Search Results for “thrust measurement” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Wed, 06 Nov 2024 11:39:45 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “thrust measurement” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 3.1.2020 Analysis of the unsteady stress-strain behavior of the launch vehicle hold-down bay at liftoff Fri, 29 Sep 2023 18:22:49 +0000
Inverse heat transfer method applied to capacitively cooled rocket thrust chambers. Measurement. 4. Thermal-structural analysis of regeneratively cooled thrust chamber wall in reusable LOX / Methane rocket engines.

3. Analysis of the unsteady stress-strain behavior of the launch vehicle hold-down bay at liftoff


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; Pidgorny A. Intsitute of Mechanical Engineering Problems, Kharkiv, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 26-33


Language: Russian

Annotation: The study of thermal strength of the hold-down bay is considered. The hold-down bay is a cylindrical shell with the load-bearing elements as the standing supports. The case of the hold-down bay consists of the following structural elements: four standing supports and the compound cylindrical shell with two frames along the top and bottom joints. The purpose of this study was the development of a general approach for the thermal strength calculation of the hold-down bay. This approach includes two parts. Firstly, the unsteady heat fields on the hold-down bay surface are calculated by means of the semi-empirical method, which is based on the simulated results of the combustion product flow of the main propulsion system. The calculation is provided by using Solid Works software. Then the unsteady stress-strain behavior of the hold-down bay is calculated, taking into consideration the plastoelastic deformations. The material strain bilinear diagram is used. The finiteelement method is applied to the stress-strain behavior calculation by using NASTRAN software. The thermal field is assumed to be constant throughout the shell thickness. As a result of the numerical simulation the following conclusions are made. The entire part of the hold-down bay, which is blown by rocket exhaust jet, is under stress-strain behavior. The stresses of the top frame and the shell are overridden the breaking strength that caused structural failure. The structure of the hold-down bay, which is considered in the paper, is unappropriated to be reusable. The hold-down bay should be reconstructed by reinforcement in order to provide its reusability.

Key words: stress-strain behavior, finite-element method, plastoelastic deformations, breaking strength, reusability


1. Elhefny A., Liang G. Stress and deformation of rocket gas turbine disc under different loads using finite element modeling. Propulsion and Power Research. 2013. № 2. P. 38–49.
2. Perakis N., Haidn O. J. Inverse heat transfer method applied to capacitively cooled rocket thrust chambers. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019. № 131. P. 150–166.
3. Yilmaz N., Vigil F., Height J., et. al. Rocket motor exhaust thermal environment characterization. Measurement. 2018. № 122. P. 312–319.
4. Jafari M. Thermal stress analysis of orthotropic plate containing a rectangular hole using complex variable method. European Journal of Mechanics A /Solids. 2019. № 73. P. 212–223.
5. Song J., Sun B. Thermal-structural analysis of regeneratively cooled thrust chamber wall in reusable LOX / Methane rocket engines. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 2017. № 30. P. 1043–1053.
6. Ramanjaneyulu V., Murthy V. B., Mohan R. C., Raju Ch. N. Analysis of composite rocket motor case using finite element method. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2018. № 5. P. 4920–4929.
7. Xu F., Abdelmoula R., Potier-Ferry M. On the buckling and post-buckling of core-shell cylinders under thermal loading. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2017. № 126–127. P. 17–36.
8. Wang Z., Han Q., Nash D. H., et. al. Thermal buckling of cylindrical shell with temperature-dependent material properties: Conventional theoretical solution and new numerical method. Mechanics Research Communications. 2018. № 92. P. 74–80.
9. Duc N. D. Nonlinear thermal dynamic analysis of eccentrically stiffened S-FGM circular cylindrical shells surrounded on elastic foundations using the Reddy’s third-order shear de-formation shell theory. European Journal of Mechanics A /Solids. 2016. № 58. P. 10–30.
10. Trabelsi S., Frikha A., Zghal S., Dammak F. A modified FSDT-based four nodes finite shell element for thermal buckling analysis of functionally graded plates and cylindrical shells. Engineering Structures. 2019. № 178. P. 444–459.
11. Trinh M. C., Kim S. E. Nonlinear stability of moderately thick functionally graded sandwich shells with double curvature in thermal environment. Aerospace Science and Technology. 2019. № 84. P. 672–685.
12. Лойцянский Л. Г. Механика жидкости и газа. М., 2003. 840 с.
13. Launder B. E., Sharma B. I. Application of the energy dissipation model of turbulence to the calculation of flow near a spinning disc. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1974. № 1. P. 131–138.
14. Михеев М. А., Михеева И. М. Основы теплопередачи. М., 1977. 345 с.
15. Малинин Н. Н. Прикладная теория пластичности и ползучести. М., 1968. 400 с.

