Search Results for “velocity” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles Space technology. Missile armaments Tue, 05 Nov 2024 21:17:59 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Search Results for “velocity” – Collected book of scientific-technical articles 32 32 10.1.2024 METHOD OF AUTONOMOUS DETERMINATION OF THE ROCKET’S REFERENCE ATTITUDE DURING PRE-LAUNCH PROCESSING Mon, 17 Jun 2024 08:44:04 +0000
2024, (1); 85-92 DOI: Language: Ukrainian Annotation: To solve the navigation tasks (determination of the apparent accelerations and angular velocities and calculation of rocket orientation angles) in the rocket engineering, the data from the sensing elements (angular velocity sensors and accelerometers) is used. Gimballess inertial navigation system, built on the basis of inertial MEMS-sensors of Industry class (three angular velocity sensors and three accelerometers), is taken as the navigation device. In the classical version, the integration of data from angular velocity sensors and from accelerometers is the basis of gimballess inertial navigation system operation. It results in accumulation of errors when solving the navigation task (in particular due to the integration of data from angular velocity sensors). Orientation angles are determined without the integration of data picked up from the angular velocity sensors.

10. Method of autonomous determination of the rocket’s reference attitude during pre-launch processing


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2024, (1); 85-92


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: To solve the navigation tasks (determination of the apparent accelerations and angular velocities and calculation of rocket orientation angles) in the rocket engineering, the data from the sensing elements (angular velocity sensors and accelerometers) is used. Accuracy of reference attitude determination of the rocket in the steady mode (at lift-off) has great influence on accuracy of the received navigation data during the flight. Gimballess inertial navigation system, built on the basis of inertial MEMS-sensors of Industry class (three angular velocity sensors and three accelerometers), is taken as the navigation device. In the classical version, the integration of data from angular velocity sensors and from accelerometers is the basis of gimballess inertial navigation system operation. It results in accumulation of errors when solving the navigation task (in particular due to the integration of data from angular velocity sensors). Taking it into consideration, the alternative method of rocket’s reference attitude determination during the pre-launch processing is offered. This method does not use mathematical operations of integration and is autonomous. Initial data, received from the gimballess inertial navigation system, is used as the output data. This data is used to determine the rocket’s reference attitude (orientation of object-centered coordinates in the geographical reference system) in the steady mode. Orientation angles are determined without the integration of data picked up from the angular velocity sensors. The comparative analysis to define the processing efficiency of the navigation device initial data was held during the determination of the rocket’s orientation angles in the steady mode, using the proposed method and Runge-Kutta method. The received results showed that accuracy of the reference attitude determination with the proposed method is higher. Thus, the proposed method will help reduce the errors in determination of the rocket’s reference attitude in the steady mode that in the future will improve the accuracy in determination of navigational parameters during the rocket’s flight.

Key words: navigation system, mems-sensors, accelerometers, angular velocity sensors, reference attitude

  1. Meleshko V.V., Nesterenko O.I. Besplatformennye inertsialnye navigatsionnye systemy. Ucheb. posobie. Kirovograd: POLIMED – Service, 2011. 164 s.
  2. Vlasik S.N., Gerasimov S.V., Zhuravlyov A.A. Matematicheskaya model besplatformennoy inertsialnoy navigatsionnoy systemy i apparatury potrebitelya sputnikovoi navigatsionnoy systemy aeroballisticheskogo apparata. Nauka i technika Povitryannykh Sil Zbroinykh Sil Ukrainy. 2013. № 2(11). s. 166-169.
  3. Waldenmayer G.G. Protsedura pochatkovoi vystavki besplatformennoy inertsialnoy navigatsionoy systemy z vykorystannyam magnitometra ta rozshirennogo filtra Kalmana. Aeronavigatsini systemy. 2012. s. 8.
  4. Korolyov V.M., Luchuk Ye.V., Zaets Ya.G., Korolyova O.I., Miroshnichenko Yu.V. Analiz svitovykh tendentsiy rozvytku system navigatsii dlya sukhoputnykh viysk. Rozroblennya ta modernizatsia OVT. 2011. №1(4). s.19-29.
  5. Avrutov V.V., Ryzhkov L.M. Pro alternativniy metod avtonomnogo vyznachennya shyroty i dovgoty rukhomykh obiektiv. Mekhanika gyroskopichnykh system. 2021. №41. s.  122-131.
  6. Bugayov D.V., Avrutov V.V., Nesterenko O.I. Experimentalne porivnyannya algoritmiv vyznachennya orientatsii na bazi complimentarnogo filtru ta filtru Madjvika. Avtomatizatsiya technologichnykh i biznes-protsesiv. 2020. T. 12, №3. s. 10-19.
  7. Chernyak M.G., Kolesnik V.O. Zmenshennya chasovykh pokhibok inertsialnogo vymiryuvalnogo modulya shlyakhom realizatsii yogo strukturnoi nadlyshkovosti na bazi tryvisnykh micromekhanichnykh vymiruvachiv. Mekhanika giroskopichnykh system. 2020. №39. s. 66-80.
  8. Rudik A.V. Matematichna model pokhibok accelerometriv bezplatformenoi inertsialnoi navigatsinoi systemy. Visnyk Vynnitskogo politechnychnogo institutu. 2017. №2. s. 7-13.
  9. Naiko D.A., Shevchuk O.F. Teoriya iomovirnostey ta matematychna statistika: navch. posib. Vinnytsya: VNAU. 2020. 382 s.
  10. Matveev V.V., Raspopov V.Ya. Osnovy postroeniya bezplatformennykh inertsialnykh navigatsionnykh system. SPb.: GNTs RF OAO «Kontsern «TsNII «Electropribor». 2009. 280 s.
  11. Novatorskiy M.A. Algoritmy ta metody obchislen’ [Electronniy resurs]: navch. posib. dlya stud. KPI im. Igorya Sikorskogo. Kiyv: KPI im. Igorya Sikorskogo. 2019. 407 s.
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7.1.2024 Selection of the functional units for the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system Fri, 14 Jun 2024 11:36:31 +0000
Development of the separation system for the advanced Cyclone-4M ILV is taken as an example and design sequence of stage separation is suggested: determination of the necessary separation velocity and capability of the separation units, determination of the number of active units, calculation of design and energy parameters of the separation units, analysis of the obtained results followed by the selection of the separation system.

