Search Results for “trajectory” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:20:15 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “trajectory” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 2.1.2020 Analysis of development trends of design parameters and basic characteristics of missiles for the advanced multiple launch rocket systems
The formalization of the complex task to optimize design parameters, trajectory parameters and motion control programs for the guided missiles capable of flying along the ballistic, aeroballistic or combined trajectories is given. When trajectory parameters were calculated the missile was regarded as a material point of variable mass and the combined equations for center-of-mass motion of the guided missile with projections on axes of the terrestrial reference system were used. The developed methodology was tested by determining design and trajectory parameters, overall dimensions and mass characteristics, power and ballistic characteristics of two guided missiles with wings for advanced multiple launch rocket systems produced by the People’s Republic of China, using the limited amount of information available in the product catalog.

2. Analysis of development trends of design parameters and basic characteristics of missiles for the advanced multiple launch rocket systems


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; The Institute of Technical Mechanics, Dnipro, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 13-25


Language: Russian

Annotation: The scientific and methodological propositions for the designing single-stage guided missiles with the solid rocket motors for advanced multiple launch rocket systems are defined. The guided missiles of multiple launch rocket system are intended for delivering munitions to the given spatial point with required and specified kinematic motion parameters at the end of flight. The aim of the article is an analysis of the development trends of the guided missiles with the solid rocket motors for the multiple launch rocket systems, identifying the characteristics and requirements for the flight trajectories, design parameters, control programs, overall dimensions and mass characteristics, structural layout and aerodynamic schemes of missiles. The formalization of the complex task to optimize design parameters, trajectory parameters and motion control programs for the guided missiles capable of flying along the ballistic, aeroballistic or combined trajectories is given. The complex task belongs to a problem of the optimal control theory with limitations in form of equa lity, inequality and differential constraints. To simplify the problem, an approach to program forming is proposed for motion control in the form of polynomial that brings the problem of the optimal control theory to a simpler problem of nonlinear mathematical programming. When trajectory parameters were calculated the missile was regarded as a material point of variable mass and the combined equations for center-of-mass motion of the guided missile with projections on axes of the terrestrial reference system were used. The structure of the mathematical model was given along with the calculation sequence of the criterion function that was used for determination of the optimal parameters, programs and characteristics. The mathematical model of the guided missile provides adequate accuracy for design study to determine depending on the main design parameters: overall dimensions and mass characteristics of the guided missile in general and its structural comp onents and subsystems; power, thrust and consumption characteristics of the rocket motor; aerodynamic and ballistic characteristics of the guided missile. The developed methodology was tested by determining design and trajectory parameters, overall dimensions and mass characteristics, power and ballistic characteristics of two guided missiles with wings for advanced multiple launch rocket systems produced by the People’s Republic of China, using the limited amount of information available in the product catalog.

Key words: multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), complex problem of the optimal control theory, problem of nonlinear mathematical programming, main solid rocket motor, limitations for motion parameters and basic characteristics of the guided missiles