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3.1.2020 Analysis of the unsteady stress-strain behavior of the launch vehicle hold-down bay at liftoff
3.1.2020 Analysis of the unsteady stress-strain behavior of the launch vehicle hold-down bay at liftoff
3.1.2020 Analysis of the unsteady stress-strain behavior of the launch vehicle hold-down bay at liftoff

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16.1.2019 Oscillation Processes in Rig at the Moment of SRM Transfer to Main Operation Mode Wed, 24 May 2023 16:00:31 +0000
2019, (1); 110-113 DOI: Language: Ukrainian Annotation: This paper describes the configuration of the rig, designed to fasten the solid-propellant rocket engine (hereunder referred to engine) during their testing, with engine thrust measurements by force transducers. It is determined that rig is the important link in the measurement chain, which directly impacts the thrust measurements, values of which will be used for calculation of the most important engine characteristics (for example, total burn). Key words: firing rig tests of the engine , thrust measurement , engine thrust and displacement – time diagrams Bibliography: Full text (PDF) || firing rig tests of the engine , thrust measurement , engine thrust and displacement – time diagrams .

16. Oscillation Processes in Rig at the Moment of SRM Transfer to Main Operation Mode


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 110-113


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: This paper describes the configuration of the rig, designed to fasten the solid-propellant rocket engine (hereunder referred to engine) during their testing, with engine thrust measurements by force transducers. It is determined that rig is the important link in the measurement chain, which directly impacts the thrust measurements, values of which will be used for calculation of the most important engine characteristics (for example, total burn). It was observed that when engine starts the basic mode of operation the thrust-measuring system of the rig is impacted by the dynamic loading caused by the engine thrust, which results in the occurrence of the oscillating processes in the rig, therefore it is important to know the behavior of these oscillating processes to estimate their impact on the thrust measurement during the design of the rigs and their thrustmeasuring systems. It is shown that if there is no procedure in the design practice to define the mode of oscillations in the rig it is rational to do it analyzing experimental thrust – time curves when different engines start the basic mode of operation. Number of experimental thrust (displacement of the engine/rig moving part) – time curves are provided for analysis when four different engines with different ballistic characteristic and capabilities start the basic mode of operation. Oscillating processes in the rig distort the physical behavior of the thrust, which requires additional analysis of the data following the tests, but since the oscillations subside rapidly, they will not significantly affect the calculation of the total burn. It is also observed that frequency of oscillations of the moving part of the rig, registered by the motion sensor, coincides with oscillation frequency, registered by the force transducer, moreover stable behavior of the oscillating processes, registered by the force transducer of the same engines, when they started the basic mode of operation, indicate the stable behavior of those engines and stable performance of the rig.

Key words: firing rig tests of the engine, thrust measurement, engine thrust and displacement – time diagrams

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16.1.2019 Oscillation Processes in Rig at the Moment of SRM Transfer to Main Operation Mode
16.1.2019 Oscillation Processes in Rig at the Moment of SRM Transfer to Main Operation Mode
16.1.2019 Oscillation Processes in Rig at the Moment of SRM Transfer to Main Operation Mode

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15.1.2019 Simulation of SMR Oscillations in Rig that Arise during Firing Bench Test Wed, 24 May 2023 16:00:27 +0000
Key words: elastic oscillations , motor starting operation , sudden loading , measurement of thrust , principle of superposition , initial thrust Bibliography: 1. elastic oscillations , motor starting operation , sudden loading , measurement of thrust , principle of superposition , initial thrust .

