from Delivery Means to Filling Tank for Closed Drain


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (1); 53-57


Language: Russian

Annotation: The paper presents the variation of parameters of gas-vapor mixture of hypergolic rocket propellant components in a filling tank in the process of rocket propellant components filling into it with “closed drainage” depending on tank filing coefficient and initial parameters of environment in the tank.

Key words:

1. Cosmodrome / Under the general editorship of A. P. Vol’sky. М., 1977.
2. Berezhkovsky M. I. Storage and Transportation of Chemical Products. М., 1973.
3. Selection and Justification of Technology of Rocket Propellants Drain from Tank-Containers into OFS, FFS Tanks: Technical Note Cyclone-4 22.6840.155 СТ. Yuzhnoye SDO, 2005.
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USA Ashburn; Columbus; Matawan; Baltimore; North Bergen;; Boydton; Plano; Columbus; Phoenix; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Seattle; Seattle; Portland; San Mateo; San Mateo; Ashburn; Columbus; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn; Seattle25
Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore9
Canada Toronto; Toronto; Monreale3
Ukraine Kyiv; Dnipro; Odessa3
Belgium Brussels1
Finland Helsinki1
Great Britain London1
Germany Falkenstein1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
9.1.2018 On the Peculiarities of High-Temperature Rocket Propellants Drain from Delivery Means to Filling Tank for Closed Drain
9.1.2018 On the Peculiarities of High-Temperature Rocket Propellants Drain from Delivery Means to Filling Tank for Closed Drain
9.1.2018 On the Peculiarities of High-Temperature Rocket Propellants Drain from Delivery Means to Filling Tank for Closed Drain
8.2.2017 Analysis Method of Nitrogen Tetroxide Tanks Generating Pressurization Systems Tue, 08 Aug 2023 12:49:21 +0000
Analysis Method of Nitrogen Tetroxide Tanks Generating Pressurization Systems Authors: Petrenko R. 2017 (2); 41-48 Language: Russian Annotation: The paper considers the method of calculation of generative pressurization system for a tank with nitrogen tetroxide in which an attempt is made to model the temperature stratification of gas in the tank throughout the height of the tank. The applied physical model takes into account the impact of gas dynamic processes, heat-mass-exchange, and chemical reactions on gas parameters in the tank. Calculation of Long-Range Missiles Fuel (UDMH) Tanks Pressurization with Hot Gases. Launch Vehicle Propellant Tanks Pressurization Systems. (2017) "Analysis Method of Nitrogen Tetroxide Tanks Generating Pressurization Systems" Космическая техника. "Analysis Method of Nitrogen Tetroxide Tanks Generating Pressurization Systems" Космическая техника.

8. Analysis Method of Nitrogen Tetroxide Tanks Generating Pressurization Systems


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (2); 41-48

Language: Russian

Annotation: The paper considers the method of calculation of generative pressurization system for a tank with nitrogen tetroxide in which an attempt is made to model the temperature stratification of gas in the tank throughout the height of the tank. The applied physical model takes into account the impact of gas dynamic processes, heat-mass-exchange, and chemical reactions on gas parameters in the tank. The satisfactory convergence of the calculation results with the experimental data is shown.

Key words:

1. Antonov V. A., Logvinenko A. I., Moseiko V. A. et al. Calculation of Long-Range Missiles Fuel (UDMH) Tanks Pressurization with Hot Gases. Defense Engineering. 1967. No. 10.
2. Belyayev N. M. Launch Vehicle Propellant Tanks Pressurization Systems. М., 1974. 336 p.
3. Test Facilities and Development Testing of Liquid Rocket Engines / А. G. Galeyev, K. P. Denisov, V. I. Ishchenko, V. A. Liseikin, G. G. Saydov, А. Y. Cherkashin. М., 2012. 362 p.
4. Thermal Dynamic and Thermal Physical properties of Combustion Products. Vol. 4 / Under the editorship of V. P. Glushko. М., 1974. 263 p.
5. Thermodynamic and Transfer Properties of Chemically Reacting Gas Systems. Part 1 / Under the editorship of A. K. Krasin, B. V. Nesterenko et al. Minsk, 1967. 206 p.
Downloads: 37
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USA Matawan; Plano; Miami; Dublin; Columbus; Phoenix; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Ashburn; Seattle; Ashburn; Ashburn; Boardman; Tappahannock; Des Moines; Boardman; Ashburn; Boardman; Ashburn20
Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore6
Canada Toronto; Toronto; Toronto; Monreale4
Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro2
Finland Helsinki1
Unknown Hong Kong1
Germany Falkenstein1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
8.2.2017 Analysis Method of Nitrogen Tetroxide Tanks Generating Pressurization Systems
8.2.2017 Analysis Method of Nitrogen Tetroxide Tanks Generating Pressurization Systems
8.2.2017 Analysis Method of Nitrogen Tetroxide Tanks Generating Pressurization Systems
7.2.2017 Features of Pneumatic Hydraulic Feeding System with the Use of Oxygen-Methane Cryogenic Propellants Tue, 08 Aug 2023 12:43:00 +0000
The optimal parameters are considered of pneumohydraulic supply system, including the designs of tanks, pressurization system and engine supply lines cooling system.