7. Selection of the functional units for the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2024, (1); 61-71


Language: Ukrainian

Annotation: Separation of the spent LV stages is one of the important problems of the rocket technology, which requires the comprehensive analysis of different types of systems, evaluation of their parameters and structural layouts. Basic requirements are specified that need to be taken into account when engineering the separation system: reliable and safe separation, minimal losses in payload capability, keeping sufficient distance between the stages at the moment of the propulsion system start. Detailed classification of their types («cold», «warm», «hot», «cold-launched» separation) is given and their technical substance with advantages and drawbacks is described. Certain types of «cold» and «warm» separation of the spent stages of such rockets as Dnepr, Zenit, Antares, Falcon-9 with different operating principle are introduced – braking with the spent stage and pushing apart two stages. Brief characteristics of these systems are given, based on the gas-reactive nozzle thrust, braking with solid-propellant rocket engines, separating with spring or pneumatic pushers. Development of the separation system for the advanced Cyclone-4M ILV is taken as an example and design sequence of stage separation is suggested: determination of the necessary separation velocity and capability of the separation units, determination of the number of active units, calculation of design and energy parameters of the separation units, analysis of the obtained results followed by the selection of the separation system. Use of empirical dependences is shown, based on the great scope of experimental and theoretical activities in the process of design, functional testing and flight operation of similar systems in such rockets as Cyclone, Dnepr and Zenit. According to the comparative analysis results, pneumatic separation system to separate Cyclone-4M Stages 1 and 2 was selected as the most effective one. Its basic characteristics, composition, overall view and configuration are specified. Stated materials are of methodological nature and can be used to engineer the separation systems for LV stages, payload fairings, spacecraft etc.

Key words: separation system, functional units of separation, «cold separation», «warm separation», pneumatic pusher, spring pusher, SPRE, gas-reactive nozzles, Zenit LV, Dnepr LV, Falcon 9 rocket, Cyclone-4М LV.

  1. Pankratov Yu. , Novikov A. V., Tatarevsky K. E., Azanov I. B. Dynamika perekhodnykh processov. 2014.
  2. Sinyukov A. M., Morozov N. I. Konstruktsia upravlyaemykh ballisticheskykh raket. 1969.
  3. Kabakova Zh. V., Kuda S. A., Logvinenko A. I., Khomyak V. A. Opyt razrabotki pneumosystemy dlya otdelenita golovnogo aerodynamicheskogo obtekatelya. Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie. 2017. Vyp. 2 (114).
  4. Kolesnikov K. S., Kozlov V. V., Kokushkin V. V. Dynamika razdeleniya stupeney letatelnykh apparatov. 1977.
  5. Antares – Spaceflight Insider: web site. URL: https://www. (data zvernennya 30.10.2023).
  6. Falcon 9 – pexels: website. URL: https://www. 9 (data zvernennya 31.10.2023).
  7. Kolesnikov K. , Kokushkin V. V., Borzykh S. V., Pankova N. V. Raschet i proektirovanie system razdeleniya stupeney raket. 2006.
  8. Cyclone-4M – website URL: (data zvernennya 31.10.2023)
  9. Logvinenko A. Sozdanie gasoreaktivnykh system otdeleniya i uvoda otrabotavshykh stupeney – noviy shag v RKT. Kosmicheskaya tekhnika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie, KBU, NKAU, vyp. 1, 2001.
  10. Logvinenko A. I., Porubaimekh V. I., Duplischeva O. M. Sovremennye metody ispytaniy system i elementov konstruktsiy letatelnykh apparatov. Monografia. Dnepr, KBU, 2018.
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7.1.2024 Selection of the functional units for  the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system
7.1.2024 Selection of the functional units for  the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system
7.1.2024 Selection of the functional units for  the Cyclone-4M ILV separation system

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9.2.2019 Gas-dynamic simulation of the supersonic stream in the pulsed wind tunnel Tue, 03 Oct 2023 11:48:27 +0000
Therefore, the study of the distribution of Mach numbers profiles in the working section of the modernized shock wind tunnel at low and high supersonic velocity was chosen as the main line of research. Key words: incident flow modeling , velocity fields in the wind tunnel working section , aerodynamic experiment Bibliography: 1. incident flow modeling , velocity fields in the wind tunnel working section , aerodynamic experiment .