15. Simulation of SMR Oscillations in Rig that Arise during Firing Bench Test


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 102-108


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: This paper describes the firing rig test of the solid rocket motor, fastened to the rig in order to measure the thrust level. It is shown that when the motor enters the steady-state mode, the rig with solid rocket motor starts experiencing mechanical oscillations due to the sudden thrust build-up. Motion of the oscillating system is studied under the impact of the linearly or suddenly increasing impulse load. Mechanical oscillations damping is considered on the basis of the viscous friction model. Procedure of the analytical modeling of the damped oscillations is suggested for the complex pattern of the loading variations, based on the fundamental principle of superposition, according to which the motor displacement during the oscillating motion is considered as sum of displacements due to the impact of the impulsive, sudden and linearly increasing loadings. This procedure simulates different time variations of thrust as motor enters the steady-state mode. Oscillating motion with parameters of the oscillating system and thrust change with time option have been simulated as they were realized during the firing rig tests of one of the solid rocket motors. Simulated and experimental (thrust sensor readings) curves of the elastic force were compared, which showed the qualitative and quantitative conformity of the suggested model of oscillations to the actual oscillations of the solid rocket motor, installed in the rig during the firing rig test. Values of the initial thrust, initial impulse and other simulation parameters were updated, adjusting the simulated curve of the elastic force to the experimental one. It was concluded that simulation of the elastic oscillations of the solid rocket motor in the rig using the suggested analytical model will enable more reliable definition of the initial thrust of the motor and its time behavior, impulse loading due to the separation of the plug and used elements that separate with it. Application of the suggested procedure of motor oscillations simulation in the phase of rig design will enable more detailed prediction of the occurring processes as well as the estimation of parameters of the individual elements, units and rig as a whole.

Key words: elastic oscillations, motor starting operation, sudden loading, measurement of thrust, principle of superposition, initial thrust


1. Beskrovniy I. B., Kirichenko A. S., Balitskiy I. P. i dr. Opyt predpriyatiya po proektirovaniyu i ekspluatatsii stapeley dlya ispytaniy RDTT / Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoye vooruzhenie: Sb. nauch.- techn. st. 2008. Vyp. 1. Dnepropetrovsk: GP KB «Yuzhnoye». P. 119–127.
2. Bidermann V. L. Teoria mechanicheskykh kolebaniy: Uchebnik dlya VUZov. M.: Vyssh. shk., 1980. 408 p.
3. Yablonskiy A. A., Noreyko S. S. Kurs teorii kolebaniy. Ucheb. Posobie dlya studentov VUZov. Izd. 3-e, ispr. i dop. M.: Vyssh. shk., 1975. 248 p.

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15.1.2019 Simulation of SMR Oscillations in Rig that Arise during Firing Bench Test
15.1.2019 Simulation of SMR Oscillations in Rig that Arise during Firing Bench Test
15.1.2019 Simulation of SMR Oscillations in Rig that Arise during Firing Bench Test

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13.1.2019 Prediction of Solid Propellant Burnout Time in Launch Vehicle Propulsion System in Flight Wed, 24 May 2023 16:00:19 +0000
Based on the statistical processing of the deviations of the predicted time of solid fuel burn-out versus the realized one it was determined that the forecast based on the results of apparent acceleration measurement has the greatest accuracy with the minimal number of operations. Suggested procedure is easily realized as the multistage adaptive algorithm and can be used in the guidance system of the solid-propellant launch vehicle in the extra-atmospheric flight segment for the numerical forecast of the reachable terminal parameters of flight, definition of command vector and development of the relevant thrust vector control commands.