1. Degtyarev A. V. Raketnaia tekhnika. Problemy i perspektivy: izbrannye nauchno-tekhnicheskie publikatsii. Dnepropetrovsk, 2014. 420 s.
2. Pro zatverdzhennia Poriadku zdiisnennia derzhavnoho kontriliu za mizhnarodnymy peredachamy tovariv podviinoho vykorystannia:Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 28 sichnia 2004 r. № 86. Date: 29.11.2018. URL: (Access date 01.09.2019).
3. Catalogue China Aerospase Long-march International. February, 2017. 136 p.
4. Reaktivnye sistemy zalpovogo ognia zarubezhnykh stran: obzor po materialam otkrytoi pechati za 1987–2016 gg. i interneta. Dnipro, 2016. Ч. I. 205 s.
5. Upravliaemye OTRK i TRK stran mira: obzor po materialam otkrytoi otechestvennoi i zarubezhnoi pechati za 2008–2014 gg. i interneta. Dnipro, 2014. 162 s.
6. Tail controlled rocket demonstrates near-vertical impact at extended range. URL: (Access date 01.09.2019).
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8. Vohniana “Vilkha”: nova vysokotochna systema zalpovoho vohnyu. Vpershe – detalno. URL: (Access date 01.09.2019).
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10. The new M30A1 GMLRS Alternate Warhead to replace cluster bombs for US Army Central 71601171. URL: (Access date 01.09.2019).
11. High-Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), a member of MLRS family. URL: (Access date 01.09.2019).
12. SR-5 Multiple Launch Rocket System. URL: (Access date 01.09.2019).
13. Effectivnost slozhnykh system. Dinamicheskie modeli / V. А. Vinogradov, V. А. Hrushchansky, S. S. Dovhodush i dr. М., 1989. 285 s.
14. Ilichev А. V., Volkov V. D., Hrushchansky V. А. Effectivnost proektiruemykh elementov slozhnykh system: ucheb. posobie. М., 1982. 280 s.
15. Krotov V. F., Gurman V. I. Metody I zadachi optimalnogo upravleniia. М., 1973. 446 s.
16. Pontriagin L. S., Boltiansky V. G., Gamkrelidze R. V., Mishchenko Е. F. Matematicheskaia teoriia optimalnykh protsesov. М., 1969. 385 s.
17. Tarasov Е. V. Algoritm optimalnogo proektirovaniia letatelnogo apparata. М., 1970. 364 s.
18. Shcheverov D. N. Proektirovanie bespilotnykh letatelnykh apparatov. М., 1978. 264 s.
19. Siniukov А. М., Volkov L. I., Lvov А. I., Shishkevich А. М. Ballisticheskaia raketa na tverdom toplive / pod red. А. М. Siniukova. М., 1972. 511 s.
20. Burov М. А., Varfolomeev V. I., Volkov L. I. Proektirovanie i ispytanie ballisticheskikh raket / pod red. V. I. Varfolomeeva, М. I. Kopytova. М., 1970. 392 s.
21. Siutkina-Doronina S. V. K voprosu optimizatsii proektnykh parametrov i programm upravleniia raketnogo ob’ekta s raketnym dvigatelem na tverdom toplive. Aviatsionno-kosmicheskaia tekhnika i tekhnologiia. 2017. № 2 (137). S. 44–59.
22. Aksenenko A. V., Baranov E. Yu., Hursky A. I., Klochkov A. S., Morozov A. S., Alpatov A. P., Senkin V. S., Siutkina-Doronina S. V. Metodicheskoe obespechenie dlia optimizatsii na nachalnom etape proektirovaniia proektnykh parametrov, parametrov traektorii i programm upravleniia dvizheniem raketnogo ob’ekta. Kosmicheskaia tekhnika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie: sb. nauch.-tekhn. st. / GP “KB “Yuzhnoye”. Dnipro, 2018. Vyp. 2 (116). S. 101–116.
23. Metodicheskoe obespechenie dlia optimizatsii na nachalnom etape proektirovaniia proektnykh parametrov, programm upravleniia, ballisticheskikh, energeticheskikh i gabaritno-massovykh kharakteristik upravliaemykh raketnykh ob’ektov, osushchestvliaiushchikh dvizhenie po aeroballisticheskoi traektorii: otchet po NIR / ITM NANU i GKAU, GP “KB “Yuzhnoye”. Dnepropetrovsk, 2017. 159 S.
24. Senkin V. S. K Vyboru programm upravleniia dvizheniem raketnogo ob’ekta po ballisticheskoi traektorii. Tekhnicheskaia mekhanika. 2018. № 1. S. 48–59.
25. Alpatov A. P., Senkin V. S. Metodicheskoe obespechenie dlia vybora oblika, optimizatsii proektnykh parametrov i programm upravleniia poletom rakety-nositelia. Tekhnicheskaia mekhanika. 2013. № 4. S. 146–161.
26. Alpatov A. P., Senkin V. S. Kompleksnaia zadacha optimizatsii osnovnykh proektnykh parametrov i programm upravleniia dvizheniem raket kosmicheskogo naznacheniia. Tekhnicheskaia mekhanika. 2011. № 4. S. 98–113.
27. Senkin V. S. Optimizatsiia proektnykh parametrov rakety-nositelia sverkhlegkogo klassa. Tekhnicheskaia mekhanika. 2009. № 1. S. 80–88.
28. Lebedev А. А., Gerasiuta N. F. Ballistika raket. М., 1970. 244 s.
29. Razumev V. F., Kovalev B. K. Osnovy proektirovaniia ballisticheskikh raket na tverdom toplive: ucheb. posobie dlia vuzov. М., 1976. 356 s.
30. Erokhin B. Т. Teoreticheskie osnovy oroektirovaniia RDTT. М., 1982. 206 s.
31. Abugov D. I., Bobylev V. М. Teoriia i raschet raketnykh dvigatelei tverdogo topliva: uchebnik dlia mashinostroitelnykh vuzov. М., 1987. 272 s.
32. Shishkov А. А. Gasodinamika porokhovykh raketnykh dvigatelei: inzhenernye metody rascheta. М., 1974. 156 s.
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2.1.2020 Analysis of development trends of design parameters and basic characteristics of missiles for the advanced multiple launch rocket systems
2.1.2020 Analysis of development trends of design parameters and basic characteristics of missiles for the advanced multiple launch rocket systems
2.1.2020 Analysis of development trends of design parameters and basic characteristics of missiles for the advanced multiple launch rocket systems