9. Gas-dynamic simulation of the supersonic stream in the pulsed wind tunnel


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (2); 63-70


Language: Russian

Annotation: A promising experimental bench – a shock wind tunnel was put into operation at Yuzhnoye SDO. The shock wind tunnel is designed to simulate the incident flow during rocket flight at high supersonic and hypersonic velocities. To solve actual design problems facing Yuzhnoye SDO, it was necessary to expand the range of velocities under investigation in a shock wind tunnel by low supersonic Mach numbers (Mа=1.5; 2; 3). As a result of this work, a modernized configuration of the shock wind tunnel was developed, which allows simulating flow parameters at low supersonic velocities. The results of aerodynamic experiment performed in the modernized shock wind tunnel, which are close to full scale ones, can be obtained using as much data on peculiarities of supersonic flow formation in it as possible. Therefore, the study of the distribution of Mach numbers profiles in the working section of the modernized shock wind tunnel at low and high supersonic velocity was chosen as the main line of research. The results of the research presented in the article are based on the use of numerical simulation methods, as well as data obtained experimentally. As a result of gasdynamic simulation of a supersonic flow conducted for the nozzle Mа=4 and the nozzle Mа=2, the calculated and experimental data on the distribution pattern and field values of Mach numbers in the working section of the tunnel were obtained. A comparative analysis was carried out. The boundaries of the region of equal velocities, within which the condition of quasistatic supersonic flow is satisfied, and the lifetime of the operating mode for the selected nozzle type were determined. At the flow from the nozzle Mа=2, a peculiarity was revealed in the distribution pattern of Mach numbers fields associated with the appearance of “blocking” effect of the supersonic flow. The methods for eliminating the effect of flow “blocking” at low supersonic velocities are proposed.

Key words: incident flow modeling, velocity fields in the wind tunnel working section, aerodynamic experiment

1. Zvegintsev V. I. Gasodynamicheskie ustanovki kratkovremennogo deistviya. V dvuh chastyakh. Ch. 1. Ustanovki dlya nauchnykh issledovaniy. Novosibirsk, 2014. 551 s.
2. Computerno-vymiryuvalni tekhnologii kontrolu ta upravlinnya raketno-kosmichnoi techniki / monogr. pid zagal. red. prof. V. P. Malaichuka. Dnipro, 2018. 344 s.
3. «Sirius-18». Systema izmereniya i upravleniya impulsnoi aerodynamicheskoi truboi. Rukovodstvo po ekspluatatsii. ELVA4.044.901 RE. 2018. 45 s.
4. Abramovich G.N. Prikladnaya gazovaya dynamika. M., 1978. 888 s.
5. Raschet vnutrennego davlenia v otsekakh RN. YSF YZH UMN 041 01. Rukovodstvo operatora. 2016. 138 s.
6. Issledovania characteristic hyperzvukovoi aerodynamicheskoi truby AT-303. Ch. 1. Polya skorostey / A. M. Kharitonov at al. Teplophysika i aeromekhanika. 2006. T. 13, № 1. S. 1–17.
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9.2.2019 Gas-dynamic simulation of the supersonic stream in the pulsed wind tunnel
9.2.2019 Gas-dynamic simulation of the supersonic stream in the pulsed wind tunnel
9.2.2019 Gas-dynamic simulation of the supersonic stream in the pulsed wind tunnel

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7.1.2020 Studying the motion of a launch vehicle and observed space debris objects during launch preparation Wed, 13 Sep 2023 06:27:07 +0000
It is shown that as the launch moment becomes closer, the cataloged space situation is ascertained, which leads to the constant change of the quantity of hazardous space debris objects observed in the vicinity of launch vehicle trajectory and to the change of the parameters of their approach to the launch vehicle: minimal relative distance, relative velocity, rendezvous angle and launch moment for which hazardous approach is revealed. In this case, the histograms of distribution of relative distance, relative velocity, and rendezvous angle from catalog to catalog vary insignificantly.