13. Prediction of Solid Propellant Burnout Time in Launch Vehicle Propulsion System in Flight


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 87-94


Language: Russian

Annotation: This article considers the problem of determination of propulsion system solid fuel burn-out time in the extraatmospheric flight segment taking the apparent acceleration and apparent speed measured by the inertial navigation system. Correlation analysis of the realized and nominal dependencies of the apparent acceleration and apparent speed of the launch vehicle on relative operating time of the propulsion system is suggested to be used to forecast the fuel burn-out time. In order to improve the accuracy of the forecast, and to decrease the amplitude and vibration rate of its results several channels simultaneously are suggested to be used for calculations with subsequent majority voting and digital filtration. As a result of the study, the procedure to forecast the time of solid fuel burn-out in the launch vehicle propulsion system in flight has been developed. Operability of the suggested procedure has been verified using the mathematical simulation of the launch vehicle flight for two operating modes of the propulsion system different from the nominal ones. Based on the statistical processing of the deviations of the predicted time of solid fuel burn-out versus the realized one it was determined that the forecast based on the results of apparent acceleration measurement has the greatest accuracy with the minimal number of operations. Suggested procedure is easily realized as the multistage adaptive algorithm and can be used in the guidance system of the solid-propellant launch vehicle in the extra-atmospheric flight segment for the numerical forecast of the reachable terminal parameters of flight, definition of command vector and development of the relevant thrust vector control commands.

Key words: guidance system, correlation analysis, procedure, mathematical simulation


1. Osnovy teorii avtomaticheskogo upravleniya raketnymi dvigatelnymi ustanovkami / A. I. Babkin, S. I. Belov, N.B. Rutovskiy i dr. – M.: Mashinostroenie, 1986. – 456 s.
2. Proektirovanie system upravleniya obiektov raketno-kosmicheskoy techniki. T. 1. Proektirovanie system upravlenia raket-nositeley: Uchebnik/Yu. S. Alekseev, Yu. Ye. Balabey, T. A. Baryshnikova i dr.; Pod obshey red. Yu. S. Alekseeva, Yu. M. Zlatkina, V. S. Krivtsova, A. S. Kulika, V. I. Chumachenko. – Kh.: NAU «KhAI», NPP «Khartron-Arkos», 2012. – 578 s.
3. Sikharulidze Yu. G. Ballistika letatelnykh apparatov. – M.: Nauka, 1982. – 352 s.
4. Lysenko L. N. Navedenie I navigatsia ballisticheskykh raket: Ucheb. posobie. – M.: Izd-vo MGTU im. N. E. Baumana, 2007. – 672 s.
5. Systemy upravleniya letatelnymi apparatami (ballisticheskimi raketami I ikh golovnymi chastyami): Uchebnik dlya VUZov/ G. N. Razorenov, E. A. Bakhramov, Yu. F. Titov; Pod red. G. N. Razorenova. – M.: Mashinostroenie, 2003. – 584 s.
6. Siouris G. M. Missile guidance and control systems. – New York: Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 2004. – 666 p.
7. Zarchan P. Tactical and Strategic missile guidance. – American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., 2012. – 989 p.
8. Balakrishnan S. N. Advances in missile guidance, control, and estimation / S. N. Balakrishnan, A. Tsourdos, B.A. White. – New York: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. 2013. – 682 p.
9. Shneydor N. A. Missile guidance and pursuit: kinematics, dynamics and control. – Horwood Publishing Chichester, 1998. – 259 p.
10. Yanushevsky R. Modern missile guidance. – CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2008. – 226 p.

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13.1.2019 Prediction of Solid Propellant Burnout Time in Launch Vehicle Propulsion System in Flight
13.1.2019 Prediction of Solid Propellant Burnout Time in Launch Vehicle Propulsion System in Flight
13.1.2019 Prediction of Solid Propellant Burnout Time in Launch Vehicle Propulsion System in Flight

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7.1.2016 Updated Design of SRM Test Rig Tue, 23 May 2023 13:02:04 +0000
2016 (1); 52-54 Language: Russian Annotation: The advanced design of SRM test rig is considered the use of which improves the quality of measurement of motor power parameters and increases the amount of test data. The technique is proposed for assessment of rig operation stability when measuring the lateral thrust.