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1.2.2019 Optimization of the trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile Sat, 16 Sep 2023 21:19:15 +0000
Optimization of the trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile Authors: Izhko V. 2019, (2); 3-10 DOI: Language: Russian Annotation: The article is devoted to optimization of a trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile performed in design phase. At the top level, by method of random search and as a variant, by method of coordinate descent, the search was carried out for a fixed set of intermediate for the specified flight range trajectory points which co-ordinates in aggregate provide the necessary optimum. Key words: anti-aircraft missile , optimization , angle of attack program , trajectory Bibliography: 1. Trajectory Optimization for a Missile Using a Multitier Approach. (2019) "Optimization of the trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile" Космическая техника. "Optimization of the trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile" Космическая техника.

1. Optimization of the trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (2); 3-10


Language: Russian

Annotation: The article is devoted to optimization of a trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile performed in design phase. The review of existing solutions on this issue confirmed the topicality of the problem. The analytical solution cannot be obtained, therefore, according to modern tendencies, optimization by numerical method of original development was performed. The basis of the method is two-level optimization which is carried out, in turn, by two different numerical methods and for two different criteria functions. At the top level, by method of random search and as a variant, by method of coordinate descent, the search was carried out for a fixed set of intermediate for the specified flight range trajectory points which co-ordinates in aggregate provide the necessary optimum. At the bottom level, for each pair of consecutive intermediate points, the boundary problem of falling into distant point by one-dimensional optimization was solved. The coordinate descent method was used for search for the simplified flight program. As optimization criteria for top level, minimum flight time or maximum final speed, for bottom  terminal criterion were used. The control program selected the angle of attack  program. As a result, the optimum and suboptimum (additionally ensuring minimum calculation time) trajectories and flight programs to maximum range and different altitudes were obtained. The analysis of results showed practical proximity of trajectories of minimum flight time and maximum final speed.

Key words: anti-aircraft missile, optimization, angle of attack program, trajectory

1. Letov A. M. Dynamika poleta i upravlenie. M., 1969. 360 s.
2. Ushan’ V. N. Metod synteza optymalnykh traektoriy dlya vyvoda dynamicheskykh obiektov v zadannuyu tochku. Systemy obrobky informatsii. 2014. № 1 (117). S. 67-71.
3. Zarubinskaya A. L. Optimalnoe upravlenie dvizheniem letatelnykh apparatov v atmosfere ot starta do tochek vstrechi. Technicheskaya mekhanika. 1997. № 5. S. 23-28.
4. Grabchak V. I. Osnovni aspekty opysu zadachi pro optimalnu shvidkodiu keruvanny rukhom rakety. Systemy ozbroyennya i viyskova tekhnika. 2014. № 4(40). S. 13-20.
5. Shaw Y. Ong. Optimal Planar Evasive Aircraft Maneuvers Against Proportional Navigation Missiles. Journal of guidance, control and dynamics. 1996. Vol. 19, № 6. Р. 1210-1215.
6. Renjith R. Kumar. Near-Optimal Three-Dimensional Air-to-Air Missile Guidance Against Maneuvering Target. Journal of guidance, control and dynamics. 1995. Vol. 18, № 3. Р. 457-464.
7. Paul J. Enright. Conway Discrete Approximations to Optimal Trajectories Using Direct Transcription and Nonlinear Programming. Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics. 1992. Vol. 15, № 4. Р. 994-1002.
8. Craig A. Phillips. Trajectory Optimization for a Missile Using a Multitier Approach. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. 2000. Vol. 37, № 5. Р. 653-662.
9. Lebedev A. A., Gerasyuta N. F. Ballistila raket. M., 1970. 244 s.
10. Proektirovanie zenitnykh upravlyaemykh raket / I. I. Arkhangelskiy i dr.; pod red. I. S. Golubeva i V. G. Svetlova. M., 2001. 732 s.
11. Drakin I. I. Osnovy proektirovania letatelnykh apparatov s uchetom ekonomicheskoy effektivnosti. M., 1973. 224 s.
12. Beiko I. V., Bublik B. N., Zinko P. N. Metody i algoritmy resheniya zadach optimizatsii. K., 1983. 512 s.
13. Krinetskiy Ye. I. Systemy samonavedeniya. M., 1970. 236 s.
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1.2.2019 Optimization of the trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile
1.2.2019 Optimization of the trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile
1.2.2019 Optimization of the trajectory of the antiaircraft guided missile