7. Mechanics of a satellite cluster. Methods for estimating the probability of their maximal approach in flight


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2020, (1); 76-84


Language: Russian

Annotation: The mathematic modeling was performed of the flight of light-class three-stage launch vehicle injecting a payload into sun-synchronous orbit of 700 km altitude and a cluster of observed space debris objects in the conditions of dynamically changing cataloged space situation. It is shown that as the launch moment becomes closer, the cataloged space situation is ascertained, which leads to the constant change of the quantity of hazardous space debris objects observed in the vicinity of launch vehicle trajectory and to the change of the parameters of their approach to the launch vehicle: minimal relative distance, relative velocity, rendezvous angle and launch moment for which hazardous approach is revealed. The hazardous approaches for the launch vehicle trajectory under consideration are more often observed with the relative velocities of more than 8 km/s and rendezvous angles less than 90 deg and their variations within the launch window do not exceed 1.2 m/s and 0.035 deg respectively. In this case, the histograms of distribution of relative distance, relative velocity, and rendezvous angle from catalog to catalog vary insignificantly. The distribution of hazardous approaches in launch time within launch window is not uniform, the regions are observed with low quantity of hazardous approaches and with high quantity. The hazard of launch vehicle collision with observed space debris objects in a launch is confirmed. In all, in the launch day time window under consideration, more than ten hazardous approaches are revealed, for two of them the approach to minimal distance of less than 1 km is predicted. This testifies to the necessity of taking measures to increase safety of launch vehicle flight through observed space debris cluster. In order to increase Ukrainian launch vehicles miss ion safety in the conditions of near space pollution, it is proposed to create the system of pre -flight space analysis, whose tasks are periodic analysis of space situation not less than once in a day, revealing of hazardous approaches, determination of their parameters, and preparation of data to make decision on launch time.

Key words: method of launch time planning, safety of flight through space debris cluster

1. ESA Operations. For the first time ever, ESA has performed a ‘collision avoidance manoeuvre’ to protect one of its satellites from colliding with a ‘mega constellation’. Electronic resource. – Access mode: 1168533241873260544 (Access date 12.09.2019).
2. Klinkrad H. Space Debris – Models and Risk Analysis. Chichester, UK: Praxis Publishing Ltd, 2006. 430 p.
3. Johnson N. L. Orbital Debris: The Growing Threat to Space Operations / Advances in the Astronautical Sciences. 2010. Vol. 137. P. 3-11.
4. Orbital Debris. A Technical Assessment. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1995. 210 p.
5. Bandyopadhyay P., Sharma R.K., Adimurthy V. Space debris proximity analysis in powered and orbital phases during satellite launch / Advances in Space Research. 2004. Vol. 34. P. 1125-1129.
6. Adimurthy V., Ganeshan A. S. Space debris mitigation measures in India / Acta Astronautica. 2005. Vol. 58. P. 168-174.
7. Schultz E. D., Schultz E. D., Wilde P. D. Mitigation of Collision Hazard for the International Space Station from Globally Launched Objects / 6th IAASS Conference Safety is Not an Option. 21-23 May 2013. Montreal, Canada. Electronic resource. Access mode: wp-content/uploads/sites/-19/2013/06/ 1420_Shultz.pdf (Access date 12.09.2019).
8. Brevdik G. D., Strub J. E. Determination of acceptable launch windows for satellite collision avoidance / AAS/AIAA Astrodyna-mics Conference. 19-21 August 1991 Pt1. Durango USA. Astrodynamics. P. 345-356.
9. Hejduk M. D., Plakalovic D., New-man L. K., Ollivierre J. C., Hametz M. E., Beaver B. A., Thompson R. C. Trajectory Error and Covariance Realism for Launch Cola Operations / Advances in the Astronautical Sciences. 2013. Vol. 148. P. 2371-2390.
10. Hejduk M. D., Plakalovic D., New-man L. K., Ollivierre J. C., Hametz M. E., Beaver B. A., Thompson R. C. Recommended Risk Assessment Techniques and Thresholds for Launch Cola Operations / Advances in the Astronautical Sciences. 2014. Vol. 150. P. 3061-3080.
11. Handschuh D. A., Wang C., Vidal B. Operational Feedback on Four Years of Collision Risk Avoidance at Launch in Europe / 7th IAASS Conference Space Safety is No Accident, 20-22 October 2014. Fredrichschafen, Germany. P. 355-363.
12. Ihdalov I. М., Kuchma L. D., Poliakov N. V., Sheptun Yu. D. Dinamicheskoe proektirovanie raket. Zadachi dinamiki raket i ikh kosmicheskikh stupenei: mohografiia / pod red. akad. S. N. Koniukhova. Dnepropetrovsk, 2010. 264 s.
13. NIMA TR 8350.2. Department of Defense world geodetic system 1984: Its definition and relationships with local geodetic systems. 3-d ed. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, 2000. 174 p.
14. NGA EGM2008 – WGS 84 version. Electronic resource. Access mode to page: wgs84/gravitymod/egm2008/ gm08_wgs84.html. (Access date 12.09.2019).
15. Holubek А. V. Sblizheniie rakety-nositelia s katalogizirovannymi kosmicheskimi ob’ektami v processe vyvedeniia na orbity s nizkim nakloneniem / Izvestiia vysshikh uchebnykh zavadenii. Mashinostroenie. 2018. №2 (695). S. 86-98.
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7.1.2020 Studying the motion of a launch vehicle and observed space debris objects during launch preparation
7.1.2020 Studying the motion of a launch vehicle and observed space debris objects during launch preparation
7.1.2020 Studying the motion of a launch vehicle and observed space debris objects during launch preparation

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21.2.2018 Ensuring Aiming Accuracy of Ship’s Telemetry Reception Antenna Installation for Small Vessels Thu, 07 Sep 2023 12:30:29 +0000
In the article, the connection between kinematic parameters of the antenna rotary support drives and parameters of the space launch vehicle motion were identified, rotation angles of the antenna drives along the three axes were determined, and the law of angular velocity variation along the azimuthal axis, including the maximum feasible angular velocity provided by the azimuthal axis drive, was chosen.

