Desktop EN 2023

4. On control of spacecraft orientation to the ground data acquisition station


Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine

Page: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. 2023 (1); 41-47

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33136/stma2023.01.041

Language: English

Annotation: The article dwells on the spacecraft attitude control to point the onboard antenna to the ground data acquisition station during the communication session. Antenna is fixed relative to the spacecraft body. Pur-pose of the antenna is to receive the flight task aboard the spacecraft and to downlink the telemetry infor-mation. When orbiting, the spacecraft position relative to the ground data acquisition station changes contin-uously. It is due to the diurnal rotation of the Earth, spacecraft orbital motion and angular motion of the spacecraft relative to the center of mass under the impact of the disturbing and control moments. To tilt the spacecraft uses reaction wheels, installed in axes of coordinate system coupled with spacecraft center of mass. Electromagnets are used to unload the reaction wheels. The reaction wheels control law is suggested, which tilts the spacecraft to point the antenna to the ground data acquisition station. Mathematical model of the spacecraft dynamics relative to center of mass is given, using the suggested reaction wheels control law. The following external disturbing moments, acting on the spacecraft in flight, are taken into consideration: gravitational, magnetic, aerodynamic moments and solar radiation moment of forces. Dipole model of the magnetic field of the Earth is used to calculate the magnetic moments. Software was developed and space-craft dynamics was simulated on the personal computer with the specified initial data. Simulation initial con-ditions correspond to the attitude control mode of the spacecraft relative to the orbital coordinate system with the specified accuracy. Simulation results verify the applicability of the suggested reaction wheel control law.

Key words: electrical axis of the antenna, mathematical model, coordinate system, transformation matrix, vector


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2. Branets V.N., Shmyglevskiy I.P. Primenenie quoternionov v zadachah orientatsii tverdogo tela. M.: Nauka, 1973. 320 s.
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4.1.2023 On control of spacecraft orientation to the ground data acquisition station
4.1.2023 On control of spacecraft orientation to the ground data acquisition station
4.1.2023 On control of spacecraft orientation to the ground data acquisition station

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