7. Features of Pneumatic Hydraulic Feeding System with the Use of Oxygen-Methane Cryogenic Propellants


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (2); 35-40

Language: Russian

Annotation: The paper presents the results of comparative investigation into characteristics of methane, kerosene and hydrogen in pair with oxygen. The peculiarities of each of these components are shown. The optimal parameters are considered of pneumohydraulic supply system, including the designs of tanks, pressurization system and engine supply lines cooling system.

Key words:

1. Tamura H., Ono F., Kumakawa A. LOX/Methane Staged Combustion Rocket Investigation. AIAA 87-1856.
2. Crocker A., Perry S. System, Sensitivity Studies of a LOX/Methane Expander Cycle Upper Stage Engine. AIAA 98-3674.
3. Kyoung-Ho Kim, Dae-Sung Ju. Development of “Chase-10” liquid rocket engine having 10tf thrust using LOX & LNG (Methane). AIAA-2006-4907. 2014.
4. Evaluation of Parameters of Liquid Oxygen Circulation in Cryogenic LRPS Colling System: Technical Note 22.8234.123 ST / Yuzhnoye SDO. 2014.
5. Belyayev N. M. Pneumohydraulic Systems. Calculation and Designing. М., 1988. 42 p.
6. Pavlyuk Y. S. Ballistic Designing of Rockets: Tutorial for universities. Chelyabinsk, 1996. 92 p.
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USA Boardman; Matawan; Baltimore; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Seattle; Seattle; Ashburn; Ashburn; Ashburn; Boardman; Tappahannock; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn; Boardman; Ashburn23
Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore8
Canada Toronto; Monreale2
Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro2
Germany; Falkenstein2
Unknown Melbourne1
Finland Helsinki1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
7.2.2017 Features of Pneumatic Hydraulic Feeding System with the Use of Oxygen-Methane Cryogenic Propellants
7.2.2017 Features of Pneumatic Hydraulic Feeding System with the Use of Oxygen-Methane Cryogenic Propellants
7.2.2017 Features of Pneumatic Hydraulic Feeding System with the Use of Oxygen-Methane Cryogenic Propellants
6.2.2017 Set of Actions on Enhancement of Launch Vehicle Payload Capability Tue, 08 Aug 2023 12:39:31 +0000
2017 (2); 29-34 Language: Russian Annotation: The paper presents a complex of analytical calculation measures that allow increasing tanks useful volume and ensure engines’ additional operational lifetime by the example of a launch vehicle, one of Yuzhnoye SDO developments. Increasing Dnepr LV 1 and 2 Stages Propellant Filling Doses due to Decrease of their Temperature, Initial Gas Volumes in Tanks and Change of Filling Technology: Technical Report  21.16850.123 ОТ / Yuzhnoye SDO.

6. Set of Actions on Enhancement of Launch Vehicle Payload Capability


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (2); 29-34

Language: Russian

Annotation: The paper presents a complex of analytical calculation measures that allow increasing tanks useful volume and ensure engines’ additional operational lifetime by the example of a launch vehicle, one of Yuzhnoye SDO developments. The calculated-experimental confirmation is set forth of the operability of pneumohydraulic supply system in the changed conditions that ensure considerable increase of launch vehicle power and mass characteristics.

Key words:

1. Logvinenko A. I. Development Prospects of Modern LV Pneumohydraulic Systems. Space Technology. Missile Armaments: Collection of scientific-technical articles. 2014. Issue 1. Dnepropetrovsk.
2. Increasing Dnepr LV 1 and 2 Stages Propellant Filling Doses due to Decrease of their Temperature, Initial Gas Volumes in Tanks and Change of Filling Technology: Technical Report 21.16850.123 ОТ / Yuzhnoye SDO. 54 p.
3. Determination of 2 Stage PHSS Operability Limits at Increased RE Autonomous Operation Mode Time (after ME Shutdown): Technical Report 21.16234.123 ОТ / Yuzhnoye SDO. 75 p.
4. Ostoslavsky I. V. Flight Dynamics. Flying Vehicles Trajectories / I. V. Ostoslavsky, I. V. Strazheva. М., 1969. 499 p.
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USA Ashburn; Matawan; Baltimore;; North Bergen; Plano; Dublin; Columbus; Columbus; Phoenix; Phoenix; Phoenix;; Monroe; Ashburn; Ashburn; Ashburn; Boardman; Seattle; Tappahannock; Portland; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn; Ashburn; Ashburn29
Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore10
Canada Toronto; Toronto; Monreale3
Unknown; Hong Kong2
Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro2
Finland Helsinki1
Germany Falkenstein1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
6.2.2017 Set of Actions on Enhancement of Launch Vehicle Payload Capability
6.2.2017 Set of Actions on Enhancement of Launch Vehicle Payload Capability
6.2.2017 Set of Actions on Enhancement of Launch Vehicle Payload Capability
4.2.2017 Increase of LV Payload Capability through Enhancement of Propulsion System Pneudraulic System Characteristics Tue, 08 Aug 2023 12:33:25 +0000
Rocket Propellant Tanks Pressurization Systems. Rocket Propellant Tank Pressurization Method / B. Evolution Tendencies of LV Propellant Tanks Pressurization Systems.

4. Increase of LV Payload Capability through Enhancement of Propulsion System Pneudraulic System Characteristics


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (2); 19-24

Language: Russian

Annotation: The main directions of upgrading the pneumohydraulic systems are considered. Some methods of increasing their operability and reliability are analyzed.

Key words:

1. Belyayev N. M. Rocket Propellant Tanks Pressurization Systems. М., 1976.
2. Kozlov A. A., Novikov V. N., Solov’yov E. V. Liquid Rocket Propulsion Systems Feeding and Control Systems. М., 1988.
3. Patent 51806, Ukraine, MPK В64Д 37/00. Rocket Propellant Tank Pressurization Method / B. A. Shevchenko, Y. A. Mitikov, А. I. Logvinenko (Ukraine). Applicant and patent holder Yuzhnoye SDO. No. 2000031474; Claimed 15.03.2002; Published 16.12.2002, Bulletin No. 12.
4. Patent 72330, Ukraine, MPK F02K 9/44, F02K 11/00. Method of Propellant Residues Utilization in Liquid Rocket Propulsion System / G. M. Ivanitsky, S. N. Kubanov, А. I. Logvinenko, G. I. Yushin (Ukraine); Applicant and patent holder Yuzhnoye SDO. No. 200210267; Claimed 16.12.2002; Published 15.02.2005, Bulletin No. 2.
5. Logvinenko A. I. Evolution Tendencies of LV Propellant Tanks Pressurization Systems. Paper presentation at IAA Congress (Fukuoka, Japan, October 2005). Dnepropetrovsk, 2005.
6. Mashchenko A. N., Logvinenko A. I. Passivation of LV Upper Stages Propellant Systems: Effective Means of Space Debris Control. Paper presentation at IAA Congress (Hyderabad, India, October 2007). Dnepropetrovsk, 2007.
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USA Matawan; Baltimore; Plano; Phoenix; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Seattle; Seattle; Columbus; Ashburn; Ashburn; Seattle; Tappahannock; Portland; Portland; Portland;; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; San Mateo; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn26
Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore5
Canada Toronto; Toronto; Toronto; Monreale4
Ukraine Dnipro; Dnipro2
China Pekin1
Finland Helsinki1
Germany Falkenstein1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
4.2.2017 Increase of LV Payload Capability through Enhancement of Propulsion System Pneudraulic System Characteristics
4.2.2017 Increase of LV Payload Capability through Enhancement of Propulsion System Pneudraulic System Characteristics
4.2.2017 Increase of LV Payload Capability through Enhancement of Propulsion System Pneudraulic System Characteristics
9.1.2019 Modeling of Cyclone-4M Rocket Jet Acoustic Emission by Volumetric Source Thu, 25 May 2023 12:09:50 +0000
The maximal acoustic pressure level in 150 Hz frequency in the payload area outside the fairing – 155 dB, in the instrumentation bay area – 157 dB, in the intertank bay area – 172 dB, in the aft bay area – 182 dB.