21. Ensuring Aiming Accuracy of Ship’s Telemetry Reception Antenna Installation for Small Vessels


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (2); 178-183


Language: Russian

Annotation: For monitoring rocket flight and determining accuracy of spacecraft injection into the planned orbit, it is necessary to ensure the reception of telemetry data from the launch vehicle. Telemetry data receiving stations may be located either on land or on shipboard. When the antenna system of such station is placed on shipboard, ship roll and ship drift have the most considerable impact on the antenna guidance accuracy. To ensure the guidance accuracy of the telemetry receiving antenna set, placed on shipboard, the control algorithm was designed. It was offered to use triaxial rotary support with axis of reflector inclination angle to meet the requirements specified. In the article, the connection between kinematic parameters of the antenna rotary support drives and parameters of the space launch vehicle motion were identified, rotation angles of the antenna drives along the three axes were determined, and the law of angular velocity variation along the azimuthal axis, including the maximum feasible angular velocity provided by the azimuthal axis drive, was chosen. Numerical simulation of antenna guidance algorithms that provide stable signal receiving under conditions of ship roll was carried out in the visual development environment of Embarcadero RAD Studio XE6. Several variants for operation of the rotary support drives of the antenna set were chosen for mathematical simulation; disturbing conditions of ship roll and ship drift were analyzed and chosen for ships with small displacement. The simulation validated the designed antenna control algorithm and showed that the requirements for the cinematic parameters of the antenna drives were reduced under conditions of ship roll when the axis of reflector inclination angle was introduced; and accelerometer unit or GPS receiver installed in the antenna structure additionally increased the accuracy of target designation of the antenna and improved its guidance accuracy

Key words: antenna, guidance algorithm, ship roll, ship drift, simulation

1. Blagoveshchensky S. N., Kholodilin A. N. Guide on Ship’s Statics and Dynamics. Vol. 2. Ship’s Dynamics. L., 1976. 544 p.
2. Sakelari N. Navigation. М., 1936. P. 137.
3. Bezrukov Y. F. Wave Level Variation in the World Ocean. Simferopol, 2001. 50 p.
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21.2.2018 Ensuring Aiming Accuracy of Ship’s Telemetry Reception Antenna Installation for Small Vessels
21.2.2018 Ensuring Aiming Accuracy of Ship’s Telemetry Reception Antenna Installation for Small Vessels
21.2.2018 Ensuring Aiming Accuracy of Ship’s Telemetry Reception Antenna Installation for Small Vessels

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7.2.2018 Theoretical Models of Sound Speed Increase Effects in Gas Duct with Corrugated Wall Thu, 07 Sep 2023 11:12:23 +0000
It is supposed that in the near-wall layer of the channel, toroidal vortexes (vortex rings) are formed, which move into turbulent core of the flow where their size decreases and the velocity of rotation around the ring axis of torus increases.

7. Theoretical Models of Sound Speed Increase Effects in Gas Duct with Corrugated Wall


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kharkiv, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (2); 57-67


Language: Russian

Annotation: During experimental investigation of the dynamic characteristics of a pneumatic test bench for testing liquid rocket engine high-flowrate automatic units, the effect was detected of 20-35% sound speed increase in the gas flow moving along the channel with corrugated wall (metal hose) which is a part of test bench drain system. The article presents the results of experiments and the task of theoretical justification of the effect is solved. It is indicated that its causes may be two mutually complementary factors – a decrease of gas compressibility at eddy motion and oscillations of metal hose wall. The physical model is considered that describes variation of gas elasticity and density in the conditions of high flow vorticity. It is supposed that in the near-wall layer of the channel, toroidal vortexes (vortex rings) are formed, which move into turbulent core of the flow where their size decreases and the velocity of rotation around the ring axis of torus increases. The spiral shape of the corrugation ensures also axial rotation, which increases vortexes stability. The intensive rotation around the ring axis creates considerable centrifugal forces; as a result, the dependence of pressure on gas density and the sound speed increase. The mathematical model has been developed that describes coupled longitudinal-lateral oscillations of gas and channel’s corrugated shell. It is indicated that in the investigated system, two mutually influencing wave types are present – longitudinal, which mainly transfer gas pressure pulses along the channel and lateral ones, which transfer the shell radial deformation pulses. As a result of modeling, it has been ascertained that because of the lateral oscillations of the wall, the propagation rate of gas pressure longitudinal waves (having the same wave length as in the experiments at test bench) turns out to be higher than adiabatic sound speed.