7. Updated Design of SRM Test Rig


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2016 (1); 52-54

Language: Russian

Annotation: The advanced design of SRM test rig is considered the use of which improves the quality of measurement of motor power parameters and increases the amount of test data. It is shown, due to which this was achieved. The technique is proposed for assessment of rig operation stability when measuring the lateral thrust.

Key words:

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7.1.2016 Updated Design of SRM Test Rig
7.1.2016 Updated Design of SRM Test Rig
7.1.2016 Updated Design of SRM Test Rig
14.2.2019 Selection of the validation algorithm for the solid rocket motor trust measurement procedure Mon, 15 May 2023 15:46:10 +0000
2019, (2); 103-108 DOI: Language: Russian Annotation: The solid rocket motors thrust is measured according to the developed measurement procedure; fulfilment of its requirements guarantees obtaining the results with required accuracy parameters. The proposed article deals with two validation algorithms of measurement procedure for solid rocket motor thrust up to 30 tf – end-to-end and link-by-link validation methods. The comparative analysis of the results of validation procedure of solid rocket motor thrust measurement procedure obtained during metrological investigations of thrust measurement channel by end-to-end and link-by-link validation methods shows that to ensure the required measurement accuracy, the algorithms of end-to-end method is preferable, at which the lower values of reduced error can be obtained as compared with the algorithm of link-by-link validation.

14. Selection of the validation algorithm for the solid rocket motor trust measurement procedure


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (2); 103-108


Language: Russian

Annotation: The solid rocket motors thrust is measured according to the developed measurement procedure; fulfilment of its requirements guarantees obtaining the results with required accuracy parameters. Compliance of this procedure with the measurement accuracy requirements is confirmed by way of its validation that can be performed according to different algorithms. The proposed article deals with two validation algorithms of measurement procedure for solid rocket motor thrust up to 30 tf – end-to-end and link-by-link validation methods. The composition of measurement channel, the experimental works performed at each validation algorithm are described, the calculation formulas to evaluate the limits of absolute measurement error and the obtained numerical values of the latter are presented. The comparative analysis of the results of validation procedure of solid rocket motor thrust measurement procedure obtained during metrological investigations of thrust measurement channel by end-to-end and link-by-link validation methods shows that to ensure the required measurement accuracy, the algorithms of end-to-end method is preferable, at which the lower values of reduced error can be obtained as compared with the algorithm of link-by-link validation.

Key words: measurement channel, reduced error, calibration characteristic, electric signal.

1. Kotsyuba A. M., Zgurya V. I. Otsinyuvannya prydantosti (validatsiya) metodik vyprobuvannya ta calibruvannya: detalizatsia vymog. Metrologia ta prylady. 2013. № 6. S. 22–24.
2. Kotsyuba A. M., Domnytska V. K., Kotsyuba L. G. Validatsia metodik calibruvannya. Standartizatsia, certifikatsia, yakist’. 2016. № 1. S. 41–45.
3. Kotsyuba A. M. Validatsia metodik calibruvannya mir fizichnykh velichin. Systemy obrobky informatsii. 2015. № 2 (127). S. 35–39.
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Netherlands Amsterdam1
14.2.2019 Selection of the validation algorithm for the solid rocket motor trust measurement procedure
14.2.2019 Selection of the validation algorithm for the solid rocket motor trust measurement procedure
14.2.2019 Selection of the validation algorithm for the solid rocket motor trust measurement procedure

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6.1.2023 Numerical modeling of translational and rotational vibrations of a solid-propellant rocket motor on a test stand during firing tests Fri, 12 May 2023 16:10:51 +0000
The purpose of this work is to simulate the oscillating processes of the engine atop the assembly stand to single out in the distorted values of the measured thrust the components related to the processes in the engine and components, which are introduced into the thrust measurement by the oscillating processes in the system “assembly stand – engine”. It is shown that registered simulation results recreate thrust measurement results in pattern and values obtained by the force sensor during the firing bench tests, and owing to this, it was concluded that oscillating process parameters, assumed in the model, meet the actual ones. Key words: vibrating system , plane vibrations , forward vibrations , rotary vibrations , resonance , thrust measurement Bibliography: 1. vibrating system , plane vibrations , forward vibrations , rotary vibrations , resonance , thrust measurement .