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7.1.2020 Studying the motion of a launch vehicle and observed space debris objects during launch preparation Wed, 13 Sep 2023 06:27:07 +0000
It is shown that as the launch moment becomes closer, the cataloged space situation is ascertained, which leads to the constant change of the quantity of hazardous space debris objects observed in the vicinity of launch vehicle trajectory and to the change of the parameters of their approach to the launch vehicle: minimal relative distance, relative velocity, rendezvous angle and launch moment for which hazardous approach is revealed. The hazardous approaches for the launch vehicle trajectory under consideration are more often observed with the relative velocities of more than 8 km/s and rendezvous angles less than 90 deg and their variations within the launch window do not exceed 1.2 m/s and 0.035 deg respectively. Trajectory Error and Covariance Realism for Launch Cola Operations / Advances in the Astronautical Sciences.

7. Mechanics of a satellite cluster. Methods for estimating the probability of their maximal approach in flight


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 76-84


Language: Russian

Annotation: The mathematic modeling was performed of the flight of light-class three-stage launch vehicle injecting a payload into sun-synchronous orbit of 700 km altitude and a cluster of observed space debris objects in the conditions of dynamically changing cataloged space situation. It is shown that as the launch moment becomes closer, the cataloged space situation is ascertained, which leads to the constant change of the quantity of hazardous space debris objects observed in the vicinity of launch vehicle trajectory and to the change of the parameters of their approach to the launch vehicle: minimal relative distance, relative velocity, rendezvous angle and launch moment for which hazardous approach is revealed. The hazardous approaches for the launch vehicle trajectory under consideration are more often observed with the relative velocities of more than 8 km/s and rendezvous angles less than 90 deg and their variations within the launch window do not exceed 1.2 m/s and 0.035 deg respectively. In this case, the histograms of distribution of relative distance, relative velocity, and rendezvous angle from catalog to catalog vary insignificantly. The distribution of hazardous approaches in launch time within launch window is not uniform, the regions are observed with low quantity of hazardous approaches and with high quantity. The hazard of launch vehicle collision with observed space debris objects in a launch is confirmed. In all, in the launch day time window under consideration, more than ten hazardous approaches are revealed, for two of them the approach to minimal distance of less than 1 km is predicted. This testifies to the necessity of taking measures to increase safety of launch vehicle flight through observed space debris cluster. In order to increase Ukrainian launch vehicles miss ion safety in the conditions of near space pollution, it is proposed to create the system of pre -flight space analysis, whose tasks are periodic analysis of space situation not less than once in a day, revealing of hazardous approaches, determination of their parameters, and preparation of data to make decision on launch time.

Key words: method of launch time planning, safety of flight through space debris cluster

