Search Results for “thermomechanical loads” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Tue, 02 Apr 2024 12:53:47 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “thermomechanical loads” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 15.1.2020 Simulation of thermomechanical processes in functionally-gradient materials of inhomogeneous structure in the manufacturing and operation of rocket structural elements Wed, 13 Sep 2023 11:07:28 +0000
Simulation of thermomechanical processes in functionally-gradient materials of inhomogeneous structure in the manufacturing and operation of rocket structural elements Authors: Usov A. Falkenstein 3 Cambodia Phnom Penh 1 Finland Helsinki 1 Romania Voluntari 1 Netherlands Amsterdam 1 Downloads, views for all articles Articles, downloads, views by all authors Articles for all companies Geography of downloads articles Usov A. (2020) "Simulation of thermomechanical processes in functionally-gradient materials of inhomogeneous structure in the manufacturing and operation of rocket structural elements" Космическая техника.

15. Simulation of thermomechanical processes in functionally-gradient materials of inhomogeneous structure in the manufacturing and operation of rocket structural elements


Institute of Mechanical Engineering of Odessa National Polytechnic University, Odessa, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 137-148


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: The strength of real solids depends essentially on the defect of the structure. In real materials, there is always a large number of various micro defects, the development of which under the influence of loading leads to the appearance of cracks and their growth in the form of local or complete destruction. In this paper, based on the method of singular integral equations, we present a unified approach to the solution of thermal elasticity problems for bodies weakened by inhomogeneities. The purpose of the work is to take into account the heterogeneities in the materials of the elements of the rocket structures on their functionally-gradient properties, including strength. The choice of the method of investigation of strength and destruction of structural elements depends on the size of the object under study. Micro-research is related to the heterogeneities that are formed in the surface layer at the stage of preparation, the technology of manufacturing structural elements. Defectiveness allows you to adequately consider the mechanism of destruction of objects as a process of development of cracks. In studying the limit state of real elements, weakened by defects and constructing on this basis the theory of their strength and destruction in addition to the deterministic one must consider the probabilistic – statistical approach. In the case of thermal action on structural elements in which there are uniformly scattered, non-interacting randomly distributed defects of the type of cracks, the laws of joint distribution of the length and angle of orientation of which are known, the limiting value of the heat flux for the balanced state of the crack having the length of the “weakest link” is determined. The influence of heterogeneities of technological origin (from the workpiece to the finished product) that occur in the surface layer in the technology of manufacturing structural elements on its destruction is taken into account by the developed model. The strength of real solids depends essentially on the defect of the structure. In real materials, there are always many various micro defects, the development of which under the influence of loading leads to the appearance of cracks and their growth in the form of local or complete destruction. In this paper, based on the method of singular integral equations, we present a unified approach to the solution of thermal elasticity problems for bodies weakened by inhomogeneities. The purpose of the work is to take into account the heterogeneities in the materials of the elements of the rocket structures on their functionally gradient properties, including strength. The choice of the method of investigation of strength and destruction of structural elements depends on the size of the object under study. Micro-research is related to the heterogeneities that are formed in the surface layer at the stage of preparation, the technology of manufacturing structural elements. Defectiveness allows you to adequately consider the mechanism of destruction of objects as a process of development of cracks. In studying the limit state of real elements, weakened by defects and constructing on this basis the theory of their strength and destruction besides the deterministic one must consider the probabilistic – statistical approach. With thermal action on structural elements in which there are uniformly scattered, non-interacting randomly distributed defects of the cracks, the laws of joint distribution of the length and angle of orientation of which are known, the limiting value of the heat flux for the balanced state of the crack having the length of the “weakest link” is determined. The influence of heterogeneities of technological origin (from the workpiece to the finished product) that occur in the surface layer in the technology of manufacturing structural elements on its destruction is taken into account by the developed model. The solution of the singular integral equation with the Cauchy kernel allows one to determine the intensity of stresses around the vertexes of defects of the cracks, and by comparing it with the criterion of fracture toughness for the material of a structural element, one can determine its state. If this criterion is violated, the weak link defect develops into a trunk crack. Also, a criterion correlation of the condition of the equilibrium defect condition with a length of 2l was got, depending on the magnitude of the contact temperature. When the weld is cooled, it develops “hot cracks” that lead to a lack of welding elements of the structures. The results of the simulation using singular integral equations open the possibility to evaluate the influence of thirdparty fillers on the loss of functional properties of inhomogeneous systems. The exact determination of the order and nature of the singularity near the vertices of the acute-angled imperfection in the inhomogeneous medium, presented in the analytical form, is necessary to plan and record the corresponding criterion relations to determine the functional properties of inhomogeneous systems.