6. Numerical modeling of translational and rotational vibrations of a solid-propellant rocket motor on a test stand during firing tests


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2023 (1); 56-62


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: This article dwells on results of firing bench testing of the solid-propellant rocket engine (SPRE), fastened to the thrust-measuring assembly stand. It is shown that when engine enters the steady-state mode of operation, plane (forward and rotation) vibrations of the SPRE can take place in the assembly stand due to the sudden pattern of thrust generation and displacement of the center of mass of the vibrating system from the engine axis. These vibrations distort measured values of engine thrust and pattern of its change versus time. The purpose of this work is to simulate the oscillating processes of the engine atop the assembly stand to single out in the distorted values of the measured thrust the components related to the processes in the engine and components, which are introduced into the thrust measurement by the oscillating processes in the system “assembly stand – engine”. Model of vibrating system is suggested, which consists of two rigidly connected bodies, containing elastic links, enabling forward and rotary motion and limited by the rigidity of the links. Mathematical model of the vibrating system is developed. Internal forces and moments acting in oscillatory system are defined. Method of numerical simulation of plane vibrations within the limits of the developed model is suggested. Plane vibrating motion and elastic force curve (curve based on force sensor readings) were simulated in thrust-measuring system for different cases of thrust curve and values of vibrating system parameters. Resonance condition was simulated and mutual influence of elastic parametrical link between forward and rotary vibrations was established. Impact of thrust-measuring system rigidity on peak values of force sensor readings was found out. Elastic force vibrations in thrust-measuring system with vibrating system parameters were simulated including variant of thrust change versus time, implemented during firing bench tests of one of the SPRE. It is shown that registered simulation results recreate thrust measurement results in pattern and values obtained by the force sensor during the firing bench tests, and owing to this, it was concluded that oscillating process parameters, assumed in the model, meet the actual ones. It is concluded that simulation provides objective interpretation of the thrust curve, reliable and comprehensive analysis of engine run during firing bench tests, more detailed and exact design of the assembly stand.

Key words: vibrating system, plane vibrations, forward vibrations, rotary vibrations, resonance, thrust measurement


1. Beskrovniy I. B., Kirichenko A. S., Balitskiy I. P. i dr. Opyt predpriyatia po proektirovaniyu i ekspluatatsii stapeley dlya ispytaniy RDTT. Kosmicheskays technika. Raketnoye vooruzhennie: Sb. nauch.-techn. st. 2008. Vyp. 1. Dnepropetrovsk: GP «KB «Yuzhnoye». S. 119–127.
2. Lysenko M. T., Rogulin V. V., Beskrovniy I. B., Kalnysh R. V. Modelyuvannya kolyvann RDTP u stapeli, scho vynykaut pid chas VSV. Kosmicheskays technika. Raketnoye vooruzhennie: Sb. nauch.-techn. st. 2019. Vyp. 1. Dnepropetrovsk: GP «KB «Yuzhnoye».
3. Beskrovniy I. B., Lysenko M. T., Gergel V. G. Kolyvalnni processy u stapeli v moment vyhodu RDTP na ustalenniy rezhim roboty. Kosmicheskay technika. Raketnoye vooruzhennie: Sb. nauch.-techn. st. 2019. Vyp. 1. Dnepropetrovsk: GP «KB «Yuzhnoye».

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USA Seattle; Ashburn2
Singapore Singapore1
Germany Falkenstein1
6.1.2023 Numerical modeling of translational and rotational vibrations of a solid-propellant rocket motor on a test stand during firing tests
6.1.2023 Numerical modeling of translational and rotational vibrations of a solid-propellant rocket motor on a test stand during firing tests
6.1.2023 Numerical modeling of translational and rotational vibrations of a solid-propellant rocket motor on a test stand during firing tests

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