1. ESA Operations. For the first time ever, ESA has performed a ‘collision avoidance manoeuvre’ to protect one of its satellites from colliding with a ‘mega constellation’. Electronic resource. – Access mode: 1168533241873260544 (Access date 12.09.2019).
2. Klinkrad H. Space Debris – Models and Risk Analysis. Chichester, UK: Praxis Publishing Ltd, 2006. 430 p.
3. Johnson N. L. Orbital Debris: The Growing Threat to Space Operations / Advances in the Astronautical Sciences. 2010. Vol. 137. P. 3-11.
4. Orbital Debris. A Technical Assessment. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1995. 210 p.
5. Bandyopadhyay P., Sharma R.K., Adimurthy V. Space debris proximity analysis in powered and orbital phases during satellite launch / Advances in Space Research. 2004. Vol. 34. P. 1125-1129.
6. Adimurthy V., Ganeshan A. S. Space debris mitigation measures in India / Acta Astronautica. 2005. Vol. 58. P. 168-174.
7. Schultz E. D., Schultz E. D., Wilde P. D. Mitigation of Collision Hazard for the International Space Station from Globally Launched Objects / 6th IAASS Conference Safety is Not an Option. 21-23 May 2013. Montreal, Canada. Electronic resource. Access mode: wp-content/uploads/sites/-19/2013/06/ 1420_Shultz.pdf (Access date 12.09.2019).
8. Brevdik G. D., Strub J. E. Determination of acceptable launch windows for satellite collision avoidance / AAS/AIAA Astrodyna-mics Conference. 19-21 August 1991 Pt1. Durango USA. Astrodynamics. P. 345-356.
9. Hejduk M. D., Plakalovic D., New-man L. K., Ollivierre J. C., Hametz M. E., Beaver B. A., Thompson R. C. Trajectory Error and Covariance Realism for Launch Cola Operations / Advances in the Astronautical Sciences. 2013. Vol. 148. P. 2371-2390.
10. Hejduk M. D., Plakalovic D., New-man L. K., Ollivierre J. C., Hametz M. E., Beaver B. A., Thompson R. C. Recommended Risk Assessment Techniques and Thresholds for Launch Cola Operations / Advances in the Astronautical Sciences. 2014. Vol. 150. P. 3061-3080.
11. Handschuh D. A., Wang C., Vidal B. Operational Feedback on Four Years of Collision Risk Avoidance at Launch in Europe / 7th IAASS Conference Space Safety is No Accident, 20-22 October 2014. Fredrichschafen, Germany. P. 355-363.
12. Ihdalov I. М., Kuchma L. D., Poliakov N. V., Sheptun Yu. D. Dinamicheskoe proektirovanie raket. Zadachi dinamiki raket i ikh kosmicheskikh stupenei: mohografiia / pod red. akad. S. N. Koniukhova. Dnepropetrovsk, 2010. 264 s.
13. NIMA TR 8350.2. Department of Defense world geodetic system 1984: Its definition and relationships with local geodetic systems. 3-d ed. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, 2000. 174 p.
14. NGA EGM2008 – WGS 84 version. Electronic resource. Access mode to page: wgs84/gravitymod/egm2008/ gm08_wgs84.html. (Access date 12.09.2019).
15. Holubek А. V. Sblizheniie rakety-nositelia s katalogizirovannymi kosmicheskimi ob’ektami v processe vyvedeniia na orbity s nizkim nakloneniem / Izvestiia vysshikh uchebnykh zavadenii. Mashinostroenie. 2018. №2 (695). S. 86-98.
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7.1.2020 Studying the motion of a launch vehicle and observed space debris objects during launch preparation
7.1.2020 Studying the motion of a launch vehicle and observed space debris objects during launch preparation
7.1.2020 Studying the motion of a launch vehicle and observed space debris objects during launch preparation

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17.2.2018 Peculiarities of Dynamics of Recoverable Part of Stage of Aircraft-Type Configuration with Turbojet Engine Thu, 07 Sep 2023 12:17:39 +0000
This descend trajectory was considered as standard and was used to evaluate the efficiency of the wing and turbojet with relatively small propulsion. The possibility to ensure permissible overload values at the critical points of the descend trajectory and acceptable values of kinematic characteristics at the earth surface tangency point are also of great interest.

17. Peculiarities of Dynamics of Recoverable Part of Stage of Aircraft-Type Configuration with Turbojet Engine


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (2); 143-150


Language: Russian

Annotation: Basic dynamic properties of the reentry part of the aircraft-type first stage were examined when turbojet engine is used in the recovery phase. Such configuration can be of interest because turbojets have considerably smaller rate of flow in comparison to rocket engines. Moreover, they are launched in the lower stratosphere or in the troposphere so that there is no need to place oxidizer supply on board. This recovery plan differs from an alternative rocket recovery system and, from our point of view, provides more efficient usage of the fuel stores because it doesn’t require the main propulsion to be started in the recovery phase. Besides the analysis of qualitative characteristics of the descend phase for this stage, the efficiency of a wing with moderate values of maximum aerodynamic characteristics and a turbojet was studied. In this case three ways for stage recovery were investigated. The first one implied unguided descend with zero angle of attack assuming that the stage is statically stable. This descend trajectory was considered as standard and was used to evaluate the efficiency of the wing and turbojet with relatively small propulsion. The second and the third design cases offered the gliding guided descend with turbojet being started only in the lower stratosphere. The last two cases used the same program for the angle of attack. The possibility to ensure permissible overload values at the critical points of the descend trajectory and acceptable values of kinematic characteristics at the earth surface tangency point are also of great interest. Thereby the program for the angle of attack was developed in a way that allowed kinematic characteristics on touchdown be as close as possible to the corresponding values, shown by civil and/or military-transport heavy aircraft. Simulation was conducted on Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.