Key words: rocket engine automatic units, pneumatic test bench, metal hose, corrugated shell, toroidal vortex, longitudinal-lateral oscillations

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4. Shevchenko S. A., Konokh V. I., Makoter A. P. Gas Dynamic Resistance and Sound Speed in Channel with Corrugated Wall. NTU “KhPI” News. 2016. No. 20 (1192). P. 94-101.
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6. Loytsyansky L.G. Liquid and Gas Mechanics. М., 1978. 736 p.
7. Prisnyakov V. F. et al. Determination of Gas Parameters at Vessel Emptying Taking into Account Compressibility and Manifold Resistance. Problems of High-Temperature Engineering: Collection of scientific works. 1981. P. 86-94.
8. Kirillin V. A., Sychyov V. V., Sheydlin A. E. Technical Thermodynamics. М., 2008. 486 p.
9. Grekhov L. V., Ivashchenko N. A., Markov V. A. Propellant Equipment and Control Systems of Diesels. М., 2004. 344 p.
10. Sychyov V. V., Vasserman A. A., Kozlov A. D. et al. Thermodynamic Properties of Air. М., 1978. 276 p.
11. Shariff K., Leonard A. Vortex rings. Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 1992. Vol. 24. P. 235-279.
12. Saffman F. Vortex Dynamics. М., 2000. 376 p.
13. Akhmetov D. G. Formation and Basic Parameters of Vortex Rings. Applied Mechanics and Theoretical Physics. 2001. Vol. 42, No 5. P. 70–83.
14. Shevchenko S. A., Grigor’yev A. L., Stepanov M. S. Refinement of Invariant Method for Calculation of Gas Dynamic Parameters in Rocket Engine Starting Pneumatic System Pipelines. NTU “KhPI” News. 2015. No. 6 (1115). P. 156-181.
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7.2.2018 Theoretical Models of Sound Speed Increase Effects in Gas Duct with Corrugated Wall
7.2.2018 Theoretical Models of Sound Speed Increase Effects in Gas Duct with Corrugated Wall
7.2.2018 Theoretical Models of Sound Speed Increase Effects in Gas Duct with Corrugated Wall

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6.1.2018 On Building of Inertial Navigation System in the Condition of Presence of Considerable g-Load and Angular Velocity in Preferential Direction Tue, 05 Sep 2023 06:19:12 +0000
On Building of Inertial Navigation System in the Condition of Presence of Considerable g-Load and Angular Velocity in Preferential Direction Authors: Degtyareva O. 2018 (1); 31-38 DOI: Language: Russian Annotation: The paper deals with the options of solving the task of constructing an inertial navigation system in the conditions of considerable g-load and angular velocity in identified direction by method of setting the sensitive elements at some angle to the identified direction, which allows making measurements in it without loss of measurement quality in the other directions. (2018) "On Building of Inertial Navigation System in the Condition of Presence of Considerable g-Load and Angular Velocity in Preferential Direction" Космическая техника. "On Building of Inertial Navigation System in the Condition of Presence of Considerable g-Load and Angular Velocity in Preferential Direction" Космическая техника.

6. On Building of Inertial Navigation System in the Condition of Presence of Considerable g-Load and Angular Velocity in Preferential Direction


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2018 (1); 31-38


Language: Russian

Annotation: The paper deals with the options of solving the task of constructing an inertial navigation system in the conditions of considerable g-load and angular velocity in identified direction by method of setting the sensitive elements at some angle to the identified direction, which allows making measurements in it without loss of measurement quality in the other directions. The paper describes the technique of calculating the angle of sensitive elements setting to the identified direction. The scheme of constructing an inertial navigation system with incomplete set of sensitive elements is considered for the cases when in entire operation leg, rotation around the identified direction is executed. The analysis is given of measurement vector error due to incompleteness of the sensitive elements set.

Key words:

1. Shunkov V. N. Encyclopedia of Rocket Artillery / Under the general editorship of A. E. Taras. Minsk, 2004. 544 p.
2. Shirokorad A. B. Encyclopedia of National Artillery / Under the general editorship of A. E. Taras. Minsk: Harvest, 2000. 1156 p.
3. Pugachyov V. S. et al. Rocket Control System and Flight Dynamics / V. S. Pugachyov, I. E. Kazakov, D. I. Gladkov, L. G. Yevlanov, A. F. Mishakov, V. D. Sedov. М., 1965. 610 p.
4. Branets V. N., Shmyglevsky I. P. Use of Quaternions in Solid Body Orientation Problems. М., 1973. 320 p.
5. Borisova A. Y., Smal’ A. V. Analysis of Developments of Gimballess Inertial Navigation Systems. Engineering News. N. E. Bauman MGTU. No. 05. 2017.
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6.1.2018 On Building of Inertial Navigation System in the Condition of Presence of Considerable g-Load and Angular Velocity in Preferential Direction
6.1.2018 On Building of Inertial Navigation System in the Condition of Presence of Considerable g-Load and Angular Velocity in Preferential Direction
6.1.2018 On Building of Inertial Navigation System in the Condition of Presence of Considerable g-Load and Angular Velocity in Preferential Direction
21.2.2017 Mass Parameter Optimization of Thermal Protective Structure for Reusable Spacecraft Wed, 09 Aug 2023 12:32:56 +0000
Improving Metallic Thermal-Protection-System Hypervelocity Impact Resistance Through Numerical Simulation.