9. Modeling of Cyclone-4M Rocket Jet Acoustic Emission by Volumetric Source


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 64-71


Language: Russian

Annotation: During lift-off of integrated launch vehicles, the propulsion system jet generates acoustic field. Therewith, the loads can be created that are critical for the launching equipment, rocket body and especially for the spacecraft, which are under the fairing. To take into account the effects on these elements, it is necessary to determine the characteristics of generated acoustic field. The method was developed that allows modeling the acoustic fields during integrated launch vehicle lift-off based on determination of acoustic sources type. In particular, modeling of Cyclone-4M ILV jet acoustic radiation by bulky source was performed. This provided the possibility to calculate acoustic pressure amplitudes in ILV ambient medium and to evaluate acoustic effect on the rocket body at certain points. The method is expected to be used to investigate kR wave parameter. The modeling of integrated launch vehicle propulsion system (ILV PS) jet acoustic field as bulky radiation source was performed in the rocket flight leg where ILV ascent altitude does not exceed ~ 25 m. In this case, one should be based on the value of boundary frequency fb =150 Hz which separates two types of acoustic field: fb ˂ 150 Hz – front of acoustic wave of spherical type, fb > 150 Hz – front of acoustic wave of flat type. The algorithm and program of calculation of sound pressure levels were developed in JAVA language. The characteristics of acoustic fields sound pressure levels were calculated depending on radiation frequency taking into account environmental temperature. The maximal acoustic pressure level in 150 Hz frequency in the payload area outside the fairing – 155 dB, in the instrumentation bay area – 157 dB, in the intertank bay area – 172 dB, in the aft bay area – 182 dB. In the frequencies lower than 150 Hz, the sound pressure levels are lower. The calculation data are presented graphically.

Key words: integrated launch vehicle, acoustic field, sound pressure


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9.1.2019 Modeling of Cyclone-4M Rocket Jet Acoustic Emission by Volumetric Source
9.1.2019 Modeling of Cyclone-4M Rocket Jet Acoustic Emission by Volumetric Source
9.1.2019 Modeling of Cyclone-4M Rocket Jet Acoustic Emission by Volumetric Source

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7.1.2019 Experience of Development and Use of Generator Pressurization System for Tanks of Launch Vehicles on High-Temperature Propellants Thu, 25 May 2023 12:09:38 +0000
Experience of Development and Use of Generator Pressurization System for Tanks of Launch Vehicles on High-Temperature Propellants Authors: Voloshin M. 2019, (1); 45-53 DOI: Language: Russian Annotation: Long-term experience in development, development testing and use of generating systems of fuel tanks pressurization for rockets powered by nitrogen tetroxide and unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine is summarized. The important steps were the development of methodology for pressurization system parameters calculation, which enabled achievement of the substantial improvements of their characteristics, appearance of the high-performance hightemperature (up to ~ 1000o C) unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine tank pressurization system, study of the degree of impact of each of the pressurization system parameters on the tank pressure. Significant phase in the development of the generating pressurization system was the effective use of the high-temperature pressurization of the fuel tank with submerged propulsion system.

7. Experience of Development and Use of Generator Pressurization System for Tanks of Launch Vehicles on High-Temperature Propellants


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 45-53


Language: Russian

Annotation: Long-term experience in development, development testing and use of generating systems of fuel tanks pressurization for rockets powered by nitrogen tetroxide and unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine is summarized. Replacement of gas bottle pressurization systems with generating ones on such launch vehicles as 15A14, 15A15, 11K68 (8K67), 15A18M substantially simplified operation, reduced the pneumohydraulic feed system mass at least twice and its cost – by five times. Typical stages of development and introduction of the pressurization generating systems are shown: development of generators, their development testing, study of the composition and parameters of gas. The important steps were the development of methodology for pressurization system parameters calculation, which enabled achievement of the substantial improvements of their characteristics, appearance of the high-performance hightemperature (up to ~ 1000o C) unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine tank pressurization system, study of the degree of impact of each of the pressurization system parameters on the tank pressure. Accounting of the correlation between the flow rate and the generator gas temperature improved the output performance, as well as simplified and reduced the amount of development testing of the pressurization system. Important role of the gas sprayer design in pressurization system parametric configuration is described, and the advanced versions are shown taking into account g-loads, changes in temperature, pressure and propellant level inside the tank. Significant phase in the development of the generating pressurization system was the effective use of the high-temperature pressurization of the fuel tank with submerged propulsion system. Besides for the first time the effect of mechanical temperature destratification of the propellant in the tanks was observed, which occurs during the propulsion systems shutdown. Due to this effect, the Dnepr LV payload capability enhanced. Successful engineering solutions in the design of the pressurization system were defended by ~80 copyright certificates and patents of invention, ~40 of which were successfully implemented.

Key words: gas generator, sprayer, propulsion system, tank, gas pressure, gas temperature


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7.1.2019 Experience of Development and Use of Generator Pressurization System for Tanks of Launch Vehicles on High-Temperature Propellants
7.1.2019 Experience of Development and Use of Generator Pressurization System for Tanks of Launch Vehicles on High-Temperature Propellants
7.1.2019 Experience of Development and Use of Generator Pressurization System for Tanks of Launch Vehicles on High-Temperature Propellants

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