Key words: guided descent, turbojet, kinematic characteristics, tangency point, civil aviation

1. Kuznetsov Y. L., Ukraintsev D. S. Analysis of Impact of Flight Scheme of Stage with Rocket-Dynamic Recovery System on Payload Capability of Medium-Class Two-Stage Launch Vehicle. New of S. P. Korolev Samara State Aerospace University (National Research University). 2016. Vol. 15, No. 1. P. 73-80.
2. Andreyevsky V. V. Spacecraft Earth Descent Dynamics М., 1970. 230 p.
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17.2.2018 Peculiarities of Dynamics of Recoverable Part of Stage of Aircraft-Type Configuration with Turbojet Engine
17.2.2018 Peculiarities of Dynamics of Recoverable Part of Stage of Aircraft-Type Configuration with Turbojet Engine
17.2.2018 Peculiarities of Dynamics of Recoverable Part of Stage of Aircraft-Type Configuration with Turbojet Engine

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13.2.2018 On an Approach to Constructing the Extremes in the Tasks of Optimal Solutions Search Thu, 07 Sep 2023 11:41:54 +0000
The use of the latter will allow obtaining new solutions of various problems of technical mechanics, such as the task of determining optimal trajectory parameters of launch vehicles in the phase of designing and development of technical proposals, selection of optimal flight modes et al.

13. On an Approach to Constructing the Extremes in the Tasks of Optimal Solutions Search


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (2); 117-126


Language: Russian

Annotation: The purpose of the article is development of a modified variational method to determine extremals in the tasks of search for optimal solutions. The method has been developed using the results of investigations of the first variation of functional with autonomous subintegral function for the problem with fixed ends. The assumption of non-zero values of variation of function at boundary points has been introduced. It is shown that when using this assumption and introducing some other assumptions and limitations, it is possible to expand the class of permissible functions, among which the extremal curves should be sought for. With this expansion, to construct one extremal it is necessary to use two conditions of extremeness, one of which is Euler equation. To fulfill them, it is necessary to realize the constancy of partial derivative from subintegral function of desired variable at each point of interval considered. The new condition of extremeness unlike Euler equation is noninvariant relative to coordinate system. The use of this property allows, at presentation of the second variation of functional in parametrical form, constructing the solutions that satisfy the necessary and sufficient conditions of local minimum (maximum). It is noted that the proposed method is the first step in the development of a new approach to solution of multidimensional variational problems. The use of the latter will allow obtaining new solutions of various problems of technical mechanics, such as the task of determining optimal trajectory parameters of launch vehicles in the phase of designing and development of technical proposals, selection of optimal flight modes et al. The efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated by example of solving the known problem about brachistichrone – determination of the curve of quickest descent. Using the method, two curves have been constructed that satisfy the necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality. The results are presented of comparison of time of material point descent along the proposed curves and descent along classical extremals. It is shown that the time of descent along the proposed curves is shorter than that at descent along classical exteremals.

Key words: the first variation of functional, combined usage of conditions of extremeness, noninvariance relative to coordinate system, parametrical form of the second variation, optimal curves of descent

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6. Elsgolts L. E. Differential Equations and Variational Calculus. М., 1965. 420 p.
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13.2.2018 On an Approach to Constructing the Extremes in the Tasks of Optimal Solutions Search
13.2.2018 On an Approach to Constructing the Extremes in the Tasks of Optimal Solutions Search
13.2.2018 On an Approach to Constructing the Extremes in the Tasks of Optimal Solutions Search

