Search Results for “turbulent flow” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Tue, 02 Apr 2024 10:53:04 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “turbulent flow” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 10.2.2018 Calculation of Gas Flow in High-Altitude Engine Nozzle and Experience of Using Water-Cooled Nozzle Head during Tests Thu, 07 Sep 2023 11:29:45 +0000
Selection of turbulent flow model has a noticeable impact on prediction of flow characteristics. The gas dynamic analysis of the nozzle with water-cooled extension showed the importance of using the turbulent flow model k-ω SST for the flows with internal separation of boundary layer and with flow separation at nozzle section. Key words: turbulent flow , flow separation , cooling , technological extension Bibliography: 1. turbulent flow , flow separation , cooling , technological extension .

10. Calculation of Gas Flow in High-Altitude Engine Nozzle and Experience of Using Water-Cooled Nozzle Head during Tests


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (2); 83-93


Language: Russian

Annotation: At Yuzhnoye State Design Office, the Cyclone-4 launch vehicle 3rd stage engine has been developed and is under testing. For adjustment of the engine and test bench systems, in the first firing tests the radiation-cooled nozzle extension was replaced with a steel water-cooled one. It was planned to start the engine with water-cooled nozzle extension without vacuumizing and without gad dynamic pipe, which conditioned operation with flow separation at the output edge of water-cooled nozzle extension. Therefore, the calculation of flow in the nozzle with water-cooled extension, flow separation place, and thermal load on watercooled nozzle extension during operation in ground conditions is an important task. Selection of turbulent flow model has a noticeable impact on prediction of flow characteristics. The gas dynamic analysis of the nozzle with water-cooled extension showed the importance of using the turbulent flow model k-ω SST for the flows with internal separation of boundary layer and with flow separation at nozzle section. The use the flow model k-ω SST for calculation of nozzle with flow separation or with internal transitional layer allows adequately describing the flow pattern, though, as the comparison with experimental data showed, this model predicts later flow separation from the wall than that obtained in the tests. The calculation allows obtaining a temperature profile of the wall and providing the recommendations for selection of pressure measurement place in the nozzle extension for the purpose of reducing sensors indication error. With consideration for the special nature of the nozzle extension wall temperature field, the cooling mode was selected. The tests of RD861K engine nozzle with water-cooled extension allow speaking about its successful use as a required element for testing engine start and operation in ground conditions without additional test bench equipment.

Key words: turbulent flow, flow separation, cooling, technological extension

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11. Ten-See Wang. Multidimensional Unstructured Grid Liquid Rocket-Engine Nozzle Performance and Heat Transfer Analysis. Journal of Propulsion and Power. Vol. 22. No. 1. 2006. 21 р.
12. Hyun Ko, Woong-Sup Yoon. Performance Analysis of Secondary Gas Injection into a Conical Rocket Nozzle. Journal of Propulsion and Power. Vol. 18, No. 3. 2002. Р. 585-591.
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14. Gross A., Weiland C. Numerical Simulation of Hot Gas Nozzle Flows. Journal of Propulsion and Power. Vol. 20, No. 5. 2004. Р. 879-891.
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16. Deck S., Guillen P. Numerical Simulation of Side Loads in an Ideal Truncated Nozzle. Journal of Propulsion and Power. Vol. 18, No. 2. 2002. Р. 261-269.
17. Östlund J., Damgaard T., Frey M. Side-Load Phenomena in Highly Overexpanded Rocket Nozzle. Journal of Propulsion and Power. Vol. 20, No. 4. 2004. Р. 695-704.
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10.2.2018 Calculation of Gas Flow in High-Altitude Engine Nozzle and Experience of Using Water-Cooled Nozzle Head during Tests
10.2.2018 Calculation of Gas Flow in High-Altitude Engine Nozzle and Experience of Using Water-Cooled Nozzle Head during Tests
10.2.2018 Calculation of Gas Flow in High-Altitude Engine Nozzle and Experience of Using Water-Cooled Nozzle Head during Tests

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7.2.2018 Theoretical Models of Sound Speed Increase Effects in Gas Duct with Corrugated Wall Thu, 07 Sep 2023 11:12:23 +0000
It is supposed that in the near-wall layer of the channel, toroidal vortexes (vortex rings) are formed, which move into turbulent core of the flow where their size decreases and the velocity of rotation around the ring axis of torus increases.

7. Theoretical Models of Sound Speed Increase Effects in Gas Duct with Corrugated Wall


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kharkiv, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (2); 57-67


Language: Russian

Annotation: During experimental investigation of the dynamic characteristics of a pneumatic test bench for testing liquid rocket engine high-flowrate automatic units, the effect was detected of 20-35% sound speed increase in the gas flow moving along the channel with corrugated wall (metal hose) which is a part of test bench drain system. The article presents the results of experiments and the task of theoretical justification of the effect is solved. It is indicated that its causes may be two mutually complementary factors – a decrease of gas compressibility at eddy motion and oscillations of metal hose wall. The physical model is considered that describes variation of gas elasticity and density in the conditions of high flow vorticity. It is supposed that in the near-wall layer of the channel, toroidal vortexes (vortex rings) are formed, which move into turbulent core of the flow where their size decreases and the velocity of rotation around the ring axis of torus increases. The spiral shape of the corrugation ensures also axial rotation, which increases vortexes stability. The intensive rotation around the ring axis creates considerable centrifugal forces; as a result, the dependence of pressure on gas density and the sound speed increase. The mathematical model has been developed that describes coupled longitudinal-lateral oscillations of gas and channel’s corrugated shell. It is indicated that in the investigated system, two mutually influencing wave types are present – longitudinal, which mainly transfer gas pressure pulses along the channel and lateral ones, which transfer the shell radial deformation pulses. As a result of modeling, it has been ascertained that because of the lateral oscillations of the wall, the propagation rate of gas pressure longitudinal waves (having the same wave length as in the experiments at test bench) turns out to be higher than adiabatic sound speed.

Key words: rocket engine automatic units, pneumatic test bench, metal hose, corrugated shell, toroidal vortex, longitudinal-lateral oscillations

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14. Shevchenko S. A., Grigor’yev A. L., Stepanov M. S. Refinement of Invariant Method for Calculation of Gas Dynamic Parameters in Rocket Engine Starting Pneumatic System Pipelines. NTU “KhPI” News. 2015. No. 6 (1115). P. 156-181.
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7.2.2018 Theoretical Models of Sound Speed Increase Effects in Gas Duct with Corrugated Wall
7.2.2018 Theoretical Models of Sound Speed Increase Effects in Gas Duct with Corrugated Wall
7.2.2018 Theoretical Models of Sound Speed Increase Effects in Gas Duct with Corrugated Wall

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