21. Mass Parameter Optimization of Thermal Protective Structure for Reusable Spacecraft


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine1; Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine2

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2017 (2); 121-126

Language: Russian

Annotation: The paper considers the TZS-U design developed by Yuzhnoye SDO specialists for windward part of reusable spacecraft with external metal three-layer panel, U-like joint and tiled thermal protection, in which the problem is solved of compensation of thermal expansions and sealing of gaps; for optimization of structural mass. The specially created dispersion-hardened powder alloy based on nichrome and aluminum with yttrium dioxide with decreased specific mass of 7500 kg/m3 and lighter felt of MKRF brand are used , and honeycomb filler of three-layer panel is replaced by the filler with square cell.

Key words:

1. Aerothermal performance and structural integrity of a René-41 thermal protection system at Mach 6.6 / W. D. Deveikis, R. Miserentino, I. Weinstein, J. L. Schideler. NASA-TN-D-7943, NASA, Washington DC. 1975. 105 р.
2. Poteet C. C., Blosser M. L. Improving Metallic Thermal-Protection-System Hypervelocity Impact Resistance Through Numerical Simulation. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. 2004. Vol. 41, No. 2. Р. 221-232.
3. Advanced metallic thermal protection system development / M. L. Blosser, R. R. Chen, I. H. Schmidt et al. AIAA-2002-0504; AIAA, Washington DC. 2002. 56 р.
4. David E. European Directions for Hypersonic Thermal Protection Systems and Hot Structures. 31st Annual Conference on Composite Materials and Structures (Daytona Beach, FL, January 22, 2007). 44 р.
5. Gusarova I. A. Selection of Scheme of Heat Protection Tile Attachment to Reusable Spacecraft Body. Problems of Designing and Manufacturing Flying Vehicle Structures. 2016. No. 4 (88). P. 105-113.
6. Gusarova I. A. Evaluation of Thermal Resistance of Three-Layer Honeycomb Panel Produced from YuIPM-1200 Alloy by Method of Diffusion Welding in Vacuum / I. A. Gusarova, М. Parko, А. М. Potapov, Y. V. Fal’chenko, L. V. Petrushinets, Т. V. Melnichenko, V. E. Fedorchuk. Automatic Welding. 2016. No. 12 (759). P. 31-35.
7. Patent 108096 Ukraine. Method of Producing Heat-Resistant Alloy Based on Nichrome / V. V. Skorokhod, V. P. Solntsev, G. O. Frolov, Т. O. Solntseva, О. М. Potapov, V. G. Tikhiy, I. A. Gusarova, Y. M. Litvinenko / Application No. а2012 11691; Claimed 04.10.2012; Published 25.03.2015, Bulletin No. 6. 4 p.
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21.2.2017 Mass Parameter Optimization of Thermal Protective Structure for Reusable Spacecraft
21.2.2017 Mass Parameter Optimization of Thermal Protective Structure for Reusable Spacecraft
21.2.2017 Mass Parameter Optimization of Thermal Protective Structure for Reusable Spacecraft
2.1.2019 Flying Vehicle Maneuvering Dynamics in Atmosphere with Weight Asymmetry and Elements of Terminal Control in Turn Leg Thu, 25 May 2023 12:09:03 +0000
In the absence of disturbances, the angular motion of the aircraft shows in part signs of regular precession (almost constant precession velocity and nutation angle) and autorotation (close to zero self-rotation angle). Composition of disturbances includes the spread of the aircraft technical characteristics (position of the center of mass, moments of inertia, aerodynamic coefficients, velocity head, etc.),

2. Flying Vehicle Maneuvering Dynamics in Atmosphere with Weight Asymmetry and Elements of Terminal Control in Turn Leg


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 4-14


Language: Russian

Annotation: This paper suggests method for analysis of the dynamics of the aircraft with weight asymmetry (transverse displacement of the center of mass) maneuvering in the atmosphere under the impact of the short-time alternating moment of engine thrust, spread out over a period. The engines are installed on the bottom of the aircraft at the maximum distance from its longitudinal axis. Angular motion with nominal and perturbed performances of the aircraft and flight conditions has been consistently considered. Before maneuvering, the aircraft is set at the trimming angle of attack, determined by the magnitude of transverse displacement of the center of mass and aerodynamic characteristics. The direction of the aircraft maneuvering in the atmosphere depends on the acting moments of forces and time diversity of the engine firings to speed up and shutdown the angular motion. In the absence of disturbances, the angular motion of the aircraft shows in part signs of regular precession (almost constant precession velocity and nutation angle) and autorotation (close to zero self-rotation angle). Under the influence of disturbances, the spread of the aircraft angular motion parameters increases, mainly at the angle of precession, which characterizes changes in the direction of maneuvering. Composition of disturbances includes the spread of the aircraft technical characteristics (position of the center of mass, moments of inertia, aerodynamic coefficients, velocity head, etc.), errors associated with the operation of the engines (thrust spread, time of ignition and shutdown, angular alignment of their longitudinal axes). Terminal control was introduced to realize the given final state and to reduce the disturbances impact on the maneuvering parameters based on the registered deviations of the angular motion from the nominal one after the first shutdown of the attitude maneuver engine. Monte Carlo method (1000 variations of random realizations of the acting perturbations) confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed terminal control of the angular motion of the aircraft to provide the specified maneuvering parameters.