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12.2.2018 Methodological Support for Initial Phase Optimization of Projecting Design, Trajectory Parameters and Rocket Object Motion Control Programs Thu, 07 Sep 2023 11:38:27 +0000
Methodological Support for Initial Phase Optimization of Projecting Design, Trajectory Parameters and Rocket Object Motion Control Programs Authors: Aksyonenko A. The aim of the article is to develop methodology for the early design phase to improve the basic characteristics of guided missiles, including formalization of complex problem to optimize design parameters, trajectory parameters and motion control programs for guided missiles capable of flying along the ballistic, aeroballistic or combined trajectories. When trajectory parameters were calculated the missile was regarded as material point of variable mass and the combined equations for center-of-mass motion of the guided missile with projections on axes of the terrestrial reference system were used. Methodological Support to Determine in Initial Designing Phase the Design Parameters, Control Programs, Ballistic, Power, and Mass-Dimensional Characteristics of Controllable Rocket Objects Moving In Aeroballistic Trajectory: R&D Report.

12. Methodological Support for Initial Phase Optimization of Projecting Design, Trajectory Parameters and Rocket Object Motion Control Programs


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; The Institute of Technical Mechanics, Dnipro, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (2); 101-116


Language: Russian

Annotation: The main scientific and methodological propositions for designing single-stage guided missiles with main solid rocket motors that are intended for delivering payload to the given spatial point with required and specified kinematic motion parameters are defined. The aim of the article is to develop methodology for the early design phase to improve the basic characteristics of guided missiles, including formalization of complex problem to optimize design parameters, trajectory parameters and motion control programs for guided missiles capable of flying along the ballistic, aeroballistic or combined trajectories. The task is defined as a problem of the optimal control theory with limitations in form of equality, inequality and differential constraints. An approach to program forming is proposed for motion control in the form of polynomial that brings the problem of the optimal control theory to a simpler problem of nonlinear mathematical programming. When trajectory parameters were calculated the missile was regarded as material point of variable mass and the combined equations for center-of-mass motion of the guided missile with projections on axes of the terrestrial reference system were used. The structure of the mathematical model was given along with the calculation sequence of criterion functional that was used for optimization of design parameters, control programs and basic characteristics of the guided missile. The mathematical model of the guided missile provides adequate accuracy for design study to determine: overall dimensions and mass characteristics of the guided missile in general and its structural components and subsystems; power, thrust and consumption characteristics of the main engine; aerodynamic and ballistic characteristics of the guided missile. The developed methodology was tested by solving design problems. Applications of the developed program were studied to present the research results in a user-friendly form.

Key words: complex problem of the optimal control theory, problem of nonlinear mathematical programming, main solid rocket motor, limitations for motion parameters and basic characteristics of the object

1. Degtyarev A. V. Rocket Engineering: Problems and Prospects. Selected scientific-technical publications. Dnepropetrovsk, 2014. 420 p.
2. Shcheverov D. N. Designing of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. М., 1978. 264 p.
3. Sinyukov А. М. et al. Ballistic Solid-Propellant Rocket / Under the editorship of A. M. Sinyukov. М., 1972. 511 p.
4. Varfolomeyev V. I. Designing and Testing of Ballistic Rockets / Under the editorship of V. I. Varfolomeyev, M. I. Kopytov. М., 1970. 392 p.
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8. Pontryagin L. S. et al. Mathematical Theory of Optimal Processes. М., 1969. 385 p.
9. Tarasov E. V. Algorithms of Flying Vehicles Optimal Designing. М., 1970. 364 p.
10. Alpatov A. P., Sen’kin V. S. Complex Task of Optimization of Space Rocket Basic Design Parameters and Motion Control Programs. Technical Mechanics. 2011. No. 4. P. 98-113.
11. Alpatov A. P., Sen’kin V. S. Methodological Support for Selection of Launch Vehicle Configuration, Optimization of Design Parameters and Flight Control Programs. Technical Mechanics. 2013. No. 4. P. 146-161.
12. Sen’kin V. S. Optimization of Super-Light Launch Vehicle Design Parameters. Technical Mechanics. 2009. No. 1. P. 80-88.
13. Sen’kin V. S. Flight Control Optimization and Thrust Optimization of Controllable Rocket Object Main Propulsion System. Technical Mechanics. 2000. No. 1. P. 46-50.
14. Syutkina-Doronina S. V. On Problem of Optimization of Design Parameters and Control programs of a Rocket Object With Solid Rocket Motor. Aerospace Engineering and Technology. 2017. No. 2 (137). P. 44-59.
15. Lebedev А. А., Gerasyuta N. F. Rocket Ballistics. М., 1970. 244 p.
16. Razumov V. F., Kovalyov B. K. Design Basis of Solid-Propellant Ballistic Missiles. М., 1976. 356 p.
17. Yerokhin B. T. SRM Theoretical Design Basis. М., 1982. 206 p.
18. Abugov D. I., Bobylyov V. M. Theory and Calculation of Solid Rocket Motors. М., 1987. 272 p.
19. Shishkov А. А. Gas Dynamics of Powder Rocket Motors. М., 1974. 156 p.
20. Sen’kin V. S. Complex Task of Optimization of Super-Light Solid-Propellant Launch Vehicle Design Parameters and Control Programs. Technical Mechanics. 2012. No. 2. P. 106-121.
21. Methodological Support to Determine in Initial Designing Phase the Design Parameters, Control Programs, Ballistic, Power, and Mass-Dimensional Characteristics of Controllable Rocket Objects Moving In Aeroballistic Trajectory: R&D Report. ITM of NASU and SSAU, Yuzhnoye SDO. Inv. No. 40-09/2017. 2017. 159 p.
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12.2.2018 Methodological Support for Initial Phase Optimization of Projecting Design, Trajectory Parameters and Rocket Object Motion Control Programs
12.2.2018 Methodological Support for Initial Phase Optimization of Projecting Design, Trajectory Parameters and Rocket Object Motion Control Programs
12.2.2018 Methodological Support for Initial Phase Optimization of Projecting Design, Trajectory Parameters and Rocket Object Motion Control Programs