Key words: mathematical model, linear systems, singular integral equations, impulse response, defects, criteria for the destruction of stochastically defective bodies, Riemann problem, thermoelastic state

1. Gakhov F. D. Kraievye zadachi. M.: Nauka,1977. 640 s.
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15.1.2020  Simulation of thermomechanical processes in functionally-gradient materials of inhomogeneous structure in the manufacturing and operation of rocket structural elements
15.1.2020  Simulation of thermomechanical processes in functionally-gradient materials of inhomogeneous structure in the manufacturing and operation of rocket structural elements
15.1.2020  Simulation of thermomechanical processes in functionally-gradient materials of inhomogeneous structure in the manufacturing and operation of rocket structural elements

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5.1.2020 Strength and stability of inhomogeneous structures of space technology, consid-ering plasticity and creep Wed, 13 Sep 2023 06:15:53 +0000
The problems of determining the lifetime of space launch vehicles and launching facilities should be noted separately, as it is connected with damages that arise at alternating-sign thermomechanical loads of high intensity. Key words: shell structures , stress and strain state , structural and technological inhomogeneity , thermomechanical loads , low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue , lifetime Bibliography: 1. shell structures , stress and strain state , structural and technological inhomogeneity , thermomechanical loads , low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue , lifetime .

5. Strength and stability of inhomogeneous structures of space technology, consid-ering plasticity and creep


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; The Institute of Technical Mechanics, Dnipro, Ukraine2; Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine3

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 44-56


Language: Russian

Annotation: The shell structures widely used in space rocket hardware feature, along with decided advantage in the form of optimal combination of mass and strength, inhomogeneities of different nature: structural (different thicknesses, availability of reinforcements, cuts-holes et al.) and technological (presence of defects arising in manufacturing process or during storage, transportation and unforseen thermomechanical effects). The above factors are concentrators of stress and strain state and can lead to early destruction of structural elements. Their different parts are deformed according to their program and are characterized by different levels of stress and strain state. Taking into consideration plasticity and creeping of material, to determine stress and strain state, the approach is effective where the calculation is divided into phases; in each phase the parameters are entered that characterize the deformations of plasticity and creeping: additional loads in the equations of equilibrium or in boundary conditions, additional deformations or variable parameters of elasticity (elasticity modulus and Poisson ratio). Then the schemes of successive approximations are constructed: in each phase, the problem of elasticity theory is solved with entering of the above parameters. The problems of determining the lifetime of space launch vehicles and launching facilities should be noted separately, as it is connected with damages that arise at alternating-sign thermomechanical loads of high intensity. The main approach in lifetime determination is one that is based on the theory of low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue. Plasticity and creeping of material are the fundamental factors in lifetime substantiation. The article deals with various aspects of solving the problem of strength and stability of space rocket objects with consideration for the impact of plasticity and creeping deformations.

Key words: shell structures, stress and strain state, structural and technological inhomogeneity, thermomechanical loads, low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue, lifetime

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5.1.2020 Strength and stability of inhomogeneous structures of space technology, consid-ering plasticity and creep
5.1.2020 Strength and stability of inhomogeneous structures of space technology, consid-ering plasticity and creep
5.1.2020 Strength and stability of inhomogeneous structures of space technology, consid-ering plasticity and creep

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