Key words: angular motion, angles of precession, nutation (attack), proper rotation, spread of technical characteristics of the aircraft


1. Lebedev A. A., Gerasuta N. F. Ballistika raket. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1970. 244 p.
2. Buchgolz N. N. Osnovnoy kurs teoreticheskoi mechaniki. Ch. 2. M.: Nauka, 1972. 332 p.
3. Aslanov V. S. Prostranstvennoe dvizhenie tela pri spuske v atmosfere. M.: Fizmatlit, 2004. 160 p.
4. Gukov V. V., Kirilinko P. P., Mareev Y. A., Samarskiy A. M., Chernov V. V. Osnovy teorii poleta letatelnykh apparatov. M.: MAI, 1978. 70 p.
5.Teoretychni osnovy poletu kosmichnykh apparativ. Ministerstvo oborony Ukrainy, 2000. 180 p.

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Singapore Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore; Singapore8
Canada Toronto; Monreale2
China Shanghai1
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Romania Voluntari1
Netherlands Amsterdam1
Ukraine Dnipro1
2.1.2019 Flying Vehicle Maneuvering Dynamics in Atmosphere with Weight Asymmetry and Elements of Terminal Control in Turn Leg
2.1.2019 Flying Vehicle Maneuvering Dynamics in Atmosphere with Weight Asymmetry and Elements of Terminal Control in Turn Leg
2.1.2019 Flying Vehicle Maneuvering Dynamics in Atmosphere with Weight Asymmetry and Elements of Terminal Control in Turn Leg

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22.1.2019 Calculation of Uncertainty of Represented Values of Linear Accelerations during Centrifugal Machines Certification Wed, 24 May 2023 16:00:54 +0000
The offered methodology for uncertainty calculation is applicable to centrifugal machines, for which numerical values of reproducible linear acceleration are determined by results of calculations of the centrifugal machine’s rotor angular velocity and radial distance from rotor’s longitudinal axis to the given point of the tested unit. Initial data used were results of observation obtained after multiple reproductions of the given values of linear acceleration as well as numerical values of errors and measurement uncertainties of measuring equipment that was used when monitoring the rotary angular velocity and radial distance considering the contribution of each measurable parameter to a certain value of linear acceleration.

22. Calculation of Uncertainty of Represented Values of Linear Accelerations during Centrifugal Machines Certification


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2019, (1); 149-153


Language: Russian

Annotation: Applicable documents on metrological assurance regulate the estimation of measurement uncertainty. In Ukraine there is no regulative methodology for uncertainty calculation when certificating test equipment that causes the necessity of its definition. This article offers the methodology for uncertainty calculation when certificating a centrifugal machine that is used to reproduce precisely the given value of linear acceleration that permanently acts on a tested unit spinning together with a rotor. The offered methodology for uncertainty calculation is applicable to centrifugal machines, for which numerical values of reproducible linear acceleration are determined by results of calculations of the centrifugal machine’s rotor angular velocity and radial distance from rotor’s longitudinal axis to the given point of the tested unit. Initial data used were results of observation obtained after multiple reproductions of the given values of linear acceleration as well as numerical values of errors and measurement uncertainties of measuring equipment that was used when monitoring the rotary angular velocity and radial distance considering the contribution of each measurable parameter to a certain value of linear acceleration. The calculation given in the article estimates the limit of linear accelerations that can be attributed with established probability to the given value of linear acceleration reproduced when certificating the centrifugal machine. The design formulae are given to estimate the uncertainty components of the reproducible values of linear accelerations and the recommendations are given to present the uncertainty budget.

Key words: extended uncertainty, standard uncertainty, sensitivity coefficient, measurement uncertainty contribution, frequency meter

1. GOST 24555. Poryadok attestatsii ispytatelnogo oborudovania. Osnovnye polozheniya. Vved. 27.01.81. M.: Gosstandart, 1982. 12 p.
3. Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement: ISO. Geneva, 1993. 101 p.
4. Zakon Ukrainy «Pro metrologiu ta metrologychnu diyalnist’»// Vidom. Verkhovnoi Rady (VVR). 2014. № 30. P.1008.
5. Duplischeva O. M. i dr. Experimentalnaya otrabotka agregatov avtomatiki I system letatelnykh apparatov/ Pod obsch. red. d. t. n. A. V. Degtyareva. Dnepropetrovsk: GP KB «Yuzhnoye» im. M. K. Yangelya», 2013. 208 p.
6. Bondar’ M. A. i dr. Metodologia otsenivania neopredelennosti izmerenniy pri provedenii attestatsii sredstv izmeritelnoi techniki//Kosmicheskaya technika. Raketnoe vooruzhenie: Sb. nauch. – techn. st. 2017. Vyp. 1. P. 3–7.
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Belgium Brussels; Brussels2
Philippines Olongapo City1
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22.1.2019 Calculation of Uncertainty of Represented Values of Linear Accelerations during Centrifugal Machines Certification
22.1.2019 Calculation of Uncertainty of Represented Values of Linear Accelerations during Centrifugal Machines Certification
22.1.2019 Calculation of Uncertainty of Represented Values of Linear Accelerations during Centrifugal Machines Certification

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