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11.2.2019 Winding the tubes of rectangular section using dowels Mon, 15 May 2023 15:46:00 +0000
For this purpose, we determine the angles of coil winding, corresponding angles of mandrel turn in determined coordinates X, the coordinates of band escape point, angle of inclination of free section of band, then from geometrical considerations we obtain the components of unit vector of tangent to reinforcing trajectory and directly the coordinated of machine tool actuators. Key words: reinforcing trajectory , laying roller , comb , winding scheme , winding angle , coordinates of machine tool actuators Bibliography: Full text (PDF) || reinforcing trajectory , laying roller , comb , winding scheme , winding angle , coordinates of machine tool actuators .

11. Winding the tubes of rectangular section using dowels


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (2); 80-91


Language: Russian

Annotation: The tubes of rectangular section made of composite material find ever- growing use. Winding of tubes without using dowels for small winding angles has a number of disadvantages. The technology of winding through dowels does not have these disadvantages. The paper presents the authors-developed calculation technique for programs of winding the tubes of rectangular section made of composite materials using dowels. To ensure winding continuity, the dowels at base must have equal distances between them. The external diameter of comb is selected with margin taking into account band stranding on the dowels. The scheme of winding on entire layer is determined that represents a table which indicates band position between the dowels of front and rear comb during winding a layer for each coil. Then the coordinates of machine tool are determined. For this purpose, we determine the angles of coil winding, corresponding angles of mandrel turn in determined coordinates X, the coordinates of band escape point, angle of inclination of free section of band, then from geometrical considerations we obtain the components of unit vector of tangent to reinforcing trajectory and directly the coordinated of machine tool actuators. As a result, we obtain the table of coordinates of machine toll actuators during winding of the first coil (at forward and back travel). Using the presented logics, similarly it is easy to obtain for all coils the coordinates of machine tool actuators. According to this technique, the Vitok auto-programming system was developed in MathCad environment. The Vitok system was used during development of winding program for tube 28x28x2 mm under Sich-2M program. The programs operated successfully. The test samples of tubes were wound. The authors performed winding of the tubes of rectangular section made of composite material to obtain a structure with zero linear thermal expansion coefficient.

Key words: reinforcing trajectory, laying roller, comb, winding scheme, winding angle, coordinates of machine tool actuators

Downloads: 28
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USA Boardman; Matawan; Baltimore; Plano; Columbus; Phoenix; Monroe; Ashburn; Ashburn; Seattle; Seattle; Tappahannock; San Mateo; Des Moines; Des Moines; Boardman; Boardman; Ashburn18
Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore5
Unknown Melbourne1
Finland Helsinki1
Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
Ukraine Dnipro1
11.2.2019 Winding the tubes of rectangular section using dowels
11.2.2019 Winding the tubes of rectangular section using dowels
11.2.2019 Winding the tubes of rectangular section using dowels

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